Its the prelude to the Apocalypse, the start of the Cosmic Shift that will change the Universe in 2012. The Planet is cleansing itself. Expect more of it. ^ This |
Go Obama!
To be rid of Bush....PRICELESS!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Has anybody ever told you you look like Hugh Laurie? Just a longer face. |
Go Obama!
I stole a clock from Germany and brought it here, I boosted our GDP by 50 bucks
Go Obama!
Even if it puts the country in to ruinous debt? Huckabee, Ron Paul, or even Bill Richardson could not have done a worse job of combating this recession. Your opinion and you know what they say about opinions...... Obama is going to do well and we will all be fine. Even if we're in 100% GDP debt? We're already a quarter of the way there, and Obama's only been president for a few months. True, Iraq was expensive, but STD research and butterfly parks will ruin us. |
Go Obama!
Obama is doing great considering what he inherited. I will take him over any of the other options available anyday. Even if it puts the country in to ruinous debt? Huckabee, Ron Paul, or even Bill Richardson could not have done a worse job of combating this recession. |
Go Obama!
Oh, yes, that's the stimulus package that Bush started. This bill was authored by Obama. Don't let the liberal media tell you otherwise. I don't look at Fox. I look at unbiased facts. So unbiased facts tell you Bush actually wrote the bill which Obama pushed through? What happened, did his spirit float in through the window and pick up Obama's pen while Obama was in the restroom? |
Go Obama!
Oh, yes, that's the stimulus package that Bush started. This bill was authored by Obama. Don't let the liberal media tell you otherwise. |
Go Obama!
Do you forget that it was the Bush regime that got us into this financial mess? You dare lay the blame of a recession on the head of one man? Impossible. The fact is, American middle-class home owners got us into this mess. They believed that their houses would keep gaining value indefinitely, so they made very unwise financial decisions. When the prices of those houses dropped, we got financial turmoil. Bush and Paulson saved us from the worst of it by saving the financial corporations, but were unable to stop the recession all by themselves. Try turning off MSNBC for once, pick up an Economist. |
Go Obama!
To be rid of Bush....PRICELESS!!! Between Bush and Nobama, I'll pick Bush any day. At least with Bush around we were fighting a winnnable war. |
Go Obama!
Edited by
Tue 04/28/09 04:21 PM
Yay Obama! Yay liberal agendas! Hooray for a lifetime of higher taxes and American debt!
The following is a list of projects included within the economic "stimulus" which Obama shoved down Congress's throat. - up to $18 billion to crush brand new cars (yes, literally crush them - SUVs and trucks) - $5 billion for Democrat political action groups like ACORN - $500,000 for dog parks - $4.5 million for butterfly gardens - $6 million for water slides - $1 million for a frisbee golf course - $20 million "for the removal of small- to medium-sized fish passage barriers" - $25 million to rehabilitate off-roading (ATV) trails - $34 million to remodel the Department of Commerce headquarters - $70 million to "Support Supercomputing Activities" for climate research - $2 billion to re-start FutureGen, a near-zero emissions coal power plant in Illinois that the Dept. of Energy defunded last year because the project was inefficient - $246 million tax break for Hollywood movie producers to buy motion picture film - $88 million for the Coast Guard to design a new polar icebreaker (arctic ship) - $448 million for constructing the Dept. of Homeland Security headquarters - $248 million for furniture at the new Dept. of Homeland Security headquarters - $600 million to buy hybrid vehicles for federal employees - $400 million for the CDC to screen and prevent STD's (^And they call this an ECONOMIC STIMULUS?!?) - $1.4 billion for a rural waste disposal programs - $125 million for the Washington, D.C. sewer system - $150 million for Smithsonian museum facilities - $1 billion for the 2010 Census, which has a projected cost overrun of $3 billion - $75 million for "smoking cessation activities" - $200 million for public computer centers at community colleges - $75 million for salaries of employees at the FBI - $25 million for tribal alcohol and substance abuse reduction - $500 million for flood reduction projects on the Mississippi River - $10 million to inspect canals in urban areas - $6 billion to turn federal buildings into "green" buildings - $500 million for state and local fire stations - $650 million for wildland fire management on Forest Service lands - $150 million for Smithsonian museum facilities - $1.2 billion for "youth activities" - $88 million for renovating the headquarters of the Public Health Service - $412 million for CDC buildings and property - $500 million for building and repairing NIH facilities in Bethesda, MD - $160 million for "paid volunteers" at the Corporation for National and Community Service - $5.5 million for "energy efficiency initiatives" at the VA "National Cemetery Administration" - $850 million for Amtrak - $100 million for reducing the hazard of lead-based paint - $75M to construct a new "security training" facility for State Dept Security officers when they can be trained at existing facilities of other agencies - $110 million to the Farm Service Agency to upgrade computer systems - $200 million in funding for the lease of alternative energy vehicles for use on military installations - unspecified millions to illegal immigrants (in the form of 'rebate' checks) Man, why didn't we vote this guy in earlier? We could have been drowning in debt by now. |
My philosophy.
Aliens don't exist. The structure of reality is a three dimension construct inside a four dimensional one. The higgs boson is a theretical particle predicted by and named after the theorist. I believe its associated gravity? I forget The holy grail is a story, a fable fiction. Crop circles are made by people with strings and boards. If you google crop circle makers you'll probably find a few, saw some on tv once. Names and addresses your on your own but who wants that, to actually see the boards and strings they used? While I disagree about aliens (although I believe they live FAR away from us if they do exist) you're mostly right. |
My philosophy.
I find it interesting that you have used the term "communist" as a negative way to describe the president, and then resort to a communistic mind-set while claiming that the right to life is the government's. As others have said... I must commend your courage! ![]() It's not a communistic mindset. I believe in a militaristic free market, where socially issues are determined by the government and the economic system is laissez-faire. I was referring to Obama as a communist because he is, economically. If you think the social positions I take are communist, think again. China has evolved into a capitalistic economy but the people are still deathly afraid to criticize the government. Think Starship Troopers (the book) |
My philosophy.
This is interesting. Mandated abortion? Could you explain a little more concerning whose right it is to decide for a woman to have an abortion? The government's. If additional babies will put too much of a strain on available resources, they shouldn't be allowed to be born. |
My philosophy.
Actually new research shows that absolutely is nothing is chaotic, everything happens for a reason and within a set of given circumstances the outcome can be predicted. You proved my point |
My philosophy.
Edited by
Sun 02/08/09 11:01 AM
Whew...well I am just going to say something about this part of the quote, since in your infinate wisdom, there was just too much to cover. Because you believe evolution and the big bang is how it happened, how can you prove God doesn't exist? I am not talking about religions..because there are many of those. If you look at all life, it is logical and set up perfectly for what it is supposed to do. (I won't even discuss the miracle of birth with you since you are a young male and have no clue, but I am sure all the women who have been a part of this understand) You may be a very smart young man, but if you are, you are surely not closed minded already!! In my mind, everything that has come about had to be part of a plan,one thing feeding off of the next off of the next. You may say, well the gasses and the atom and the..well..pffft. Where did it all actually start?? Prove to me that you know that, and we will discuss God or the lack of ![]() You should read Jurassic Park and The Lost World for Michael Crichton's ideas about how life is logical and set up perfectly (chaos theory supplements this) The "miracle" of birth? two sex cells merge, reproduce, form an embryo, which grows into a fetus, which is born and becomes a baby. Not a miracle - just basic reproduction. "Where did it all actually start??" Who says the universe has a starting period? I think it's always been here. Besides, materialistic evidence (quarks, outer space, carbon dating) builds a much more plausible case than some giant up in the sky who made us in his image (which is extremely similar to an evolved monkey). Religion was okay back 1000 years ago when we didn't know where lightning came from or why steel is steel and water is a reaction of 2 hydrogen molecules and an oxygen molecule |
My philosophy.
Edited by
Sun 02/08/09 08:01 AM
Dane Cook sucks.
God doesn't exist. Evolution and the Big Bang is how it all happened. We're all alone, and none of us are going to any sort of afterlife when we die. Death is the cessation of brain and organ functions - think of death as what it was like before you were born. Your mind, your entity, won't exist. No matter what promises of bipartisanship he made, Obama is still a liberal, treehugging Communist. Raw capitalism is dead, it can only be revived if I turn into the president and 3 CEOs of major companies. Diet sodas are better than sugary, syrupy regular sodas Minty gum beats fruity gum. The Departed rules, Step Brothers sucks. The Godfather is great, Disaster movie was a disaster. War is a stabilizing event for a country because it gives us something to do. Rome was successful because all they did was war; whenever they stopped, they had social unrest/economic hardship. If America started conquering again, the world would be a better place. We will be paying for this 4 years of unlimited government spending for the rest of our lives. Electric cars just make your electric bill go up - Although you're not paying for gasoline, you're paying just as much if not more in electrical use - not to mention creating greenhouse gases as coal and oil are burned to produce electricity. There is nothing wrong with gay marriage, just as there's nothing wrong with abortions. In fact, abortions should be mandated in families where 3 children are already present - global overpopulation is a problem and a threat to the survival of the human species as we start eating more food than we can grow. Enough diplomatic bull****. If a country insults us, they get invaded. We should have long since invaded Iran, assassinated Hugo Chavez, and sponsored a war between South Korea and North Korea. The UN should be disassembled, as should NAFTA and NATO. NATO's primary purpose has shifted from fighting communism to fighting terrorism - and terrorism is here to stay in the age of modern military tactics. NAFTA is just an excuse for Mexicans to cheat the US out of resources (Canada does too, but at a lesser extent. ) We should have never invaded Iraq - instead, we should have pressed the UN to impose sanctions on Saddam Hussein's government. The US government should start a GSE (Government Sponsored Enterprise - see Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae) which produces and sells marijuana, so the government has another legitimate source of income besides taxing the hell out of the top half of the US. The IRS should be completely shut down and in its place a higher sales tax should be implemented - forcing prostitutes, migrant workers, and illegal immigrants to contribute money to society. The government should forbid Internet Service Providers from setting monthly bandwidth caps, which is a ridiculous idea - almost like a highway charging you for every mile you drive. Feel free to argue with any or all of my thoughts above - do so and prepare to get rocked by my extensive knowledge. Keep in mind I don't do drugs, the only reason I support the legalization of marijuana is because it contributes a source of income to our government. |