Topic: What is the worst thing about being single?
special_guy's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:39 PM

Having to rely on a pogo stick.

They make things for that you know...

Ha Ha! I know. My room mate's mom owns a pleasure shop in Germany.

Sounds like a fun place!!!!

chickayoshi's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:41 PM

Having to rely on a pogo stick.

They make things for that you know...

Ha Ha! I know. My room mate's mom owns a pleasure shop in Germany.

Sounds like a fun place!!!!

Yeah, and my room mate brought the fun to the US. The box of treasure she carries is beyond me. laugh

special_guy's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:45 PM

Your room mate sounds like theres never a dull moment

chickayoshi's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:46 PM
You'd be surprised! laugh

special_guy's photo
Fri 12/19/08 10:47 PM
Has anyone seen my bannana?

sloughr1's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:48 PM
Trying to go to sleep alone. Something about a female's heartbeat and breath beside/on top of me makes me sleep like a stuffed turkey.

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:02 AM


:cry: flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:02 AM
Edited by angelindarkness on Sat 12/20/08 12:07 AM
Friends and family care, but they have their own immediate families to tend to and be most concerned with. There is just something about affection and companionate love that you can't get from family and friends. That's where the loneliness comes from; not being to share life and that deeper attachment with someone.

special_guy's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:03 AM
No one to hear my wonderful songs when I play and sing

thunderstruck60's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:09 AM
not having anyone to steal the covers from.

txmomof2's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:10 AM
no one to wake up to in the quiet of the night and snuggle up to and have them wrap their arms around me a drift back off to sleep

Lynann's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:17 AM
cooking for one

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:30 AM
NOTnoway "gettin any" on a regular basis!!sad tears sad tears

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:33 AM

cooking for one

There is something about not being able to cook for a husband anymore that feels too painful and lonely. I try to close avoid doing it as much as possible, as a result. We usually visit close family or take out.

I lose my appetite and would rather not eat or cook than not to be able to share the experience with a significant other. I guess it is because, culturally, it reminds me of family. On a deeper level, I guess it brings back the pain of childhood abandonment, rejection - having no where I really belonged or was wanted.

What is that thing about orphans and failure to thrive? I think that on a couple of levels, I felt like an orphan as a baby, and an orphan when it came to my earliest peer groups. Life has always been lonely for me. I've had to learn to fend for myself emotionally; never letting anyone of substance get too close - 'cause the fear of reactivating that pain through rejection again is just too raw. To most I know in real life, I seem incredibly strong and independent. If only they knew the real reasons I keep to myself.

Wow - that was being pretty transparent, wasn't it. embarassed

s1owhand's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:45 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Sat 12/20/08 12:49 AM
There is something about not being able to cook for a husband anymore that feels too painful and lonely. I try to close avoid doing it as much as possible, as a result. We usually visit close family or take out.

That's why we should have the "webcam dining club"
and simultaneous vchat and movie watching society!!

:smile: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Sat 12/20/08 12:49 AM
no back seat driver?

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:00 AM

There is something about not being able to cook for a husband anymore that feels too painful and lonely. I try to close avoid doing it as much as possible, as a result. We usually visit close family or take out.

That's why we should have the "webcam dining club"
and simultaneous vchat and movie watching society!!

:smile: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

LOL....I've heard this can work at times. It has been recommended for those in long distance relationships, or when separated by travel. It has to be difficult for them, too.

Still, I have done long distance, online. Did it for many years, in fact. It is just not the same as real time. Touch is far underated and people can starve from a lack of it - even a simple hug or touch of the hand or face. Again, there's that whole thing of infants failing to thrive due to lack of touch and perceived abandonment.

Sorry, I wanted to keep it lighthearted - just brought back memories of other "mistakes".

s1owhand's photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:03 AM

having a regular dinner date with friends at their place or mine...

all that freedom!! noway

no photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:12 AM
I get it. flowerforyou

Something to ponder. Although I admit, sometimes I have felt the loneliest when surrounded by close friends. Other times, it has been a Godsend.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 12/20/08 01:20 AM
feeling lonely in crowd of people or even around friends IS the WORST
