Topic: For Non Americans | |
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Thu 01/22/09 12:49 PM
Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() |
Hmmmm... Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() now thats just annoying |
Hmmmm... Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() I will elect you for anything you want ![]() |
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Thu 01/22/09 12:52 PM
Hmmmm... Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() now thats just annoying Why? it's a non US person's opinion... what's so annoying about my truth? ![]() |
Hmmmm... Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() I will elect you for anything you want ![]() Hello Allen ![]() |
Hmmmm... Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() Being a world leader we should set the example of altruism and helping our fellow humans both here and abroad...We can be tough without being bullies.I am looking forward to OBAMA's tenure and the return of dignity to the Oval office. |
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Thu 01/22/09 01:26 PM
Hmmmm... Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() Being a world leader we should set the example of altruism and helping our fellow humans both here and abroad...We can be tough without being bullies.I am looking forward to OBAMA's tenure and the return of dignity to the Oval office. Yes!!! I totally agree Jax.... Barack has definately got what it takes, his CV is incredible.... what clever people, the people of the US are, to recognise his qualities... Looking at other recent leaders' elect around the world, the theme is similar.... throw the ego out of capitol hill, and return the heart. |
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Thu 01/22/09 02:20 PM
Hmmmm... Something I have noticed over the past couple of years, is that there has become a trend to elect Altruistic compassionate folk into leadership roles across the globe.... I laugh when I hear the typical soundbite of 'the US being a first, and a world leader'... 'bout time you lot caught up, and elected someone with half a brain, and a heart... ![]() now thats just annoying Why? it's a non US person's opinion... what's so annoying about my truth? ![]() bush had a brain just not the information he needed it takes more than 1 person in govt to make bad or good decisions and to say Obama will do any better with his cabinet or that he has half a brain indicates that the previous administrations did not have half a brain which I found annoying. but it is your business. and before you say i don't have half a brain I know this is a run on sentence and i am not using capitalization or punctuation. |
My question is; Why would Americans care what people outside the country thought? ![]() My thoughts exactly. What's to gain from the opinion of those who see us through the eyes of the media. Not all of us will welcome a Socialist Gov. I don't have the animosity toward another country because they deny me entry. I am welcome, should I care to travel, into any country that welcomes Americans. |
Personally I don't believe we were on the wrong track. I just think we had more to deal with, and maybe not all of it was dealt with in a fashion we agree with or had the results we wanted. Who is to say if someone else was leading the country at the time we wouldn't have had the same result. Lets just hope we do not have to deal with the issues of the past in the future. You don't believe that Bush's actions along with his daddy were the result of why America is in the situation we are in? I think Clinton had just as big a hand in things as G.W. did. I think both were more damaging that Bush senior although he had his parts. Better publicists were in control of the Clinton administration. We see this happening against with Obama as well. Forgive me for being skeptical but when he began to rehire memebers from Bush's and Clinton's administration it made me doubtful that we will endure any progress. Unfortunately our politicians haven't been running the "economy" since the early 1900's. And there are issues with our fiat currency that need to be dealt within order to have stable economy. Let me put it this way... one of the last things President JFK did was sign executive order 11110 which bypassed our central bank and put the government in charge of our currency again. Funny how the we still use the federal reserve and our government pays interest on evry dollar it prints huh? Anyways, i know this was directed at non-americans so in the spirit of the post i will comment on my foreign friends. I have a friend from the country of Poland. I found out she worked for various political parties in her country that were campaigning. She, and her family both thought us as being foolish for voting Obama in due to his experience level. Honestly they thought McCain was the smarter choice out of the two. The media shows support that Obama is getting because partly because they are payed to, and partly because they are just happy to see a "minority" in power. Most of the world, to include our country, i truely believe know almost nothing about Obama's intentions. Some do, some don't. On a side note Becca, i read your article describing his first day in office. This made me feel a bit refreshed to think he was working to smother lobbyists. (I heard him speaking our against lobbyism before.) This will help us in the long run. Unfortunately i don't see him changing our foreign policy at all, nor do i see him seeking any solutions to our economic problems as the banks pretty much run that show, and they don't allow congress to know what they talk about in their meetings. No but they sure as heck beg for money to help the institutions they stole from, made bad decisions losing money and expect the government and people to bail them out though don't they?? Ok, you are under the false impression that the federal reserve is part of our government. It's not. It is a private bank loaning billions at an interest rate from money they print themselves. This is the cause of our problem to begin with. If you charge interest for every single dollar in circulation, i ask you, "where do you get that interest to pay the banks from?" And BTW i am angry at the bailout, but the reason it passed is the fact that our fiat monetary system would crash unless our national debt increased drastically. Unfortunately this system is not sustainable in any way until the banks are no longer allowed to charge interest for loans. Think about it... No I am not under that mistaken impression but when the f$$kup where do they go for their bailouts??? Let it crash, better to rebuild!! Than you agree that the banks caused our current problem... I agree, our fiat monetary system needs to crash so we can build a working one. Make no mistake. Mathmatically speaking it will crash someday, the sooner the less damaging. ![]() ![]() ![]() Banks charge interest for all the money being circulated. That is known as the "principal" or "P". They want the people to pay them P + interest. P/(P+I) does not work. Therefore the system will crash. And on a side note, when they F- up they merely go to the central bank for the bailout. Our government is not giving any of them any money, our federal reserve bank is. In my opinion they are because the approved the bailout, it may not be directly coming from congress, but it is indirectly....IMO Yes indeed. Congress had a vote, but that was to give Paulson more spending power and had nothing to do with the Money. The government has nothing to do with printing and distributing money, that is a federal reserve's job. Unfortunately, as i said earlier, the governmentis not entitled to any of it without paying interest. And as i said earlier, this is where we get our deficit.... |
Becca, Look at my post in this thread. Then i respectfully ask you what Obama would do to help this economic crisis... He hasn't offered any help yet. But the changes he would have to make to help us would be much too drastic for any normal man to undergo. Look what happened to JFK when he tried to fix our financial crisis... (Yes, changes JFK tried to make would have PREVENTED our current crisis from happening.) I know, as well as most others, that he is not capable of pulling the economy out of all of it's wrongs. But I do think he has a hell of a chance at trying. He seems to be very wise and 'common sense' smart. "History repeats itself" isn't correct until it actually happens. Plus...he DID freeze the salaries of a lot of the White House aids. That's a hell of a start...don't you think? What he will do from here on out I don't know, but I'm keeping my eyes and ears open. |
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Thu 01/22/09 04:25 PM
Becca, Look at my post in this thread. Then i respectfully ask you what Obama would do to help this economic crisis... He hasn't offered any help yet. But the changes he would have to make to help us would be much too drastic for any normal man to undergo. Look what happened to JFK when he tried to fix our financial crisis... (Yes, changes JFK tried to make would have PREVENTED our current crisis from happening.) I know, as well as most others, that he is not capable of pulling the economy out of all of it's wrongs. But I do think he has a hell of a chance at trying. He seems to be very wise and 'common sense' smart. "History repeats itself" isn't correct until it actually happens. Plus...he DID freeze the salaries of a lot of the White House aids. That's a hell of a start...don't you think? What he will do from here on out I don't know, but I'm keeping my eyes and ears open. Freezing salaries is a definite start. But that won't help you and i out much. He did vote and praise this bailout package, which is said to be up to well over a trillion dollars now. This causes a tax on every person of every income by creating a 10 to 15% inflation. This will hurt us. I don't really blame him for voting for it, but it will make our economy crash much harder in the long run. Another foolish thing he did was start jobs for people. When the private sector can't afford to employ people in a productive role, the government can't treat the problem by inventing unproductive jobs. This again will hurt us a bit more in the long run. On the other hand he did freeze salaries in washington which does send a messege to congress. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other. He has not don'e much, but it appears he is trying. Unfortunately in order to "solve" our problem, you need to make drastic changes. I don't believe he is prepared to make these changes. Especially since it would anger many people with much more power than him. Another up side is the fact that he is talking about community service.... Stay skeptical, don't listen to what he says entirely. He is a gifted speaker, and like Clinton, 90% of what he says is right, but he backs very little of it with solutions/ideas. |
You're right on so many levels, but all we can do is hope what he DOES do will at least start us in the right direction. I've always said things will get worse before they get better. The stimulus package he is passing for the people isn't good for the economy and will in fact make the dollar weaker, but won't it in the less shorter run fuel the people back to spending again?
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Thu 01/22/09 04:31 PM
You're right on so many levels, but all we can do is hope what he DOES do will at least start us in the right direction. I've always said things will get worse before they get better. The stimulus package he is passing for the people isn't good for the economy and will in fact make the dollar weaker, but won't it in the less shorter run fuel the people back to spending again? Yup, but spending won't help our economy in the long run. Kinda crazy isn't it? The only thing that would help us is if everyone took out a $5,000 private loan. Even that would wear off as soon as the payments weren't being made. You know what would be great for our economy... if all the deployed troops were brought home. That would give our country 400,000 troops with fat wallets access to spending. That would also boost us a bit. Unfortunately, again, in the long run it would hurt us again by cutting back on our deficit. We need a new system. We cannot maintain the one we have. Every day something isn't done, the more personal property, that would otherwise belong to us, the banks will own. |
well...we've pulled out of worse...
there's gotta be something that works |
well...we've pulled out of worse... there's gotta be something that works Not so sure we have. Before, during the great depression we had a slightly different money system. Up until 1971 our money was backed by gold and silver. When your money is backed it keeps the system in check a bit more. Now banks were still messing with our economy and making fortunes but their power was limited. Bear in mind the system of banks charging interest is what causes our "bubbles" to build in the first place. They get progressively worse unless you keep pumping an exponentially increasing amount of money into the system. There only one way we can pull out of this. We have to change our entire monetary system. #1. Banks should never, under any circumstance charge interest for money. This is the source of our problem. #2. We need to completely abolish the Federal Reserve and make it illegal for any other bank to take it's place. The government needs to be in charge of our money, not a private business. #3. All money must be backed by something concrete. Gold , silver, platinum, or even infastructure. This keeps government spending in check and honest. What's funny is the fact that our constitution already made number 2 manditory. Gold and silver is supposed to be the only legal tender. This was overridden in 1971. You see why our constitution is so important? Our forefathers saw this coming and tried to prevent it. Anyways, if we want our situation to get better at all, the next couple years would be hell. Hell meaning: a complete mess. Declaration of bankrupcy for the USA. Our dollars would no longer be worth anything while the federal government collected and burned all Bank notes (meaningour current money) so it can be replaced by a new, backed up, system. All banks would go out of business, so many would lose jobs etc. I cannot think of any other way. The longer we wait, the worse it will be for you and i. |
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Thu 01/22/09 07:53 PM
I've been hearing bits here and there about the other countries and how they feel about America. We all know how poorly they thought of us in the recent past. I'd love to hear from you in how you feel....if you feel anything at all. Are other countries really dancing in the streets for our new presidency and the way things are looking for us now? It's good for other countries to have confidence in us again. |
The Middle East sees only a change in the dictator that will continue to support the Israelis - however they are are witholding judgment.
Until Mr Obama starts backing up his words with deeds, the Middle East will not take him seriously. But then the money-men who put Mr Obama into office have more to say about that than he does. |
Wow Belushi, kudos to the middle east for skepticism.
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Do you think America is ready for me ? ![]() I would say absolutely as well, however not everywhere, in some states they are still racist and backwards. Sadly.. |