Topic: Favorite movie lines
Smallblock_Ford2008's photo
Thu 04/09/09 04:39 PM
"Use these Whamie Shells, they'll blow a hole through an elephant's @$$!"

Dukes of Hazzard

TBRich's photo
Thu 04/09/09 04:45 PM
What the f*ck is your major malfunction Private Pyle, did your mother and father fail to give you the proper amount of attention when you were a child!?!

Full Metal Jacket.

Tone_11's photo
Thu 04/09/09 05:20 PM
What's your name scumbag?
Better you than me
To bad about handjob....
Do you suck ****s private? no sir. Bull****! I bet you could suck a golfball through a gardenhose.

motorcyclegeek79's photo
Fri 04/10/09 10:06 PM
"Did I catch a niner in there? Were you calling from a walkie talkie?"

Tommy Boy. :banana:

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 10:47 PM
"One gay beer for my gay friend, one normal beer for me because I am normal." -In Bruges

no photo
Fri 04/10/09 10:48 PM
"Two manky hookers and a racist dwarf. I think I'm heading home." -In Bruges

Pete026's photo
Thu 04/16/09 08:12 PM
"Sir, let those laugh that win."

Barry Lyndon

no photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:03 AM

"Did I catch a niner in there? Were you calling from a walkie talkie?"

Tommy Boy. :banana:

My Fav is the song Farley Sings "Fat guy in a lil coat"

no photo
Sun 04/19/09 03:03 AM
"I brought the Comb"

Vern......Stand By Me

no photo
Mon 04/20/09 11:30 PM
Stay Classy San Diego

JOHNNIE5's photo
Tue 04/21/09 02:45 PM
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he does not exist.

the usual suspects

My name is Kobayashi. I work for Keyser Soze.

tngxl65's photo
Tue 04/21/09 02:51 PM

Cousin Vicki: I'm going steady, and I French kiss.
Audrey: So, everybody does that.
Cousin Vicki: Yeah, but Daddy says I'm the best at it.

Rusty: Hey, ya' got Pac Man?
Cousin Dale: No.
Rusty: Ya' got Space Invaders?
Cousin Dale: Nope.
Rusty: Ya' got Asteroids?
Cousin Dale: Naw, but my dad does. Can't even sit on the toilet some days.

O God, ease our suffering in this, our moment of great dispair. Yea, admit this kind and decent woman into thy arms of thine heavenly area, up there. And Moab, he lay us upon the band of the Canaanites, and yea, though the Hindus speak of karma, I implore you: give her a break.

I don't know why they call this stuff hamburger helper. It does just fine by itself, huh? I like it better than tuna helper myself, don't you, Clark?

Real tomato ketchup, Eddie?

tngxl65's photo
Tue 04/21/09 02:54 PM
It's too bad she won't live. But then again, who does?

Eddiemma's photo
Tue 04/21/09 03:32 PM
-It rubs the lotion on it's skin... It does this when ever it is told..

-Wendy! I'm home!

-How would you like a greasy pork sang which served in a dirty ash tray?

-Long, where is my automobile---auto-mobile!

-I'll have two fried chickens and a coke

-let off some steam Bennit

no photo
Tue 04/21/09 04:45 PM

-It rubs the lotion on it's skin... It does this when ever it is told..

-Wendy! I'm home!

-How would you like a greasy pork sang which served in a dirty ash tray?

-Long, where is my automobile---auto-mobile!

-I'll have two fried chickens and a coke

-let off some steam Bennit

2. The Shining
5. The Blues Brothers (but wasn't it 4 fried chickens?)

TBRich's photo
Tue 04/21/09 04:52 PM
1. silence of the lambs

Is this Clarise, well... hello Clarise

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 04/21/09 05:02 PM

All these 5 from same movie;

"O yeah! Is that better?"
"I love that gun"
"you're scarin your partner!"
"Yeah, and I'm gonna come back and check about those Rolex's"
"You will never find the Galaxy!"

this is from an oldie;

"I may have found a way outta here"

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 04/21/09 05:29 PM
"5 million dollars?!?!! are you tellin' me you want me to give away 5 MILLION DOLLARS to a bunch of NUNS!?!?"

Poetrywriter's photo
Tue 04/21/09 05:37 PM

"5 million dollars?!?!! are you tellin' me you want me to give away 5 MILLION DOLLARS to a bunch of NUNS!?!?"

Is that from "Sister Act"?

JasmineInglewood's photo
Tue 04/21/09 05:40 PM

"5 million dollars?!?!! are you tellin' me you want me to give away 5 MILLION DOLLARS to a bunch of NUNS!?!?"

Is that from "Sister Act"?


ohhh so close!

it's whoopi goldberg but in her other movie, "ghost" :tongue: