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Topic: Lets go topicless... - part 5
flame1cutie's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:03 PM

Hi everyone....did you miss me?

I am better, how is everyone!

and ready to play!!!!!!

Yes we missed you. Go get um hg. I ran out of snowballs.

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:05 PM

Hey Taz, I haven’t brought out the secret weapon yetlaugh

The rapid fire snow ball blower.?

flame1cutie's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:05 PM
I'm really glad you are feeling betterflowers flowers

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:06 PM
Hg don't believe the Angel stuff.!!
My arm is getting very tired!!

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:06 PM

I'm really glad you are feeling betterflowers flowers
the rabbit didnt die?laugh JKbigsmile

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:08 PM

Hg don't believe the Angel stuff.!!
My arm is getting very tired!!
shocked shocked laugh

playfulat50's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:08 PM
Good evening everyone. It is a balmy 67F here. No snow in sight, but I can splash in puddle for ya. laugh

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:09 PM

Hg don't believe the Angel stuff.!!
My arm is getting very tired!!

Okay ladies you win. I have to go next store. Made hot and sour meatballs for a little pot luck. enjoy everyone.

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:09 PM

I'm really glad you are feeling betterflowers flowers
the rabbit didnt die?laugh JKbigsmile

horsegirl55's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:09 PM

Hg don't believe the Angel stuff.!!
My arm is getting very tired!!

Okay ladies you win. I have to go next store. Made hot and sour meatballs for a little pot luck. enjoy everyone.

I want some!!!!!!!!!!Not fairsad

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:09 PM

I'm really glad you are feeling betterflowers flowers
the rabbit didnt die?laugh JKbigsmile

Oh boy..Now your'e in for it.!!!
Give it to him good HG:banana:

flame1cutie's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:10 PM

Hg don't believe the Angel stuff.!!
My arm is getting very tired!!

Okay ladies you win. I have to go next store. Made hot and sour meatballs for a little pot luck. enjoy everyone.
Have a good time.

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:11 PM

Good evening everyone. It is a balmy 67F here. No snow in sight, but I can splash in puddle for ya. laugh
your meangrumble

flame1cutie's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:12 PM

Good evening everyone. It is a balmy 67F here. No snow in sight, but I can splash in puddle for ya. laugh
your meangrumble
Your right, that was a mean thing to say. warm weather huhgrumble

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:12 PM

Hg don't believe the Angel stuff.!!
My arm is getting very tired!!

Okay ladies you win. I have to go next store. Made hot and sour meatballs for a little pot luck. enjoy everyone.

I want some!!!!!!!!!!Not fairsad

I will send you some dear lady. Must go people are calling. Bye Gald you are feeling better dear lady hugs.

playfulat50's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:15 PM

Good evening everyone. It is a balmy 67F here. No snow in sight, but I can splash in puddle for ya. laugh
your meangrumble
Your right, that was a mean thing to say. warm weather huhgrumble

Uh, sorry. If it is any consolation, it will be in the 20's this weekend?? Does that make it better?? :smile:

no photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:15 PM
feels out numbered nowscared laugh laugh

BettyB's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:16 PM
I heard something so sad on the news tonight.
A 93 year old man was found frozen to death in his home in Michigan .The hydro co.turned off his power cause he fell behind in his bill.
Did you hear about that?:cry:

flame1cutie's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:16 PM

Good evening everyone. It is a balmy 67F here. No snow in sight, but I can splash in puddle for ya. laugh
your meangrumble
Your right, that was a mean thing to say. warm weather huhgrumble

Uh, sorry. If it is any consolation, it will be in the 20's this weekend?? Does that make it better?? :smile:
A little bitbigsmile laugh

playfulat50's photo
Wed 01/28/09 05:17 PM

I heard something so sad on the news tonight.
A 93 year old man was found frozen to death in his home in Michigan .The hydro co.turned off his power cause he fell behind in his bill.
Did you hear about that?:cry:

OMG, do they really do that up there? How very sad.

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