Topic: For Non Americans | |
I've been hearing bits here and there about the other countries and how they feel about America. We all know how poorly they thought of us in the recent past.
I'd love to hear from you in how you feel....if you feel anything at all. Are other countries really dancing in the streets for our new presidency and the way things are looking for us now? |
I've been hearing bits here and there about the other countries and how they feel about America. We all know how poorly they thought of us in the recent past. I'd love to hear from you in how you feel....if you feel anything at all. Are other countries really dancing in the streets for our new presidency and the way things are looking for us now? ![]() ![]() |
I've been hearing bits here and there about the other countries and how they feel about America. We all know how poorly they thought of us in the recent past. I'd love to hear from you in how you feel....if you feel anything at all. Are other countries really dancing in the streets for our new presidency and the way things are looking for us now? From what I'm hearing on new radio, yes they are. I think it's awesome. |
That is what I've been hearing.
That alone is pretty amazing. It definitely helps the morale which in turn will help pull this country out of the hole. |
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I've been hearing bits here and there about the other countries and how they feel about America. We all know how poorly they thought of us in the recent past. I'd love to hear from you in how you feel....if you feel anything at all. Are other countries really dancing in the streets for our new presidency and the way things are looking for us now? President Barrack Obama is quite refreshing to see in many nations throughout the planet. He has a physical appearance that is genuinely more representative of the differing peoples that make up our current world population |
Most of my foreign friends love America, but clearly hated the W. i would get calls asking WTF does he think he is doing and I would have to tell them that I am not part of his inner circle. Hopefully Obama will be more diplomatic and return to "RealPolitick" versus that crappy diplomatic scheme started by Wilson after WWI, which we have been using.
Personally I don't believe we were on the wrong track. I just think we had more to deal with, and maybe not all of it was dealt with in a fashion we agree with or had the results we wanted. Who is to say if someone else was leading the country at the time we wouldn't have had the same result. Lets just hope we do not have to deal with the issues of the past in the future.
I'm from Canada and I personally wouldn't dance in the street over Obama, he is a politician and he should do the best job he can like any other should do and I'll wait until the end of his term to judge him.
Talking is easy but results say a lot more, if I was American he would have gotten my vote but like all I voted for I don't care who they are (white, black, green) just do your job well. |
Personally I don't believe we were on the wrong track. I just think we had more to deal with, and maybe not all of it was dealt with in a fashion we agree with or had the results we wanted. Who is to say if someone else was leading the country at the time we wouldn't have had the same result. Lets just hope we do not have to deal with the issues of the past in the future. You don't believe that Bush's actions along with his daddy were the result of why America is in the situation we are in? |
Personally I don't believe we were on the wrong track. I just think we had more to deal with, and maybe not all of it was dealt with in a fashion we agree with or had the results we wanted. Who is to say if someone else was leading the country at the time we wouldn't have had the same result. Lets just hope we do not have to deal with the issues of the past in the future. You don't believe that Bush's actions along with his daddy were the result of why America is in the situation we are in? No I think the twin towers and the thousands of people we lost due to an attack on our country is why we are where we are, RIP, fellow countrymen, Firefighter, police and others only doing their civic duty!! I cant say I believe in the way everything was handled, but I will not make aacusations against someone who lead our country in what I deem to be, one of the most difficult times in US History. And hooray to the people on the flights that rose up and took the terrorist with them. I am completely saddened by the loss of innocents in our country and theirs over this!! |
I'm with you on that. However, I believe the terrorists knew they were going down. It was what they were taught.
And I wouldn't have wanted to be in the presidential seat during these times either. However, I also believe Bush's bad judgment reared it's ugly head time and time again. Not only about the war we started with Iraq, but also with many many other issues. Although I think Bush was a strong president, I think he was also a bad one. I also believe that Obama will have to show his strength in his presidency. The problems endured for him to take care of will force him to "put his money where is mouth is" so to speak. |
As a "non American" I have always admired the bridging of the "Great Divide" in the USA. Your country leads the way in "giving credit where credit is due" e.g, I am speaking in terms of promoting those who are capable of and those who deserve to be promoted. Can you in your wildest dreams see a Black, Asian,Chinese or other "race" prime minister, mayor, Lord Chief Justice in the UK this side of this century? Me neither........ Seems America leads the field in "If the person is right for the job, then by all means allow that person to get on with it" Britain unfortunately is still very much steeped in the "Old Boy/Old Tie Network" it isn't a case of getting a job in higher places because of your achievements, it is a case of being born into the right family/circle and of course having that old "silver spoon" firmly rooted in your mouth!.......... Note to Gordon Brown and other political doyens, watch and learn.
Edited by
Thu 01/22/09 06:29 AM
I'm with you on that. However, I believe the terrorists knew they were going down. It was what they were taught. And I wouldn't have wanted to be in the presidential seat during these times either. However, I also believe Bush's bad judgment reared it's ugly head time and time again. Not only about the war we started with Iraq, but also with many many other issues. Although I think Bush was a strong president, I think he was also a bad one. I also believe that Obama will have to show his strength in his presidency. The problems endured for him to take care of will force him to "put his money where is mouth is" so to speak. Look I am not against Obama, he has my support, but who's to say he didnt make bad decisions with the information provided to him. I believe he was lead in certain directions by others. The president runs the country through delegation, but he is the one in the public eye that gets the SH!T!! I am not saying I agree with everything either, just that it was a very difficult time and if any American thinks they could have done a better job with the information he had, then by all means throw your hat in the ring. I have faith in Obama too, lets just not knock the old administration for doing what it thought was best with the information it had at hand!! I am glad we want the best man for the job. And Amen, BonnyMiss, BTW You are beautiful and have beautiful eyes!! |
As a "non American" I have always admired the bridging of the "Great Divide" in the USA. Your country leads the way in "giving credit where credit is due" e.g, I am speaking in terms of promoting those who are capable of and those who deserve to be promoted. Can you in your wildest dreams see a Black, Asian,Chinese or other "race" prime minister, mayor, Lord Chief Justice in the UK this side of this century? Me neither........ Seems America leads the field in "If the person is right for the job, then by all means allow that person to get on with it" Britain unfortunately is still very much steeped in the "Old Boy/Old Tie Network" it isn't a case of getting a job in higher places because of your achievements, it is a case of being born into the right family/circle and of course having that old "silver spoon" firmly rooted in your mouth!.......... Note to Gordon Brown and other political doyens, watch and learn. Do you think that this election will pave the way for other countries to begin opening up more? |
That is what I've been hearing. That alone is pretty amazing. It definitely helps the morale which in turn will help pull this country out of the hole. Every little bit helps. |
Edited by
Thu 01/22/09 07:09 AM
Most of the people i talk to in other countries (except france) Tell me that most people in their countries love america. They say we shouldn't believe the media it's all just hype
Sadam was shooting at our planes and making threats against us for a long time and, not to mention the iraqi people asked us for years to rid them of him. Sadam was flooding the world with conterfeit american hundred dollar bills which was messing up our econ. Part of the reason our econ. is in this state is because congress kept blocking the bills that would've help US. Don't want to hear about hidden things in the bills they did that out of speit to pay the democrates back for not passing the bills to begin with To put it all in a nut shell they (both rep. and dem.) acted like buttholes to be ignorant to each other and not caring about the effects which we are paying for. |
now THAT i believe.
As a "non American" I have always admired the bridging of the "Great Divide" in the USA. Your country leads the way in "giving credit where credit is due" e.g, I am speaking in terms of promoting those who are capable of and those who deserve to be promoted. Can you in your wildest dreams see a Black, Asian,Chinese or other "race" prime minister, mayor, Lord Chief Justice in the UK this side of this century? Me neither........ Seems America leads the field in "If the person is right for the job, then by all means allow that person to get on with it" Britain unfortunately is still very much steeped in the "Old Boy/Old Tie Network" it isn't a case of getting a job in higher places because of your achievements, it is a case of being born into the right family/circle and of course having that old "silver spoon" firmly rooted in your mouth!.......... Note to Gordon Brown and other political doyens, watch and learn. Do you think that this election will pave the way for other countries to begin opening up more? In time it may,it depends on how much governments world-wide do listen to us who elected them to office.I agree with most of what is being said here, the running of a country is not due to just an individual, take a look at our Queen, she is the head of Great Britain, yet she is answerable to her prime minister who in turn is answerable to the ministers around him. This then opens up the field for so called "spin doctors, whips and advisers" (who do not have all of the answers most of the time)the same as I think goes for decision making in the American government ( not all advise is good advise, as history has shown) That said, no government can please all of its people all of the time.Your president Bush had a very hard time in the last months of his term, this was not all due to him.World situation played an important role in the decisions made by Western governments,(the situation in Gaza etc) President Obama has made a very bold move in pledging a new "openness" in the running of America, only time will tell if he has made the right decision. |