Topic: Copenhagen Project | |
I have to write a paper for my Macroeconomics class about the copenhagen
project. I would like to see if anybody knows about this, and what outputs can i get from y guys. Thanks. P.D. I'm going to make my online research don't think I'm lazy lol |
Damn! never heard of it. You better post some information as you
develop your paper, Walker! ![]() Oceans |
I've *heard* of it. But nothing I could trust would be worth repeating.
Yes, do share the report. |
Just for what the teacher said this morning. It's a bunch of economists
gather together to find solutions to Global Crises. Like AIDS or Malnutrition and Hunger Ironic enough i just got the wikipedia article about it. But i'm going to need way more information i may post my paper after I'm done. It's due next tuesday which is the day of my final exam. |
Best of luck TLW - will enjoy your reading your paper. Don't forget
footnotes to tell us where you found your information too. Sounds like it will be interesting. |
Here is the paper:
1. It is not comprehensive i just had to write a 500-word paper, just explaining what it is? and the second question was from all the challenges which one I would choose. 2. The paragraphs that have footnotes have been copied verbatim with the teachers authorization because they are merely definitions. BTW each one in the class was assigned a different topic (we are just 9). 3. Anything that does not have a footnote is my own view after everything I have read. Which is the part the teacher will pay attention the most. |
The goal of the Copenhagen Consensus project was to set priorities among
a series of proposals for confronting ten great global challenges. These challenges, selected from a wider set of issues identified by the United Nations, are: civil conflicts; climate change; communicable diseases; education; financial stability; governance; hunger and malnutrition; migration; trade reform; and water and sanitation.# 1 The panel was asked to address the ten challenge areas and to answer the question, “What would be the best ways of advancing global welfare, and particularly the welfare of developing countries, supposing that an additional $50 billion of resources were at governments’ disposal?” Ten challenge papers, commissioned from acknowledged authorities in each area of policy, set out more than 30 proposals for the panel’s consideration. During this week’s conference the panel examined these proposals in detail. Each paper was discussed at length with its principal author and with two other specialists who had been commissioned to write critical appraisals, and then the experts met in private session.# 2 The challenger I chose is: “Hunger and malnutrition.” This paper was written by Jere R. Behrman, Harold Alderman, and John Hoddinott. This chapter reviews the nature and scale of the problem and the economic benefits which would flow from successful solutions. Four opportunity areas for effective use of resources to reduce malnutrition are then proposed: 1. Reducing the prevalence of Low Birth Weight 2. Infant and child nutrition and exclusive breastfeeding promotion 3. Reducing the prevalence of iron deficiency anaemia and vitamin A, iodine and zinc deficiencies 4. Investment in technology in developing country agriculture. # 3 From these four opportunities the most interesting from my point of view is: “Infant and child nutrition and exclusive breastfeeding promotion.” Nutrition in the first two years of life is second only to development in the womb in determining a child’s healthy growth. Promoting breastfeeding in communities where incomes are low and food and water supplies are often contaminated can have significant benefits for childhood development and lifetime productivity. The gains are supplementary to those of opportunity 1 and of a similar magnitude. Costs of effective programs in place already make such actions easily justifiable in economic terms. For example, studies conducted in Latin American hospitals, show benefit/cost ratios for breast feeding promotion of 5 about 4 for typical interventions. Community based growth promotion is also a promising intervention in some environments.# 4 This opportunity was rated 11th (fair) among all the other opportunities within the ten challenges that were proposed during the Copenhagen Consensus. However, I think that there must be a more deeper study with regard this topic. In Latin American countries we have a great rate of underweight children. This is an odd because these countries are extremely rich in productive land. The problem is that this land is private property. Most of the owners are large landlords that prefer to maintain this land unproductive because their opportunity-cost to invest money in land is greater than investing on industries or in foreign businesses. With an adequate policy of incentives the governments can have these landlords to invest in their lands. Consequently, we would have as first benefit the generation of new employments that would give enough money to farm workers to buy food and feed their families properly. Then, once we have the land producing we will have more food on the markets which will produce a decrease on the prices of food, so this will make them more accessible to low income families in suburban and rural areas. Departing from a well feed child population then we can think in other areas as education, government, or migration. It is important to say that if the UN is going to invest money in our South American countries they have to impose a very strict control over corruption which is the bigger cancer that is destroying our republics. |
wikipedia has one major problem any freak can edit it's contents which
would be visible to any user imediately after they edit it. |
immediately.......hmm damn my spelling tonight lol
Yep you got that right.
But one advangage of the wikki is that they will post at the top of the page and within the body 1)if the edit or content is in dispute. and 2) if the edit or content posted does not have verified sources. therfore you can read it and make up your own mind on the article you are reading. |
i don't know anything about that
snuff ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey Miguel...
Do you use Google Scholar as well.. When writing essays here, we have to cite our references, both intext citations, and refencing at the end of the paper. We are not allowed to use any referencing other than scholarly, that is to say is scholarly information, supported and backed up by recognised bodies. Are you allowed to use wikepedia? |
Its like you said has to be scholarly. no wiki, no you-tube, scholarly journals, or gov. sources! Usually we have to summit an annotated bibliography before hand with at least 12 sources, so the instructor can verify what sources we will use and half must be annotated so they can see the content. 500 words for such a deep subject, TLW, it would be hard to cover 1 portion of that paper in 500 words. I want to go to your school, LMAO,, try 6 to 8 pages, and maybe you could do an in depth job of research. maybe, I read your post and thats a deep subject. I would be very interested to read it though when your done. I just turned 8 pages today on Why the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan and I could have wrote 20 pages. My instructor almost didnt approve my choice of topics, because he didnt think it could be done in less than 12. |
try looking at this, then look up or google for copenhagen summit. im not critiquing your work, unless youre asking for it then maybe, but, im a nobody. doc |
.org sites are acceptable too doc, good pic!!
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Uggg...annotated bibs suck...thankfully not all mine have to have them
attached or submitted first... and I was taught to use one referencing system, then had to flip to a different one, with half of my subjects... 500 word, is a great paper to write, and I suspect it may be the foundations of other papers to come..I could be wrong, but it is how some of my lecturers work, a short, concise foundation paper, then onto bigger explorations of the subject, with lengthier papers to be submitted.. |
500 words isnt much.... but if thats all they require then hey great.
thats why I said I want to go to school there LMAO I didnt mean to be derogatory its just thats more of a short essay. We use MLA format........... When we turn our final paper in we attach a works cited page on the end. and of course we have to put citations in the paper. |
just for the record
and the sake of my college JSH thread does not allow all those things that my friend fanta is saying. therefore, i just posted the body of the paper which is the message that i tried to deliver |
Sorry Miguel, I wasn't critising...
in any form, I hope you didn't feel that, it certainly wasn't my intent. And the subject is fascinating..I went wandering through some sites last night, I had no idea, and appreciate the opportunity to learn something new. ![]() |
ur welcome Lady Vader