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Topic: Autism and Vacinations
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Thu 01/22/09 12:02 PM
I'm with you on that. flowerforyou

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Fri 01/23/09 08:36 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 01/23/09 08:36 PM
I would not doubt at all that this autism may have factors that are attributed to certain chemicals just like cancer is indicated in the video.


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Thu 01/29/09 02:09 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Thu 01/29/09 02:10 PM

An unvaccinated child has died from a preventable disease

Written by Phil Plait
Tuesday, 27 January 2009 00:00

This story is so sad, and what makes it worse is that it was preventable.

The Centers for Disease Control has put out an alert: in Minnesota in 2008, there were five confirmed cases of Haemophilus influenzae type b (or Hib) among children younger than five years old. Of these five cases, three of the children were unvaccinated, one had started the series of vaccines but did not complete the series due to shortages, and the fifth -- who had been fully vaccinated -- had an immune deficiency.

Five cases may not sound like a lot... until you learn that one of the unvaccinated children died. This was a baby, just a seven-month-old infant.

I can barely type that sentence out; my heart is aching so. I can only imagine what the parents are feeling. I literally have nightmares about such things.

There are several things to note about this incidence of Hib:

1) It's the largest number of cases in one year since 1992 in Minnesota, when 10 cases were reported. In the intervening years, between 0 and 4 cases were reported per year (1994 saw four cases, the average is about 2). These are small number statistics, so 5 cases may just be a normal statistical fluctuation. But the stakes are very, very high here.

2) We do not know why three of the five children were unvaccinated. It may be due to the antivax crowd, or it may be due to any number of other factors; the report doesn't say (however, see (5) below)

3) Out of three unvaccinated children, one died. The historical rate of death from Hib, once infected, is about 1 in 20, so this is something of a fluke. But 1 in 20 is still way, way too high... and of the ones who do survive the infection, 1 in 5 will suffer deafness, blindness, or severe, permanent brain damage. Russian roulette has better odds than 1 in 5; do you want to play that with your baby? If that sounds harsh, good. We're dealing with babies' lives here. The best thing you can do is make sure they don't get the disease in the first place.

4) Getting a vaccine does not guarantee not getting the disease. We don't know how many babies were vaccinated, and how many weren't that didn't get the disease. But with 1 in 20 odds, I know which way I fall.

5) There is a shortage of Hib vaccines right now, and it's expected to last for a few more months. However, according to the CDC report, there are adequate supplies to have infants inoculated and complete the primary three-dose infant series.

Data were reviewed for 25,699 children born between November 1, 2007 and March 31, 2008... Among children aged 7 months, 3-dose primary Hib series coverage was 46.5%, which is lower than the age-appropriate coverage for children who had received pneumococcal conjugate or diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis (DTaP) vaccination. In contrast, data from the 2007 National Immunization Survey, conducted prior to the shortage, showed that Hib vaccination coverage among children in Minnesota aged 19 months to 35 months was high and did not differ from the national average, suggesting that coverage has declined as a result of the shortage.

So there has been a decline in coverage due to the shortage, with roughly half the children in the survey being vaccinated.

Putting this all together is difficult, with so many unknowns. But to belabor the obvious, we do know one thing: of the three unvaccinated children who got Hib, one died. The doctors from the CDC add this editorial comment:

Before development of Hib conjugate vaccines, Hib was the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in children aged <5 years. Since implementation of the Hib conjugate vaccine immunization program in the United States in the early 1990s, the incidence of Hib disease has declined from a peak of 41 cases per 100,000 children aged <5 years in 1987 to approximately 0.11 cases per 100,000 in 2007.

In other words, the infection rate among infants dropped by a factor of nearly 400 after the Hib vaccination was developed. This recent increase may reflect a loss of herd immunity, meaning too many kids are not getting vaccinated.

Folks. Please. Vaccinate your children. The science is in, the tests have been done, the results are solid: vaccinations do not cause autism. What vaccines do is save the lives of thousands of children who would otherwise be suffering the effects of preventable diseases... and one of these effects can be death.

Save your kids' lives. Take them to a doctor and get his or her advice on this. And if they recommend vaccinations, then do it.

My thanks to Dr. Joe Albietz for providing me with some of the numbers in this article.

Good objective article

warmachine's photo
Fri 01/30/09 08:36 AM
I find all this particularly interesting, especially in light of this.


U.S. Government Concedes Vaccines Cause Autism

Monday, March 3, 2008 9:36 AM

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the federal agency that oversees the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recently conceded the first vaccine-autism case.

This case was filed in the no-fault National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program as part of the Autism Omnibus proceedings in the U.S. Federal Court of Claims.

It was one of the first three cases chosen that alleged Thimerosal in childhood vaccines significantly contributed to a child developing autism.

Clifford Shoemaker, of Shoemaker and Associates of Vienna, Virginia, is the attorney of record in the Hanna Poling v. Secretary of HHS (case: 02-1466V).

Experts filing on behalf of the petitioner, Hanna Poling, included pediatric neurologist, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman of Johns Hopkins University, and Maryland geneticist and epidemiologist, Dr. Mark Geier of the Genetic Centers of America.

This concession shows the dishonesty of the continual media spin coming from public health officials and others who maintain there is no evidence that Thimerosal, or any other part of any vaccine, has ever caused autism or, for that matter, has harmed anyone in any way.

The facts are that the Vaccine Compensation Act has already compensated over 2,000 individuals who proved that they were harmed by vaccines, resulting in settlements of nearly two billion dollars.

Additionally, hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific/medical articles from some the world’s best universities have long implicated Thimerosal in vaccines as a causal factor in neurodevelopmental disorders including autism.

Furthermore, in 2003, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Government Reform Committee, after a 3.5-year investigation, concluded that Thimerosal caused the autism epidemic and that the FDA and health authorities were guilty of “institutional malfeasance” in covering it up.

Evidence supporting the connection between mercury and autism include:

1. Published studies from the US and France showing that urinary porphyrins, a biomarker for body-burden of mercury, are elevated in patients diagnosed with autistic disorders (http://www.mercury-freedrugs.org).

2. A published study by researchers at Harvard University that found twice as much mercury and oxidative stress in the brains of those with an autism diagnosis as found in the brains of those who were normal.

3. A study from the US showing a significant relationship between increasing blood mercury levels and an increased risk of a diagnosis of an autistic disorder.

4. Numerous papers by independent researchers showing a link between increasing mercury exposure from childhood vaccines and the risk of a child developing an autistic disorder.

5. Several papers showing that adding low levels of Thimerosal to certain blood, brain, eye, immune, liver and/or muscle cells poisons their cellular mitochondrial pathways and can induce cell death.

Today, despite being banned in Europe and restricted in 7 U.S. states, Thimerosal-containing flu vaccines are still recommended for routine administration to pregnant women and infants, with little or no warning of the presence of this known poison in these and other vaccines.

Vaccines have and will continue to save many lives. However, an immediate ban and recall of vaccines and other drugs containing mercury compounds used in their production must be instituted immediately to stop the epidemic of developmental disorders, including autism, caused by the unsound use of mercury in medicine.

For more information, please visit CoMeD’s website:


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Fri 01/30/09 09:52 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 01/30/09 09:55 AM
By Mark B. Levin, M.D. and Timothy Patrick-Miller, M.D.
The Pediatric Group, P.A., Princeton

The downside to Mercury? Certainly , mercury in sufficient quantity can cause disease and death (remember even water or salt in excessive quantities can cause death). According to FDA analysis in 2005, tuna fish contains 0.64 micrograms of mercury for each gram of tuna. A 60 gram portion (about two ounces) would contain 38.4 micrograms of mercury. By contrast, vaccine manufacturers using thimerosal (a mercury containing compound) as the preservative are adding between 12.5 and 25 micrograms of mercury per dose of vaccine. Although children get multiple doses of vaccine, they eat far more tuna fish! Even the recommendations for pregnant women to eat no more than one portion of tuna fish per week exceeds the amount children would get in vaccines if thimerosal were still in use. Simply to avoid the controversy, vaccine manufacturers have omitted thimerosal in vaccines intended for use in young children, despite the fact that there is mounting scientific evidence that thimerosal has not caused any harm and does not cause autism.

In 2004, two studies performed in the United Kingdom examined whether thimerosal in vaccines caused neurodevelopmental or psychological problems4; neither found evidence that early exposure to thimerosal was harmful. The study by Thompson and coworkers in this issue of the Journal (pages 1281–1292), the third and most comprehensive to date, also found no evidence of neurologic problems in children exposed to mercury-containing vaccines or immune globulins.

There is much controversy, but no conclusive research . . . Sorry war.

warmachine's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:07 AM
Fact is, there's quite a split in the scientific community about this topic, let alone those of us without a PHD.


I think Jenny McCarthy's theory on this is probably closer to the truth. She said that it seems like every child has sort of bucket of tolerance to these kinds of things and some kids have bigger buckets than others. Because of the high amounts of shots in the first 18 months, some kids are finding their toxin buckets overflowing.

I find it also interesting that if there was conclusive evidence that Vaccines weren't harmful, then why would our money greedy government set up and continue to fund this:

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, established in 1988 to pay damages to those who have suffered as a result of vaccines. Funded by a 75-cent tax added to the cost of each vaccine dose, the program's trust fund balance is more than $2.7 billion.

warmachine's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:17 AM
As a side note, I should mention that my interest in this topic came about as a side effect of working as an attendant care person. I had several Autistic and Autistic subtype clients on my case load. I felt that in order to understand how these kids got to where they were, I should understand where all this started.

The Thimersol in vaccines is only one part of the overall ingredient list that I find particularly disgusting.

This video is funny, but informative.


Pink_lady's photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:22 AM
I personally think that more money should be invested into researching coping strategies and support networks for people who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
These ppl who r exhausting funds looking for answers to why it happened, r hindering the progress of how to deal with the here and now imo. This kind of attitude says to me, 'forget about the millions of ppl who have it now, we wanna stop this happening again'. We r not god, and sometimes we will never have clear answers as to exactly why things happen, but we can help make the lives of these ppl easier, more comfortable, and more fulfilling by investing funding into the correct areas.

People with this condition CAN lead a fairly normal life with the right help and support, which isnt always available.

Taken from -http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/conditions/autism1.shtml

Autism and Asperger syndrome belong to a group of conditions that can vary from very mild, where the person can function as well as anyone else around them, to so severe that they are completely unable to take part in normal society.

People with autism are usually more severely disabled, while those with Asperger syndrome tend to be more able, although this isn’t always so. Because of the range of severity and symptoms, the conditions are collectively known as autistic spectrum disorders.
What causes it?

The cause of autistic spectrum disorders is not yet clear. Genetics play an important role, and researchers are examining a number of chromosome sites that could be implicated. It's likely autism occurs when a small number of genes interact in a specific way, possibly linked to some external event or factor.

Brothers or sisters of a child with the condition are 75 times more likely to develop it

This genetic link means there may be an inherited tendency, so autism and Asperger syndrome may run in families. Brothers or sisters of a child with the condition are 75 times more likely to develop it.

Doctors' ability to diagnose these disorders has improved in recent years, but older people, particularly with milder problems, may never have been diagnosed. When a child is diagnosed, parents often realise they've had the same problems themselves.

A variety of other environmental factors that affect brain development before, during or soon after birth, also play a part (possibly acting as a trigger). However, despite reports suggesting a possible link between MMR vaccination and autistic spectrum disorders, scientific evidence has confirmed the vaccination does not increase the risk.
What are the symptoms?

The main three symptoms are:

* Difficulties with social interaction - being unaware of what's socially appropriate, finding chatting or small talk difficult and not socialising much (people with autism find it very difficult to develop friendships and relate to others)
* Problems with verbal and non-verbal communication - understanding gestures, body language, facial expressions and tone of voice, making it difficult to empathise with people's feelings
* Imagination impairments - such as not enjoying or taking part in role-play games

These behavioural difficulties can cause a great deal of stress for members of the family.

Babies who develop autism later may appear normal at first and reach the usual developmental milestones, including early speech. But as they grow into toddlers, they may fail to develop normal social behaviour and speech may be lost.

As a child grows, the typical difficulties of autistic spectrum disorders are:

* Repetitive behaviour and resistance to changes in routine
* Obsessions with particular objects or routines
* Poor coordination
* Difficulties with fine movement control (especially in Asperger syndrome)
* Absence of normal facial expression and body language
* Lack of eye contact
* Tendency to spend time alone, with very few friends
* Lack of imaginative play

Autism tends to produce more severe symptoms. For example, a child with autism may fail to develop normal speech (the development of spoken language is usually normal in Asperger syndrome) and as many as 75 per cent of people with autism have accompanying learning disabilities.

Seizures are also a common problem, affecting between 15 and 30 per cent of those with autism.

Conversely, autistic children are sometimes found to have an exceptional skill, such as an aptitude for drawing, mathematics, or playing a musical instrument.
Who's affected?

It's estimated that more than 580,000 people in the UK have autistic spectrum disorders.

Boys are more likely to be affected than girls, though research suggests that when girls have the condition they may be more severely affected.
How's it diagnosed?

There's no specific test for autistic spectrum disorders. Diagnosis is based on a consideration of symptoms, and milder cases may be missed.
What's the treatment?

Appropriate specialist education, speech, language and behavioural therapy are all important

There is no specific cure or particular medical treatment for autism, but much can be done to maximise a child’s potential and this is key to managing the condition. Appropriate specialist education, speech, language and behavioural therapy are all important. There are many different approaches, some of which are based around theories about possible causes of autistic spectrum disorders (for example, the Son-Rise programme).

While many people feel they've achieved good results with some of these interventions, none of them is a cure-all, and many lack scientific evidence to demonstrate their benefits.

Others claim dietary changes or alternative remedies have helped, but these, too, are mostly unproven.

Medication is sometimes recommended when it's felt to be of benefit to the child, for example to control seizures, depression or other symptoms.

As the precise events that lead to autistic spectrum disorders aren't yet known, it isn't possible to prevent them. Neither is there yet a simple screening test to identify people carrying genes that might increase susceptibility to autism.

no photo
Fri 01/30/09 10:27 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 01/30/09 10:29 AM

Fact is, there's quite a split in the scientific community about this topic, let alone those of us without a PHD.


I think Jenny McCarthy's theory on this is probably closer to the truth. She said that it seems like every child has sort of bucket of tolerance to these kinds of things and some kids have bigger buckets than others. Because of the high amounts of shots in the first 18 months, some kids are finding their toxin buckets overflowing.

I find it also interesting that if there was conclusive evidence that Vaccines weren't harmful, then why would our money greedy government set up and continue to fund this:

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, established in 1988 to pay damages to those who have suffered as a result of vaccines. Funded by a 75-cent tax added to the cost of each vaccine dose, the program's trust fund balance is more than $2.7 billion.
Politics is a much bigger driving force for compensation then real science ever has been.

IMHO this is a great big distraction from finding the real causes.

Thank you pink lady, I agree! This is a broad spectrum issue, mercury from therisol may play a roll, but as the evidence indicates it is not the cause.

no photo
Fri 01/30/09 07:56 PM
New study says: Autism Linked to Environment

California's sevenfold increase in autism is most likely due to environmental exposures, according to scientists. A new study advocates a nationwide shift in autism research to focus on environmental factors such as pesticides, viruses and chemicals in household products.

Throughout the U.S., the numbers of autistic children have increased dramatically over the past 15 years. More than 3,000 new cases of autism were reported in California in 2006, compared with 205 in 1990.

Many medical officials argued that the rise was due to changes in diagnoses or migration patterns rather than a real rise in the disorder. But the new study concludes that those factors cannot explain most of the increase in autism.

Researchers analyzed 17 years of state data that tracks developmental disabilities. Migration to the state had no effect, and changes in how and when doctors diagnose the disorder can explain less than half of the increase.

It is possible that a pregnant woman's exposure to chemical pollutants, particularly metals and pesticides, could be altering a developing baby's brain structure, triggering autism. Many parent groups also believe that childhood vaccines could be responsible.

The whole article can be found at http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=autism-rise-driven-by-environment

warmachine's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:44 AM
I lean towards not thinking it's all just Thimerasol, I think alot of different things can cause it.

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Sat 01/31/09 08:12 AM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Sat 01/31/09 08:14 AM

New study says: Autism Linked to Environment

California's sevenfold increase in autism is most likely due to environmental exposures, according to scientists. A new study advocates a nationwide shift in autism research to focus on environmental factors such as pesticides, viruses and chemicals in household products.

Throughout the U.S., the numbers of autistic children have increased dramatically over the past 15 years. More than 3,000 new cases of autism were reported in California in 2006, compared with 205 in 1990.

Many medical officials argued that the rise was due to changes in diagnoses or migration patterns rather than a real rise in the disorder. But the new study concludes that those factors cannot explain most of the increase in autism.

Researchers analyzed 17 years of state data that tracks developmental disabilities. Migration to the state had no effect, and changes in how and when doctors diagnose the disorder can explain less than half of the increase.

It is possible that a pregnant woman's exposure to chemical pollutants, particularly metals and pesticides, could be altering a developing baby's brain structure, triggering autism. Many parent groups also believe that childhood vaccines could be responsible.

The whole article can be found at http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=autism-rise-driven-by-environment
Excellent article. The more we ignore the statistics the more we allow our focus on vaccines to blind us to the real insidious malefactors and we do ourselves great injustice.

Thimerasol has been pulled from child vaccines, yet we are still seeing an increase in Autism rates . . .

We must pay attention to the statistics and studies, but of course all with a keen eye for the details. Its always the details that allow (or lack of details) statistics to be twisted. I do not think vaccines have been the cause all along. We have been very poor stewards of our environments, and of our bodies. What we eat, how it is raised, what we wear, how we build, where we live, the air we breath.

A single dose of a bad chemical is one thing, but a daily dose is a whole other ball park.

challengingmind's photo
Sun 02/01/09 06:25 PM
I have a child who has mental retardation and autism...but I also have one with no issues and one with ADHD.
All three had vaccinations. I would rather have a child who has special needs or is healthy than have a child possibly die a horrible death from a disease that could of been prevented.
Things could be a hell of a lot worse if we didn't have vaccinations....also look at why they were created...they are highly contagious and can kill at a fast rate causing an epidemic. JMO

laughsandgiggles's photo
Sun 02/01/09 07:02 PM
I have read many many many books and studies and articles regarding autism and I live with it every day as the mother of a child on the autistic spectrum- I personally do not believe that the immunizations have much if anything to do with this disorder- thimerosol was removed from the mmr vaccine before my son recieved it- I have read a study where they are leaning towards it being genetic- an abnormality on the 16th chromosome on the mothers side- GREAT!!! so we already have enough guilt and now this!!! but whatever the cause- More needs to be done to erradicate it. It is now an epidemic. I applaud the doctors who now know what to look for hence the increase in the diagnosis but there needs to be so much more done for the individuals who are afflicted with it and more support for their families. Again this is just my opinion as I deal with this daily- it is a hard life but honesty? I wouldn't change anything about him- He makes me laugh everyday- sure he makes me cry too but he is mine and I love him madly!!!

no photo
Sun 02/01/09 09:20 PM

New study says: Autism Linked to Environment

California's sevenfold increase in autism is most likely due to environmental exposures, according to scientists. A new study advocates a nationwide shift in autism research to focus on environmental factors such as pesticides, viruses and chemicals in household products.

Throughout the U.S., the numbers of autistic children have increased dramatically over the past 15 years. More than 3,000 new cases of autism were reported in California in 2006, compared with 205 in 1990.

Many medical officials argued that the rise was due to changes in diagnoses or migration patterns rather than a real rise in the disorder. But the new study concludes that those factors cannot explain most of the increase in autism.

Researchers analyzed 17 years of state data that tracks developmental disabilities. Migration to the state had no effect, and changes in how and when doctors diagnose the disorder can explain less than half of the increase.

It is possible that a pregnant woman's exposure to chemical pollutants, particularly metals and pesticides, could be altering a developing baby's brain structure, triggering autism. Many parent groups also believe that childhood vaccines could be responsible.

The whole article can be found at http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?id=autism-rise-driven-by-environment
Excellent article. The more we ignore the statistics the more we allow our focus on vaccines to blind us to the real insidious malefactors and we do ourselves great injustice.

Thimerasol has been pulled from child vaccines, yet we are still seeing an increase in Autism rates . . .

We must pay attention to the statistics and studies, but of course all with a keen eye for the details. Its always the details that allow (or lack of details) statistics to be twisted. I do not think vaccines have been the cause all along. We have been very poor stewards of our environments, and of our bodies. What we eat, how it is raised, what we wear, how we build, where we live, the air we breath.

A single dose of a bad chemical is one thing, but a daily dose is a whole other ball park.

I disagree with you on the part about.... Thimerasol has been pulled from child vaccines, yet we are still seeing an increase in Autism rates . . .
I disagree because we don't know this to be true. I think I mentioned this earlier in the thread, but I may not have been clear. While thimerosal was removed from most child vaccines the old stock is still being given out until it expires in late 2009 or until it runs out. This means many pediatricians are still giving it to their patients. You don't think these greedy aholes would just throw out the old stock and cut their losses do you? I don't... If rates have dropped around 2013 then I may agree....

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Sun 02/01/09 10:01 PM
Edited by elanher on Sun 02/01/09 10:03 PM
Most people don't know it, but the mmr vaccine has never contained thimerosal/mercury. Anyway, mercury isn't the only toxin in vaccines. Aluminum can effect the body in similar ways as can many other ingredients. I know there are a few people that think autism may be genetic, but studies are now saying less than 1% of autism cases may have genetic causes. Almost every "expert" out there is leaning towards something triggering it. There can be triggers at birth too I'm sure. I can't accept that it's genetic when there are just so many things to look at. Did you know pitocin has mercury in it? I think I read it was close to 50% mercury. Most women are given pitocin when they go into labor. Maybe it's an allergic reaction that triggers autism. Eggs are one of the top allergens and it's a fact that all vaccines contain egg protein. How about milk? It's said you shouldn't give a baby milk before age one yet baby formula has milk in it. A lot of parents give their baby medications at a young age. Did you know tylenol lowers your glutathione levels which lowers your immune system? Having low levels of glutathione can also make it hard for your body to excrete metals. Many with autism had frequent ear infections as infants and were given large amounts of antibiotics. Overexposure to antibiotics can destroy microbes that keep candida in check. An overgrowth of candida can release toxins in the body, which can impair the central nervous system and the immune system. Aside from all of that... look at all the ****e being pumped into our air, chemicals in the food, etc.. etc... I don't think anything should be ruled out until it has actually been ruled out with facts.

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