Topic: White Males Need Not Apply For Stimulus Package | |
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Wed 04/08/09 09:57 AM
It would be political suicide No, all I see is a hoax. More hoaxes. I have come to expect these hoaxes from certain sources. And I only believe in ONE messiah and the president isnt it. Why would I believe anything the republican party says? They are the ones that wrecked everything. And I lived thru the 90s and I have seen them say all the same things before
The republican party didnt say it, robert reich said it.
The republican party didnt say it, robert reich said it. No, he did not. |
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Wed 04/08/09 10:13 AM
They (Republican party strategists)are the ones behind the hoax. I have seen all this before.The same 90s tactics
The republican party didnt say it, robert reich said it. No, he did not. |
ALL American media is not objective any more other than to sway public opinion. EVERYONE treats facts speculatively and subjectively. The raw fact is that employing any policies that favor one racial demographic over another is not in the ideals of equality like affirmative action. It is segregation. Obama clearly in several speeches blamed WHITE America for the mess we are in. Blacks F***ed up their credit just like whites did. I'm white and had been denied credit at every turn. Needless to say hearing Negros joke about having to become white to get credit gets an immediate an unexpected response from me these days. Most of our banks are run by Europeans and foreign owned. B of A is a huge front for Italian owned banking. Bank of the West is French owned. Those of you who keep insisting Obama is not using racist policies and idealism are badly fooling themselves. I am amazed at how UNINFORMED a lot of you posters are coming off as. You claim to have facts that are trivial to what is going on around us. Is it going to take a return of Affirmative Action to wake you up? Affirmative Action was compared to in court as a form of Segregation. The banks have had clear run to do as they wanted within our government and outside of it. Worst still is the cretins who pray for their prosperity at the cost of ours. Where is MY American birthright? OH, SOME OF YOU EXPECT ME TO SMILE AND CHEERFULLY GIVE IT UP TO AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT! . At this juncture I would like some input to forming my own political party to take on Obama in 2012 as well as get some of the idiots out of the House. Someone needs to take this country back from the Globalists who are out to destroy us from within. My platform is simple, make our government answer to a performance standard and end privatization (meaning abolishing the IRS for one and chasing the Bankers out of the treasury!) Needless to say I also am very against illegal immigrants being here at all! We need serious immigration reform and likewise if Mexican Drug violence spills into our country during my administration I intend to do what Teddy Roosevelt did and invade Mexico. I would also make it damn clear that corruption under my administration will not be tolerated at all. For one I would dearly if I even had to beg Colon Powell to be one of my advisers along with Donald Trump. I would ask for Condi to be the Vice President meaning I would actually be letting a different political party have a person in the house with me. She is one of the few Republicans I can respect. the basic template our actions would have to follow would be is the action Germain to the whole of the nation or a minority of it. Needless to say I do not cater to minority and fringe groups at all! What is it going to take to take our damn country back? Just the fact that you used the word Negroe makes you a bit of a minority today, thankfully, and pretty much tells me where you are at on my levels. Show me where Afro America is on the map then! Negro is a corruption or adaptation of the Spanish word Negro (pronounced Naygro for those who do not know how to speak Spanish) meaning BLACK. This term is not derogatory as the word Ni@@er is! If you are inferring I am a racist let us put this in perspective, I learned Racism FROM Blacks. Funny how it takes six of them twice my size to pick on me back in the day. I had to learn to rise above it but if calling a Black man a Negro is wrong you have your head somewhere dark where it does not belong. Negro is still an accepted term for a black man. I resent being called a Caucasian when I am Mediterranean and Irish. I also resent being called 'White' the way it is being used these days like I am the one who caused this messed and I oppressed everyone of other colors. I can walk down the streets of some of the darkest neighborhoods and I can make my way through without being victimized because I do not look at a persons' color. I see them for their merits. A black F**k up is the same as a White F**k up. When I as a white man face segregationist policies aimed at me you had better bet I am going to become more racially sensitive. I am sick and tired of being singled out because OF MY GOD DAMN color! Everything I was taught in school has been a lie so far! So suddenly I am less of a man because I said Negro? What a weash Dik! I believe you took that a bit far. I meant that the word dates you and your attitude. I hardly feel sad for white men that feel victimized today, a little of what goes around comes around can be enlightening. I don't see many white males all bent out of shape these days, they must hang out in small circles I am not exposed to. When you treat people badly for many decades do not be suprised that it takes a very long time to heal wounds, and not all black folks will be all that sympathetic to whites feeling like victims now. Frankly I can understand that, though I do not like to see people deliberately go out and get back at others for the past, it solves nothing on either side. If we keep treating minorities as we do, we will get it back ten times over. We don't seem to learn from our mistakes. |
I hardly feel sad for white men that feel victimized today, a little of what goes around comes around can be enlightening. So, I take it, you would hardly feel sad for straight couples, being discriminated against, by gay laws, if such is to happen in the future? When you treat people badly for many decades do not be suprised that it takes a very long time to heal wounds, and not all black folks will be all that sympathetic to whites feeling like victims now. Frankly I can understand that, though I do not like to see people deliberately go out and get back at others for the past, it solves nothing on either side. If we keep treating minorities as we do, we will get it back ten times over. We don't seem to learn from our mistakes. Is that a promise? |
I hardly feel sad for white men that feel victimized today, a little of what goes around comes around can be enlightening. So, I take it, you would hardly feel sad for straight couples, being discriminated against, by gay laws, if such is to happen in the future? When you treat people badly for many decades do not be suprised that it takes a very long time to heal wounds, and not all black folks will be all that sympathetic to whites feeling like victims now. Frankly I can understand that, though I do not like to see people deliberately go out and get back at others for the past, it solves nothing on either side. If we keep treating minorities as we do, we will get it back ten times over. We don't seem to learn from our mistakes. Is that a promise? Real injustice yes I would feel empathy, but most of it is a bruised ego on the part of many white males, it's hard for them to give up that power they always beleived was their's alone. NO I would not want straights to feel the dicomfort gays have been force to endure for decades upon decades, but would I feel sorry for those right now getting all bent out of shape at the news that lawmakers are siding with gays. NO! Would maybe straights having something dear to them taken away be educational, it just might, I don't know. DO I wish for that to happen to wake them up. NO! |
When have straight couples been discriminated against by gay laws?
The republican party didnt say it, robert reich said it. No, he did not. |
The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers
by Robert Reich posted on Monday, 12 January 2009 The stimulus plan will create jobs repairing and upgrading the nation’s roads, bridges, ports, levees, water and sewage system, public-transit systems, electricity grid, and schools. And it will kick-start alternative, non-fossil based sources of energy (wind, solar, geothermal, and so on); new health-care information systems; and universal broadband Internet access. It’s a two-fer: lots of new jobs, and investments in the nation’s future productivity. But if there aren’t enough skilled professionals to do the jobs involving new technologies, the stimulus will just increase the wages of the professionals who already have the right skills rather than generate many new jobs in these fields. And if construction jobs go mainly to white males who already dominate the construction trades, many people who need jobs the most — women, minorities, and the poor and long-term unemployed — will be shut out. What to do? There’s no easy solution to either dilemma. But there’s no reason to think about “green jobs” as simply high-tech. Many low-income and low-skilled workers — women as well as men — could be put directly to work providing homes and businesses with more efficient and renewable heating, lighting, cooling, and refrigeration systems; installing solar panels and efficient photovoltaic systems; rehabilitating and renovating old properties, and improving recycling systems. “Green Jobs Corps” teams could be trained to evaluate and advise homeowners and businesses on these and other means of conserving energy. People can be trained relatively quickly for these sorts of jobs, as well as many infrastructure jobs generated by the stimulus — installing new pipes for water and sewage systems, repairing and upgrading equipment, basic construction — but contractors have to be nudged both to provide the training and to do the hiring. I’d suggest that all contracts entered into with stimulus funds require contractors to provide at least 20 percent of jobs to the long-term unemployed and to people with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. And at least 2 percent of project funds should be allocated to such training. In addition, advantage should be taken of buildings trades apprenticeships — which must be fully available to women and minorities. by Robert Reich Robert B. Reich is Professor of Public Policy at the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Bill Clinton. This article first appeared on Robert Reich’s Blog. Republished with permission yeah.. he didnt say it... |
I hardly feel sad for white men that feel victimized today, a little of what goes around comes around can be enlightening. So, I take it, you would hardly feel sad for straight couples, being discriminated against, by gay laws, if such is to happen in the future? When you treat people badly for many decades do not be suprised that it takes a very long time to heal wounds, and not all black folks will be all that sympathetic to whites feeling like victims now. Frankly I can understand that, though I do not like to see people deliberately go out and get back at others for the past, it solves nothing on either side. If we keep treating minorities as we do, we will get it back ten times over. We don't seem to learn from our mistakes. Is that a promise? Real injustice yes I would feel empathy, but most of it is a bruised ego on the part of many white males, it's hard for them to give up that power they always beleived was their's alone. NO I would not want straights to feel the dicomfort gays have been force to endure for decades upon decades, but would I feel sorry for those right now getting all bent out of shape at the news that lawmakers are siding with gays. NO! Would maybe straights having something dear to them taken away be educational, it just might, I don't know. DO I wish for that to happen to wake them up. NO! What hippy commune did you drop out of? Bruised White male ego? Since when did reverse segregation become acceptable? because you feel we owe some minority group something? Instead of trying to force and issue that should be done with by now the policies to "level the playing field" were UNCONSTITUTIONAL and illegal! Under the Constitution anyone of any racial or social demographic born or naturalized as citizens are AMERICANS! Your thinking is aggravating the problems we are facing as Americans irregardless of color. That is the same thing as saying if my home got wiped out in a flood I would get my federal help based on my color? Since I am white I have to hope that the funds are available after they give money to the blacks and Mexicans first? You have said probably one of the most ignorant things I have seen or heard in a long time. This isn't about bruised ego! This is about reverse racism and revenge based persecutions implied under the auspices of "fair practice." DAMN! |
When have straight couples been discriminated against by gay laws? Actually I didn't pay much attention to that part, but it is kinda funny in a way. Gay laws...hmmm Nah I prefer laws that include everyone.. |
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Wed 04/08/09 11:13 AM
General Statement of advice for some of my friendsNot addressed at anyone or anything in particular
Its not a good idea to get into racial or sexual orientation discussions with right wing republicans. It only serves to validate their distortion of the facts. |
Real injustice yes I would feel empathy, but most of it is a bruised ego on the part of many white males, it's hard for them to give up that power they always beleived was their's alone. NO I would not want straights to feel the dicomfort gays have been force to endure for decades upon decades, but would I feel sorry for those right now getting all bent out of shape at the news that lawmakers are siding with gays. NO! Would maybe straights having something dear to them taken away be educational, it just might, I don't know. DO I wish for that to happen to wake them up. NO! Do not discount white males. There is a reason they were the ones to have slaves, not the other way around. When they feel pushed, they will blow up, and when that happens, we all will submerge into another few centuries of bloodshed and slavery. To push them, is to play with fire, umm, may-be even with high explosives. You're mistaking one for another. Whites are not pissed that they are discriminated against. They can fix that in a second. Whites are pissed, at the dishonesty of those who appeared pleading for racial blindness. You have to remember, that all the time during earlier, dirtier centuries, whites were justifying themselves enslaving others by assuming that those others would otherwise enslave the white man. Kill or be killed (KOBK). Finally, whites believed that there are higher ideals, that others are not believing in KOBK principle. Solely because of this, I assure you, the whole emancipation movement was permitted to take place. To underscore, the whites are not afraid to be discriminated against. They know how to deal with that, swiftly. They are disappointed in equality idea not turning out to be really be what minorities want. You have mistaken the disappointment with weakness. A mistake like this can cost one his life. |
Funny.. I feel the same way about left wing troglodytes.
I hardly feel sad for white men that feel victimized today, a little of what goes around comes around can be enlightening. So, I take it, you would hardly feel sad for straight couples, being discriminated against, by gay laws, if such is to happen in the future? When you treat people badly for many decades do not be suprised that it takes a very long time to heal wounds, and not all black folks will be all that sympathetic to whites feeling like victims now. Frankly I can understand that, though I do not like to see people deliberately go out and get back at others for the past, it solves nothing on either side. If we keep treating minorities as we do, we will get it back ten times over. We don't seem to learn from our mistakes. Is that a promise? Real injustice yes I would feel empathy, but most of it is a bruised ego on the part of many white males, it's hard for them to give up that power they always beleived was their's alone. NO I would not want straights to feel the dicomfort gays have been force to endure for decades upon decades, but would I feel sorry for those right now getting all bent out of shape at the news that lawmakers are siding with gays. NO! Would maybe straights having something dear to them taken away be educational, it just might, I don't know. DO I wish for that to happen to wake them up. NO! What hippy commune did you drop out of? Bruised White male ego? Since when did reverse segregation become acceptable? because you feel we owe some minority group something? Instead of trying to force and issue that should be done with by now the policies to "level the playing field" were UNCONSTITUTIONAL and illegal! Under the Constitution anyone of any racial or social demographic born or naturalized as citizens are AMERICANS! Your thinking is aggravating the problems we are facing as Americans irregardless of color. That is the same thing as saying if my home got wiped out in a flood I would get my federal help based on my color? Since I am white I have to hope that the funds are available after they give money to the blacks and Mexicans first? You have said probably one of the most ignorant things I have seen or heard in a long time. This isn't about bruised ego! This is about reverse racism and revenge based persecutions implied under the auspices of "fair practice." DAMN! Hippy? Me? Hardly, though I don't have a problem with those who might be. You absolutely will not get what i am saying to you, I said nothing about giving Blacks and Mexicans money first, but if you want to leave that impression be my guest. I believe I hit a nerve, and don't wish to end up in an endless circular argument that gets nowhere. |
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Wed 04/08/09 11:22 AM
I see a lot of wrong and distorted historical facts
General Statement of advice Its not a good idea to get into racial or sexual orientation discussions with right wing republicans. It only serves to validate their distortion of the facts. Truth and facts are subject to interpretation Mirrormirror. You know that. The left and right want things to be seen in their light. I am oh so guilty of that and I revile both sides. The problems our economy face are not racial. They are purely human greed across the board from greedy bankers to starving consumers waiting to glut themselves with credit based luxury and opulence. The problem is along the whole money flow from source to end consumer. Deregulation and cutting our government to death with a death of a million paper cuts is going to affect us all in the end. Socialism did not work back in WWII. It will do nothing but bleed our economy and illegal immigrants taking advantage of all that wonderful government spending is not doing us any favors. It is taking food from us! Letting bankers manipulate the economy to serve THEM instead of US is what is doing ALL of the damage we need to address IMMEDIATELY if we are going to see any solutions and lasting ones at all or be ready for four years of S**t raining down from the sky. Obama's color has nothing tot do with this argument because he is a mulatto any way. it is the apparent lack of change so far and his super duper stimulus package right behind the Bush one. And he wants to use "Affirmative Action" like policies in the distribution of aid? Here in Los Angeles a bulk of the construction workers here are Hispanic. Us "Whiteies" are actually a minority. If it were not for my specialties I would have been out of work thanks to the cheap illegal labor here. i am forced to live realities BOTH sides overlook. I am not being fooled at all by anyone that easily. "Be careful entering the battlefield improperly armed." Race and Politics are real tough fronts to be on! |
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Wed 04/08/09 11:27 AM
I'll pass