Topic: Why are some women........
directandwrite's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:02 PM
I have to go with writer_gurl on this one....when things seem to be going well, I always think it won't last. Not that I don't want it to or that I'm afraid of the being treated well, I love it in fact...I just don't want to let my heart go too deeply into it if it doesn't last...and in my experience, it hasn't. So I'm very cautious when it comes to guys in general...

papersmile's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:02 PM

i wonder if it ever occured to anyone that the reason she isn't interested in you in because there IS no interest.

that her past experiences have nothing at all to do with her rejection of the male?

If that is the case then she is a good liar too.


so you are THAT wonderful, THAT irresistable, THAT perfect that it couldn't possibly have anything to do with you?

it MUST be HER fault huh?

no wonder they are scared.

writer_gurl's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:03 PM

Because most women don't think it will last or it is a dream that we will someday wake up from

I agree and would like to add... that they are not accustomed to being treated well so they freak out a bit sometimes..

Ladies you should be treated well and there is nothing wrong with dating the "Nice guy"...
A warning if you constantly look for the other shoe to drop... YOU may Cause it to drop...

One Note for All The person you are with Now.. IS NOT YOUR EX !!!!!! So please don't treat them like they are your ex....


My thoughts exactly:thumbsup:

michiganman3's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:03 PM
Its a 'nice guy' thread in drag.laugh

directandwrite's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:03 PM
Not to mention the fact that when you split, as it turned out, he didn't treat you well or you'd still be ultimately, the guy who treats you good and leaves is really just another a$$ but in more clever skin...and that really hurts...

Lily0923's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:05 PM
:banana: Here comes the clowns in the funny little car....The circus IS in town...:banana:

I love the circus It's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO entertaining.

Nice guys are ALWAYS screwed over, don't you know, it's cuz us women folk are evil and we don't know a good thing when we see it, it's also because we DO know a boring and drool thing when we see it...

Ooops, I just missed the bear in the tutu...DAMN

jaxx15's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:05 PM

i wonder if it ever occured to anyone that the reason she isn't interested in you in because there IS no interest.

that her past experiences have nothing at all to do with her rejection of the male?

If that is the case then she is a good liar too.


so you are THAT wonderful, THAT irresistable, THAT perfect that it couldn't possibly have anything to do with you?

it MUST be HER fault huh?

no wonder they are scared.

I didn't say that at all. It's no ones fault. Her feelings are her feelings but i feel it's a little unfair to be given the reason that you are too good to me.

writer_gurl's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:06 PM

I have to go with writer_gurl on this one....when things seem to be going well, I always think it won't last. Not that I don't want it to or that I'm afraid of the being treated well, I love it in fact...I just don't want to let my heart go too deeply into it if it doesn't last...and in my experience, it hasn't. So I'm very cautious when it comes to guys in general...

Awww, it's not like that in ALL situations...Just many that I hear about. I just think many women don't trust the guy too well because it IS going so well and the bubble might eventually pop

longhairbiker's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:08 PM
And why don't someone spit out the real issue here? This dancing around it is worse than a nice guy in drag thread. Where's the beef?

Lily0923's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:09 PM

i wonder if it ever occured to anyone that the reason she isn't interested in you in because there IS no interest.

that her past experiences have nothing at all to do with her rejection of the male?

If that is the case then she is a good liar too.


so you are THAT wonderful, THAT irresistable, THAT perfect that it couldn't possibly have anything to do with you?

it MUST be HER fault huh?

no wonder they are scared.

I didn't say that at all. It's no ones fault. Her feelings are her feelings but i feel it's a little unfair to be given the reason that you are too good to me.

Female translation: You don't let me go to the bathroom without having to check behind me to make sure you are out of the way... You give me no space and you annoy the CRAP out of me with your incessant desire to smother me.

directandwrite's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:09 PM

I have to go with writer_gurl on this one....when things seem to be going well, I always think it won't last. Not that I don't want it to or that I'm afraid of the being treated well, I love it in fact...I just don't want to let my heart go too deeply into it if it doesn't last...and in my experience, it hasn't. So I'm very cautious when it comes to guys in general...

Awww, it's not like that in ALL situations...Just many that I hear about. I just think many women don't trust the guy too well because it IS going so well and the bubble might eventually pop

Well, I think that was what I was afraid of the last time, and it turned out that my fears were realized...It happens...the problem now is getting a really great guy even better than the last one, you know?

But to come back to Jax's point...I wouldn't want a guy to be "mean" to me for me to want to keep him...he'd be on the first train out! And I and most women won't leave a guy because he is "too nice"...

rlynne's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:10 PM

I didn't say that at all. It's no ones fault. Her feelings are her feelings but i feel it's a little unfair to be given the reason that you are too good to me.

oh, thats not fear...thats she doesn't feel as if she can or will give you them same as you give her..hence the "you're too good for me"

kinda like knowing she doesn't have as much invested as you do in the relationship and if she sticks around it would be wrong...

jaxx15's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:13 PM

I didn't say that at all. It's no ones fault. Her feelings are her feelings but i feel it's a little unfair to be given the reason that you are too good to me.

oh, thats not fear...thats she doesn't feel as if she can or will give you them same as you give her..hence the "you're too good for me"

kinda like knowing she doesn't have as much invested as you do in the relationship and if she sticks around it would be wrong...

Ok.Now that makes sense.happy happy

looking4u71's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:14 PM
because people go with what they are familar with even if it doesnt work thats why so many find they same type of person. if you continue the same behavior you get the same response. good or bad it is what in known. also many guys seem to act one way till they get what then want then price charming turns into a toad.

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:16 PM

.......scared of men that actually treat them good?ohwell

Because when MOST women treat men good, Its because they are using then for something.

So it makes them Paranoid.

no photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:16 PM

.......scared of men that actually treat them good?ohwell

Because they'll start to over-think things if they're treated nicely. Once they start over-thinking stuff, they'll second-guess how to continue the relationship. Once THAT happens, they'll do something to ultimately botch things up which'll result in the relationship goin' bust.

There's none of that silliness goin' on when they're dating the mullet-and-wife-beaters-wearing d-bag in the late-seventies Firebird, as everything about the fella is pretty much out on the table.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:17 PM

i wonder if it ever occured to anyone that the reason she isn't interested in you in because there IS no interest.

that her past experiences have nothing at all to do with her rejection of the male?

If that is the case then she is a good liar too.


so you are THAT wonderful, THAT irresistable, THAT perfect that it couldn't possibly have anything to do with you?

it MUST be HER fault huh?

no wonder they are scared.

I didn't say that at all. It's no ones fault. Her feelings are her feelings but i feel it's a little unfair to be given the reason that you are too good to me.

Dude. That's not her real reason. Her REAL reason is that you were boring her.

I have heard that line once in my life as well. I learned to translate it into what she was really trying to tell me.

My last ex, however, is a different deal. She flat out TOLD me that she couldn't deal with me being good to her because son many had treated her very badly before me.

ljcc1964's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:18 PM

.......scared of men that actually treat them good?ohwell

Because they wear scary ax murderer costumes and wake us up in the middle of the night standing over us in the dark........oh wait....that's a different kind of guy.....

JustAGuy2112's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:19 PM

.......scared of men that actually treat them good?ohwell

Because they wear scary ax murderer costumes and wake us up in the middle of the night standing over us in the dark........oh wait....that's a different kind of guy.....

Heyyyy. I've only done that ONCE.

Drifters13's photo
Wed 01/14/09 09:21 PM
Edited by Drifters13 on Wed 01/14/09 09:21 PM

i wonder if it ever occured to anyone that the reason she isn't interested in you in because there IS no interest.

that her past experiences have nothing at all to do with her rejection of the male?

If that is the case then she is a good liar too.


so you are THAT wonderful, THAT irresistable, THAT perfect that it couldn't possibly have anything to do with you?

it MUST be HER fault huh?

no wonder they are scared.

I didn't say that at all. It's no ones fault. Her feelings are her feelings but i feel it's a little unfair to be given the reason that you are too good to me.

Female translation: You don't let me go to the bathroom without having to check behind me to make sure you are out of the way... You give me no space and you annoy the CRAP out of me with your incessant desire to smother me.

In other words, She was being nice and Not saying; "Your a weenie and a push over there fore you suck. Go away."