Topic: 6000 years | |
You know Nubby I think you would enjoy a book by the physicist Paul Davies Called "Cosmic Jackpot"
He is such a physicist who might be up your ally. No disregard for the man, he is brilliant. Not sure I agree with him, but I read his book 4 times. |
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Sun 02/01/09 07:01 PM
already been said)
You know Nubby I think you would enjoy a book by the physicist Paul Davies Called "Cosmic Jackpot" He is such a physicist who might be up your ally. No disregard for the man, he is brilliant. Not sure I agree with him, but I read his book 4 times. Thanks Billy. |
has not science come to the end of an age, it's studies in many ways as stopped at the speck???
to be now searching and spending billions in search of the "god particle"??? this seems to be very telling of where humanity is in space time, in relationship to what past ancients all spoke, as within infinity, what be a marker but peoples, their words and space and matter??? thy myan's and hindue's as well saying 2012, and now powering up the LHC??? the mere fact science even call it the "god particle" is of huge impact, as this show no adversity of knowing what is or is not, based on any stigma of any certain words, as defined in days past??? talk within the scientific community and secular spectrums embrace unlimited possibilities more than ever before, and god sight was said to be recognized within humans as UNLIMITED POSSIBILITIES??? what is spoken of these days within science would have brought severe scorn from many within the scientific communtiy at large not long ago??? |
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Sun 02/01/09 07:39 PM
There's no reason not to trust science and religion. I'm a christian and believe the earth is as old as scientist say it is. the bible doenst say "earth began" A thousand years is a day to God and there is proof in Genesis that man walked the earth before adam and eve. as stated in both genesis and isaiah about lucifer being cast out of heaven and having dominion over earth and how kings reigned on it durring that time. adam and Eve were presented on earth and God gave it to them, they are the ones that gave it back to lucifer. Careful study of the bible actually shows increments of 2000 years between adam and eve----> Noah----->Christ------> Now. You really want to study up ? have a look at what was going on during the same time as Christ and it puts the reality into perspective. Faith belongs in the heart thats what makes us unique, trust in God not what those who want to disprove God. I believe there are only two thing in this universe that are flawless.....God and mathmatics, and God created everything through mathmatics...
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Sun 02/01/09 08:14 PM
There's no reason not to trust science and religion. I'm a christian and believe the earth is as old as scientist say it is. the bible doenst say "earth began" A thousand years is a day to God and there is proof in Genesis that man walked the earth before adam and eve. as stated in both genesis and isaiah about lucifer being cast out of heaven and having dominion over earth and how kings reigned on it durring that time. adam and Eve were presented on earth and God gave it to them, they are the ones that gave it back to lucifer. Careful study of the bible actually shows increments of 2000 years between adam and eve----> Noah----->Christ------> Now. You really want to study up ? have a look at what was going on during the same time as Christ and it puts the reality into perspective. Faith belongs in the heart thats what makes us unique, trust in God not what those who want to disprove God. I believe there are only two thing in this universe that are flawless.....God and mathmatics, and God created everything through mathmatics... ![]() Thanks. I like that. |
So if our concept of time is different than it was in the bible... are you agreeing that the earth is Not only 6000 years old? I don't know how old it is. I am a science person. I look at the fossils and bones that have been found. That's hard proof to me. I agree with Nubby that we don't know how much time was equivalent to ours in Genesis. I'm so going to get my child in trouble at their Christian school. ![]() Good for you though to let your children learn everything and form their own beliefs in life. |
So if our concept of time is different than it was in the bible... are you agreeing that the earth is Not only 6000 years old? I don't know how old it is. I am a science person. I look at the fossils and bones that have been found. That's hard proof to me. I agree with Nubby that we don't know how much time was equivalent to ours in Genesis. I'm so going to get my child in trouble at their Christian school. ![]() Good for you though to let your children learn everything and form their own beliefs in life. I make a point of doing that, Dragoness. ![]() |
So if our concept of time is different than it was in the bible... are you agreeing that the earth is Not only 6000 years old? I don't know how old it is. I am a science person. I look at the fossils and bones that have been found. That's hard proof to me. I agree with Nubby that we don't know how much time was equivalent to ours in Genesis. I'm so going to get my child in trouble at their Christian school. ![]() Good for you though to let your children learn everything and form their own beliefs in life. I make a point of doing that, Dragoness. ![]() |
So if our concept of time is different than it was in the bible... are you agreeing that the earth is Not only 6000 years old? I don't know how old it is. I am a science person. I look at the fossils and bones that have been found. That's hard proof to me. I agree with Nubby that we don't know how much time was equivalent to ours in Genesis. I'm so going to get my child in trouble at their Christian school. ![]() Good for you though to let your children learn everything and form their own beliefs in life. I make a point of doing that, Dragoness. ![]() That means that there might be a chance that my kid might turn out to be as smart as you are. ![]() |
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Sun 02/01/09 08:15 PM
There's no reason not to trust science and religion. I'm a christian and believe the earth is as old as scientist say it is. the bible doenst say "earth began" A thousand years is a day to God and there is proof in Genesis that man walked the earth before adam and eve. as stated in both genesis and isaiah about lucifer being cast out of heaven and having dominion over earth and how kings reigned on it durring that time. adam and Eve were presented on earth and God gave it to them, they are the ones that gave it back to lucifer. Careful study of the bible actually shows increments of 2000 years between adam and eve----> Noah----->Christ------> Now. You really want to study up ? have a look at what was going on during the same time as Christ and it puts the reality into perspective. Faith belongs in the heart thats what makes us unique, trust in God not what those who want to disprove God. I believe there are only two thing in this universe that are flawless.....God and mathmatics, and God created everything through mathmatics... ![]() What is mathematics? IS it the relationship between all things real and imagined? Those relationships are they discovered? where they always there? Have they changed? Can they change? ______ Great post btw! ![]() I don't agree with most if not all Christian apologetics however, I like the way you think abut math! That means that there might be a chance that my kid might turn out to be as smart as you are. ![]() Why Thank you! ![]() |
You're welcome.
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Mon 02/02/09 10:46 PM
There's no reason not to trust science and religion. I'm a christian and believe the earth is as old as scientist say it is. the bible doenst say "earth began" A thousand years is a day to God and there is proof in Genesis that man walked the earth before adam and eve. as stated in both genesis and isaiah about lucifer being cast out of heaven and having dominion over earth and how kings reigned on it durring that time. adam and Eve were presented on earth and God gave it to them, they are the ones that gave it back to lucifer. Careful study of the bible actually shows increments of 2000 years between adam and eve----> Noah----->Christ------> Now. You really want to study up ? have a look at what was going on during the same time as Christ and it puts the reality into perspective. Faith belongs in the heart thats what makes us unique, trust in God not what those who want to disprove God. I believe there are only two thing in this universe that are flawless.....God and mathmatics, and God created everything through mathmatics... ![]() What is mathematics? IS it the relationship between all things real and imagined? Those relationships are they discovered? where they always there? Have they changed? Can they change? ______ Great post btw! ![]() I don't agree with most if not all Christian apologetics however, I like the way you think abut math ![]() And to answer the question... yes all things real and imagined, because technically what we SEE isn't really whats there. ![]() ![]() everything can change. I believe they were always there just as i believe God always was. Science says "big bang" Christians say "God Spoke", well to create a universe through word im guessing that would be quite an explosion of sound... ![]() I've seen some of your other post bushido and i like where you go with your ideas, Rock on Brudda ! ![]() |
I have a question... I don't understand how people use the bible to justify that the earth is only 6000 years old? Jill -- this is from Wiki -- this has always been the thing that the Young Earthists have pointed out to me as the basis for their belief that the world is 6000 years old: The Ussher chronology is a 17th-century chronology of the history of the world formulated from a literal reading of the Bible by James Ussher, the Anglican Archbishop of Armagh (in what is now Northern Ireland). The chronology is sometimes associated with Young Earth Creationism, which holds that the universe was created only a few millennia ago. Ussher's work, more properly known as the Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti (Annals of the Old Testament, deduced from the first origins of the world), was his contribution to the long-running theological debate on the age of the Earth. This was a major concern of many Christian scholars over the centuries. The chronology is sometimes called the Ussher-Lightfoot chronology because John Lightfoot published a similar chronology in 1642–1644. This, however, is a misnomer, as the chronology is based on Ussher's work alone and not that of Lightfoot. Ussher deduced that the first day of creation began at nightfall preceding Sunday October 23, 4004 BC, in the proleptic Julian calendar, near the autumnal equinox. Lightfoot similarly deduced that Creation began at nightfall near the autumnal equinox, but in the year 3929 BC. Ussher's proposed date of 4004 BC differed little from other Biblically-based estimates, such as those of Bede (3952 BC), Ussher's near-contemporary, Scaliger (3949 BC), Johannes Kepler (3992 BC) or Sir Isaac Newton (c. 4000 BC). Ussher's specific choice of starting year may have been influenced by the then-widely-held belief that the Earth's potential duration was 6,000 years (4,000 before the birth of Christ and 2,000 after), corresponding to the six days of Creation, on the grounds that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). This view had been almost completely abandoned by 1997,[citation needed] six thousand years after 4004 BC. Some biblical scholars, as well as a number of evangelical Christians, declare their literal interpretation of the Bible and a 6000-year-old Earth. |
Edited by
Tue 02/03/09 06:52 AM
I have a question... I don't understand how people use the bible to justify that the earth is only 6000 years old? ....corresponding to the six days of Creation, on the grounds that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). This view had been almost completely abandoned by 1997,[citation needed] six thousand years after 4004 BC. Some biblical scholars, as well as a number of evangelical Christians, declare their literal interpretation of the Bible and a 6000-year-old Earth. Abandoned by who? No true follower of God and Christ would abandon anything written in the bible, and those that do are putting "God on a shelf" so to speak and in fact creating their own god. It is written Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish [ought] from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you. So to say something written in the bible has been completely abandoned is anti God rhetoric. And to say "some biblical scholars,...a number of of evangelical Christians" is a vague generalization. By no means am i pushing my doctrine of faith, to each must decide for themselves but i will defend against lies and propaganda. BTW if its written in wikki it must be true, because it's not like anyone can just tamper with facts from that site ![]() ![]() |
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Tue 02/03/09 06:55 AM
Well, go ahead and try to change something on wiki and make it wrong, then time how long it takes for it to be corrected.
Its an interesting experiment. Most historic facts on wiki are correct (because its easy to validate the sources) Complex cutting edge topics are where wiki is a poor source. |
So to say something written in the bible has been completely abandoned is anti God rhetoric. So, I take it you still stone to death "Heathens"(anyone who doesn't believe as you do), unruly children, and women who have had "relations" before their wedding night? Since the bible says you're supposed to do that. |
6000 yrs is what the BIBLE dates add up to be.
did you know that there are almost 300 flood legends from almost every culture(every major culuture has one) evolution is unprovable despite what some idiots think every piece of so-called evidence has been discredited!!!fact if there wasn't a world flood we wouldn't have coal and oil simply impossible to make over a long slow process the geologic column is made up and most are to dumb to realize this. |
So to say something written in the bible has been completely abandoned is anti God rhetoric. So, I take it you still stone to death "Heathens"(anyone who doesn't believe as you do), unruly children, and women who have had "relations" before their wedding night? Since the bible says you're supposed to do that. That's old Testament. |
So to say something written in the bible has been completely abandoned is anti God rhetoric. So, I take it you still stone to death "Heathens"(anyone who doesn't believe as you do), unruly children, and women who have had "relations" before their wedding night? Since the bible says you're supposed to do that. That's old Testament. But it is still in the bible, as DeKLiNe0fMaN claimed: to say something written in the bible has been completely abandoned is anti God rhetoric.
So my point, and questions still stands. |