"Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition
from weak minds." Albert Einstein. |
Well I can come up with just as many that prove creation
No, you can't, because time and time again, ID has been scientifically disproven, and also legally proven to be nothing more than an attempt at getting religion into the public school systems. One of these days you're going to shock us all by actually giving an exampe of I.D. being disproven - so we have a clue as to what you're talking about. |
Well I can come up with just as many that prove creation
No, you can't, because time and time again, ID has been scientifically disproven, and also legally proven to be nothing more than an attempt at getting religion into the public school systems. One of these days you're going to shock us all by actually giving an exampe of I.D. being disproven - so we have a clue as to what you're talking about. The video is a bit long, but try actually watching it. Also, I am not the first person to post this video. So, the proof has been displayed before. |
Edited by
Thu 02/12/09 09:57 AM
Well I can come up with just as many that prove creation
No, you can't, because time and time again, ID has been scientifically disproven, and also legally proven to be nothing more than an attempt at getting religion into the public school systems. One of these days you're going to shock us all by actually giving an exampe of I.D. being disproven - so we have a clue as to what you're talking about. It has nothing to do with ID being disproven. ID, disguised as creationism, is nothing other then a faith-religious-bible-inerrant negative argumentation of the fact-scientifically supported scientific theory of evolution. You can't 'disprove' ID, it is crationism in disguise, and creationism is faith based. Nothing presented by the creationist camp, other than dogma, nothing to observe or verify, nothing to disprove. What has been repeatedly established, from the judicial and scientific perspectives, is that ID is nothing other than a religious,faith-based, negative argument against the theory of evolution, and has been found unsconstitutional, on the legal front, and anything but science simply because nothing scientifically verifiable (scientific papers, research, verifiable findings, peer reviews, etc.) has ever been submitted. Disprove ID?!?!?!? Totally impertinent. I.D., like its ancestors, bible inerrancy and creationism, are matter of FAITH, not FACT. Like all matters of FAITH, it is totally incompatible with the natural arena. It belongs entirely to the supernatural, where it could never be used to prove or disprove anything in the natural arena, anymore than it could ever be proven itself. PROOF does not apply to FAITH, ... just as BELIEF doesn't apply to SCIENCE |
And bats are not birds, so there!.
![]() |
Edited by
Thu 02/12/09 10:04 AM
| Here is an interesting article on who wrote the bible. The evolution of the bible has been ongoing throughout history. It has been made to fit a certain agenda. It would probably not be very recognizable in it's original state, ya think? However - there is a 99 per cent accuracy with the bible of today and the manuscripts found in the 1st century. All those changes. |
It’s absurd to say you accept microevolution and not macro. Your god can’t allow for adaptation within one of his creations but not allow for continued adaptation over a long period of time. Besides ANY evolution should be off limits to you because you believe that your god is omnipotent so why would he have created fully formed creatures that weren’t already perfectly designed from the get go? Think. What makes Micro Evolution and Macro evolution mutually exclusive? Perhaps you are unaware that micro evolution does not give evidence that a single species has evolved into another. Only change within "kind". |
![]() Know any chimps that can type on a keyboard ? Or talk? Or dress themselves? Or write? Or cook a grand dinner for two? Or reason? Or think? Know any? Even one? Just ![]() ![]() ![]() Once upon a time I knew next to nothing about how evolution actually works. Get educated, this link has tons of info, both highly educational websites including universities, popular videos, as well as class room lectures. Once you understand how evolution works it becomes clear there is no mechanism to prevent morphological changes that would alter a species enough to keep it from breeding back with its ancestor species. Once that happens then small changes add up due to the fact the genetic material can no longer be passed between these population, and thus the changes add up, the difference becomes greater and greater. Micro and macro evolution are the same thing, only on different time scales. Dear Billy ![]() Microevolution is KNOWN and Understood, and there is even PROOF that microevolution took place(this is Evolution WITHIN a species ONLY... and usually took place as a species had to ADAPT to its environment) . Now Macroevolution ..which Evolutionists are just SAYING that also took place ( evolution that transcends the boundaries of a single species.... and becomes a WHOLE OTHER species), is NOT NEVER EVER HAPPENED...and there is NO PROOF whatsoever. NADA!!! MACRO EVOLUTION IS Just THEORY....NOT FACT, BILLY!!! ![]() But I don't mind you all sharing...please can even call me ignorant if you want.. ![]() But I will also share with you the TRUTH of what God's Word says.... which is again.... "ALL things reproduce after its own KIND".... Now....God's Word Does NOT change....... therefore, God saying that "all things reproduce after its own kind" , does not change either........ and will never cahnge.... or else God would be ONE who does NOT keep His Word.... and therefore would be Nothing more than a big fat Liar. AND IF God is a Liar...and Hs WORD IS a Lie.... then the WHOLE of creation is in CHAOS ..and we are all DOOMED!!! BUT BILLY.... since Jesus thru His Holy Spirit , came to live in my heart, I KNOW God is NOT a Liar..and I KNOW God's WORD is TRUE !!!! ![]() meaning.... what God said in His Word IS TRUE!!!! Meaning.... "All things reproduce after its own Kind" is ALSO TRUE...... ![]() But Billy, I ALSO Understand, that until man is born again, man will NOT see or understand what God's Word says....or even believe it.... I do understand.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey Morningsong, Just a thought. Your god, according to your book, is omnipotent and omniscient, COULDN'T HIS WORD EVOLVE!!! Isn't that conceivable??? Just a hint, 99,997% of all christians accept that god's word evolves, and accept evolution micro, macro and all!!! Well - those 99.997 % who accept that God's word evolves never read the text. It explicitly states that not one "jot or tittle" would change, and anyone wo adds or detracts from it brings eternal damnation on themselves. I think that if christains believe the word is evolving - hey need to check themselves on whether or not their a christian. For if they don't know Jesus - I doubt he knows them. Obviously some do not know the history of the bible and how it came to be what we have today if they believe it has not been edited and converted to fit certain agendas. Look it up or here I will help. Old Testament Genesis | Exodus | Leviticus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Joshua | Judges | Ruth | 1 Samuel 2 Samuel | 1 Kings | 2 Kings | 1 Chronicles | 2 Chronicles | Ezra | Nehemiah | Esther | Job Psalms | Proverbs | Ecclesiastes | Song of Solomon | Isaiah | Jeremiah | Lamentations | Ezekiel Daniel | Hosea | Joel | Amos | Obadiah | Jonah | Micah | Nahum | Habakkuk | Zephaniah | Haggai Zechariah | Malachi [edit] New Testament Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians | Colossians 1 Thessalonians | 2 Thessalonians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Hebrews | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John Jude | Revelation [edit] Deuterocanonical books The deuterocanonical books (meaning "second canon") are not recognized as part of the canon of the Bible in Protestantism, but are recognized as canonical by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. They are also known as the Apocrypha. These books came from the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament used by early Christians and Jews. They were included in the first editions of the King James Bible, but were removed from some editions by reformers during the 16th century. By the mid-19th century, the deuterocanonical books were generally rejected by Protestant Christians. Judaism used the Septuagint until about the second century AD, but doesn't recognize either the deuterocanonical or New Testament books as part of their own canon, which is known as the Tanakh. Additions to Daniel Judith 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Additions to Esther Susanna 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Prayer of Manassheh Sirach Wisdom of Solomon Baruch (including the Epistle of Jeremiah) Tobit Bel [edit] Copyright The King James Version is also known as the Authorized Version. Note that in the United Kingdom, this work is still copyrighted and is subject to a eternal copyright term. Thou shalt obtain permissions to publish in England and Wales by following the guidance in A Brief Guide to Liturgical Copyright, third edition (RTF file). If thou wishest to publish in Scotland, thou shalt contact the Scottish Bible Board for permissions. This work is in the public domain outside the United Kingdom because the author has been deceased at least 100 years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, this work is under an eternal copyright in the United Kingdom. Oh - I see, a game of semantics. This argument only holds true if I accept your premise that anyone who follows the text of the cannonized bible and whatever they wish to add t it, is a christain. But I seriously doubt that we agree on the premise of who is a chrstian and who isn't, so this discussion can't get past the main premise. Just list me in the percentage of christains that says that the bible does not evolve, and we'll leave it at that. ![]() Congratulations 'Eljay', You are the proud member a highly select group, mainly found in the US, and comprising 0,00262% of the world christian community. You and your fellow member, futher distinguish yourselves by 'fundamentally protesting' the faith and beliefs of just about every other christians, comprising 99,997% of the lot, and covering the vast majotiry of catholics, anglicans, orthodox and protestants other than the Fundamentalist-Evangelicalists. Amicably 'eljay', you have to admit, that that's a tall 'PROTESTING' order. I personally don't care that 99.what-ever think that the bible "evolves". I can't demonstrate from scripture that it does. Now - if you are refering to the 66 books of the bible, and "all the others" (for lack of a better term) such as the Gnostic scriptures, or the Apocrapha - I have the same feeling about them as well. They say what they say, and are not going to "evolve" into something else. I have not read the "other books" in totality, so I can't comment on their accuracy, or "inspiration" - but my test would simly be to see where they fit into the whole in terms of context. To date - I only have the opinions of others wh have interpreted the text, and well - you now where I stand on people interpeting scripture for me... I'm curious where you get your per centage though - because I know I'm not amoungst a small elite group who thinks the bible is not evolving. Are you twisting words on purpose, for fun or out of habit. How am I suppose to make sense of your reply to me 'Eljay', with your comment '... because I know I'm not amongst a small elite group who thinks the bible is not evolving...' I know the first part '... amongst a small elite group...' is coherent with my previous post to which you are replying, but where does the '... who think THE BIBLE IS EVOLVING???...' come from??? A small elite group founding their faith in a '... bible inerrancy belief...' MUTATES into ' believing the bible is evolving...'!!! That's like faith mutating into 'bible inerrancy', mutating into creationism, mutating into Intelligent Design, and getting gruesomely declared 'unscientific', 'unsconstitutional' and a simple matter of faith and belief!!! Back to square one. I this thread, on this topic, you are invited to address how FAITH mutates into FACT, because you keep making that claim, and yet you never demonstrate how that formidable and incomprehensible feat is achieved. That is where the debate is at. None of the creationist, fundamentalist, or other apologetist of the 'expert' kind, have succeeded yet in addressing this FAITH mutating into FACT mystery in the public arena where FACTS, judicial or scientific get to be debated and judged. So for now, from the scientific and judicial perspectives, the premise you promote as FACT, is but a MYSTERY in reality, or if you wish to make it yours, legitimate material for anyone's personal FAITH!!! I would appreciate, if you could fond in you to respect and debate the topic of this thread. With a bit of rigour and mental discipline, it could be a respectful and interesting debate. Okey. Let's bring this down to basiscs. Give me the evidence for the theory of Evolution mutating into fact. We're not discussing the Biblical theory mutating into fact - that is a topic you wish to refute - I have nothing to add to it, as there is no emperical evidence for the "Fact" of creation. Just as there is no emperical evidence for the "fact" of Macro evolution. It is a "FAITH" based theory. |
So....according to evolutionists ... man and chimp share a common ancestry... meaning both came from the same common ancestor. Hmmmm.... Ok.....a Question: IF that were so.... shouldn't at least SOME of man's traits be passed on to the chimp.... since both man and chimp come from the SAME "common ancestor"? And by the same token... shouldn't at least SOME of the chimp's traits be passed on to man.... since both man and chimp come from the SAME "common ancestor"? I least SOME of the traits of the chimp , should have passed on to man... at least SOME of the traits of man, should have passed on to chimp. Yes? Seeing that they both "seemingly" share this common ancestry? I mean....... shouldn't at least one chimp have evolved... with... lets say.....for instance.... the ability to make and use man ? And shouldn't at least one man out there.... have at least one of the traits of a chimp... let's say....for instance... have the abiity to climb to the top of tall trees ... and swing from limb to limb....way up high at the very top... just like the chimp? I mean.. the saying goes..that we come fom the same ancestor.....right? So we both at least, should SHARE SOME COMMON TRAITS!!!! At least One!! Right? Oh...btw....WHO is this common ancestor , that evolutionists speak about? Beautiful People Here... ![]() You don't REALLY think you and a chimp .... share a common ancestry you ? Nah. I didn't think so either ![]() ![]() ![]() Is she for real? Or is this the worse case of sarcasm ever? We don't share any common traits? Are you blind? Have you ever seen a chimp... or any primate for that matter? As far as us both having the exact same traits... that's why it's called EVOLUTION! Because we've adapted to become something different. If we had ALL the same traits as the chimp... we'd BE A CHIMP! So - if we share 92-99 per cent DNA (pick a number) with an Ape - due to a common ancester - Why so many disimilarities? |
No way you just asked that... Go back a few threads and I believe it was already answered. It's because we branched off and evolved differently and at different rates. Domestic cats and lions share a common ancestor. How come a lion can eat you and a domestic cat cannot? ![]() However - if you own a cat and drop dead in your kitchen, you are eventually going to be that cat's meal if someone doesn't find you. |
So Eijay what you are saying is that we didn't evolve from a chimpanzee, monkey type animal at all.
That there is no chance that we came from anykind of monkey type or other animal at all. That perhaps you agree we were humans all along, but maybe just didn't stand up straight, or had more hair. What is your conclusion and belief on how we as a human evolved millions of years ago? |
question for MS, with all the information, data and facts provided here regarding evolution, do you still stand that evolution did/did not exist? Well - I don't know about MS, but the information, is merely the presumption of those with a world view of Macro Evolution. Nothing new there. Dat - what data? There isn't a single "fact" for Macro evolution on this entire thread. Please - reiterate what you think is a "fact". |
The Bible's tools to determine what was or what wasn't? 1. Accounts written by historians or writers with slightly exaggerated imagination to attract more followers. 2. Eyewitnesses that have contributed to the writings of the bible that help add accounts to some of the wars the people had to experience to make it more believable. 3. Sages/pilgrims that studied recent mythologies of Egypt/Greek/Roman to create a new stories and a foundation that worked against Jesus's actual teachings. Remember the Jews and the Roman's didn't like how Jesus challenged their belief system. Roman Emperor Constantine believed he was a God and the Jews didn't like their Torah to be questioned. Therefore, both agreed to put an end to Jesus who truly was teaching how to coexist together peacefully and was used as bait in the end to ground the very foundation (christianity) that he didn't want to happen. Therefore the bible can't possibly tell us anything about evolution as it is not a book intended to do so. First the people at the time didn't have the technology to do so and second the book is primarily a book of recent imaginative writers who had knowledge in recent mythologies and mixed it in with accurate accounts of happenings at the time to make it believable. *************************************************************************** The Evolutionist's tools to determine the history of our past as of evolution. 1. Recorded documents cross examined with the big three methods of research. The big three are: a. Archaeology - the study of bones, arrowheads, fragments of pots, oystershell middens, figurines and other relics that survive as hard evidence for the past. In evolutionary history, the most obvious hard relics are bones and teeth, and the fossils they eventually become. 2. Renewed Relics - records that are not themselves old but which contain or embody a copy or representation of what is old. In human history these are written or spoken accounts, handed down, repeated, reprinted or otherwise duplicated from the past to the present. In evolution, I shall propose DNA as the main renewed relic. 3. Triangulation - This name comes from method of judging distances by measuring angles. Take a bearing on a target. Now walk a measured distance sideways and take another. From the intercept of the two angles, calculate the distance of the target. Some camera rangefinders use the principle, and map surveyors traditionaly relided upon it. Evolutionists can be said to "triangulate" an ancestor by comparing two or more of its surviving descendants. In today's society we have much more technology to research then we did when the bible was written and therefore shows that an evolutionist will have a better chance (and have already) in showing the history of our past. As to the list you have - tell me how the 1st two on the list of Evolution are NOT also on the list for the bible. As for the third. What has this got to do with fact or evidence for evolution? While I don't disagree with you on the fact that the technology of today is more advanced than that of biblical times, We still know less about what happened back then than the people who were alive at that time who recorded. That fact should be pretty obvious - wouldn't you think? |
Objectivity needs open mindedness. It means to consider all possibilities. If you can't do that, you can't be objective. If I wanted to, I could for every belief of mine find facts to support it, just by looking into websites, books, what ever that just bring forth the arguments I want to belief and hear. But that's not the way it works because I would create my own reality exclusionary to other facts. It would be a very lonely place to be. But what is your criteria for discerning that what you are reading represents the truth? How do you measure your "objectivity" if not according to your world view? One can certainly consider all the possibilities - but that doesn't mean a good number of them just won't be simply rejected. How many people do you think are on these threads who reject the bible without ever reading it? Think on that and we'll revisit "objectivity" and "open mindedness". |
Edited by
Thu 02/12/09 11:01 AM
![]() Know any chimps that can type on a keyboard ? Or talk? Or dress themselves? Or write? Or cook a grand dinner for two? Or reason? Or think? Know any? Even one? Just ![]() ![]() ![]() Once upon a time I knew next to nothing about how evolution actually works. Get educated, this link has tons of info, both highly educational websites including universities, popular videos, as well as class room lectures. Once you understand how evolution works it becomes clear there is no mechanism to prevent morphological changes that would alter a species enough to keep it from breeding back with its ancestor species. Once that happens then small changes add up due to the fact the genetic material can no longer be passed between these population, and thus the changes add up, the difference becomes greater and greater. Micro and macro evolution are the same thing, only on different time scales. Dear Billy ![]() Microevolution is KNOWN and Understood, and there is even PROOF that microevolution took place(this is Evolution WITHIN a species ONLY... and usually took place as a species had to ADAPT to its environment) . Now Macroevolution ..which Evolutionists are just SAYING that also took place ( evolution that transcends the boundaries of a single species.... and becomes a WHOLE OTHER species), is NOT NEVER EVER HAPPENED...and there is NO PROOF whatsoever. NADA!!! MACRO EVOLUTION IS Just THEORY....NOT FACT, BILLY!!! ![]() But I don't mind you all sharing...please can even call me ignorant if you want.. ![]() But I will also share with you the TRUTH of what God's Word says.... which is again.... "ALL things reproduce after its own KIND".... Now....God's Word Does NOT change....... therefore, God saying that "all things reproduce after its own kind" , does not change either........ and will never cahnge.... or else God would be ONE who does NOT keep His Word.... and therefore would be Nothing more than a big fat Liar. AND IF God is a Liar...and Hs WORD IS a Lie.... then the WHOLE of creation is in CHAOS ..and we are all DOOMED!!! BUT BILLY.... since Jesus thru His Holy Spirit , came to live in my heart, I KNOW God is NOT a Liar..and I KNOW God's WORD is TRUE !!!! ![]() meaning.... what God said in His Word IS TRUE!!!! Meaning.... "All things reproduce after its own Kind" is ALSO TRUE...... ![]() But Billy, I ALSO Understand, that until man is born again, man will NOT see or understand what God's Word says....or even believe it.... I do understand.. ![]() ![]() ![]() Hey Morningsong, Just a thought. Your god, according to your book, is omnipotent and omniscient, COULDN'T HIS WORD EVOLVE!!! Isn't that conceivable??? Just a hint, 99,997% of all christians accept that god's word evolves, and accept evolution micro, macro and all!!! Well - those 99.997 % who accept that God's word evolves never read the text. It explicitly states that not one "jot or tittle" would change, and anyone wo adds or detracts from it brings eternal damnation on themselves. I think that if christains believe the word is evolving - hey need to check themselves on whether or not their a christian. For if they don't know Jesus - I doubt he knows them. Obviously some do not know the history of the bible and how it came to be what we have today if they believe it has not been edited and converted to fit certain agendas. Look it up or here I will help. Old Testament Genesis | Exodus | Leviticus | Numbers | Deuteronomy | Joshua | Judges | Ruth | 1 Samuel 2 Samuel | 1 Kings | 2 Kings | 1 Chronicles | 2 Chronicles | Ezra | Nehemiah | Esther | Job Psalms | Proverbs | Ecclesiastes | Song of Solomon | Isaiah | Jeremiah | Lamentations | Ezekiel Daniel | Hosea | Joel | Amos | Obadiah | Jonah | Micah | Nahum | Habakkuk | Zephaniah | Haggai Zechariah | Malachi [edit] New Testament Matthew | Mark | Luke | John | Acts | Romans | 1 Corinthians | 2 Corinthians | Galatians | Ephesians | Philippians | Colossians 1 Thessalonians | 2 Thessalonians | 1 Timothy | 2 Timothy | Titus | Philemon | Hebrews | James | 1 Peter | 2 Peter | 1 John | 2 John | 3 John Jude | Revelation [edit] Deuterocanonical books The deuterocanonical books (meaning "second canon") are not recognized as part of the canon of the Bible in Protestantism, but are recognized as canonical by the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. They are also known as the Apocrypha. These books came from the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament used by early Christians and Jews. They were included in the first editions of the King James Bible, but were removed from some editions by reformers during the 16th century. By the mid-19th century, the deuterocanonical books were generally rejected by Protestant Christians. Judaism used the Septuagint until about the second century AD, but doesn't recognize either the deuterocanonical or New Testament books as part of their own canon, which is known as the Tanakh. Additions to Daniel Judith 1 Esdras 2 Esdras Additions to Esther Susanna 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Prayer of Manassheh Sirach Wisdom of Solomon Baruch (including the Epistle of Jeremiah) Tobit Bel [edit] Copyright The King James Version is also known as the Authorized Version. Note that in the United Kingdom, this work is still copyrighted and is subject to a eternal copyright term. Thou shalt obtain permissions to publish in England and Wales by following the guidance in A Brief Guide to Liturgical Copyright, third edition (RTF file). If thou wishest to publish in Scotland, thou shalt contact the Scottish Bible Board for permissions. This work is in the public domain outside the United Kingdom because the author has been deceased at least 100 years. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- However, this work is under an eternal copyright in the United Kingdom. Oh - I see, a game of semantics. This argument only holds true if I accept your premise that anyone who follows the text of the cannonized bible and whatever they wish to add t it, is a christain. But I seriously doubt that we agree on the premise of who is a chrstian and who isn't, so this discussion can't get past the main premise. Just list me in the percentage of christains that says that the bible does not evolve, and we'll leave it at that. ![]() Congratulations 'Eljay', You are the proud member a highly select group, mainly found in the US, and comprising 0,00262% of the world christian community. You and your fellow member, futher distinguish yourselves by 'fundamentally protesting' the faith and beliefs of just about every other christians, comprising 99,997% of the lot, and covering the vast majotiry of catholics, anglicans, orthodox and protestants other than the Fundamentalist-Evangelicalists. Amicably 'eljay', you have to admit, that that's a tall 'PROTESTING' order. I personally don't care that 99.what-ever think that the bible "evolves". I can't demonstrate from scripture that it does. Now - if you are refering to the 66 books of the bible, and "all the others" (for lack of a better term) such as the Gnostic scriptures, or the Apocrapha - I have the same feeling about them as well. They say what they say, and are not going to "evolve" into something else. I have not read the "other books" in totality, so I can't comment on their accuracy, or "inspiration" - but my test would simly be to see where they fit into the whole in terms of context. To date - I only have the opinions of others wh have interpreted the text, and well - you now where I stand on people interpeting scripture for me... I'm curious where you get your per centage though - because I know I'm not amoungst a small elite group who thinks the bible is not evolving. Are you twisting words on purpose, for fun or out of habit. How am I suppose to make sense of your reply to me 'Eljay', with your comment '... because I know I'm not amongst a small elite group who thinks the bible is not evolving...' I know the first part '... amongst a small elite group...' is coherent with my previous post to which you are replying, but where does the '... who think THE BIBLE IS EVOLVING???...' come from??? A small elite group founding their faith in a '... bible inerrancy belief...' MUTATES into ' believing the bible is evolving...'!!! That's like faith mutating into 'bible inerrancy', mutating into creationism, mutating into Intelligent Design, and getting gruesomely declared 'unscientific', 'unsconstitutional' and a simple matter of faith and belief!!! Back to square one. I this thread, on this topic, you are invited to address how FAITH mutates into FACT, because you keep making that claim, and yet you never demonstrate how that formidable and incomprehensible feat is achieved. That is where the debate is at. None of the creationist, fundamentalist, or other apologetist of the 'expert' kind, have succeeded yet in addressing this FAITH mutating into FACT mystery in the public arena where FACTS, judicial or scientific get to be debated and judged. So for now, from the scientific and judicial perspectives, the premise you promote as FACT, is but a MYSTERY in reality, or if you wish to make it yours, legitimate material for anyone's personal FAITH!!! I would appreciate, if you could fond in you to respect and debate the topic of this thread. With a bit of rigour and mental discipline, it could be a respectful and interesting debate. Okey. Let's bring this down to basiscs. Give me the evidence for the theory of Evolution mutating into fact. We're not discussing the Biblical theory mutating into fact - that is a topic you wish to refute - I have nothing to add to it, as there is no emperical evidence for the "Fact" of creation. Just as there is no emperical evidence for the "fact" of Macro evolution. It is a "FAITH" based theory. 'eljay', The theory of evolution doesn't have to MUTATE into fact, it already is nothing other than an overwhelming mountain of facts, and nothing other than facts. I.D., the mutated form of creationism, has no fact, and all faith. Theory of Evolution's mountain of facts need not wait for your approval before drawing factual conclusions about its moutain of 'evolution' proof. You and your creationist friends have ludicrously attempted to pass 'evolution' as faith!!! That is plain and simple desperation. And it has failed miserably where it matters: review the Dover case, and nearly a hundred othe such cases, including one Supreme Court judgement. 'Macro' evolution is a disingeneous fabrication of the creationist camp. It has long been demonstrated that there is only evolution, regardless of size or stage. How can you STILL sit there and keep claiming that one, when your own camp has given up on it. The simple REAL question to the creationist camp that killed this disingeneous deceitful claim, was simple enough: '... CAN YOU DEMONSTRATE CLEARLY WHERE IN THE GENOME, MICRO EVOLUTION OCCURS, AND THE SPECIFIC STAGE WHERE IT BECOMES 'MACRO', AND STOPS OCCURING??? ...' The creationists would need to finally start making sense, enter a lab, start testing scientifically, in order to come back with tangible testable findings. How can you keep saying the other guys factual demonstration is wrong, without ever explaining and demonstrating your claim??? No answer. No counter argument. No comeback. Nothing to substantiate your claim. That what becomes a deceitful pursuit!!! The 'Micro' and 'micro' noise, is nothing other than a negative argument, and a most deceitful pursuit. It stands on nothing. It cannot be argued scientifically, and it has the pretention of attacking real evidence, facts, and proof in science, without ever justifying its attacks. YOU AGREE WITH YOUR MICRO-EVOLUTION FABRICATION, YOU AGREE WITH EVOLUTION PERIOD. Sorry that you keep insisting that the Human part must agree with the verbatim of your Adam and Eve book, but neither FICTION nor FAITH will ever be compatible with facts. |
But what is your criteria for discerning that what you are reading represents the truth? How do you measure your "objectivity" if not according to your world view? One can certainly consider all the possibilities - but that doesn't mean a good number of them just won't be simply rejected. How many people do you think are on these threads who reject the bible without ever reading it? Think on that and we'll revisit "objectivity" and "open mindedness". To remain objective one must be uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices. |
Edited by
Thu 02/12/09 11:25 AM
The Bible's tools to determine what was or what wasn't? 1. Accounts written by historians or writers with slightly exaggerated imagination to attract more followers. 2. Eyewitnesses that have contributed to the writings of the bible that help add accounts to some of the wars the people had to experience to make it more believable. 3. Sages/pilgrims that studied recent mythologies of Egypt/Greek/Roman to create a new stories and a foundation that worked against Jesus's actual teachings. Remember the Jews and the Roman's didn't like how Jesus challenged their belief system. Roman Emperor Constantine believed he was a God and the Jews didn't like their Torah to be questioned. Therefore, both agreed to put an end to Jesus who truly was teaching how to coexist together peacefully and was used as bait in the end to ground the very foundation (christianity) that he didn't want to happen. Therefore the bible can't possibly tell us anything about evolution as it is not a book intended to do so. First the people at the time didn't have the technology to do so and second the book is primarily a book of recent imaginative writers who had knowledge in recent mythologies and mixed it in with accurate accounts of happenings at the time to make it believable. *************************************************************************** The Evolutionist's tools to determine the history of our past as of evolution. 1. Recorded documents cross examined with the big three methods of research. The big three are: a. Archaeology - the study of bones, arrowheads, fragments of pots, oystershell middens, figurines and other relics that survive as hard evidence for the past. In evolutionary history, the most obvious hard relics are bones and teeth, and the fossils they eventually become. 2. Renewed Relics - records that are not themselves old but which contain or embody a copy or representation of what is old. In human history these are written or spoken accounts, handed down, repeated, reprinted or otherwise duplicated from the past to the present. In evolution, I shall propose DNA as the main renewed relic. 3. Triangulation - This name comes from method of judging distances by measuring angles. Take a bearing on a target. Now walk a measured distance sideways and take another. From the intercept of the two angles, calculate the distance of the target. Some camera rangefinders use the principle, and map surveyors traditionaly relided upon it. Evolutionists can be said to "triangulate" an ancestor by comparing two or more of its surviving descendants. In today's society we have much more technology to research then we did when the bible was written and therefore shows that an evolutionist will have a better chance (and have already) in showing the history of our past. As to the list you have - tell me how the 1st two on the list of Evolution are NOT also on the list for the bible. As for the third. What has this got to do with fact or evidence for evolution? While I don't disagree with you on the fact that the technology of today is more advanced than that of biblical times, We still know less about what happened back then than the people who were alive at that time who recorded. That fact should be pretty obvious - wouldn't you think? I would beg the differ that we actually know more today then we did back then and even why such writings where written at the time in the begin with. These writings you read everyday or often in the bible is in my opinion a set of laws to control the masses using superstitious belief system to attain the order. With the help of some remarkable ancient mediterrenean stories, some history of the people to make it believable, and a wide range of imagination it remains a storybook at its best. Concerning evolution, I was merely showing you the different technics evolutionists use to find out more about the past of our ancestory. These are just a few compared to other instruments they use. They use writings yes, but also cross exam with the treasures they find such as fossils. They use DNA, carbon, and so forth that I am sure Paul or John didn't use to see how life started back millions upon millions of years ago. I mean be my guest if you want to believe in the stories of the bible such as walking on water, healing the blind, or destroying complete civilizations with a wave of the hand. It is your choice, but many of us will not buy it and want to truly know where our ancestory comes from. What happened millions of years ago and how we came to evolve today. Now concerning this ongoing macroevolution and microevolution debate that goes on in various threads is something we can discuss. I believe that macroevolution (evolution on the grand scale of millions of years) is simply what you get when microevolution (evolution on the scale of individual lifetimes) is allowed to go on for millions of years. The contrary view is that macroevolution is something qualitatively different from microevolution. Neither view is self evidently silly if you think about it. Nor are thy necessarily contradictory either. As so often, it depends on what you mean. We could use the parallel growth of a child. Imagine an argument about an alleged distinction between macrogrowth and microgrowth. The study macrogrowth, we weigh the child every few months. Every birthday we stand her up against a white doorpost and draw a pencil line to record her height. More scientifically, we could measure various parts of the body, for example the diameter of her head, the width of the shoulders, the length of the major limb bones, and plot them against each other. We also see significant events in the development such as the first appearance of public hair, or the first sign of breasts and menstruation in girls, and of facial hair in boys. These are changes that constitutes macrogrowth, and we measure them on a timsesale of years or months. So what I am saying is macrogrowth is the sum of lots of small episodes of microgrowth. In any case it doesn't matter which to use as long as the information is accurate. Now what I have a problem is those who think Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection explains microevolution, but is in principle important to explain macroevolution, which consequently needs an extra ingredient. Unfortunately, this hankering after skyhooks has been given aid and comfort by real scientists whose intentions are innocent of any such thing. I have discussed the theory of "punctuated equilibrium" before with friends in Germany in my language who have a much broader and better understanding then I will ever have on the subject. I have never seen any good reason to doubt that macroevolution is lots of little bits of microevolution joined end to end over geological time, and detected by fossils instead by genetic sampling. Nevertheless, there could be - and I believe there are - major events in evolutionary history after which the very nature of evolution itself changes. Evolution itself might be said to evolve. So far progress has meant individual organisms becoming better over evolutionary time at doing what individuals do, which is to survive and reproduce. But we can also countenance changes in the phenomeneon of evolution itself. Here are some questions you should ask yourself Eijay and see if really the Bible can answer these questions? Might evolution itself become better at doing something - what evolution does - as history goes by? Is late evolution some kind of improvement of early evolution? Do creatures evolve to improve not just their capacity to survive and reproduce, but the lineage's capactiy to evolve? Is there an evolution of evolvabilty? I am certain that macroevolution as of microevolution will find these answers much quicker then the Bible will ever tell us. That is if you truly want to rewind time to see. |
Tangible proof of macroevolution
Touching off a scientific furor, researchers say they have discovered the mutation that caused the earliest humans to branch off from their apelike ancestors — a gene that led to smaller, weaker jaws and, ultimately, bigger brains. Smaller jaws would have fundamentally changed the structure of the skull, they contend, by eliminating thick muscles that worked like bungee cords to anchor a huge jaw to the crown of the head. The change would have allowed the cranium to grow larger and led to the development of a bigger brain capable of tool-making and language. The mutation is reported in the latest issue of the journal Nature, not by anthropologists, but by a team of biologists and plastic surgeons at the University of Pennsylvania and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania researchers said their estimate of when this mutation first occurred — about 2.4 million years ago — generally overlaps with the first fossils of prehistoric humans featuring rounder skulls, flatter faces, smaller teeth and weaker jaws. And, the remarkable genetic divergence persists to this day in every person, they said. But nonhuman primates — including our closest animal relative, the chimpanzee — still carry the original big-jaw gene and thanks to stout muscles attached to the tops of their heads, they can bite and grind the toughest foods. Over 2 million years since the mutation, the brain has nearly tripled in size. It’s a very intriguing possibility.” University of Michigan biological anthropologist Milford Wolpoff called the research “just super.” “The other thing that was happening 2½ million years ago is that people were beginning to make tools, which enabled them to prepare food outside their mouths,” he said. “This is a confluence of genetic and fossil evidence.” Over 2 million years since the mutation, the brain has nearly tripled in size. It’s a very intriguing possibility.” University of Michigan biological anthropologist Milford Wolpoff called the research “just super.” “The other thing that was happening 2½ million years ago is that people were beginning to make tools, which enabled them to prepare food outside their mouths,” he said. “This is a confluence of genetic and fossil evidence.” Details of the study In their experiment, the Penn team isolated a new gene in an overlooked junk DNA sequence on chromosome 7. It belongs to a class of genes that express production of the protein myosin, which enables skeletal muscles to contract. Originally the scientists were concentrating on determining the biological underpinnings of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a muscle-wasting disease. But once they isolated the mutation, they spent the next eight months deciphering its evolutionary implications. Different types of myosin are produced in different muscles; in the chewing and biting muscles of the jaws, the gene MYH16 is expressed. But the Penn researchers discovered humans have a mutation in the gene that prevents the MYH16 protein from accumulating. That limits the size and power of the muscle. In primates like the macaque, the jaw muscles were 10 times more powerful than in humans. They contained high levels of the protein, and the thick muscles were attached to bony ridges of the skull. When did this genetic split occur? Scientists assume that the rate of genetic change a species undergoes is relatively constant over time. So the Penn group looked deep into the fossil record to determine when the jaws of human ancestors started looking smaller and more streamlined as compared to more apelike creatures. |
Creationists often assert that "macroevolution" is not proven, even if "microevolution" is, and by this they seem to mean that whatever evolution is observed is microevolution, but the rest is macroevolution.
In making these claims they are misusing authentic scientific terms; that is, they have a non-standard definition, which they use to make science appear to be saying something other than it is. Evolution proponents often say that creationists invented the terms. This is false. Both macroevolution and microevolution are legitimate scientific terms, which have a history of changing meanings that, in any case, fail to underpin creationism. |