Topic: Does time truly exist? | |
and in time you will too ![]() ![]() there is no time, no future so.... I guess not. ![]() ![]() |
Time is an illusion, it's a mystery... But no worries, guys. In time, we'll have this one figured out as well! ![]() ![]() ![]() Love it 'MahanMahan'!!! I don't get why the first pick was deleted though!?!?!? Perfectly inoffensive, and sooo good!!! And on your opening line, '... Time is an illusion, it's a mystery...' Actually, according to Einstein and friends, the time we consider real: 'CLOCK TIME' (past-present-future in some sort of sequential order), IS the illusion. ... and what most of us consider a mystery, is the REAL THING, no illusion whatsoever! Scientifically verifiable through Feynam's 'Sum over histories' model. But none the less Mystery to us, because we fail to grasp 'all of it' from our mode of 'BEING THOUGHT THROUGH A HUMAN EXCLUSIVE CONCEPT OF TIME'! Can't get there from what we HOLD TO BE HERE as a 'reality' !!! But very much real and freeing for the 'few physicists' whom have transformed their mode of being thought through a completely altered concept of time. They're the Galileo(s) of our 'TIME'!!! Voileazur, Thank you. I would like to one day be able to travel the universe, unrestricted by time or distance... What can you tell me about the concept of Remote Viewing? |
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Sat 01/31/09 07:24 AM
I think the consensus and agreement is that time does not exist and that it is merely a mental concept or tracking system.
With the tracking of objects in space, in relation to each other, an event can be located in the holograpic matrix. Now the next time someone tells you that they don't "have enough time" you just tell them that nobody has any time because it essentially does not exist. If you are one who always says that you don't have enough time you will have to change that to: "I can't because I am too busy." If they ask you when you will be unbusy, just tell them, you will let them know when that condition is met. You can no longer make appointments "in time." You must say, "I will meet you at such and such a place after so many complete rotations of the earth when the clock's hands positioned with the small hand on the six and the large hand on the 12. Well basically that is what you are telling them when you point to a date and time. Our clock and calendars are only tracking objects moving through space... not time. |
does any intangible concept "exist"
this is a silly question. |
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Sat 01/31/09 08:06 AM
does any intangible concept "exist" this is a silly question. If me and you jumped into a rocket that accelerated to 80% of light speed and traveled in circles around the earth for 3 years when we came out of the rocket we would be three years older, but the people on earth would be much MUCH older, I do not have the exact amount but it would be 20-50 years older. Tell me time does not exist except as a mental construct given that this is true. This is true btw. It is real, time is a thing, it REALLY does speed up and slow down relative to two frames of reference and the difference in velocity between them. This is science, not science fiction. We have tested this effect extensively. |
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Sat 01/31/09 08:22 AM
does any intangible concept "exist" this is a silly question. If me and you jumped into a rocket that accelerated to 80% of light speed and traveled in circles around the earth for 3 years when we came out of the rocket we would be three years older, but the people on earth would be much MUCH older, I do not have the exact amount but it would be 20-50 years older. Tell me time does not exist except as a mental construct given that this is true. This is true btw. It is real, time is a thing, it REALLY does speed up and slow down relative to two frames of reference and the difference in velocity between them. This is science, not science fiction. We have tested this effect extensively. Billy, that's extremely interesting. But it still has to do with the movement of bodies through space....and their speed, not a thing called "time." So are you saying that the "speed" of light (traveling through our space) is what "time" depends on or is how we clock time? (Or measure space?) In the absence of our "space" (matter) would light have any "speed" at all? So it is the density of the matter in this universe that determines the speed of light? What if the density of the matter changed and light speed increased? Then would time pass slower like it did in the spaceship going around the earth at 80% of light speed? Would the people in the spaceship be considered to be "going into the future? It would certainly seem so to them if they landed on the earth and 50 years had past. Okay so, lets increase the frequency of the matter and decrease its density. ..(another dimension perhaps like the astral plane is described.) Time is different there. You can spend what seems like three years there, and return to the earth and 50 years have past. But even with all of this, time is difficult to nail down. It seems to have to do with speed of things, like processes of decay, aging etc. Very interesting to think about! I still think that light has no speed in it original state, outside of a dense material universe. |
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Sat 01/31/09 09:11 AM
So I age three years after being in this rocket,
you who where on earth age lets say 60 years and we where best friends since birth, you actually lived more years, have more memories, experienced 60 years of time, for my 3 years . . . . How is time not real given this? Single question. |
So I age three years after being in this rocket, you who where on earth age lets say 60 years and we where best friends since birth, you actually lived more years, have more memories, experienced 60 years of time, for my 3 years . . . . How is time not real given this? Single question. Because you are not talking about time you are still talking about events (movements) and experiences and the speed they progress from beginning to end ~and the matching ability to perceive them from the beginning to end. Your subconscious mind sees everything but only calls your conscious attention to what is important. Remember the story of my time stalling experience? Okay I experienced this! My attention was removed from regular earth time as we know it and I experienced at least ten visions of the car accident that was about to happen if I made a left hand turn. I'm not saying that regular time(movement) stopped completely but it had appeared to come to a complete halt. It was probably just moving very slowly compared to the time zone in my subconscious mind. I even had a conversation with myself and argued that I had looked in the rear view mirror and saw nothing coming. I heard myself in my mind's thoughts reply that it would not hurt if I just took one second to turn and look over my shoulder. I agreed with this reasoning. At that second I returned to normal clock time and I looked over my shoulder as I had agreed to. The second it took to do that saved me (and my little brother) from being hit and killed by a fast moving pick-up truck. So I know from personal experience that the perception of events and thoughts can vary outside of this known reality or inside the mind, probably in accordance to the vibrational frequency of the environment itself. |
My conclusions are based on personal experience. They are that the perception of time is intimately connected to the observer.... not the physical being observer, but the spiritual thinking center which exists in a timeless place of awareness and manifests as bodies in space and sentient creatures.
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Sat 01/31/09 12:22 PM
does any intangible concept "exist" this is a silly question. If me and you jumped into a rocket that accelerated to 80% of light speed and traveled in circles around the earth for 3 years when we came out of the rocket we would be three years older, but the people on earth would be much MUCH older, I do not have the exact amount but it would be 20-50 years older. Tell me time does not exist except as a mental construct given that this is true. This is true btw. It is real, time is a thing, it REALLY does speed up and slow down relative to two frames of reference and the difference in velocity between them. This is science, not science fiction. We have tested this effect extensively. Perception does not equal reality, you only think it does because that is simpler to understand. Too many people are confusing these two very different things and making theories based on the assumption that they are one and the same. In your example above, all that would happen is you would spend 3 years going extremely fast around the Earth and nothing more. The Earth would not be 20-50 years older, it would be 3 years older same as you. Time has no basis in the physical world--it is merely an idea created in ones mind based on the comparison of memories, nothing more. Our minds do this so effortlessly and efficiently we are not consciously aware the comparisons are even occurring. In your example above, your perception of what is happening would change dramatically. The light that finds your eyes and the images you see would make things appear to slow down, stretch out, and almost come to a standstill. Since we have trained our minds that our perception equals reality, one would assume they are traveling in time. Perception does not equal reality, you only think it does because this is what has been ingrained in you since childbirth. This is true btw. It is real, time is a thing, it REALLY does speed up and slow down relative to two frames of reference and the difference in velocity between them. This is true... however, you are missing a key element here. Your perception of reality speeds up and slows down relative to two frames of reference and the difference in velocity between them. Since time is an idea in your head based on perception, your brain interprets these changes and adjusts the idea you call time. |
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Sat 01/31/09 12:24 PM
Biological factors such as cell mutations due to
trillion upon trillions of cell divisions over the course of a period of your life is what makes you show your age. ( we humans can tell how old someone is . . . this change is not perception changing, but the physical aspect of the person in question.) I am not going to repeat myself, but perception has nothing to do with it. When we age it is becuase a mechanic that is imprecise has ran its course for a very many cycles. Time slows down for those that travel at great speed. They will quite literally have spent less time, and have less cell divisions, and be less old then someone who was not traveling at this amazing speed. Many people try real hard to envision a way this must not be true, but it is . . . it really is the truth, verifiable, testable, knowable truth. |
Time slows down for those that travel at great speed.
They will quite literally have spent less time, and have less cell divisions, and be less old then someone who was not traveling at this amazing speed. Many people try real hard to envision a way this must not be true, but it is . . . it really is the truth, verifiable, testable, knowable truth. I am curious. Where was this tested and verified? What kind of tests were done? Are you saying that some human has traveled at 80% of light speed and proven this? Please provide a place or way to learn about this test, a book, a website etc. I am interested in the actual test. |
I am not going to repeat myself, but perception has
nothing to do with it. Billy, I have told you about my perceptual experience with two different time speeds and you have not given me an explanation for it. Except for the chance you simply don't believe me or you think I am lying or delusional I still have not heard your thoughts on this. If you don't believe me then just assume it it is true. What is your explanation? |
The longest journey a person will take in this lifetime.... from their heads to their hearts. JB you know what you know... with head heart and spirit. Billy knows what he knows with his head....(he needs all the time he can create) ![]() |
yesterday i wasn't so sure but today it seems likely
Time is obsolete.
Does time as we know it truly exist? Time is a curse. |
In my opinion time is relative to our physical existence. We chose to have the physical experience therefore it does exist in order to feel, love, touch etc. On the spiritual planes it does not exist. I tend to lean more towards the spiritual. Just sayin'. pAAAce!
-jess |
no it dosent it is merley portals to different fuel sourses from a higher intilectual machine run by a race more advanced than us.
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