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Topic: Gross Out!!!
no photo
Tue 02/03/09 09:54 AM
ill When was the last time you grossed yourself out? I'll admit it if you will...ill

rlynne's photo
Tue 02/03/09 09:58 AM
what happens post child birth....sick

i can't believe i'm saying that

ReddBeans's photo
Tue 02/03/09 09:58 AM
Edited by ReddBeans on Tue 02/03/09 09:59 AM
Everyday, I have a new Chihuahua puppy that isn't housebroken yet. I recently changed his food, so those of you who know what happens when you do that, know what I'm dealin with. Thank Gosh I ain't got carpet!! LMAO ill ill ill ill ill

KennyLingus's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:00 AM

TBRich's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:01 AM
I threw some old green eggs into the compost from the hen house and broke them open and puked and have had a weak stomach ever since. It that what you are looking for, or you want to hear about all the times I farted and grossed myself out.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:04 AM
Cool! Keep 'em coming, TBRich...I'm almost ready to admit mine...

And c'mon Kenny...I know from personal experience that YOU'RE pretty gross...biggrin

KennyLingus's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:04 AM

I threw some old green eggs into the compost from the hen house and broke them open and puked and have had a weak stomach ever since. It that what you are looking for, or you want to hear about all the times I farted and grossed myself out.

Hey, try;
3 beers
2 pickled eggs
1 Box Jeno's Pizza rolls, dipped in
Jalapeno Cheddar cheese chip dip
2 shots of whiskey

Hope you have a strong stomach and no sense of smell.

Don't Panic!

KennyLingus's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:05 AM

Cool! Keep 'em coming, TBRich...I'm almost ready to admit mine...

And c'mon Kenny...I know from personal experience that YOU'RE pretty gross...biggrin

That's Mebiggrin

Don't Panic!

Upfrontgal's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:06 AM
I just moved to a new place with new carpet and my dog decided they were going to get sick on the new carpet. So To save the carpet I cupped my hands together and put them under his mouth. Boy what a big mistake.

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:10 AM

I just moved to a new place with new carpet and my dog decided they were going to get sick on the new carpet. So To save the carpet I cupped my hands together and put them under his mouth. Boy what a big mistake.

Oh noooooooo! Hahahahaheheheheeeeeew! That's gross!

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:18 AM
For me it's when my female cat was giving birth and she couldn't deliver the second baby I could see the tip of the head and I could see her suffering had to go in there and pull the kitten out, it was dead and difformed and so gross to look at that I puked right after.

I love my cat and did it without thinking but i don't think that if I had thought about it that i would have done it, I have a soft heart for animals and it hurt to see that baby kitten.

darkowl1's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:19 AM
i was walking in a farm field, and i smelled something awful behind a wind break of trees, and when i got through the break, i saw some fourty pigs lying in the sun, bloated to about twice the size (the size of a grizzly), my mouth fell open to say the very least, well, my friend came out, and we were just stunned about this mass slaughter, well it turns out that there was insectcide mixed with the feed (hit the news), so my friend had the wise-ass conclusion that we should pop one. i said what??????!!!!!!! well, before i could react, he had done so..... mmmmaaaannn!!!!!!! that was the stinkiest mess i've ever smelled, and i almost wretched, but the smell lingered on my skin for a week. popping pigs........what next!!!! i couldn't believe he did that!

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:22 AM

i was walking in a farm field, and i smelled something awful behind a wind break of trees, and when i got through the break, i saw some fourty pigs lying in the sun, bloated to about twice the size (the size of a grizzly), my mouth fell open to say the very least, well, my friend came out, and we were just stunned about this mass slaughter, well it turns out that there was insectcide mixed with the feed (hit the news), so my friend had the wise-ass conclusion that we should pop one. i said what??????!!!!!!! well, before i could react, he had done so..... mmmmaaaannn!!!!!!! that was the stinkiest mess i've ever smelled, and i almost wretched, but the smell lingered on my skin for a week. popping pigs........what next!!!! i couldn't believe he did that!

Oh man! How did he pop it?

krupa's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:24 AM
Two wings

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:25 AM
Didja ever belch and taste a hot dog you ate three days ago?

darkowl1's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:28 AM
with a stick. he stabbed it..............then he went and stabbed somemore!!!!laugh laugh laugh i got the hell outa there!!! i guess he was havin a ball stabbin stinky pigs!!!!laugh laugh laugh i couldn't believe!!! but it was just stupid-funny watching him do this!!! i yelled at him.....WHATS THE MATTER WITH YOU!!! i guess he liked the smell, i donno.rofl scared shocked surprised shades

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:31 AM
Sooooooooo Darkowl...were the pigs...uh...juicy...too?

KennyLingus's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:33 AM
OK, here goes; The cat puked back in the corner under the workbench and when I went smell hunting I found it had been there so long it had turned into a ball of mold. There was a 'basement bug' next to it and there was a can of bug killer in reach so I sprayed it. The whole ball of mold started 'undulating'(?) and dying bugs came rolling out.sick

Don't Panic!

no photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:33 AM

ill When was the last time you grossed yourself out? I'll admit it if you will...ill

The last time I ate pretzels and peanuts, and farted. Never again.

TBRich's photo
Tue 02/03/09 10:36 AM
Once when I was married I heard the kid downstairs straining on the can. Since he was just learning and wasn't wiping himself yet, I went to help. At the base of the stairs I step in cat poop, I was struggling to find the light switch, but first found the dog's poop, finally making it to the bathroom with cat and dog poop between my toes, I found the kid with poop all over his leg and floor. I took a shower with him and slept late, so that the BIQ could handle in the morning.

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