Topic: White Males Need Not Apply For Stimulus Package | |
The hearing took place two weeks before Obama was inaugurated.
"I have nothing against white male construction workers," Reich said. "I'm just saying there are a lot of other people who have needs as well. "There are ways in which the money can be, criteria can be set so the money does go to others, the long term unemployed, minorities, women," he said. Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., appeared to agree, suggesting federal money be directed to specific groups of people. The federal government, he said, must "remove the discretion" about where the funds go, or what projects would be involved, even to the point of eliminating any input from governors or state legislatures. Reich agreed: "Governors ought to be, should be given a choice of signing on the bottom line or not." Then Rangel noted the "middle class" would be unlikely to create any opposition to funds directed to minorities. "One thing that you can depend on, you don't have to be worried about what the middle class is going to do. Things are so bad, they have to put food on their tables, get clothes for their kids, get them in school," he said. Who is Barack Obama REALLY? Get the book that says his "change" is designed to uproot American culture and replace it with the failed, secular, socialist policies of the past. Commentator Michelle Malkin said Reich's statements expose "the lie that the Obama administration is actually interested in revitalizing basic infrastructure for the good of the economy." "No, what Team Obama really wants is to ensure that the least skilled, least qualified workers get jobs based on their chromosomes and pigment," she said. Malkin cited Reich's own blog, where the Obama adviser wrote of the economic stimulus plan: "I'd suggest that all contracts entered into with stimulus funds require contractors to provide at least 20 percent of jobs to the long-term unemployed and to people with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level." This, Malkin wrote, is "spoken like a true-blue wealth redistributor. The 'needs' (read: demands) of politically protected minorities trump the need for competently build roads and bridges." On his blog, Reich makes his case for, "The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers." "At least 2 percent of project funds should be allocated to such training. In addition, advantage should be taken of buildings trades apprenticeships -- which must be fully available to women and minorities," he wrote. |
I listened to this tape twice to be sure I heard what I heard. I am beginning to think we have a problem with attention. It's interesting that they showed such a tiny piece of Reichs comments, but for good reason it seems. What Reich actually said in that brief section was 'These jobs should not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals. Or to white male construction workers..' What his is saying in even plainer English is that these jobs should not 'JUST' go to highly skilled professionals and white male construction workers. Geez it's so plain and yet... He is not saying that whites should be excluded or that only minorities get those jobs. Not to mention that Fox's sound bite was printed plain as day on the the show screen, yet it was not the words of Reich.. Did any of you even notice that? Talk about twisting of words. How does one get 'Stimulus cash should go to unskilled and minority workers' out of that? Some of you heard exactly what Fox and Michelle wanted you to take from it, and you did exactly as they expected you to do.. This is how riots get started with bs like this, get the people angry, fire up their prejudices against one issue or the other. Michelle clearly doesn't mind following the rhetoric and making it even more outrageous by repeating it over and over. I can't believe that rational people could not see right through that.. just stunning. She totally distorted what was actually said. I love how Fox plays good guy bad guy momentarily but then leaves you with the exact message they want you to have in the end. Man, they know how to manipulate the attention span don't they? Haha, Boo, let me play your game? Let us reverse the roles, let us have him say this: "These jobs should not simply go to do nothing bums who are already on the dope. Or to black female prostitutes.." Still does not sound as racial and societal discriminative? I have had a very very long day, Nogames, and beleive me I am not in the habit of playing games, you of all people should know that. I am really not that interested in this thread other than to prevent obvious bs from being called truth. Do nothing bums and black female prostitutes? Sorry Nogames, I am not into playing word games with such words. I am more interested in seeing the full video, not some manipulated utube video that is meant to get a rise out of some folks, which it clearly did. |
Edited by
Wed 04/08/09 08:06 AM
Stupid fox news anyway. Bias and judgmental...half truths and vulgar enuendos. Blacks are also feeling left out of the stimulus. You can't please every body. As a woman I am feeling a little left out myself! I am not a bridge builder or street worker... No shovels here. What!!?? Fox news is biased? No way. |
Stupid fox news anyway. Bias and judgmental...half truths and vulgar enuendos. Blacks are also feeling left out of the stimulus. You can't please every body. As a woman I am feeling a little left out myself! I am not a bridge builder or street worker... No shovels here. What!!?? Fox news, biased? No way. Hard to find MSM that isn't, in my experience. Fox is just the most blantant right now, because of their unwavering propping up of Bush. |
Here is the full 1 hr, 54 min meeting from cspan archieves. |
Thanks, Fanta. I was searching for information on that last night and couldn't find anything. Good job.
Thanks, Fanta. I was searching for information on that last night and couldn't find anything. Good job. No problem winx. Just remember, The hearing took place two weeks before Obama was inaugurated. |
Thanks, Fanta. I was searching for information on that last night and couldn't find anything. Good job. No problem winx. Just remember, The hearing took place two weeks before Obama was inaugurated. That's very important to know. |
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Wed 04/08/09 08:51 AM
Robert Reich spoke for almost 10 min. From the 22 min mark to the 32 min mark of an almost 2 hr video.
Why would anyone take a few words from all that, twist them, and place so much emphasis only on those few words? Esp, when there is a lot of very important info given and discussed in the meeting. |
Maria Zuber is hot!
There will always be bias in MSM, no matter what the source. Just depends on who ya' boi is, whether the Media is BS or no.
The Media played two Duds and censored other viable options. There will always be excuses for oppressive behaviors of Politicians. When one leaves office and another enters, he picks up the Buck, it belongs to them. They oppose it, they change it. They support it, they sign it. We have a voice and it's not just the vote. Want something changed or acted on, Mass hound the State Reps and Senators. Protest. Join and support, if you are against things like Amnesties and Gov ging our jobs to Illegals, by just signing up with sites like NumbersUSA, FAIRUS, etc. If you have no money to help support, the head count and signing electronic petitions to stop the progression of Illegals demanding they have rights to invading our country. You don't even have to leave the house to have your voice heard. Key word, ACT! |
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Wed 04/08/09 09:16 AM
ALL American media is not objective any more other than to sway public opinion.
EVERYONE treats facts speculatively and subjectively. The raw fact is that employing any policies that favor one racial demographic over another is not in the ideals of equality like affirmative action. It is segregation. Obama clearly in several speeches blamed WHITE America for the mess we are in. Blacks F***ed up their credit just like whites did. I'm white and had been denied credit at every turn. Needless to say hearing Negros joke about having to become white to get credit gets an immediate an unexpected response from me these days. Most of our banks are run by Europeans and foreign owned. B of A is a huge front for Italian owned banking. Bank of the West is French owned. Those of you who keep insisting Obama is not using racist policies and idealism are badly fooling themselves. I am amazed at how UNINFORMED a lot of you posters are coming off as. You claim to have facts that are trivial to what is going on around us. Is it going to take a return of Affirmative Action to wake you up? Affirmative Action was compared to in court as a form of Segregation. The banks have had clear run to do as they wanted within our government and outside of it. Worst still is the cretins who pray for their prosperity at the cost of ours. Where is MY American birthright? OH, SOME OF YOU EXPECT ME TO SMILE AND CHEERFULLY GIVE IT UP . At this juncture I would like some input to forming my own political party to take on Obama in 2012 as well as get some of the idiots out of the House. Someone needs to take this country back from the Globalists who are out to destroy us from within. My platform is simple, make our government answer to a performance standard and end privatization (meaning abolishing the IRS for one and chasing the Bankers out of the treasury!) Needless to say I also am very against illegal immigrants being here at all! We need serious immigration reform and likewise if Mexican Drug violence spills into our country during my administration I intend to do what Teddy Roosevelt did and invade Mexico. I would also make it damn clear that corruption under my administration will not be tolerated at all. For one I would dearly if I even had to beg Colon Powell to be one of my advisers along with Donald Trump. I would ask for Condi to be the Vice President meaning I would actually be letting a different political party have a person in the house with me. She is one of the few Republicans I can respect. the basic template our actions would have to follow would be is the action Germain to the whole of the nation or a minority of it. Needless to say I do not cater to minority and fringe groups at all! What is it going to take to take our damn country back? |
Why would anyone take a few words from all that, twist them, and place so much emphasis only on those few words? Because they have to feed the people that support their news. Unfortunately it's often angry people who prefer to only hear what fuels that anger. It's so easily seen through if one looks at it objectively. |
ALL American media is not objective any more other than to sway public opinion. EVERYONE treats facts speculatively and subjectively. The raw fact is that employing any policies that favor one racial demographic over another is not in the ideals of equality like affirmative action. It is segregation. Obama clearly in several speeches blamed WHITE America for the mess we are in. Blacks F***ed up their credit just like whites did. I'm white and had been denied credit at every turn. Needless to say hearing Negros joke about having to become white to get credit gets an immediate an unexpected response from me these days. Most of our banks are run by Europeans and foreign owned. B of A is a huge front for Italian owned banking. Bank of the West is French owned. Those of you who keep insisting Obama is not using racist policies and idealism are badly fooling themselves. I am amazed at how UNINFORMED a lot of you posters are coming off as. You claim to have facts that are trivial to what is going on around us. Is it going to take a return of Affirmative Action to wake you up? Affirmative Action was compared to in court as a form of Segregation. The banks have had clear run to do as they wanted within our government and outside of it. Worst still is the cretins who pray for their prosperity at the cost of ours. Where is MY American birthright? OH, SOME OF YOU EXPECT ME TO SMILE AND CHEERFULLY GIVE IT UP TO AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT! I wish there was a smiley flipping you the bird so I could put it here. Well I couldn't find one but I did find this... At this juncture I would like some input to forming my own political party to take on Obama in 2012 as well as get some of the idiots out of the House. Someone needs to take this country back from the Globalists who are out to destroy us from within. My platform is simple, make our government answer to a performance standard and end privatization (meaning abolishing the IRS for one and chasing the Bankers out of the treasury!) Needless to say I also am very against illegal immigrants being here at all! We need serious immigration reform and likewise if Mexican Drug violence spills into our country during my administration I intend to do what Teddy Roosevelt did and invade Mexico. I would also make it damn clear that corruption under my administration will not be tolerated at all. For one I would dearly if I even had to beg Colon Powell to be one of my advisers along with Donald Trump. I would ask for Condi to be the Vice President meaning I would actually be letting a different political party have a person in the house with me. She is one of the few Republicans I can respect. the basic template our actions would have to follow would be is the action Germain to the whole of the nation or a minority of it. Needless to say I do not cater to minority and fringe groups at all! What is it going to take to take our damn country back? Just the fact that you used the word Negroe makes you a bit of a minority today, thankfully, and pretty much tells me where you are at on my levels. |
Obama adviser: White males need not apply Robert Reich tells House panel stimulus package should emphasize 'social return' over worker skill Posted: January 22, 2009 12:17 pm Eastern © 2009 WorldNetDaily A top economic adviser to President Obama has told a congressional panel the billions of dollars in the proposed economic stimulus plan should be allocated with social issues in mind, to make sure the money doesn't go to just "white male construction workers" or the highly skilled. Robert Reich, who served as labor secretary under President Clinton, was speaking to the House Steering and Policy Committee Jan. 7 about funding infrastructure projects across the nation. "It seems to me that infrastructure spending is a very important and good way of stimulating the economy. The challenge will be to do it quickly, to find projects that can be done that will have a high social return, that also can be done with the greatest speed possible," Reich said. "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers," he said. Of course, if the jobs went to black male construction workers, that would be just fine with Obama. Trying to hide the obvious, Fanta? |
Ive never been one that buys into the context excuse. If you say something stupid, admit it was stupid and move on. Trying to explain it away, is usually what gets you into more trouble than the orignal statement. In the case of reich, I am sure he meant what he said. How can you get an extremely high number of votes from a certain segment of the population and not attempt to appease them?
ALL American media is not objective any more other than to sway public opinion. EVERYONE treats facts speculatively and subjectively. The raw fact is that employing any policies that favor one racial demographic over another is not in the ideals of equality like affirmative action. It is segregation. Obama clearly in several speeches blamed WHITE America for the mess we are in. Blacks F***ed up their credit just like whites did. I'm white and had been denied credit at every turn. Needless to say hearing Negros joke about having to become white to get credit gets an immediate an unexpected response from me these days. Most of our banks are run by Europeans and foreign owned. B of A is a huge front for Italian owned banking. Bank of the West is French owned. Those of you who keep insisting Obama is not using racist policies and idealism are badly fooling themselves. I am amazed at how UNINFORMED a lot of you posters are coming off as. You claim to have facts that are trivial to what is going on around us. Is it going to take a return of Affirmative Action to wake you up? Affirmative Action was compared to in court as a form of Segregation. The banks have had clear run to do as they wanted within our government and outside of it. Worst still is the cretins who pray for their prosperity at the cost of ours. Where is MY American birthright? OH, SOME OF YOU EXPECT ME TO SMILE AND CHEERFULLY GIVE IT UP TO AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT! . At this juncture I would like some input to forming my own political party to take on Obama in 2012 as well as get some of the idiots out of the House. Someone needs to take this country back from the Globalists who are out to destroy us from within. My platform is simple, make our government answer to a performance standard and end privatization (meaning abolishing the IRS for one and chasing the Bankers out of the treasury!) Needless to say I also am very against illegal immigrants being here at all! We need serious immigration reform and likewise if Mexican Drug violence spills into our country during my administration I intend to do what Teddy Roosevelt did and invade Mexico. I would also make it damn clear that corruption under my administration will not be tolerated at all. For one I would dearly if I even had to beg Colon Powell to be one of my advisers along with Donald Trump. I would ask for Condi to be the Vice President meaning I would actually be letting a different political party have a person in the house with me. She is one of the few Republicans I can respect. the basic template our actions would have to follow would be is the action Germain to the whole of the nation or a minority of it. Needless to say I do not cater to minority and fringe groups at all! What is it going to take to take our damn country back? Just the fact that you used the word Negroe makes you a bit of a minority today, thankfully, and pretty much tells me where you are at on my levels. Show me where Afro America is on the map then! Negro is a corruption or adaptation of the Spanish word Negro (pronounced Naygro for those who do not know how to speak Spanish) meaning BLACK. This term is not derogatory as the word Ni@@er is! If you are inferring I am a racist let us put this in perspective, I learned Racism FROM Blacks. Funny how it takes six of them twice my size to pick on me back in the day. I had to learn to rise above it but if calling a Black man a Negro is wrong you have your head somewhere dark where it does not belong. Negro is still an accepted term for a black man. I resent being called a Caucasian when I am Mediterranean and Irish. I also resent being called 'White' the way it is being used these days like I am the one who caused this messed and I oppressed everyone of other colors. I can walk down the streets of some of the darkest neighborhoods and I can make my way through without being victimized because I do not look at a persons' color. I see them for their merits. A black F**k up is the same as a White F**k up. When I as a white man face segregationist policies aimed at me you had better bet I am going to become more racially sensitive. I am sick and tired of being singled out because OF MY GOD DAMN color! Everything I was taught in school has been a lie so far! So suddenly I am less of a man because I said Negro? What a weash Dik! |
Edited by
Wed 04/08/09 09:43 AM
I would like to take the opportunity to clarify some facts in this thread
Its a hoax P.S. This isnt in response to anything anyone has posted in this thread |
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Wed 04/08/09 09:46 AM
I would like to take the opportunity to clarify some facts in this thread Its a hoax No, it is not. The bird is out. Oh, and by the way, where is the video of Obama thanking himself for throwing a party? Some things just shouldn't be known about messiah? "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers," he said. Of course, if the jobs went to black male construction workers, that would be just fine with Obama. Trying to hide the obvious, Mirror? |