Topic: Ron Paul | |
Ya' gotta' know Paul is seen as a real threat when, just having his sticker on your car gets you investigated. Man, they must be watching my a$$ hard! ![]() ![]() |
Driven, I am starting a new one so it doesn't get so long. No, I would not make it a law that all people have to say Happy Holidays but as a law maker I would represent by example and keep my religious beliefs private as they should be. As for the celebration of my presense by any type of human, no there would not be a problem. I would not show a favor to their type of celebration or my type of celebration to respect all types of celebrations. Obama and Ron are different in that Obama has not shown the stuck in the mud philosophy of the old days are the best days. I have an issue with the public display of Christianity because it bolsters their existing feeling of superiority in this society. Good idea! ![]() So, religion aside. What exactly is this stuck in the mud philosophy? And How is it harmful? Can you give a example? Religion cannot be put aside on this level because it is a big issue but on the other levels of stuck in the mud, I will give a brief explanation because I am off to bed here in a minute. Our constitution and bill of rights is designed for a country of lessor population and diversity. We have a more diverse type of people now and more of a population to deal with. Smaller government is not a possiblity with the larger population. This is one stick in the mud along with the religious issue. There needs to be consideration in this constitution to include all peoples, gay and straight, religious and non, non gun carryers, etc.... So the constitution must actually grow to include all, it cannot regress nor can we go back to the basics on it. Good night driven. I will check back into here tomorrow. Be well. ![]() I must read up some more on this man so I can be more specific next time too. Why do you think people need a big government? Are they not able to take care of themselves? Do they need to be controlled? Also, do you think there were non-gun carriers back when the constitution was written? The reason that i see for needing to follow the constitution rather strictly, is the simple fact that it is supposed to balance the power of government, and the people. It's to prevent people from being "Ruled" as apposed to governed. Do you think this balance of power is important? |
Ya' gotta' know Paul is seen as a real threat when, just having his sticker on your car gets you investigated. Man, they must be watching my a$$ hard! ![]() ![]() turn around...lemme see ![]() |
Ya' gotta' know Paul is seen as a real threat when, just having his sticker on your car gets you investigated. Man, they must be watching my a$$ hard! ![]() ![]() turn around...lemme see ![]() You'll have to excuse Rose, she's a bit of a perv... ![]() |
If Dr. Paul saw the way that his platform of peace, liberty and obediance to the Constitution gave way to partisan bickering and a article about tolerance, becoming an issue of religion, he would just shake his head sadly and walk away. Dr. Paul operates in the Republican party, because his ideas come from the Historic platform that the Conservatives have forgotten or allowed NeoCons to brush aside. For years now, he's been warning this country that we were going to face a huge monetary crisis which very well might end up with the end of the dollar and here we friggin' are. Dr. Paul is, for the most part, the only politician I believe. I can't help but feel the same way... |
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![]() ![]() ![]() Sure ya did... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() i'd still vote for ron paul...maybe i can be VP |
Ron Paul's brand of societal conservative Libertarianism is in part like opening a door.
Say you are facing a heavy door that you need to push something through. The hinge is on the right and the door knob is on the left. If you moved the doorknob farther to the right, you'd only have to push the door knob a small fraction of the distance. Of course anyone who tries it will find out, in due course, it takes many times as much effort, and small children would not be able to open the door at all. Government, like any machine, can provide mechanical advantage. Trouble is, you don't get something for nothing, and what you gain in one property, you compensate for with another. Many rainy day Paulians won't admit that most people (sometimes, themselves included) won't have the will to expend the extra effort such a machine would require to advance the load the same distance. Remember-- standing on empty slogans going nowhere is accomplishing no work, but it does have the beauty of having no effort expended. -Kerry O. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Now you got me running in circles, checking out my own bum to make sure there isn't any little GPS or camera hanging out back there. Thanks... ![]() Being a Ron Paul supporter, means no matter how I feel, I continue to read, to educate myself. I continue to engage fellow citizens, whether it's on this site, at work or walking around the mall. It also means doing what I have to do, with letters and phone calls letting my "elected" officials know I'm paying attention, not only to their actions, but to the world around me and I'm here to make sure they're going to do the right thing (yeah, well in theory). The Ron Paul supporters I know are all that way, we stick together, keep each other informed and encourage each other to spread the wealth of knowledge that Dr. Paul and others like him have handed down to us. |
Edited by
Sun 04/05/09 10:38 AM
If Dr. Paul saw the way that his platform of peace, liberty and obediance to the Constitution gave way to partisan bickering and a article about tolerance, becoming an issue of religion, he would just shake his head sadly and walk away. Dr. Paul operates in the Republican party, because his ideas come from the Historic platform that the Conservatives have forgotten or allowed NeoCons to brush aside. For years now, he's been warning this country that we were going to face a huge monetary crisis which very well might end up with the end of the dollar and here we friggin' are. Dr. Paul is, for the most part, the only politician I believe. LMAO Im sorry war but this is hilarious. I was just having a talk with someone a few days ago about the increase in pessimism and increased conspiracy theories going on on the Internet! You my friend have just demonstrated exactly what I said to them. In fact your words are almost identical to those I used, and is the root to my chicken-little analogy. I guess I could have, and probably to avoid the eroding of other posters sensitivities, used the "Boy who cried wolf" comparison. For many centuries there have been religious Zealots and doomsayer philosophers predicting the world will end tomorrow. Every generation and society has had them. For a few years, there has been Ron Paul. But, he is not even the first to come along with his Rhetoric about the fall of American Ideology and society. In fact, I believe it was you who reminded me of others, with more power, who came before Ron Paul with the same agenda. To over throw the US Central Gov and return to the gold standard. Blah, blah, blah, I think we've held this conversation before, and it so bores me to repeat it again. Especially since it could stretch on and on with neither party changing the others convictions. Let's back up, I was just having a talk with someone a few days ago about the increase in pessimism and increased conspiracy theories going on on the Internet! My answer to them was, Ron Paul supporters, while few in actual numbers, are completely sold in to Ron Paul's Rhetoric. For years they, like the "doomsayer" philosophers, have waited and listened for the end to come. All the while carrying their banners and declarations with them. Now, due to the economic turmoil we are experiencing, they believe they are finally justified with their "faith," and "allegiance" in Ron Paul. It's kinda how a man predicting "the end is tomorrow" might have reacted in NY when the Twin Towers fell. Felling a mixture of fear, and joy, that their faith in their beliefs have finally came true, they can hardly contain themselves. Ron Paul supporters are everywhere. They haven't necessarily increased in numbers so much, as they have in volume. (Okay maybe a few more in number as they benefit and prey on the general fear the populace feels.) That will end; The thought that they may once again be disappointed when the economy recovers, is firing an accelarated increase in the chatter and theories, as in fact the economy is showing signs of recovery. Eventually it will all level off and the Ron Paul Rhetoric will die down to a whisper once again. Only I believe the Ron Paul supporters will decrease to a level below the mere 2% he enjoys now! As others come to realize there is no wolf, the sky isnt falling, and the end wont come tomorrow. ![]() |
All we really have to fear,
Edited by
Sun 04/05/09 11:16 AM
If Dr. Paul saw the way that his platform of peace, liberty and obediance to the Constitution gave way to partisan bickering and a article about tolerance, becoming an issue of religion, he would just shake his head sadly and walk away. Dr. Paul operates in the Republican party, because his ideas come from the Historic platform that the Conservatives have forgotten or allowed NeoCons to brush aside. For years now, he's been warning this country that we were going to face a huge monetary crisis which very well might end up with the end of the dollar and here we friggin' are. Dr. Paul is, for the most part, the only politician I believe. LMAO Im sorry war but this is hilarious. I was just having a talk with someone a few days ago about the increase in pessimism and increased conspiracy theories going on on the Internet! You my friend have just demonstrated exactly what I said to them. In fact your words are almost identical to those I used, and is the root to my chicken-little analogy. I guess I could have, and probably to avoid the eroding of other posters sensitivities, used the "Boy who cried wolf" comparison. For many centuries there have been religious Zealots and doomsayer philosophers predicting the world will end tomorrow. Every generation and society has had them. For a few years, there has been Ron Paul. But, he is not even the first to come along with his Rhetoric about the fall of American Ideology and society. In fact, I believe it was you who reminded me of others, with more power, who came before Ron Paul with the same agenda. To over throw the US Central Gov and return to the gold standard. Blah, blah, blah, I think we've held this conversation before, and it so bores me to repeat it again. Especially since it could stretch on and on with neither party changing the others convictions. Let's back up, I was just having a talk with someone a few days ago about the increase in pessimism and increased conspiracy theories going on on the Internet! My answer to them was, Ron Paul supporters, while few in actual numbers, are completely sold in to Ron Paul's Rhetoric. For years they, like the "doomsayer" philosophers, have waited and listened for the end to come. All the while carrying their banners and declarations with them. Now, due to the economic turmoil we are experiencing, they believe they are finally justified with their "faith," and "allegiance" in Ron Paul. It's kinda how a man predicting "the end is tomorrow" might have reacted in NY when the Twin Towers fell. Felling a mixture of fear, and joy, that their faith in their beliefs have finally came true, they can hardly contain themselves. Ron Paul supporters are everywhere. They haven't necessarily increased in numbers so much, as they have in volume. (Okay maybe a few more in number as they benefit and prey on the general fear the populace feels.) That will end; The thought that they may once again be disappointed when the economy recovers, is firing an accelarated increase in the chatter and theories, as in fact the economy is showing signs of recovery. Eventually it will all level off and the Ron Paul Rhetoric will die down to a whisper once again. Only I believe the Ron Paul supporters will decrease to a level below the mere 2% he enjoys now! As others come to realize there is no wolf, the sky isnt falling, and the end wont come tomorrow. ![]() The major difference is that the doomsday believers are basing the entire ordeal on faith. Dr. Paul's statements are based in a science. While I'm sure many of his supporters do not understand the origins of his collective fears and warnings, they do have a solid base in reality backed by economics. EDIT It's also not so much that we support Ron Paul, as I've stated before, but more that those like myself that actually have studied the economic base of all this (and are not jumping on some bandwagon) support the economic ideologies he promotes. he has a bit of celebrity, no doubt, but there are those of us that simply view him as the most representative of our ideals. |
Here are a couple questions for Fanta.
Pelosi is pushing for Amnesty. In the works again, is the Dream Act. This Act is aimed at getting a foot in the door, using kids to gain sympathy for the Illegal. You have made the statement that Amnesty will never happen. BHO is for Amnesty, speaking through Pelosi. Question. Will you continue supporting BHO when the big push for Amnesty gets rolling? Ron Paul is strictly against Illegal Immigration and wants our Laws enforced. Question. Do you support that view? |
Oops got side tracked today will have to come back and read this thread tommorow.. That's if you guys don't get it shut down by then.. grin! Just kidding.
Edited by
Sun 04/05/09 09:35 PM
The question is will Ron Paul run for President in 4 years again?
and if he does What strategy will he do this time to get better results then only a few percentage points? Sadly in today's socieities thinking, perhaps he should have somekind of talent like a charming smile like Obama or play the saxophone like Clinton to win the popularity contest while educating the people in America of a different possibility to run a sufficient independent country that offers a positive future for our children. I have nothing against Ron Paul. He seems to be a highly intelligent man who speaks his mind and offers great solutions. The question is to say and to do are two different things. but then again I also enjoyed Kucinivich's speeches alot also and his determination to bring the troops home immediately, put former President Bush and Cheney on trials, and use his foreign policies to help the people of this country. and the other candidates all sound convincing one way or another when they have their presidential debates. You can't help but shake your head and say "Yes" you are right and "no" not right, but yes on the former idealogy. Then when you look at the comparison aren't they all promising alot and not achieving as much as they promised. Aren't they all saying the talk but not doing the walk Perhaps it is time to see that the Democrats and Republicans are two brothers always fighting for first place position and really don't do as much for the people as we always hope for. Perhaps a alternative is to look at the grass root political parties who struggle to get air time, attention, and help. Don't they speak for us as a people on issues that really matter and will they really do them if they get in power. If ever? I have yet to see a third party emerge in this country to a significant lead over both parties. If this will happen in my lifetime, I have my doubts, but I do have some hopes. It is time to read a different novel for a change ![]() |
From what I read on his site is, he's doing more of a presidential job than Obama. Up to Date, informative, calling for actions that would benefit the people. Urging people to get involved by making phone calls and submitting protest letters to the Reps and Congress. If he don't get too danged old and people wake up to the corruption going on from the Top down, he could be a choice Americans, not the Media, vote in. On the other hand, if Obama and his crew screw up bad enough, Ron Paul could be the alternative to step in and represent the people. Obama is asking people to get involved too. He wants people to write to him. |
Don't know much of him but I heard him briefly one time and did not like what I heard. He fit the average republican to me. Republican idealogy that is not productive for this country is what has caused them to be voted out and I see that trend staying put for a while because they DO NOT HAVE THE AVERAGE AMERICAN'S WELL BEING AT HEART AT ANY LEVEL. Why do you say that? What went against the average american? And if he fit the typical republican profile, why does he disagree with the majority of republicans, and refuse to endorse their electy party nominee? Their ideology is too far right ( for lack of a better way of describing it). Republicans for the most part have a stuck ideology that is out dated. Their ideology does not allow for the changing environment of man. One example: Religion in politics. Republicans believe that religion should have a large active role in politics. This no longer fits the way the population believes. Ron Paul believes this same philosophy. Where does he mention any religion in his arguments? Where does he want to push ANY of his personal beliefs on people? This is the first one I clicked on: The War on Religion by Rep. Ron Paul, MD by Rep. Ron Paul, MD As we celebrate another Yuletide season, it’s hard not to notice that Christmas in America simply doesn’t feel the same anymore. Although an overwhelming majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, and those who don’t celebrate it overwhelmingly accept and respect our nation’s Christmas traditions, a certain shared public sentiment slowly has disappeared. The Christmas spirit, marked by a wonderful feeling of goodwill among men, is in danger of being lost in the ongoing war against religion. Through perverse court decisions and years of cultural indoctrination, the elitist, secular Left has managed to convince many in our nation that religion must be driven from public view. The justification is always that someone, somewhere, might possibly be offended or feel uncomfortable living in the midst of a largely Christian society, so all must yield to the fragile sensibilities of the few. The ultimate goal of the anti-religious elites is to transform America into a completely secular nation, a nation that is legally and culturally biased against Christianity. This growing bias explains why many of our wonderful Christmas traditions have been lost. Christmas pageants and plays, including Handel’s Messiah, have been banned from schools and community halls. Nativity scenes have been ordered removed from town squares, and even criticized as offensive when placed on private church lawns. Office Christmas parties have become taboo, replaced by colorless seasonal parties to ensure no employees feel threatened by a “hostile environment.” Even wholly non-religious decorations featuring Santa Claus, snowmen, and the like have been called into question as Christmas symbols that might cause discomfort. Earlier this month, firemen near Chicago reluctantly removed Christmas decorations from their firehouse after a complaint by some embittered busybody. Most noticeably, however, the once commonplace refrain of “Merry Christmas” has been replaced by the vague, ubiquitous “Happy Holidays.” But what holiday? Is Christmas some kind of secret, a word that cannot be uttered in public? Why have we allowed the secularists to intimidate us into downplaying our most cherished and meaningful Christian celebration? The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders’ political views were strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government’s hostility to religion. The establishment clause of the First Amendment was simply intended to forbid the creation of an official state church like the Church of England, not to drive religion out of public life. The Founding Fathers envisioned a robustly Christian yet religiously tolerant America, with churches serving as vital institutions that would eclipse the state in importance. Throughout our nation’s history, churches have done what no government can ever do, namely teach morality and civility. Moral and civil individuals are largely governed by their own sense of right and wrong, and hence have little need for external government. This is the real reason the collectivist Left hates religion: Churches as institutions compete with the state for the people’s allegiance, and many devout people put their faith in God before their faith in the state. Knowing this, the secularists wage an ongoing war against religion, chipping away bit by bit at our nation’s Christian heritage. Christmas itself may soon be a casualty of that war. December 30, 2003 Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican member of Congress from Texas. There is no attack on religion in this country, if religion would step back into the place it belongs in, at home. Religion has overstepped it's boundaries in this country for far too long. People do not mind that people want to have religion at home but they want people to respect that not everyone is religious or has the same religion that they do. Christians will not even recognize that Christmas was a pagan holiday before it was a Christian one and that not everyone wants to celebrate it as Christmas. They won't even accept a comprimise of respecting everyone by saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas because they are so used to being allowed cart blanc in this country. Ron Paul buys into this because he is too far right for the average American. I'm glad that I read this. It tells me alot. |
Here are a couple questions for Fanta. Pelosi is pushing for Amnesty. In the works again, is the Dream Act. This Act is aimed at getting a foot in the door, using kids to gain sympathy for the Illegal. You have made the statement that Amnesty will never happen. BHO is for Amnesty, speaking through Pelosi. Question. Will you continue supporting BHO when the big push for Amnesty gets rolling? Ron Paul is strictly against Illegal Immigration and wants our Laws enforced. Question. Do you support that view? Still waiting to see if I can get a straight answer. |
Here are a couple questions for Fanta. Pelosi is pushing for Amnesty. In the works again, is the Dream Act. This Act is aimed at getting a foot in the door, using kids to gain sympathy for the Illegal. You have made the statement that Amnesty will never happen. BHO is for Amnesty, speaking through Pelosi. Question. Will you continue supporting BHO when the big push for Amnesty gets rolling? Ron Paul is strictly against Illegal Immigration and wants our Laws enforced. Question. Do you support that view? Still waiting to see if I can get a straight answer. Good luck. There are some around here that are better at dancing around questions than Obama and Geithner combined. |