Topic: To the people that have been married
DragonFlyTat's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:00 PM
once for 20 years...he died July 08...God I miss him

hellkitten54's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:04 PM

once for 20 years...he died July 08...God I miss him

I am very sorry about your loss. My ex-husband passed away in July 08 as well.

eileena9's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:04 PM
Once for five years together, seperated for two until the divorce became final.

Took a break from serious dating for 13 years.

Planning on doing it again in the very near future!!!:heart: :heart: :heart:

PacificStar48's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:07 PM

twice, both had very poor memories; could not remember which bed they were supposed to be sleeping in. Maybe I have poor choice in women?frustrated

Sounds like my ex hubby, he had a problem with the zipper on his pants...he just couldn't keep the darn thing up.

LOL Always told my husband that I didn't believe in adultry but I did believe in justifyable homicide

dolphin14's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:18 PM
never been married, which by reading some of your stories and listening to my friends i am doing the right thing but it still gets lonely. I could handle just a live n boyfriend...

TJN's photo
Sun 12/28/08 06:21 PM
once for 8 years
5 of them were great the other 3 were down hill

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:06 PM
Three times. All cops. Never getting married again. noway

SweetnFunny's photo
Sun 12/28/08 07:45 PM
Once for me. I wouldn't mind getting married again if the right person came along. Hope they're patient, though. :smile: I'm gonna be very cautious before tying the knot a second time.

AngieH79's photo
Sun 12/28/08 09:32 PM
Just once. I'd like to try to again someday, but that day won't be anytime soon.

no photo
Sun 12/28/08 09:54 PM
Married once.... But been on quite a few honeymoons!!! bigsmile

carolanne58's photo
Sun 12/28/08 10:10 PM
Married for 17 months been together 5 yrs in total.Lost my best friend to illness.Would marry again if we were bestfriends.I've been a widow now for 12 yrs.I miss the smile that says I am happy to share my life with you.

OrangeCat's photo
Sun 12/28/08 10:11 PM
stood up at the alter,on wedding day

keepthehope's photo
Sun 12/28/08 10:20 PM
Once, for 15 1/2 years.

keepthehope's photo
Sun 12/28/08 10:21 PM

stood up at the alter,on wedding day

OC I'm sorry she shouldn't have done that to you.sad2

keepthehope's photo
Sun 12/28/08 10:22 PM

once for 20 years...he died July 08...God I miss him

You were very blessed. I'm sorry for your loss.

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:28 AM
Edited by Gypsy41 on Mon 12/29/08 01:29 AM
I was married once. But I lived with my son's father a lot longer. 2 different people.

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:35 AM
I said I do and signed I don't 2x.

Have now been divorced 16 yrs, longer than either marriage lasted.

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:35 AM
3 times waving

dbh1966's photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:38 AM
Once for 12 years to a marriage addict that relapsed after 12 years. She now lives with her next victim. Fool me once shame on her. Fool me twice shame on me. So long and I will continue to pray for her. laugh laugh laugh :banana: :banana:

no photo
Mon 12/29/08 01:42 AM
Once for 11 years and was not happy. I am happy to be single again!