Topic: What is being humble?
AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/05/07 04:53 PM
Can you describe what you think being humble is?

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/05/07 04:57 PM
I think being humble is when you go about your buisness,help people,do
good things and dont require recognition or reward.

lazyj321's photo
Sat 05/05/07 04:59 PM
my opinion.. humble is sacraficing ones own needs to enlighten others
who do need..

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/05/07 05:09 PM
Who is to say that you or I are 'enlightened'?

If I claim to be 'enlightened' am I being humble?

If I empose my 'enlightenment' on another am I being humble?

I hope that if I am truly enlightened my example will inspire others.

The moment I set out to MAKE someone else see my light I beleive I might
be working from an area other than humble.

lazyj321's photo
Sat 05/05/07 05:14 PM
it meant that in the sense of making some one else feel better..

it was just y opinion..

PetiteKitten's photo
Sat 05/05/07 05:36 PM
My opinion of being humble is when you lower yourself enough to put
yourself in someone else's shoes........Being humble is not living off
of materialistic things or wanting to have that all the time, just being
happy with what you have.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/05/07 05:41 PM
AB wrote:
"If I empose my 'enlightenment' on another am I being humble?"

I think it would be totally wrong to impose your 'enlightenment', your
beliefs, or even what you believe to be factual knowledge on another.

However, I would also hold that it is impossible to impose your views of
any kind onto another person via an Internet forum. People who read
Internet forums have total control of their actions. If they don’t want
to read your views all they need to do is scroll on by.

This is why the vast majority of people demanded that religion be taken
out of schools. Since it’s mandatory to attend schools then any
religious views taught or practice therein would be ‘imposed’ on your
children. They wouldn’t be able to just scroll on by.

So yes, it would not be ‘humble’ to impose your views on anyone who
cannot escape you.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/05/07 05:43 PM
Kitten wrote:
“My opinion of being humble is when you lower yourself enough to put
yourself in someone else's shoes........Being humble is not living off
of materialistic things or wanting to have that all the time, just being
happy with what you have.”

That’s an excellent description of being humble kitten.

Tomokun's photo
Sat 05/05/07 06:06 PM
Hmmm, to me, humility is the recognition that you are no better than
anyone else. It is the recognition that other people have value, and you
can only grow by being receptive to that value. Humility is being able
to do the right thing even though it makes you look stupid or
ridiculous, because it should never be beneath you to do the right

Jess642's photo
Sat 05/05/07 06:11 PM
Humble for me, is to not place another above me, or below me, to not
judge another, label them, or expect them to be what I perceive them to
be... but to allow them to be.

Humble is a reminder, humility...that we are all one, that we are all
intertwined, and my actions, thoughts, words, may cause you be
ever mindful, I am part, a small part, of the all...

And I have much to learn.

armydoc4u's photo
Sat 05/05/07 06:19 PM
knowing that you still have more to learn, more of yourself to give,
always room for improvement.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 05/05/07 08:11 PM
Jess that is such a beautfil post.

I strive to be like that as much as possible.

Being imperfect however I fall short more than I would like.

kariZman's photo
Sun 05/06/07 01:40 AM
i can make pumpkin pie. ive been told i should eat humble pie anyone got
a good recipe for humble pie?do ya reckon it would impress women if i
could bake humble pies ?laugh

no photo
Sun 05/06/07 02:03 AM
To me being humble means, to acknowledge that we are but a small part of
the whole and that the whole doesn't seize to exist whether we are there
or not

no photo
Sun 05/06/07 02:04 AM
Humble = Content

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 05/06/07 12:45 PM
Ah Jess you took the words out of my fingers ... thank you

Humility is also about service to me. How may I serve humankind? How
may I tread lightly upon the earth? How may I be mindful of others? How
may I serve....

The notion of enlightenment is very different to me. The truly
enlightened are silent with no need to shout it from the rooftops. The
shouters claiming their own enlightenment come from a place of ego and a
false sense of enlightenment in my opinion.

All I can do is share my perspective and my experience. Widsom is what
I've gained from it.

I can share my perspective and experience ... If it resonates with
someone they pick up pieces ... if it doesn't it lay on the floor where
I drop it. And they decide if it gels within them to then become wisdom
and piece on their own path to enlightenment.

It is not for me to enlighten anyone ... only for me to seek a higher
understanding of myself and my own enlightenment.

killxherxoff's photo
Sun 05/06/07 01:10 PM
i think humility is understanding that you may not be right,
that you can't and won't ever know everything.