Topic: My philosophy. | |
Dane Cook sucks. God doesn't exist. Evolution and the Big Bang is how it all happened. We're all alone, and none of us are going to any sort of afterlife when we die. Death is the cessation of brain and organ functions - think of death as what it was like before you were born. Your mind, your entity, won't exist. No matter what promises of bipartisanship he made, Obama is still a liberal, treehugging Communist. Raw capitalism is dead, it can only be revived if I turn into the president and 3 CEOs of major companies. Diet sodas are better than sugary, syrupy regular sodas Minty gum beats fruity gum. The Departed rules, Step Brothers sucks. The Godfather is great, Disaster movie was a disaster. War is a stabilizing event for a country because it gives us something to do. Rome was successful because all they did was war; whenever they stopped, they had social unrest/economic hardship. If America started conquering again, the world would be a better place. We will be paying for this 4 years of unlimited government spending for the rest of our lives. Electric cars just make your electric bill go up - Although you're not paying for gasoline, you're paying just as much if not more in electrical use - not to mention creating greenhouse gases as coal and oil are burned to produce electricity. There is nothing wrong with gay marriage, just as there's nothing wrong with abortions. In fact, abortions should be mandated in families where 3 children are already present - global overpopulation is a problem and a threat to the survival of the human species as we start eating more food than we can grow. Enough diplomatic bull****. If a country insults us, they get invaded. We should have long since invaded Iran, assassinated Hugo Chavez, and sponsored a war between South Korea and North Korea. The UN should be disassembled, as should NAFTA and NATO. NATO's primary purpose has shifted from fighting communism to fighting terrorism - and terrorism is here to stay in the age of modern military tactics. NAFTA is just an excuse for Mexicans to cheat the US out of resources (Canada does too, but at a lesser extent. ) We should have never invaded Iraq - instead, we should have pressed the UN to impose sanctions on Saddam Hussein's government. The US government should start a GSE (Government Sponsored Enterprise - see Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) which produces and sells marijuana, so the government has another legitimate source of income besides taxing the hell out of the top half of the US. The IRS should be completely shut down and in its place a higher sales tax should be implemented - forcing prostitutes, migrant workers, and illegal immigrants to contribute money to society. The government should forbid Internet Service Providers from setting monthly bandwidth caps, which is a ridiculous idea - almost like a highway charging you for every mile you drive. Feel free to argue with any or all of my thoughts above - do so and prepare to get rocked by my extensive knowledge. Keep in mind I don't do drugs, the only reason I support the legalization of marijuana is because it contributes a source of income to our government. Nice diatribe, You sound real young and inexperienced and I can say I am sure glad you do not rule No offense intended of course. |
I will say one thing in his favor. It is nice that he has an opinion and that he does value knowledge. I hope he continues his education. There are so many brain dead young people who would not even know a lick about the issues, it is nice to see one who actually thinks. ![]() |
There is nothing wrong with gay marriage, just as there's nothing wrong with abortions.
There is nothing "wrong" in being against these things either. In fact, abortions should be mandated in families where 3 children are already present - global overpopulation is a problem and a threat to the survival of the human species as we start eating more food than we can grow.
This is interesting. Mandated abortion? Could you explain a little more concerning whose right it is to decide for a woman to have an abortion? |
This is interesting. Mandated abortion? Could you explain a little more concerning whose right it is to decide for a woman to have an abortion? The government's. If additional babies will put too much of a strain on available resources, they shouldn't be allowed to be born. |
This is interesting. Mandated abortion? Could you explain a little more concerning whose right it is to decide for a woman to have an abortion? The government's. If additional babies will put too much of a strain on available resources, they shouldn't be allowed to be born. They are already doing that in China. Limiting the number of children. Who knows what else. |
Population control is something to think about but right now we have an Illegal Population Boom that is most likely outstripping any Birth population concern we have at the moment.
Hang in there XxFormxX... you have cajones for a first posting of this nature
![]() what you see here is a prime example why Just Say Hi/Mingle2 lost members...and will continue to do so ![]() some people like to argue/discuss then rage for a debate demanding proof, sometimes life just is what it is, but welcome to the internet... some people forget what it was like to be young, filled with ideas, opinions, dreams... I commend you for having strong opinions and hopefully you can channel them into something positive for a life career. Good Luck in your search in finding friends, whether for just that, friendship or more... p.s. keep a thick skin around a few forums here and watch your back for the hall monitors who know how to pile drive the backstabbing... ![]() |
I find it interesting that you have used the term "communist" as a negative way to describe the president, and then resort to a communistic mind-set while claiming that the right to life is the government's.
As others have said... I must commend your courage! ![]() |
Very funny. ![]() ![]() ![]() Feel free to argue with any or all of my thoughts above - do so and prepare to get rocked by my extensive knowledge. Keep in mind I don't do drugs, the only reason I support the legalization of marijuana is because it contributes a source of income to our government.
![]() ![]() ![]() Typical egotist 20 year old. |
I find it interesting that you have used the term "communist" as a negative way to describe the president, and then resort to a communistic mind-set while claiming that the right to life is the government's. As others have said... I must commend your courage! ![]() It's not a communistic mindset. I believe in a militaristic free market, where socially issues are determined by the government and the economic system is laissez-faire. I was referring to Obama as a communist because he is, economically. If you think the social positions I take are communist, think again. China has evolved into a capitalistic economy but the people are still deathly afraid to criticize the government. Think Starship Troopers (the book) |
I will say one thing in his favor. It is nice that he has an opinion and that he does value knowledge. I hope he continues his education. There are so many brain dead young people who would not even know a lick about the issues, it is nice to see one who actually thinks. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey people,
XxFoRMxX is 20 years old!!! Take a step back from egos for a moment, and appreciate (and egos must have gotten twitched). 20 years old!!! This has nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with the points of view he lists out. You have the right to yours, and he, to his. 20 years old!!! Amazingly articulate. Zingful. Clear, short, succinct (big talent I lack). Straight talk and honesty, uncensored by fat fake social grace. Controversial!!! We need more of the likes!!! Confronting!!! Do we prefer hypocrisy??? Denial??? avoiding and skating around issues??? Keep posting what's on your mind with the straightness and honesty you've shown here XxFoRMxX. No need to play it up, nor down any. As it stands, 'it' will rock the place all on its own, and that is a good thing. In fact the complacent world we live in needs a good rocking!!! Welcome XxFoRMxX. |
nice to see a young man with strong opinions
Where I disagree is in thinking the government, ANY government can be trusted with the kind of authority the OP describes.
Power corrupts. |
Where I disagree is in thinking the government, ANY government can be trusted with the kind of authority the OP describes. Power corrupts. You got that right... but you must understand, he wants to run for office... so... you figure it out. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It's not a communistic mindset. I believe in a militaristic free market, where socially issues are determined by the government and the economic system is laissez-faire. I was referring to Obama as a communist because he is, economically.
It most certainly is. The proposition is impossible. Social issues influence economic ones, do they not? A militaristic free market is a contradiction in construct. How can an economically free system exist while being socially determined by a government? A government with absolute power over social(moral) determinations will necessarily also determine what is allowed to be sold and why. A militaristic market cannot exist as a free market. If you think the social positions I take are communist, think again. China has evolved into a capitalistic economy but the people are still deathly afraid to criticize the government. Think Starship Troopers (the book).
Capitalism has been found to be of value to China in terms of worldly wealth/power. If China is a model of what a capitalistic system should be like, then why not just glorify bribery, because that IS how things get done there. Mob mentality. Much like our justice system, it is the best that money can buy. |
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Hang in there XxFormxX... you have cajones for a first posting of this nature ![]() what you see here is a prime example why Just Say Hi/Mingle2 lost members...and will continue to do so ![]() some people like to argue/discuss then rage for a debate demanding proof, sometimes life just is what it is, but welcome to the internet... some people forget what it was like to be young, filled with ideas, opinions, dreams... I commend you for having strong opinions and hopefully you can channel them into something positive for a life career. Good Luck in your search in finding friends, whether for just that, friendship or more... p.s. keep a thick skin around a few forums here and watch your back for the hall monitors who know how to pile drive the backstabbing... ![]() [/quote Yes, what she said. |
My compassionate side is sory to say this, but my rational side is not... but if you became the president and the ceo of three major companies... i'm sorry but you have just been expired. Expiration date exceeded, discard. Recycle. :(
Only reason being... you are intelligent yes. you make valid arguments. WAIT!!! no one castrate me yet... jeebus i am not finished!!... BUT!! and this is a biiiiig but... one that would make sir mix-a-lot turn his head... You are not open minded enough to be in that kind of a postition of power. Honestly in my oppinion i don't think any man or woman is. I know i am not. I would make bad decisions based on what i thought was right for all and knowing my forgetfulness i am sure i'd hurt someone. To be any kind of good leader one must be open to multiple sides of all issues at hand. and sadly our society, as well as the entire world, is utterly too complex to effectively do so. you would have to do the best with what you have, yet even what you get may not work for the majority. why? cause sometimes the majority doesn't open their mouth until it's too late and a decision has already been made. Just because one has an oppinion does not make it right. I have oppinions, but i accept the fact that... gee-golly. i might be wrong in EVERYthing i know. and that my boy is pure philosophy 101. maybe not 101 exactly... but it is the essence of philosophy. simply being open to the possibility of understanding that we don't know and simply try to deduce the best answer we can. It is good to debate yes. debate leads to conclusions and the discovery of other points. but don't shut out other's oppinions as invalid just because you are set in your beliefs. Why? well because one day you WILL come across irefutable proof that shows something you once thought true was in fact not quite so sound proof. If you want a good philosophical debate... then be all means make outrageous claims... but don't make them as agressive statements and with each statement give some backing proof. I host philosophical discssions weekly at my college as the Vice President of a philosophy club. so i have had extensive experience for the past few years now. OK!!! argue time!! yay!! -diet soda better? yes! i love my diet coke. but... "just for the taste of it!! diet coke!" sadly the reality is pretty much the truth of that jingle. the sucrose guy was right. it tricks yer body. oops. proven by science. -Obama... yeah that's NOT a touchy subject... :P honestly i have faith in him... after all you all elected him. he's who we have and we have to deal with him for the next four years. besides as closely as he's being watched by the public... you really think he's gonna try and screw us over? the dude would have to be mad!! and guess what... IT'S OUR FAULT!! THE MAJORITY ELECTED HIM!! I voted green party. didn't like the other guy either. sorry gang >< I still think the environment is more important that politicing. so :P on all you obama and palin haters!! i didn't vote for either!! -Dane cook... what'd he ever do to you? besides i think he's funny as ****. and 1 if you take offense to him from his "COMEDY" key word being COMEDY then turn off the comedy channel. He's a comedian... he writes JOKES. but w/e it's an oppinion... -war is stabalizing... yes and no. yes... but ONLY economically and only durring the durration of the war and generally for a few years after. Also it depends upon the extent of the war. war in afganistan or iraq? not big enough. and honestly... do you really wish to see a war large enough to be a stabilizing factor for our economy in which MANY people will die? I'm guessing you have friends and family... yes? if not i am sorry, but think of it this way... a war large enough to be "stabalizing" as you say it... would in turn need plenty of soldiers. are YOU going to go fight? how about your friends? cousins? brothers or sisters? because that's who'd be fighting and DYING in it. and another thing alot of americans who have never experienced the side effects of war and whom have never seen it fought in thier homeland don't realize how nasty it is. who's to say we wn this time? who's to say if we start another world war... or simply participate in one that it will not find it's way onto american soil. are you ready to see the land of you brothers and sisters turned into a battle field? becareful what you wish for. because sometimes what you think is nothing like the reality. -4 years of spending costing us forever... well i pretty much agree with ya there. maaaaybe not forever... but i have a bad feeling that it's gonna cost us >< i hope you and i are wrong. -electric cars=bad? no. bad for me? yes... i lovvvve to speed.... shhhh don't tell your police friends on me!! i believe in the raw power of a strong 5.0 L V-8 engine. yet now i do drive a 4 bange kia for the gas milage... i miss my mustang <sniffle> anyways... yes electricty would go up... ASSUMING you have to plug your car into your wall. well not all of em do. some are solar, some recharge while driving like most cars(hybrids). yet one of them companies made a hydrogen car... guess what the exhaust is... PURE WATER!! good god!! run to the hills!! we're poluting our dirty water supply with clean water!! whatever shall we do? i know you didn't say hydrogen cars were bad... but it sounded funny. so i couldn't resist. but didja know that environmentalists are psuhing to move away from coal and oil plants just as hard as they are pushing electric cars? this'll get me some hatemail... but i say more nuclear power plants and more scientist developing ways to SAFELY dispose of or recycle the waste. it isn't impossible... we just havn't figured it out yet. and more solar collection plants. they work!! they're just expensive >< -"country insults us and we invade..." careful with those words... do you realize how many toes the us steps on daily? do you realize how much we insult other countries... now logically thinking... if we can invade anyone who insults us... then technically they should have every right to invade us. it's ok for us to invade others cause we have bigger guns right? guess what dude... we may not for long... couple quick examples... Germany- on the verge of creating a perpetual motion engine. yeah WE thought it was impossible. (they have a working model.) Isreal- Has a more advance prototype destroyer(naval ship) than we do. (built from and based off technology we gave them) North Korea- developing nuclear technologies under our noses. (they'll get real good at hiding it before they surpass our technology, but isn't that a bad thing?) oh god!!! invisible ICBM's!! >.< don't freak out just yet... Russia- geez... them again? you betcha. maybe not technologically but i heard this craaaaazy rumor that they're trying to bring back the mother land... you think we're an effective nation? just wait till you see a comunist country with reasources, get back into full swing. I think comunism is wrong and not fair to the people, but by goodness it is much efficient technology wise. I mean after all... they did match us at one point... don't ya remember reading about the cold war? ok enough examples... just realize the world is coming up and catching up with us... besides most of our "technology" is computer based yet is made from parts from china japan and taiwan!!! ouch! that's a kick to my pride >< -bandwidth caps? yes! no to them!! free the flow of information... -disband the un? please don't... i don't really wanna see MORE of those people starving comercials... i feel horrible enough for them already. and yes i donate. time not money. The UN still does some good. they do help countries in distress. Maybe not as much as they used to, but ya know what? a little help is better than no help at all. -no IRS? dude... as much as i want to agree... cause believe me i hate giving them money too... but uhhh who's going to track the people who cheat on taxes? the cia? yeah like they have time for that. they can't even handle thier own work load. OOH!!! i know let fema do it!! yeah!! oh wait... then we would see results for months after it's too late. >< i'm open for ideas... however i DO agree that we should tax imigrants, and the others... -legalize and tax MJ? sure why not? i've never heard of anyone ODing on MJ. is that even possible? anyways... just make it restricted like alcohol. -gay marraige? Iswear someone should kick the **** out of those amendment 2 and 8 F***ers and even worse for ken star... err w/e his name is. and no i am NOT gay. but who theF888 do you think you are telling someone else who they can and cannot love? that my friends is an infringement on our most basic of rights. I'll tell ya what... i'll drop the dude that tells me who i can and cannot love quicker than he can take his/her next breath. yes i said his/"HER" i belive in FULL equall rights. no special rules for ANYone. sorry. besides... i know a couple girls that can beat my arse. >< -Iraq... thats kinda touchy. i'm not going there. awww fudge it... i went everywhere else except god... and that's coming up... ;) We did it oh darn... we invaded. but guess what... i recall a certain population of a certain country literally SCREAMING to go to war after a certain tragic day. and ya know what? we let loose the riens of our governments warhorse... sorry she ran away from us. And you can say alll day that "oh we never meant for them to fight in iraq." well ya know what? It doesn't matter... i'm gonna let ya in on a little secret. (this isn't dirrected just at you btw dude this goes out to everyone.) war never turns out they way ya plan and most of the time it bleeds over into other conflicts and causes more problems than was intially intended to resolve. -about the movies... it's yer oppinion. love some hate some. -capitalism? can't go there... i'm not familiar with it. -gum? i like mint. :D -god... here we go... >< That's a serious can of worms dude. you realize how hot of a topic this is? i've noticed that there is generally two sides with no middle ground. It's either creationism or evolution. never both. This saddens me. why? you ask... well because it causes tension. I have to wonder... has anyone ever thought that maybe they're BOTH wrong and they are BOTh right at the same time? Lets look at this... The bible says the earth is only like 4000ish years old. or something like that. Science prooves that it is MUCH older. Creation's argument? god gives scientists false readings just to test us. WOW!!! that's a stretch... Big bang. measured evidence pretty much proven. God made it all in 7 days. errr 6 w/e i'mmmm gonna have to go with the big bang... but what started it? hmmmmmm? science has NO idea. oh there are theories, but alot of them make about as much sense as a dude getting swallowed by a whale cause god was pissed at him, he askes forforgiveness, is granted it and god makes the whale puke him back up... riiiiiiight. Most religeous faiths... the have a "perfect" being or creator. Infallible w/o flaw. ok... perfect=without need of change. flawless. nothing better. if a being is perfect. would i decieve that which it created? no would be no need to. christians... i ask you... if god is perfect... why did he need a break? perfection doesn't get tired!! ****s and giggles? i doubt it. but who knows... i'm not perfect so i couldn't comprehend a perfect mind... but logically it just doesn't make sense. ok... sooo almost all religions have books of thier faith right? right. some are stone... but w/e. EVERYone has contradicting messages. Eye for an eye -> forgive and forget. though shal not kill or i'll kill you!!(smite kill same damn thing) children are innocent and precious... but it's ok for a diety to wipe out the firstborn sons of a nation? gotcha. Egypt-book of life -> book of the dead. Gods fighting gods. Greek- gods fighting gods. Paganism- We made you. we love you! worship us. sacrifce virgins!! >:D That one pops up alot oddly enough... but you get my point i hope. don't even get me started on scientology. now i bashed religion pretty good huh? but guess what... science is full of just as many assholes who are just as stubborn and thickheaded as some of the religeous fanatices. but see science isn't perfect either. there are penty of things that are missing. links to things that are related... like evolution. we differ from monkies by like 2 pairs of chromasomes... but they don't know where the 2 pairs came from. why isn't it possible that religeon is wrong with the dates, and that science is right with evolution and god simply took a good idea he had and added something better to make us. it's either we're related to monkies or dust religeous guys... and personally i'd rather have a monkey as an ancestor than dust. monkies are more fun!! :D it is possible for the two to come together... both sides need to just open thier minds a little to the other and stop having a pissing contest. i really don't care whose god is bigger than whose or what type of animal we came from... what i care about is where we go from here... TO the future!! may it be good. :) so over all dude. kudos for having an oppinion. it's good to believe in something and to stand for it... but try not to be soo aggressive about it. all it does is shut doors and ears. |
What I want to know is if you have extensive knowledge, what can you tell us about the aliens? How about the structure of reality? What about the Higgs Bosen? What is it and will they find it? What is the Holy grail? Who is making all these crop circles? (I want names and addresses if they are human.) ![]() Aliens don't exist. The structure of reality is a three dimension construct inside a four dimensional one. The higgs boson is a theretical particle predicted by and named after the theorist. I believe its associated gravity? I forget The holy grail is a story, a fable fiction. Crop circles are made by people with strings and boards. If you google crop circle makers you'll probably find a few, saw some on tv once. Names and addresses your on your own but who wants that, to actually see the boards and strings they used? |