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Topic: Widower status
jtmcdole's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:49 AM
Apparently I've been blocked by 3 (or more!) people, just for sending one email, sounding interested in them, trying to break the ice, etc. I'm not a perve, and I've never sent something so retarded as "hey babe, wana hook up?". So, is the widower status really that much of a problem to get blocked instantly? Should I look at updating to say I'm single and then if things progress past a few dates discuss it?

Mentork's photo
Mon 01/05/09 12:55 AM
Well i get blocked 'cause i got a creepy feddish, but it would be silly to hide it.

I mean if they really have that hard of a time with it, then lying about it upfront and reviling your dark secret later is just gonna make it even worse. Now your not just a widower, your a widower and a lair.

jtmcdole's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:01 AM
"Dark" secret, nice! I've gone on a few dates with people that were listed as "single" but later turned out to be divorced. It bothered me a little bit, but I didn't call them a liar. There is no "prefer not to say" answer, and other sites such as eHarm, facebook, myspace don't have a listing for widows/widowers.

As far as the government is concerned, I file my taxes as single. There is no alimony or child support payments. There is no crazy ex bringing in drama.

Now I'll agree, it might save me some effort in the long run, but finding out the sneaky way that you've been blocked (emails disappear from your sent items) gets old after a while.

Queene123's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:05 AM

Apparently I've been blocked by 3 (or more!) people, just for sending one email, sounding interested in them, trying to break the ice, etc. I'm not a perve, and I've never sent something so retarded as "hey babe, wana hook up?". So, is the widower status really that much of a problem to get blocked instantly? Should I look at updating to say I'm single and then if things progress past a few dates discuss it?

well i dont why anyone would block you because your a widower. so just keep your status how it is.
and your young to be a widower. im sorry for your loss

jtmcdole's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:10 AM

and your young to be a widower.

Not all lives have happy endings... or middles, or beginnings for that matter. My wife was killed a year and a half ago by someone that shouldn't have been driving. I've dealt heavily with my ghosts and I've been trying to date again for well over a month - and I've met some cool people in my area as well as outside of it. The silent door slamming in the face is far more insulting than a "I'm not interested" email.

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:15 AM
Hmmm that is kind of sad, but you're not meant to be if they block you!
Its hard to know what some people think! Just keep looking I'm sure there are still some ladies out there that arnt so quick to pass judgement!

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:23 AM

"Dark" secret, nice! I've gone on a few dates with people that were listed as "single" but later turned out to be divorced. It bothered me a little bit, but I didn't call them a liar. There is no "prefer not to say" answer, and other sites such as eHarm, facebook, myspace don't have a listing for widows/widowers.

As far as the government is concerned, I file my taxes as single. There is no alimony or child support payments. There is no crazy ex bringing in drama.

Now I'll agree, it might save me some effort in the long run, but finding out the sneaky way that you've been blocked (emails disappear from your sent items) gets old after a while.

Honestly, I wouldn't put that much thought into it.. If they block you and you're not being a perv then they have their own issues and I wouldn't bother with them... Personally if it was me I'd probably put single.. I think I have single now and I'm divorced... I don't really care what people think of me, I'm a good person, I know who I am and what I'm about.. Those that know me know the same and if someone shuts me out for being divorced then that's their bad not mine.. Once you start getting to know someone via email, im's, phone, etc. things will be discussed and talked about and they'll know you for who you are.. Blocking or shutting someone out for being widowed is just dumb IMO

JoeW99's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:36 AM
Edited by JoeW99 on Mon 01/05/09 01:37 AM
Well as you can see my profile is mostly no answers... not cause i'm being a jerk, but honestly not looking to get to know people with snap judgements.
Then again i'm here to meet people and make some friends not really for Life long thing.
Sadly i think Washington people being active on this site are hit and miss.. oh well.

mistycabal's photo
Mon 01/05/09 01:42 AM
Eh, just let it roll off your back. Unless your 'intro' emails were way crazy, there's nothing in your profile that's a major turnoff. Quite the opposite. You're good looking, write intelligently, and seem to have the confidence to take the first step in contacting someone.

Just remind yourself - it's their loss. :smile:

I wish you the very best in finding someone now that you are 'back in the saddle' after a very sudden and tragic loss.


no photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:00 AM
Is your last name pederson?rofl

galendgirl's photo
Mon 01/05/09 05:41 AM
Your profile seems fine to me...widower status should be less of a problem than "married looking for women friends" or an undisclosed status, IMO.

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/05/09 06:16 AM
Well, if I were you I'd roll on...

You know I think you're a doll!:tongue:

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/05/09 06:19 AM
I think you are adorable and it is their loss

no photo
Mon 01/05/09 06:35 AM

Apparently I've been blocked by 3 (or more!) people, just for sending one email, sounding interested in them, trying to break the ice, etc. I'm not a perve, and I've never sent something so retarded as "hey babe, wana hook up?". So, is the widower status really that much of a problem to get blocked instantly? Should I look at updating to say I'm single and then if things progress past a few dates discuss it?

It's the fedora. Either that, or you're dealing with 12 oclock flashers who meant to respond, and accidently hit the block button. Either way, really, I wouldn't worry about it much. If you haven't offended anyone on this site you haven't talked to enough people.

jtmcdole's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:41 AM

Well, if I were you I'd roll on...

You know I think you're a doll!:tongue:

Hey lilith! How's it going? Didn't you have some big date like 3 weeks ago?

jtmcdole's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:43 AM

It's the fedora. Either that, or you're dealing with 12 oclock flashers who meant to respond, and accidently hit the block button. Either way, really, I wouldn't worry about it much. If you haven't offended anyone on this site you haven't talked to enough people.

Post #195, people I think I've offended #0. Should I try harder? laugh

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:46 AM

Well, if I were you I'd roll on...

You know I think you're a doll!:tongue:

Hey lilith! How's it going? Didn't you have some big date like 3 weeks ago?

Yeah... I dated an emotionally unavailable professor for a few weeks. Big sigh.

izzie's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:48 AM

It's the fedora. Either that, or you're dealing with 12 oclock flashers who meant to respond, and accidently hit the block button. Either way, really, I wouldn't worry about it much. If you haven't offended anyone on this site you haven't talked to enough people.

Post #195, people I think I've offended #0. Should I try harder? laugh
if you think it would help.. i could pretend to be offended by you.. and would even pretend to be your archenemy!
teeheehee.. im a good faker!

jtmcdole's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:48 AM
With this topic, I wasn't trying to draw attention to myself, but more get information about the marital status... I just did the following search:
woman looking for man, 22 to 65, 200 miles, widowed

and came up with zero! so I guess I'll not be hearing from others with my similar experiences.

cest la vie.

lilith401's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:49 AM
I could lie and say I was widowed....

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