Topic: Autism and Vacinations | |
Science: 1, Antivaxers: 0 Swift Written by Jeff Wagg Monday, 19 January 2009 00:00 Hooray! Newsweek reports that Alison Singer, executive vice president of communications and awareness at Autism Speaks, has determined that the question of whether or not there is a link between childhood vaccines and autism has been answered. And that answer is no. Faced with disagreement from others in the organization, Ms. Singer chose to step down from her post. There are a few things to discuss here. Congratulations to Ms. Singer for looking at the evidence and coming to a conclusion. For those unware of the controversy, many parents of children with autism believe that childhood vaccines, specifically the MMR vaccine, is responsible for their child's condition. The theory is that mercury in the preservative Thimerasol, which used to be used in vaccines, caused brain damage in young children. Today, vaccines contain very little if any of this perservative, but there was never much evidence to implicate it anyway. It's possible that since autism is first noticeable at about the same time kids receive their vaccines, that parents assumed a causal link out of the correlation. Many studies have been done to confirm this causality, but the overwhelming evidence is that vaccines are unrelated to autism. So enter Ms. Singer, who has a child with autism. She joins a fledgling organization determined to do some good against this condition. She examines the evidence, and comes to the conclusion that autism research needs to move in a new direction. Her reward? She has to step down, because others in the organization want more money spent on research into vaccines and their relationship to autism. The anti-vaccination movement won't be swayed by facts or analysis. They're convinced vaccines are the cause, and won't consider any evidence to the contrary. Parents concerned about autism refuse to vaccinate their kids, which puts them at risk for diseases that were once commonplace, but are now rarely seen. Ms. Singer is doing the right thing. She is trying to devote scant resources to where they can do the most good. It's a shame that the community around her can't see where she's coming from, and it's a bigger shame that they're losing such an advocate. I hope Ms. Singer will continue the fight, and I have no doubt that she will. |
Edited by
Tue 01/20/09 12:44 PM
Anything you wanted to add on a personal note???
![]() As to autism, and innoculations.... what a crock of sh*te.... the high number of diagnosis of autism, especially Aspergers is because the parameters of diagnostic evaluation has changed. I suspect that most of these apparent asperger's diagnoses are nothing more than higher evolved gifted people.. |
Science: 1, Antivaxers: 0 Swift Written by Jeff Wagg Monday, 19 January 2009 00:00 Hooray! Newsweek reports that Alison Singer, executive vice president of communications and awareness at Autism Speaks, has determined that the question of whether or not there is a link between childhood vaccines and autism has been answered. And that answer is no. Faced with disagreement from others in the organization, Ms. Singer chose to step down from her post. There are a few things to discuss here. Congratulations to Ms. Singer for looking at the evidence and coming to a conclusion. For those unware of the controversy, many parents of children with autism believe that childhood vaccines, specifically the MMR vaccine, is responsible for their child's condition. The theory is that mercury in the preservative Thimerasol, which used to be used in vaccines, caused brain damage in young children. Today, vaccines contain very little if any of this perservative, but there was never much evidence to implicate it anyway. It's possible that since autism is first noticeable at about the same time kids receive their vaccines, that parents assumed a causal link out of the correlation. Many studies have been done to confirm this causality, but the overwhelming evidence is that vaccines are unrelated to autism. So enter Ms. Singer, who has a child with autism. She joins a fledgling organization determined to do some good against this condition. She examines the evidence, and comes to the conclusion that autism research needs to move in a new direction. Her reward? She has to step down, because others in the organization want more money spent on research into vaccines and their relationship to autism. The anti-vaccination movement won't be swayed by facts or analysis. They're convinced vaccines are the cause, and won't consider any evidence to the contrary. Parents concerned about autism refuse to vaccinate their kids, which puts them at risk for diseases that were once commonplace, but are now rarely seen. Ms. Singer is doing the right thing. She is trying to devote scant resources to where they can do the most good. It's a shame that the community around her can't see where she's coming from, and it's a bigger shame that they're losing such an advocate. I hope Ms. Singer will continue the fight, and I have no doubt that she will. ![]() ![]() |
Well on a personal note I have a friend his daughter has autism, she is very bright in certain ways (by bright I mean capable she is not a savant), but socially cannot really deal with reality.
When I had heard that some people believed vaccines where a cause this troubled me, so I sought out my friend, he had done some research and found studies that did not show such a correlation. It pretty important considering whats vaccines have done for us as a race. If even only a paranoid few are opting to not get vaccines this reduces our "herd" immunity, which can cause severe set backs for the annihilation of these deadly diseases. |
Edited by
Tue 01/20/09 01:23 PM
Without detracting from your friend's daughters diagnosis....
you mentioned her challenges with social integration, reality(?).... Reality is such a vast form of reference... and yes... there are many autistic kids who appear to not 'engage'... or 'connect'... and behave very differently from the social 'norms'... I still dispute the labels...and the stigmas that can arise.... I still hold fast to this whole generation being of higher evolved kids... and not disabled, or socially handicapped... |
Edited by
Tue 01/20/09 01:30 PM
Well you can dispute the label, and I would agree that you can certainly have a different conclusion than me on her behavior and what it means.
But the caveat here is that the capability of his daughter to fend for herself, to feed herself ect . . . are practically non existent. She does not bath herself, she cannot really speak (her father understands her but the mother struggles) I think it is undeniable if you meet the girl that she is handicapped. |
Bbc.... I was attempting to set aside your friend's daughter, in my comments.... and yes, she may have specific needs...
I had no info on what her challenges were until this last post of yours.... she appears to require higher daily basic needs...not what I had interpreted as... social engagement challenges... they are very different... |
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Tue 01/20/09 01:52 PM
I agree, they are different and I was not being forth coming with information nor really understanding what you meant.
I am very analytical and wouldn't suggest that a kid who's head is in the clouds isn't in touch with reality. (in fact that kid was me and very often people would suggests I had problems when in fact I was just bored) So from my perspective being in touch with reality is knowing that when your hungry you should let someone know, or get something to eat, when you have to use the restroom you let someone know or go do so. Basic stuff that becuase you do not really connect the need to the action you cannot really fend for yourself. But Jess you have to admit you where just as vague as to what you where talking about ![]() ![]() |
Anyone see the "Private Practise" episode a couple of weeks ago that dealt with this very issue? It showed both sides of the vaccine issue.
I have no opinion as to what may or may not cause autism. I merely wanted to inform that tv series' are now discussing the issue. |
I wonder what made her come to that conclusion? There haven't even been any real studies done to prove or disprove this theory and there probably wont ever be. If vaccines were found to be related to autism they would be found to be related to other conditions as well. How do you think people would react to know the pharma has been poisoning us all along and the government has been allowing it to happen? I don't think it would go over well. They can keep saying these vaccines contain little mercury if any too, but the fact is mercury is toxic in any form and it should have never been in vaccines to begin with. Besides that they fail to mention the vaccines it was removed from are still being given out until they expire in late 2009 or they run out. Anyway, what about all those other toxic ingredients vaccines contain? If people really knew this would they allow themselves and their children to be injected with this sh*t?
When I was a child the schedule was 10 vaccines before I started school. Now most children are given 36 before they turn 2. The first one is now given within 10 hours of birth. Doesn't that seem a little extreme? Is there not a such thing as too much? Maybe some of these kids immune systems aren't strong enough to handle all of those shots. Maybe their systems can't excrete all the chemicals like other kids. The fact is autism has went from around 1 in 10,000 in 1994 to as much as 1 in every 53 now. It is beyond epidemic. When will more people start questioning things? I'm convinced it's not all genetic. Genetic disorders don't increase like this and thats a fact. I think theres a genetic predisposition, but there has to be something triggering it. Rather it be vaccines, pesticides, chemicals in the air I'm convinced it's something....Children don't just quit talking and quit doing things they once did overnight. The autism increase is not all children being over diagnosed either. Sure there are some are diagnosed with aspergers that shouldn't be, but doctors are obviously wrong sometimes anyway. Besides aspergers there has still been a several 100% increase in autism rates in the last 15 years. Whats the explanation for those? |
I wonder what made her come to that conclusion? There haven't even been any real studies done to prove or disprove this theory and there probably wont ever be. If vaccines were found to be related to autism they would be found to be related to other conditions as well. How do you think people would react to know the pharma has been poisoning us all along and the government has been allowing it to happen? I don't think it would go over well. They can keep saying these vaccines contain little mercury if any too, but the fact is mercury is toxic in any form and it should have never been in vaccines to begin with. Besides that they fail to mention the vaccines it was removed from are still being given out until they expire in late 2009 or they run out. Anyway, what about all those other toxic ingredients vaccines contain? If people really knew this would they allow themselves and their children to be injected with this sh*t? When I was a child the schedule was 10 vaccines before I started school. Now most children are given 36 before they turn 2. The first one is now given within 10 hours of birth. Doesn't that seem a little extreme? Is there not a such thing as too much? Maybe some of these kids immune systems aren't strong enough to handle all of those shots. Maybe their systems can't excrete all the chemicals like other kids. The fact is autism has went from around 1 in 10,000 in 1994 to as much as 1 in every 53 now. It is beyond epidemic. When will more people start questioning things? I'm convinced it's not all genetic. Genetic disorders don't increase like this and thats a fact. I think theres a genetic predisposition, but there has to be something triggering it. Rather it be vaccines, pesticides, chemicals in the air I'm convinced it's something....Children don't just quit talking and quit doing things they once did overnight. The autism increase is not all children being over diagnosed either. Sure there are some are diagnosed with aspergers that shouldn't be, but doctors are obviously wrong sometimes anyway. Besides aspergers there has still been a several 100% increase in autism rates in the last 15 years. Whats the explanation for those? |
Anything you wanted to add on a personal note??? ![]() As to autism, and innoculations.... what a crock of sh*te.... the high number of diagnosis of autism, especially Aspergers is because the parameters of diagnostic evaluation has changed. I suspect that most of these apparent asperger's diagnoses are nothing more than higher evolved gifted people.. I've read somewhere that the age you start poppin' out kids is a rather strong indicator as to whether or not they'll end up autistic. In short, the older you have kids, the more likely they'll have autism and related issues. |
Anything you wanted to add on a personal note??? ![]() As to autism, and innoculations.... what a crock of sh*te.... the high number of diagnosis of autism, especially Aspergers is because the parameters of diagnostic evaluation has changed. I suspect that most of these apparent asperger's diagnoses are nothing more than higher evolved gifted people.. I've read somewhere that the age you start poppin' out kids is a rather strong indicator as to whether or not they'll end up autistic. In short, the older you have kids, the more likely they'll have autism and related issues. I believe you're thinking of down syndrome. |
They also mentioned autism as well. In fact, the article I read said that a number of neurological disorders could potentially traced to later-year child birth.
I found an article that says a parents age may be related to autism because damage to dna is more likely as people get older. It makes sense to me that our dna can become damaged as we age, but I'm not really buying it as a big factor in autism. I don't think it discriminates. Besides it seems more young people are having babies these days. Back when older people were having more babies autism wasn't so prevalent, in fact it was what most would consider nonexistent.
Well on a personal note I have a friend his daughter has autism, she is very bright in certain ways (by bright I mean capable she is not a savant), but socially cannot really deal with reality. When I had heard that some people believed vaccines where a cause this troubled me, so I sought out my friend, he had done some research and found studies that did not show such a correlation. It pretty important considering whats vaccines have done for us as a race. If even only a paranoid few are opting to not get vaccines this reduces our "herd" immunity, which can cause severe set backs for the annihilation of these deadly diseases. I have two friends that have autistic boys. One of the boys is so bad that he lives in an institution and the other boy is in a special school. There is a girl in my child's class that is autistic. She has been held back a grade and receives tutoring help but she has been integrated into the classroom. I don't think there is enough proof that justifies us not getting the vaccines. |
Edited by
Wed 01/21/09 07:59 AM
I wonder what made her come to that conclusion? There haven't even been any real studies done to prove or disprove this theory and there probably wont ever be. If vaccines were found to be related to autism they would be found to be related to other conditions as well. How do you think people would react to know the pharma has been poisoning us all along and the government has been allowing it to happen? I don't think it would go over well. They can keep saying these vaccines contain little mercury if any too, but the fact is mercury is toxic in any form and it should have never been in vaccines to begin with. Besides that they fail to mention the vaccines it was removed from are still being given out until they expire in late 2009 or they run out. Anyway, what about all those other toxic ingredients vaccines contain? If people really knew this would they allow themselves and their children to be injected with this sh*t? When I was a child the schedule was 10 vaccines before I started school. Now most children are given 36 before they turn 2. The first one is now given within 10 hours of birth. Doesn't that seem a little extreme? Is there not a such thing as too much? Maybe some of these kids immune systems aren't strong enough to handle all of those shots. Maybe their systems can't excrete all the chemicals like other kids. The fact is autism has went from around 1 in 10,000 in 1994 to as much as 1 in every 53 now. It is beyond epidemic. When will more people start questioning things? I'm convinced it's not all genetic. Genetic disorders don't increase like this and thats a fact. I think theres a genetic predisposition, but there has to be something triggering it. Rather it be vaccines, pesticides, chemicals in the air I'm convinced it's something....Children don't just quit talking and quit doing things they once did overnight. The autism increase is not all children being over diagnosed either. Sure there are some are diagnosed with aspergers that shouldn't be, but doctors are obviously wrong sometimes anyway. Besides aspergers there has still been a several 100% increase in autism rates in the last 15 years. Whats the explanation for those? I think it is the vaccines
The reason she accepts that there is no causal connection is becuase we have been studying vaccines for YEARS and YEARS and no causal link has been found. I really find it interesting that people who understand little science, and have not researched the literature out there come to scientific conclusions based on hunches. Look this one has been studied and studied, and there is no link to be found. The amounts of mercury in modern vaccines is less then a child will get from its environment and food sources. fact Here is an study that shows most if not all of the increase in autism is due to better diagnostic (or worse if you follow jess logic . . I think, correct me If I am wrong Jess) of autism. For decades after Kanner's original paper on the subject was published in 1943, autism was generally considered to be a rare condition with a prevalence of around 2-4 per 10,000 children. Then, studies carried out in the late 1990s and the present century reported annual rises in incidence of autism in pre-school children, based on age of diagnosis, and increases in the age-specific prevalence rates in children. Prevalence rates of up to 60 per 10,000 for autism and even more for the whole autistic spectrum were reported. Reasons for these increases are discussed. They include changes in diagnostic criteria, development of the concept of the wide autistic spectrum, different methods used in studies, growing awareness and knowledge among parents and professional workers and the development of specialist services, as well as the possibility of a true increase in numbers. Various environmental causes for a genuine rise in incidence have been suggested, including the triple vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR]. Not one of the possible environmental causes, including MMR, has been confirmed by independent scientific investigation, whereas there is strong evidence that complex genetic factors play a major role in etiology. The evidence suggests that the majority, if not all, of the reported rise in incidence and prevalence is due to changes in diagnostic criteria and increasing awareness and recognition of autistic spectrum disorders. Whether there is also a genuine rise in incidence remains an open question. MRDD Research Reviews 2002;8:151-161. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc. I am not trying to be a jerk here, but the rampant mythology out there is quit staggering. |
Well on a personal note I have a friend his daughter has autism, she is very bright in certain ways (by bright I mean capable she is not a savant), but socially cannot really deal with reality. When I had heard that some people believed vaccines where a cause this troubled me, so I sought out my friend, he had done some research and found studies that did not show such a correlation. It pretty important considering whats vaccines have done for us as a race. If even only a paranoid few are opting to not get vaccines this reduces our "herd" immunity, which can cause severe set backs for the annihilation of these deadly diseases. I have two friends that have autistic boys. One of the boys is so bad that he lives in an institution and the other boy is in a special school. There is a girl in my child's class that is autistic. She has been held back a grade and receives tutoring help but she has been integrated into the classroom. I don't think there is enough proof that justifies us not getting the vaccines. I don't necessarily think we should just do away with vaccines, but I do think research should be done to see just how safe and effective they really are. I feel some of the vaccines are a waste. For instance Hep B. vaccine... How the hell is a newborn baby going to get Hep B? I would say by the mom having it or by someone doing something to the baby they shouldn't be. What about the Chicken pox vaccine? Studies are showing now that a lot of kids who get the vaccine are getting chicken pox as young adults which can be way more dangerous. The flu vaccine is a given, you can easily see it doesn't prevent anything. Did you know most vaccines aren't even put on the market until the diseases are almost extinct? For instance measles declined by more than 95 percent before the vaccine was introduced. Why do you think that is? There are simple changes that can be made to ensure our childrens safety. Why not spread the vaccine schedule out? At least until we have the facts. Why not look into using safer ingredients? If it's really about cost I'm sure people wouldn't mind paying a little more for them. At least give people a choice... Why not test childrens immune systems to see if they can withstand it all? Why not just wait until children are 2 to start vaccinating? By age 2 signs of autism are there in 99% of cases... |
Billy, I'm not even one set on the whole mercury thing. The other ingredients bother me just as bad. As far as you saying the amounts of mercury in modern vaccines is less then a child will get from its environment and food sources I do agree. I think the whole thing could be that people with autism don't excrete the metals like most people do. A lot of studies have shown people with autism to have heavy metals attached to their brain tissue. The reason may be that many were found to have significantly lower levels of the antioxidant glutathione. Glutathione is required to eliminate mercury at the cellular level.
Those studies you mention....It appears those are all government conducted epidemiological studies. Results tend to be twisted to meet the agenda of the ones funding them. Clinical studies is where facts come in. I stand by my earlier statement.... no real studies have been done to prove or disprove the vaccine theory. |
Edited by
Wed 01/21/09 07:12 PM
The facts are we know very little about how ALL kinds of chemicals effect a baby during development. Genes are incredibly sensitive during development to any kind of foreign chemicals, also each time you conceive its a mix of the genes from the parents, each time could have very different results even with the same chemicals present.
It is very true that pollution and drinking water are things I would spend a great deal of time and money researching in the fight against developmental disorders such as this. |