Topic: would you date a woman whos pregnant or has a child? | |
: I think when a woman is pregnant she should be concerned with much more important things than dating. ![]() Yes, but maybe she should focus on why she is knocked up and alone. Well, let's see. I didn't find out that I was pregnant until after we broke up. Then when I told him, he made the final decision that he doesn't want to have anything to do with the baby. That was his decision, and I can't do anything to change that. As for dating someone, I'm pregnant, not broke. I have the right to go out with someone just as much as any "normal" person does. Am I making that a priority? No, my first and only priority is to my daughter and unborn child, and that will never change. Do I expect a guy to jump at the chance to go out with me being that I'm pregnant? Of course not! I've got just as much of a chance at finding a guy who will accept me as pregnant as I do at finding a guy willing to accept the fact that I already have a child. And the chances are slim, to none. My profile clearly states that I am pregnant and that I am only looking for friendship. And to make sure they know, (just in case they didn't read my profile), I tell them right from the start. I even let them know that if they don't want to pursue the conversation any further, that I am fine with that. And if they make the decision to pursue something further, then that's their decision, but at least they know what the deal is right from the start. Hmmm not sure that I was referring to you. But all the stuff you wrote is YOUR business. TMI for me. You can date all you want, thats YOUR business. I stated my opinion and stick to it. In case you missed the part, I have a child and was pregnant. Trying to find a father for my child was not my concern. |
Well, being that I'm in the situation, I did take it personal, which I know was a mistake on my part.
And I did see the part about you being pregnant. And believe me, finding a father for this baby is the last thing on my list. I've raised one just fine by myself, and I can do just as good a job with this one too. |
Sure because once I'm in love with someone I love everything about her including her children or the one soon to be.
Edited by
Fri 12/26/08 12:48 PM
Well, being that I'm in the situation, I did take it personal, which I know was a mistake on my part. And I did see the part about you being pregnant. And believe me, finding a father for this baby is the last thing on my list. I've raised one just fine by myself, and I can do just as good a job with this one too. ![]() My ex left me when I was pregnant. For some reason I had never been hit on more in my life!! I didnt date anyone but still went out til I started showing.(Didn't drink just had fun) I made some friends but made it clear i would not be sleeping w/ anyone while pregnant w/ another person's child. I was super lonely so I know how it can be. If anyone wanted to date while pregnant I can totally understand. It just wasnt right for me. |
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![]() Hi, neighbor. ![]() |
Has children, yes. Pregnant, Idk...depends on the woman. I make sure they don't think I'm gonna support child from the get-go. Maybe down the line if we get married.....chances of that happening...idk slim to none...been married once, not expecting to do it again anytime soon.
When you get to be around my age, it's pretty damn difficult to find a woman that DOESN'T have at least ONE child.
When you get to be around my age, it's pretty damn difficult to find a woman that DOESN'T have at least ONE child. How do you feel about that? |
one of my exs one Pregnant during when we first met,and a few weeks after she gave birth to her son,we met.
I have no prob with dating a lady who had kids,but if they dont have time for a relationship,her kids come she shouldnt be worrying about a relationship.if she dont have time for one. |
How do you feel about that?
How am I supposed to feel about it? It's not something I can change, nor can she. You just have to accept it. If by some remarkably slim chance there are such women that have no kids at my age, there really are such things as miracles. ![]() |
When you get to be around my age, it's pretty damn difficult to find a woman that DOESN'T have at least ONE child. Definitely. You're more likely to find one who's 9 feet tall and has three heads. And SHE would have kids, too. |
How do you feel about that?
How am I supposed to feel about it? It's not something I can change, nor can she. You just have to accept it. If by some remarkably slim chance there are such women that have no kids at my age, there really are such things as miracles. ![]() I was wondering if it was a turn-off or if it even mattered to you. I was older when I had my child, btw. |
When you get to be around my age, it's pretty damn difficult to find a woman that DOESN'T have at least ONE child. Definitely. You're more likely to find one who's 9 feet tall and has three heads. And SHE would have kids, too. I didn't have any children when I was your age. |
: I think when a woman is pregnant she should be concerned with much more important things than dating. ![]() No one said her life should stop, just that dating shouldn't be her priority, the baby should. |
Children yes, pregnant maybe... Both contain a large upfront commitment
If she had a child, no problem at all. If she was pregant, I just don't know. I certainly wouldn't want the poor child to be born with black eyes and dents in his forehead.
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When you get to be around my age, it's pretty damn difficult to find a woman that DOESN'T have at least ONE child. Definitely. You're more likely to find one who's 9 feet tall and has three heads. And SHE would have kids, too. I didn't have any children when I was your age. That, in and of itself, is an exceptional circumstance. Not saying it NEVER happens, just that the statistical likelihood of finding that situation is FAR less than the other. I have a theory that it's even more unusual on dating sites, because people often don't resort to dating sites until after they've exhausted their previous methods for meeting people; by which time, they've either been married and had kids or had kids with a prior partner outside of marriage. |
What is the point of that question? I don't get it. If a person is dating you, it should be for YOU. I'm not saying that being with child is unimportant, but it isn't YOU. Some people like blondes, some people redheads or brunettes. I don't see anybody asking about that. If someone can't see your inner beauty because of a child, there is something wrong with them not you. I have issues in here because I'm 55, it doesn't make me less of a person, it just makes the other person more special for talking to me. Look at being with child as more of an advantage; it tends to cut the amount of garbage coming your way. They can't handle it and you're saved the heartache later. Stand on your own and let your inner beauty shine, believe me. Someone special will be drawn to the light. I hope that this helps
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I don't think that it was even fair posting this question. It co-notates a desire for help or comfort. Yet, when someone goes out of their way to be helpful, you quite unabashedly, lash out at them. This is supposed to be a friendly caring place. You shouldn't pose questions like that if you don't want people to be concerned.