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Topic: Do you know who your true friends are?
feralcatlady's photo
Sun 12/21/08 06:14 AM

I will stand by you anytime....

...Come then. And I'll bring Light to the Shadows and give you my one wing. That it can be joined with yours. And you shall soar....

Oh you lil charmer you.

missy51970's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:22 AM
In real life and online I know who my real friends are...

Online, here , I thought I did... and then found out that 3 of those people were NOT my friends.. never were.. There are a select few on here I would consider friends.... 5 to be exact...It takes alot to earn my trust and in the last few months the people i have given that trust to so freely have stomped on it ...i dont give it so freely anymore..

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:33 AM
I have no friends......


I have some enemies.....

with REAL potential..........

laugh laugh explode

BertDCaveman's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:38 AM
Yeah I do I've never seen them but I hear their voices in my head

no photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:38 AM
They are far and wide between, but they are the ones I hold close, no matter what happens.

imsingle951's photo
Sun 12/21/08 09:40 AM

I know who they are...it's a short list
True for me

izzie's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:23 AM
honestly.. no i do not.
i am the type to trust first and suffer the consequinces later. and suffer i have, but i would not trade it..

my friends (even the "true" ones) have all managed to stab me in the back in one way or another at one time or another..
its the nature of the beast.

no i do not know who my true friends are.. and i hope i never have the misfortune of having to find out.

galendgirl's photo
Sun 12/21/08 10:24 AM
I think so. True friends are treasures...

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