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Topic: Lets go topicless... - part 5
flame1cutie's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:01 PM

Have a good night eveyone
Have to go nowwaving
Good Night Betty, sleep tight.

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:02 PM

Goodnight all and stay warm and safe. Good luck Music.
good night Playfulwaving waving

flame1cutie's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:02 PM

Goodnight all and stay warm and safe. Good luck Music.
Good Night playful.

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:03 PM

Already tried the wine. I couldn't focus after a couple of glasses so I switched to tea. Now I'm wired. Need more wine.drinker laugh

Some days I don't know how I do it either and I actually like what I do.

I'm half way finished. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated drinks
would you like us to help?laugh laugh Betty you take that pile, flame can have this pile and I will take the bottle of winebigsmile there problem solved
u'll have to get the bottle of wine from me!laugh drinks
what kind is it tonight Music?

carold's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:04 PM
Any one still left :)

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:10 PM

Any one still left :)
im here:banana: :banana:

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:10 PM

Goodnight all and stay warm and safe. Good luck Music.
good night Playfulwaving waving
Thanks playful. good night

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:11 PM

Already tried the wine. I couldn't focus after a couple of glasses so I switched to tea. Now I'm wired. Need more wine.drinker laugh

Some days I don't know how I do it either and I actually like what I do.

I'm half way finished. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated drinks
would you like us to help?laugh laugh Betty you take that pile, flame can have this pile and I will take the bottle of winebigsmile there problem solved
u'll have to get the bottle of wine from me!laugh drinks
what kind is it tonight Music?
can't spell it - savu..... blanclaugh white wine

carold's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:12 PM
Had to check out idol again tonight.

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:12 PM
almost had a stabbing here, a corkscrew and my footoops oops oops drinker drinker

carold's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:13 PM

Any one still left :)
im here:banana: :banana:

carold's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:14 PM

Already tried the wine. I couldn't focus after a couple of glasses so I switched to tea. Now I'm wired. Need more wine.drinker laugh

Some days I don't know how I do it either and I actually like what I do.

I'm half way finished. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated drinks
would you like us to help?laugh laugh Betty you take that pile, flame can have this pile and I will take the bottle of winebigsmile there problem solved
u'll have to get the bottle of wine from me!laugh drinks
what kind is it tonight Music?
can't spell it - savu..... blanclaugh white wine
grab the bottle like I did last time :) you like whites better

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:15 PM
Edited by SolitaryMan52402 on Wed 01/28/09 06:16 PM

Already tried the wine. I couldn't focus after a couple of glasses so I switched to tea. Now I'm wired. Need more wine.drinker laugh

Some days I don't know how I do it either and I actually like what I do.

I'm half way finished. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated drinks
would you like us to help?laugh laugh Betty you take that pile, flame can have this pile and I will take the bottle of winebigsmile there problem solved
u'll have to get the bottle of wine from me!laugh drinks
what kind is it tonight Music?
can't spell it - savu..... blanclaugh white wine
are you a better speller when your not indulging ?laugh laugh

carold's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:17 PM

almost had a stabbing here, a corkscrew and my footoops oops oops drinker drinker
be very very careful

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:20 PM

Already tried the wine. I couldn't focus after a couple of glasses so I switched to tea. Now I'm wired. Need more wine.drinker laugh

Some days I don't know how I do it either and I actually like what I do.

I'm half way finished. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated drinks
would you like us to help?laugh laugh Betty you take that pile, flame can have this pile and I will take the bottle of winebigsmile there problem solved
u'll have to get the bottle of wine from me!laugh drinks
what kind is it tonight Music?
can't spell it - savu..... blanclaugh white wine
are you a better speller when your not indulging ?laugh laugh
definitely a better speller before i start indulginglaugh

i like reds and whites. just depends on my mood or what i'm eating. Just so happens this was a nice light flavor for tonight. For some reason i didn't think it would go to my head as quickly as something heavier. rofl Obviously my thinking was a bit flawed.rofl drinks At least the last few kids are passing. think

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:20 PM
I have always liked whites better till I tryed a nice Shiraz... loved itdrinker drinker

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:22 PM

Already tried the wine. I couldn't focus after a couple of glasses so I switched to tea. Now I'm wired. Need more wine.drinker laugh

Some days I don't know how I do it either and I actually like what I do.

I'm half way finished. frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated drinks
would you like us to help?laugh laugh Betty you take that pile, flame can have this pile and I will take the bottle of winebigsmile there problem solved
u'll have to get the bottle of wine from me!laugh drinks
what kind is it tonight Music?
can't spell it - savu..... blanclaugh white wine
are you a better speller when your not indulging ?laugh laugh
definitely a better speller before i start indulginglaugh

i like reds and whites. just depends on my mood or what i'm eating. Just so happens this was a nice light flavor for tonight. For some reason i didn't think it would go to my head as quickly as something heavier. rofl Obviously my thinking was a bit flawed.rofl drinks At least the last few kids are passing. think
any place spec. where you get yours? and how the he!! do you know how to pick one out??

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:23 PM

Had to check out idol again tonight.
I saw that was on, shakes headlaugh

carold's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:24 PM
Yes I like whites mostly too a Red maybe with a heavy dinner.

carold's photo
Wed 01/28/09 06:27 PM

Had to check out idol again tonight.
I saw that was on, shakes headlaugh
This old lady like it lol I'm young at heart not too many shows I do watch.

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