Topic: What's the most common reasons a wife/husband cheats?
jdcolvin's photo
Thu 12/18/08 05:41 PM
lots of excuses but people cheat because they are selfish and selfcentered ..Period

notquite00's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:42 AM

or it could be just that the person is a jerk who doesnt care about anyones feelings, the relationship.. or anyone involved..

If you married someone like that to begin with, then you're nuts. If your spouse cheats, maybe there was something dysfunctional about the relationship, and not about them!
my ex is a controlling possessive abusive asshole who beat me every time i found out he was cheating on me again.. he had no cares about what he was doing to me.. or to the children.. he told most of the other 29 women that he ended up cheating on me with that i was the best sex he ever had.. and that i went out of my way to make things nice for him at home.. but he cheated just because he could..
so it IS possible that the cheater is just a jerk who has no feelings and doesnt care about anyone but themselves..

all im sayin is that it isnt ALWAYS the fault of the person being cheated on.. and to beleve that is extremely narrowminded.

Forgive me for being unclear. I think in one of my above posts, I did point out that the cheating spouse may just be an asshole. I think that's the exception to the rule though.

For example, my first girlfriend cheated perhaps because of the distance between us and the stress that created. She was having a hard time in life and a guy nearby gave her support. One thing led to another.

My second girlfriend had cheated on someone else before she had met me. Is it so hard to imagine that she still had cared for that boyfriend, but some sort of stress and the right guy being there for her at the right time led her to cheat? Yeah, that's an easily imaginable situation. Doesn't mean she was a *****, and she wasn't...but her previous boyfriend sometimes pushed her away.

Also, I've heard that in China, cheating rate has reached epic proportions. Some wonder if the lack of sex in traditional relationships is a contributing factor. We are human and our instincts tell us to have sex...

notquite00's photo
Fri 12/19/08 01:44 AM

lots of excuses but people cheat because they are selfish and selfcentered ..Period

Again, I think it's easy to dismiss the cheater as being an asshole. Maybe it's best to examine the relationship and see if there was anything WE could have done to fix things. If so, then next time we will know how to have stronger relationships.

Just to make sure I'm not misunderstood again...I do acknowledge that sometimes, the cheater is just an asshole.

no photo
Fri 12/19/08 02:11 AM
omg dont buy into the crap............its her fault/its his fault bologna!!!!

A cheater will cheat no matter what.

Its lack of conscience......morals, love........whatever.

You may give me a cookie now!!!bigsmile

catwoman96's photo
Fri 12/19/08 02:52 AM
depends...depends...depends.......DEPENDS.....lack of things in a relationship cause it to fail. could be any sorta reason I suppose...mental insanity, youngness, dumbness, problems relating with each other verbally, physically, spiritually, boredom, sluttiness, lack of consideration for your partner, ummmmmmmm....and ooo yea..not enough french fries in the dietbigsmile

FETTS61's photo
Fri 12/19/08 04:56 AM
some people dont take their wedding vows seriously
or just conveniantly forget what they promised their spouse

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:05 PM

omg dont buy into the crap............its her fault/its his fault bologna!!!!

A cheater will cheat no matter what.

Its lack of conscience......morals, love........whatever.

You may give me a cookie now!!!bigsmile
bigsmile Heres your cookieflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:47 PM

some people dont take their wedding vows seriously
or just conveniantly forget what they promised their spouse

citygurl's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:50 PM

smile2What's the most common reasons a wife/husband cheats?shades

No self control

Beavis31's photo
Tue 03/24/09 02:52 PM
he realized he was gay....

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:13 PM

smile2What's the most common reasons a wife/husband cheats?shades

because they lack self control...

and they find plenty of people that are not looking for a committed relationship, that will cheat with anyone...

they also cheat because they are emotionally insecure and mentally immature, which they believe gives them the right to cheat when they feel the relationship is not going the way they want....

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:25 PM
Edited by ozzy1910 on Tue 03/24/09 03:37 PM

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 03:40 PM
Not enough Wooppyybigsmile

no photo
Tue 03/24/09 04:14 PM
another person!!!

MmmmHmmm's photo
Tue 03/24/09 04:28 PM
i think they may just be looking for the "newness" of a relationship.

evilbabe277's photo
Tue 03/24/09 04:30 PM
They cheat because they aren't happy and shouldn't be in the marriage to begin with or it could be cause they are just self centered pigs/pigets JMO


no photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:25 PM

smile2What's the most common reasons a wife/husband cheats?shades

I'll take "Because they're stupid" for $64.00

Jess642's photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:28 PM

Always looking outside oneself for reassurance...needing to feed their ego...

Infidelity is never about sex... it is always about a person feeling less is just the 'hook' used to feed an ego.

s1owhand's photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:34 PM

smile2What's the most common reasons a wife/husband cheats?shades

the dingl-ER puts his deeshizzle proximal to the highly sensitized moist yearning of the dingl-EE causing multiple ecstatic cries of "OH BABY!" and "OMG OMG OMG" ooooohhhhhhh.....

that's the most common reason, but sometimes the dinglER french kisses the dinglEE in a particular and highly eroticized way right on the veeshizzle having much the similar effect as discussed above but with slightly more moaning and the risk of difficult breathing and facewash to the dinglER but it's probably still quite good for both...


FisitMan's photo
Tue 03/24/09 08:44 PM
Blame it on communication problems, sex, money, stress....whatever you want. The bottom line is the cheaters care more about themselves than their partners.