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Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sun 01/04/09 03:58 PM
hearing the ruckus downstairs, Scomail peeks out of his door to see the halfling asail the orcs, and a smile twists onto his face. Shes got spunk he thinks to himself. Moves to the shadows at the top of the stairs and eyes the halfling

krupa's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:20 PM
In the ensueing silence...the halfling woman spots and picks up a simple paring knife from the bar's edge. One at a time she begins to remove and sharpen her hair skewers....She Glances offhandedly towards the shadows at the top of the stairway..."If the barkeep doesn't show in 10 seconds...I will buy you a drink"

7z3r05's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:29 PM
still standing outside the tavern, zeros contemplating is disrupted by a group of flaming orcs rushing out of the tavern

"i think im going to like this place" shes says aloud to herself.

krupa's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:38 PM
Time passed....(it tends to)...With spritely grace...Aezi hops to the top of her barstool and steps onto the bar....striding down towards a bottle of honey mead she hoists it high and announces...."drinks are on me"...She then takes a deep and satisfied draught to then wipe the foam from her lips with her tiny forearm.

Again she glances to the darkened stairwell then to the glazed over eyes of exhausted and traumatized people among the shadows.

7z3r05's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:48 PM
zero finally gathers herself and enters the tavern. it is dimly lit and not very crowded. after scanning the faces, her eyes fall upon a very small person happily drinking behind the bar which lacked a barkeep. the citizens who sat about the tables seemed to stare at her as if she were insane. it then occurred to her that this was the one responsible for the flaming orcs. not wanting to cause a scene, zero found an empty table and sat. there she produced her log and wrote of the happenings, hoping that the seemingly unstable midget wouldn't confront her.

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:52 PM
scomail emerges from the shadows and strolls down the steps hood up and cloack wrapped around him.
He takes the table he was at before and raps his knuckles on the table.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 04:58 PM
Edited by smiless on Sun 01/04/09 05:00 PM
Boromir the barkeep comes out of the kitchen with bowls of Boar's ragout. He is proud of how it came out as the aroma whiffs pass everyones noses. He sets a bowl down for everyone before helping himself with his own.

He notices that a few adventurers have made it from the atrocities safely towards the Green Dragon's Inn.

Smiling he pours Goblin's Brew into mugs and gives them to the fellow adventurers.

He then takes a broom to clean up the mess that he can't remember doing and eyes the adventurers suspiciously. Then shakes his head as he pushes the shattered mugs towards the corner of the room.

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:02 PM
Feeeling the effects of the goblin ale he had earlier, Scomail takes his hood down and lets his long white hair fall about his shoulders. his dark features obvious to all who see. He snickers and pulls out his lute.

7z3r05's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:03 PM
zero sees the mugs full of ale, she does not drink, but does not want to be rude. she walks to the bar, places a gold coin on it, and takes a mug of the ale. the mug is awkward in her hands and forces her to use both. she then notices that most of the attention has been shifted to her. raising the mug to her lips and taking a small sip, her eyes move from the barkeep to the dark-skinned cloaked being at the table. 'he is kinda creepy' she thought. after this, she returned to her table and continued her log.

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:08 PM
playing his lute in an easy manner Scomail sings in a hypnotic tenor voice....

The poison administered
the drinks have been served
what goes through thier minds
as they recieve what they deserve..

And lets out a hardy wicked laugh

7z3r05's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:11 PM
zero looks up from her log as the lyrics to the twisted song come to her. she glances at the mug of ale, warily. she feels fine, but the song stuck in her head.

krupa's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:14 PM
From her resumed seat at the bar...Aezi glances from one side to the other.....

"Play That Funky Music Elf Boy!" The halfling hooker yells....

Sliding off the stool she begins to dance to the primative tempo that slowly rises......

7z3r05's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:16 PM
'something tells me i should have stayed away from this place' zero thinks, emitting a sigh.

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:17 PM
scomail continues relishing in the uneasiness he notices

They look down at their drink
then with knowledge in thier eyes
each one in turn now
will choke, shutters and dies

Drinking a long drink from his own ale crookedly smiles and lets out a loud belch

7z3r05's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:21 PM
knowing this elf is full of sh1t, she ignores the song. she is becoming irritated. she is tired, and her head is throbbing.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:25 PM
Edited by smiless on Sun 01/04/09 05:27 PM
A muscular woman in mithril chainmail enters the tavern. She looks at the three customers before walking to Boromir.

"I see you have new adventurers today," she says.

Boromir nods as he grabs three more mugs to pour Goblin's Brew in them.

The warrior then turns to look at the three.

All who stay here in the Green Dragon's Inn are safe from the dangers outside. A magical barrier protects this building as only a few do in the town of Sinatorium. If you choose to adventure out then the barrier will only allow a group of 4 or 5 adventures to leave this establishment. I have done this to protect you. May you have no hard feelings for there is true dangers in this town and Lord Elkinsinan is regrouping his army to try to reclaim this town soon," she announces before taking Boromir's mugs and offering another round of drinks.

"This round is on me," she smiles before disappearing into the kitchen.

7z3r05's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:29 PM
zero looks up from her log towards the armored woman. "if help is needed, dont hesitate to ask me. i havent cracked heads in a while, and am itching to clean house." she then looks at the second mug of ale at her table and raises the first, downs it in its entirety, and then slams the mug onto the table, shattering it loudly.

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:30 PM
Storyteller Note:

Krupa please add 100 experience points to your character sheet

7z3r05 please add 100 experience points to your character sheet

for surviving the riotfull atrocities in Sinatorium and making it safely inside the Green Dragon's Inn.

It should look like this under experience points on your character sheet: 100/500

thank you.

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:33 PM
Scomail walks over to the bar and pats the hafling on the head " well arn't you just the cutes little thing" turns to bromir and asks" can I have a word with your owner"

no photo
Sun 01/04/09 05:38 PM

Scomail walks over to the bar and pats the hafling on the head " well arn't you just the cutes little thing" turns to bromir and asks" can I have a word with your owner"

Boromir nods and walks into the kitchen to shortly come out with the magnificent warrior. She looks keenly at the dark elf and grins. She puts her hand on her faintly glowing axe before standing in front of the dark elf. She looks down and says "How can I help you fellow adventurer?"

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