Topic: What would you do if you were President. | |
I'd quit.
The whole point Im getting at is they wont fight for Mexico, they wont
fight for us, and people want to integrate them into our culture by the millions. I dont think that is so a good thing.. Right now, If an illegal person in this country will go in the armed forces, (more than likely going to war) after 4 yrs, not only them, but their family will receive instant citizenship. YAY, They deserve it,no doubt. I think this is a very good deal,,and some people do take advantage of it, and serve proud knowing that they will become an American, and their children, (even if hes killed) will have an opportunity at a better life. These men are American, spirit and soul, deserving just as many rights as me. At Ft. Benning, I would see signs all over the place, "An Ounce of Sweat will save a gallon of blood"( Geo. S. Patton). A mans sweat for my country no matter what race, is as American as Paul Refeere and the minutemen in Concorde. The military should be over run with applicants. Last I heard, they were having a hard time filling their quotas. |
Never heard of that offer, before. And if I haven't heard it, it's
pretty much for certain that immigrants who don't have the advantage of my native status and liberal education wouldn't have. You run that offer over the spanish-speaking radio and TV stations, and I'm willing to bet the recruitment rates will go up considerably. |
They know man, I dont know why you dont, but they know.
Everyone I know knows it. it was on the 6 o"clock News... |
Got a very nice group of mexicans living in the neighborhood. Polite,
friendly, hard working, even if only like three of them can speak english. I'm absolutely certain *some* are illegal, at the very least. We yap about the immigration politics all the time- they never mentioned anything about this sorta thing. I'll have to remember to bring it up to them, next I see. |
Give the job to someone who knows what they are doing. That would be
someyhing new ![]() |
Poet that has been around for a long time.
People from all over the world have taken advantage of it for years. They know. and Fanta fighting for this country does not make a person a good citizen. What makes a person a good citizen is how they do in our comunities, how they uphold our laws, how well they work beside me and I have met many so called 'illegals' that are in the words of my grandpa 'the salt of the earth'. The dream may no longer be real to you but to peoples from all parts of this earth it is still bright and shiny. |
If I was president...I'd use my powers to find a woman ^.^ Oh and world
peace and all that ^.^ |
damnitscloudy I don't think you'll find a woman on the politic threads
here... religion and politics are bad topics for dates.... unless of course she agrees with your political view. |
Maybe...but if I'm president I can take over the world and get a harem
going ^.^ |
Sounds like a waste of time. Why not just become rich and move to south
america or something? You have to be rich to be president, anyways, these days. If you have the money, stop messing with the campaign stuff and stock a mansion with third-world hotties. |
Lock up all the crackheads and legalize pot!
Legalize weed, exile George W. to Iraq, and make sure every store
nation-wide carried alcohol and fire-arms. |
Some of you realize that what you have said you would do would lead to a
quick empeachment. Not because your wrong. But because you would run afoul of the publicly moral, cash providing true power base that controls our politics. And your ideas would cut right into their profits hard. |
AB, I didnt say good citizen, I think I said, "make them American and
deserving of the same rights as me." What they do with it then is up to them. Where did you get good citizen?, and where do you get that I dont believe in the American Dream ( I guess thats what you meant)? I am about as American as ( the word implies) there exists. My family has been involved in one of this countries wars since Europeans first arrived here. generation after generation, including the Independence of the United States, and the Independence of Texas. I believe in the Dream, and I do my best to protect it, at home and overseas. It was formed by sweat and blood, and it deserves to be defended with sweat AND Blood. |
Send Mr. Bush to jail
If you believe in the american dream why are you so willing to deny it
to others. Those that come illegaly may have had no other way to follow that dream. In some countries it is very expensive and extremely hard to get through the red tape that surrounds migrating the legal way. However they may have just as much to offer this county as did your family when they got here. My family came here 'illegally' by the laws in effect at the time and one step ahead of a british death warrant. |
What year, and why did the British want them? Those are two important
questions in my mind considering that the US and Britain are such close allies. Without knowing all the facts I couldnt and wouldnt say anything about it. My family was Welsh and came here in a colonization capacity, to settle the new world for the British, Things have changed, the population is exploding, and I am effected by the problem of illegal immigration everyday. I still seek a better life, but due to the cheap wages the immigrants work for my standard of living is going down. My ancestors came here to improve their lives and to give me a chance to improve mine, and Ill be damned if Im going to roll over and let a bunch of illegal immigrants destroy that. Let them improve their own country, or come here legally. The legal immigration in the US is at an all time high, and I didnt take them to raise. My family came here and built this country from wilderness sure we kicked some Indians ass to do it, but they also suffered in sweat and blood, cold and hunger to make this country what it is now. Not hardly the same as the illegal immigrants,who come here and take advantage of what we have already. My family didnt sneak in to take advantage of what the American Indian had built, we carved it from a wilderness, and the Indians should have fought back sooner. I wont make the mistake of waiting till its to late like the American Indian, Ill fight to keep my opportunities intact, NOW! Have you ever worked with the Illegals? I have and they dont work that hard. With 20 people at half the wages they do what 4 Americans do, and they dont do Quality work. They ignore codes and professional techniques developed as trade standards in this country. I am a qualified Lead Carpenter, and while the Company replaced my 6 man (American) crew with 15 Illegal immigrants they may have saved money, but the work is shoddy and it is still not done any faster. They still had to hire a real carpenter to come in and fix the mistakes, I reported to them. All the company was concerned with was cheap labor. They did not even care about the men's families that they laid off. (Americans) So excuse me if I speak with my mind instead of feeling sorry for the illegal immigrants. Pity is OK but it dont pay the rent, or put food on the table.... |
if i was president
i would work on term limits fro congress after all they put them on me i would work on cutting the retirement plan for govt. personel and put them in the social security program (i bet it would stay solvant then) i would cut all forien ad by at least half and use that money to fund medical plan for the working poor work on legalising coke and pot regulate and tax it us the money saved in the judical systom to keep the real criminals in jail especially those tha use a weapon to commit a crime auto matic 5 years for blade automatic 10 years for gun automatic 15 if using a bomb (or saying you have them) use the money raised from the taxes to expand the atf to cover the enforcement of the regulations (like with tobacco and alcohol) also use the taxes raised to help fund the medical care for the working poor to includ a program for those that can not handle the freedom of being able to have the drugs available (kinda like the alcohics) i would work on the rejection of the patriot act and i would be assasinated so it goes be well |