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Topic: I bet
Atlantis75's photo
Wed 04/01/09 04:24 PM

For example the more empty high calorie foods you eat the more you will crave of them.

so what is an empty high calorie food?

Winx's photo
Wed 04/01/09 04:26 PM

For example the more empty high calorie foods you eat the more you will crave of them.

so what is an empty high calorie food?

High calories but has low nutrition.

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 04/01/09 04:27 PM
I love empty food. The only problem is three minutes later I'm hugry again.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 04/01/09 04:30 PM

For example the more empty high calorie foods you eat the more you will crave of them.

so what is an empty high calorie food?

High calories but has low nutrition.

can you give me an example?

Winx's photo
Wed 04/01/09 04:44 PM

For example the more empty high calorie foods you eat the more you will crave of them.

so what is an empty high calorie food?

High calories but has low nutrition.

can you give me an example?

French fries, chips, candy, soda, beer, wine, cookies, and refined grains are a few examples.

no photo
Wed 04/01/09 04:50 PM
People often mistake a signal to be hunger pangs, when dehydration can mock that message.

So, instead of equating it w/ thirst, hunger is assumed.

Drink FIRST, wait and see.

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 04/01/09 05:48 PM

I love empty food. The only problem is three minutes later I'm hugry again.

That is the problem with a lot of foods like this they are full of fats and pretty much nothing else. For example the more sugar you ingest the more your body will crave and the more your body will store it.

The problem with most of the fad diets is that you are burning off water weight, and putting your body into starvation mode so anything you ingest your body is going to store it.Not burn it.

If I remember right 3500 calories equals a pound of fat. Well it doesn't take long to ingest that daily and if it is empty calories and a person isn't burning it off then it is going to be putting on weight somewhere.

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 04/01/09 05:49 PM
I seem to be hungry a lot and eat when I am. I am on the slender side. I think it is different for everyone.

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Wed 04/01/09 05:51 PM

People often mistake a signal to be hunger pangs, when dehydration can mock that message.

So, instead of equating it w/ thirst, hunger is assumed.

Drink FIRST, wait and see.

I totally agree! I eat healthy, exercise regularly and drink lots and lots of water! I'm 52 and at 125 lbs. I don't think age has as much to do with it as lifestyle.

NtheWind's photo
Wed 04/01/09 05:53 PM
Edited by NtheWind on Wed 04/01/09 05:57 PM

Did someone mentioned food?!!!

I'm not hungry....

I just got the munchies big time?

:banana: drool

mmmmmmmmmm bananas and ice cream and cookies and .....

pop tarts and .....drool




Yes, we as Americans are spoiled to that lifestyle.

excuse me its time to invade the pantry.

evilbabe277's photo
Wed 04/01/09 05:56 PM

motowndowntown's photo
Wed 04/01/09 05:59 PM
Food glorious food marvelous food.

3500 calories is about what a soldier eats in combat.
Most people can do very well with about half that.

NtheWind's photo
Wed 04/01/09 06:01 PM

Love that puppies ears!!!!

love :smile:

NtheWind's photo
Wed 04/01/09 06:04 PM

Food glorious food marvelous food.

3500 calories is about what a soldier eats in combat.
Most people can do very well with about half that.

3500 calories for a soldier!!!what

Wow I got lucky if I got 2500

and less than that in Ranger school.


Winx's photo
Wed 04/01/09 06:05 PM

People often mistake a signal to be hunger pangs, when dehydration can mock that message.

So, instead of equating it w/ thirst, hunger is assumed.

Drink FIRST, wait and see.

I totally agree! I eat healthy, exercise regularly and drink lots and lots of water! I'm 52 and at 125 lbs. I don't think age has as much to do with it as lifestyle.

My doctor told me that I could eat the same thing at 45 and again at 50 and I'll gain weight at 50 if I don't exercise.

AllSmilesInTulsa's photo
Wed 04/01/09 06:26 PM
Edited by AllSmilesInTulsa on Wed 04/01/09 06:27 PM

People often mistake a signal to be hunger pangs, when dehydration can mock that message.

So, instead of equating it w/ thirst, hunger is assumed.

Drink FIRST, wait and see.

I totally agree! I eat healthy, exercise regularly and drink lots and lots of water! I'm 52 and at 125 lbs. I don't think age has as much to do with it as lifestyle.

My doctor told me that I could eat the same thing at 45 and again at 50 and I'll gain weight at 50 if I don't exercise.

if I don't exercise. There's the key! I used to be able to eat anything I wanted and never gained a pound. Not so true anymore... but I was also a lot more active back then. Takes effort - but well worth it.

Winx's photo
Wed 04/01/09 08:30 PM

People often mistake a signal to be hunger pangs, when dehydration can mock that message.

So, instead of equating it w/ thirst, hunger is assumed.

Drink FIRST, wait and see.

I totally agree! I eat healthy, exercise regularly and drink lots and lots of water! I'm 52 and at 125 lbs. I don't think age has as much to do with it as lifestyle.

My doctor told me that I could eat the same thing at 45 and again at 50 and I'll gain weight at 50 if I don't exercise.

if I don't exercise. There's the key! I used to be able to eat anything I wanted and never gained a pound. Not so true anymore... but I was also a lot more active back then. Takes effort - but well worth it.

I'm the say way. I could eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound.
I have to exercise more now.

Jess642's photo
Wed 04/01/09 08:34 PM
I eat like a horse in an oat field!

What I eat, is the difference.

And what I do is the clincher.

I eat whenever I have my belly growl... I know it isn't water cause I drink about three litres a day, sometimes more, if I am doing physical stuff around the place in the sun.

Output needs to be more than input.

nikita5's photo
Wed 04/01/09 08:50 PM
My metabalism stopped after high schooltears

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