Topic: I'm too old for this!
MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:24 PM

I was sitting with my kids watching cartoons and Some goofy crap With talking blue whales and a mentally disturbed (It seems) kid making all kinds of weird sounds for 30 minutes...

I said... "Man whatever happened to shows like Voltron"

They said in unison What is Voltron?

I felt old.

That was like, ten years ago... so 28 lol

OK, I looked it up! No wonder I didn't know it -- it's a 'boy' cartoon! :laughing:

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:26 PM

At what age did you have the first "I'm too old for this" moment?

- Was it at 13 when Care Bears were no longer cool?
- How about at 21 when 18 and older clubs became kiddy land?
- Age 30 when you realized your body isn't quite the same?
- The first time you heard someone's car stero -- as they drove by your house -- with so much bass it rattled your windows?

My favorite line from Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this sh*t!" :banana:

Never liked Care Bears in the first place.

Not much of a club person anyway. never have been.

My body hasn't been the same since I was

I would be guilty of having a stereo in my car that is similar to the one you describe. However, mine is used to listen to Metal

I definately wouldn't expect those examples to apply to everyone. winking

At least you have good taste in music; drive through my 'hood any day! tongue2

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:28 PM
Trying to pound a spike and line a carabiner hanging off the back of 14,270 foot mount evans in the snow in august 07....I said "I'm getting to old for this sh!t! NOT!"

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:30 PM

At what age did you have the first "I'm too old for this" moment?

- Was it at 13 when Care Bears were no longer cool?
- How about at 21 when 18 and older clubs became kiddy land?
- Age 30 when you realized your body isn't quite the same?
- The first time you heard someone's car stero -- as they drove by your house -- with so much bass it rattled your windows?

My favorite line from Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this sh*t!" :banana:

Never liked Care Bears in the first place.

Not much of a club person anyway. never have been.

My body hasn't been the same since I was

I would be guilty of having a stereo in my car that is similar to the one you describe. However, mine is used to listen to Metal

I definately wouldn't expect those examples to apply to everyone. winking

At least you have good taste in music; drive through my 'hood any day! tongue2

Works for me. :-)

Going to see Jimmy's Chicken Shack tomorrow night.

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:32 PM
I never say it in regards to my adventurous wonderful blessed life. But I do use it in references to others. The truthful "I'm getting too old for your drama induced bullsh!t that you brought on yourself".

galendgirl's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:35 PM
Getting "too old" is an option, IMO. I have elected not to go there.

no photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:40 PM
Sorry, it hasn't happened yet.

I lied. I'm not sorry.

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:40 PM

I never say it in regards to my adventurous wonderful blessed life. But I do use it in references to others. The truthful "I'm getting too old for your drama induced bullsh!t that you brought on yourself".

I think you are like me though -- I've never put up with drama to begin with ... winking

Maybe I am a cold-hearted person for having that attitude but I've always shut the door on people that display an ounce of drama.

MelodyGirl's photo
Wed 04/08/09 09:41 PM

Sorry, it hasn't happened yet.

I lied. I'm not sorry.

YEAAAA! Never be sorry! Own it! shades

Winx's photo
Wed 04/08/09 10:55 PM

Body's change at age 30?!noway

Try...they change in the 40's.laugh

I was just throwing something out there! :laughing:

laugh flowerforyou

I'm trying to think of my "first too old moment" and I'm coming up with nada.

That's a great way to be! Young at heart is good. shades

I haven't found mine yet. I'm still planning trips to Mexico and Hawaii during spring break and doing keg stands.

Something is bound to catch up with me sooner or later!

Yes, I'm still young at heart.:banana:

Keep on planning those trips.drinker

Winx's photo
Wed 04/08/09 10:56 PM

Body's change at age 30?!noway

Try...they change in the 40's.laugh

Thanks Winx , looking forward to be 40 now huh

laugh laugh laugh laugh

You'll be just fine, Romeo.laugh flowerforyou

I think it happens mostly to us ladies.

DTHRomeo's photo
Wed 04/08/09 11:18 PM
:wink: flowerforyou

mykeymyx's photo
Wed 04/08/09 11:42 PM

At what age did you have the first "I'm too old for this" moment?

- Was it at 13 when Care Bears were no longer cool?
- How about at 21 when 18 and older clubs became kiddy land?
- Age 30 when you realized your body isn't quite the same?
- The first time you heard someone's car stero -- as they drove by your house -- with so much bass it rattled your windows?

My favorite line from Lethal Weapon: "I'm too old for this sh*t!" :banana:

- When I was 5 I was too old for nap time, but they made me lay down.
- By 16 I was too old for cartoons; but I watched them anyway.
- At 17 I thought I was too old to be in school but stuck around for the diploma.
- By 25 I was too old to date 19 year olds. Resistance was futile; our maturity was so similar.
- Around 27 I wondered why all my favorite childhood movies & cartoons are appearing next to the new releases on my DVD shelf.
- Started feeling old at 29, decided smaller age gap was more appropriate.
- Now I`m 31! I`m gettin too old for this $H!T ...

michiganman3's photo
Thu 04/09/09 12:42 AM
Earlier this winter, my Stetson hat blew off my head, over the roof of my car and down a embankment and in to the river. I scrambled down the snowy/icy embankment in the dark, was my hat floating in the water headed downstream. I grabbed a tree branch, snagged the hat, flipped it up on the bank. Knocked the water off it and began climbing up the snowy icy bank. I was yelling and swearing the whole time. I was not gonna lose that hat. After I got into the car I thought that was stupid, you could have slipped, fallen into the icy river, twisted an ankle, hurt myself in a number of ways.
A few mins later I thought.
"Damn, Dude you still got it, even at 50"

MelodyGirl's photo
Thu 04/09/09 12:56 AM

Earlier this winter, my Stetson hat blew off my head, over the roof of my car and down a embankment and in to the river. I scrambled down the snowy/icy embankment in the dark, was my hat floating in the water headed downstream. I grabbed a tree branch, snagged the hat, flipped it up on the bank. Knocked the water off it and began climbing up the snowy icy bank. I was yelling and swearing the whole time. I was not gonna lose that hat. After I got into the car I thought that was stupid, you could have slipped, fallen into the icy river, twisted an ankle, hurt myself in a number of ways.
A few mins later I thought.
"Damn, Dude you still got it, even at 50"

Now THAT'S a story! drinker

mykeymyx's photo
Thu 04/09/09 01:38 AM

Earlier this winter, my Stetson hat blew off my head, over the roof of my car and down a embankment and in to the river. I scrambled down the snowy/icy embankment in the dark, was my hat floating in the water headed downstream. I grabbed a tree branch, snagged the hat, flipped it up on the bank. Knocked the water off it and began climbing up the snowy icy bank. I was yelling and swearing the whole time. I was not gonna lose that hat. After I got into the car I thought that was stupid, you could have slipped, fallen into the icy river, twisted an ankle, hurt myself in a number of ways.
A few mins later I thought.
"Damn, Dude you still got it, even at 50"

Now THAT'S a story! drinker


"Damn, Cheers!.! Dude you still got it, even at 50"

Even that doodle display picture of the devil figure...

As I said, "Damn, Cheers Dude."


Now THAT'S a story! drinker


"Damn, Dude you still got it, even at 50"

Now THAT'S a story! drinker

Damn Dude(ette), THAT`S a story & a half.. I hope when I`m 50 I got it like that. I never liked limits. "No means no" is a differen`t story but DON`t tell me I can`t do something. I`m not going to attempt the impossible but I strive for the very difficult. Go ahead & say I can`t; I can use some more motivation.

We`re never too old unless we believe we already lost.

imsingle951's photo
Thu 04/09/09 04:29 AM

I always get someone trying to fight me at bars. Now days, instead of swinging I go "man, I am getting to old for this."
Yep. Punches to the face and body hurt more as we age.

SitkaRains's photo
Thu 04/09/09 09:51 AM
I think the very first I am too old for this
was about age 5..When my parents wanted me to still believe in the tooth fairy.. I was like yeah right...
I am way to old for this.

I know the first I am way to old for this was at age 8 when a family friend was telling me a "story" and swearing it was the truth.. I remember looking him the eye and asking him if he remembered how old I was.. I was too old for that stupid of a story...

krupa's photo
Thu 04/09/09 10:39 AM
Had one of those moments last night when I got my "Dear John" phone call. What was the problem?...apparently I should only be flirty and romantic (I am not talking about sex talk)while actually in bed is in Texas...her's is in China....I really need to take my friends advice and just start trying to treat women like dirt...but, I am too old to change my ways.

feistybaby's photo
Thu 04/09/09 10:41 AM
I sport a tee shirt that says if it is too loud you are too old.....This pretty much says it for the way I feel. The day that I stop doing the things that make me happy is the day I start to be too old....and guess what that day will never get here~ laugh