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lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 12:22 AM

Jesus lived in a place where traders came from all over. Scholars think it is most likely that Jesus was Arab or African.

Also, lovemeifyoucan said that Jesus is not Arab, he is Jewish. Well...there are tons of Arab Jews - Judaism is a religion, not a race. Just like there are tons of Arab Christians. (And by the way, when Arab Christians pray...what word do you think they use address God? Allah = God = Dios = Dieu = Dio = 上帝 = 천주 = 神 ...etc.)

Sorry...I'm just tired of people thinking Allah is some sort of pagan moon God. God bless our biased Western media!

I know who Allah is.....and have read bits of the Koran...

I will say that alot of it is the same as the Christian bible that Americans know and use...just worded differently.
I will stick with the biblical reference that Jesus was a Jew.....

last_romantic's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:07 AM

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:37 AM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/17/08 03:43 AM

It serves me no purpose to argue over what I think and believe verses what you think and believe. And as far as running with dogs of any type goes...Yeah... I'll pass from now on...

I remember a thing called "door warriors"......meaning that a person would talk trash, as if they were something to be feared.....but noone ever saw them out from behind the closed door, therefore the person felt safe, because they were sure the door would not open, thus, keeping them from harm.

I laugh when I read alot of threads, cause it seems that this is the case with alot of people on these sites.....internet warriors......LOL

I have made not one comment on this thread I can not back up with credible historical evidence. Can you say the same? I also would say everything I have stated on this thread directly to your face and not even bat an eyelash.

You seem to be intelligent....what you are not understanding, is that since "Christmas was started in this country, hundreds of years ago, never has anyone worried about offending someone by saying Merry Christmas....

You may have historical quotes.....but so far, next to none of them have had anything to do with the point I am making.

I was not addressing you in particular. Christmas was not "started in this country". Lets try not to argue and keep it civil. Im willing to hear your point of view. I have no vested interest in it one way or another but I can explain to you why the term "Happy Holidays" is used in public in the place of "Merry Christmas" It is essentially for very practical reasons.

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:44 AM

Yeah, there's no use arguing with him. He will listen to his viewpoint only.

I see that a lot in here (and everywhere else)

just do what I do and make fun of em without trying to engage their arguments

I'm all for people debating. It's when they get angry and start insulting those who don't agree with them is what I don't like. I guess some people just can't do that.

I insult people who are directly, or indirectly attempting to insult me.....or, when they are smart people, debating on a topic which has nothing to do with what I am talking about....I said something cut and dryed....and several people want to go so far out of proportion that they think they are still talking about the same thing

If you're having a civilized debate, there's no need to insult anyone, whether they agree with you or not.

PBug's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:07 AM
Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas#History

Educate yourself.

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:23 AM
I do particularly hate "debate"

I love to talk about stuff. But I won't engage a discussion with someone who is only concerned with scoring points for his "side"

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:27 AM

I do particularly hate "debate"

I love to talk about stuff. But I won't engage a discussion with someone who is only concerned with scoring points for his "side"

I can respect that view.

My main concern and what I scan these forums for like a shark is misappropriated or misconstrued historical data being espoused as fact. That bugs the be-jesus out of me.

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:29 AM

I do particularly hate "debate"

I love to talk about stuff. But I won't engage a discussion with someone who is only concerned with scoring points for his "side"

I can respect that view.

My main concern and what I scan these forums for like a shark is misappropriated or misconstrued historical data being espoused as fact. That bugs the be-jesus out of me.

hahahaha you must stay REALLY bugged a LOT in this place

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 11:35 AM
No not really. I also joke and play around a lot also. It is a dating site after all. Im talking like just wildly fallacious or inaccurate data. If something is minor, I let it go now. Bleh. Or if I cant prove it to be false conclusively then why bother.

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:24 PM

It serves me no purpose to argue over what I think and believe verses what you think and believe. And as far as running with dogs of any type goes...Yeah... I'll pass from now on...

I remember a thing called "door warriors"......meaning that a person would talk trash, as if they were something to be feared.....but noone ever saw them out from behind the closed door, therefore the person felt safe, because they were sure the door would not open, thus, keeping them from harm.

I laugh when I read alot of threads, cause it seems that this is the case with alot of people on these sites.....internet warriors......LOL

I have made not one comment on this thread I can not back up with credible historical evidence. Can you say the same? I also would say everything I have stated on this thread directly to your face and not even bat an eyelash.

You seem to be intelligent....what you are not understanding, is that since "Christmas was started in this country, hundreds of years ago, never has anyone worried about offending someone by saying Merry Christmas....

You may have historical quotes.....but so far, next to none of them have had anything to do with the point I am making.

I was not addressing you in particular. Christmas was not "started in this country". Lets try not to argue and keep it civil. Im willing to hear your point of view. I have no vested interest in it one way or another but I can explain to you why the term "Happy Holidays" is used in public in the place of "Merry Christmas" It is essentially for very practical reasons.

I understand what you are saying.....
I did not mean it was started in this country....whatever the case may be, it has been referred to as such for a very long time....and There is nothing offensive about simply words of kind intentions.....

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:26 PM

Yeah, there's no use arguing with him. He will listen to his viewpoint only.

I see that a lot in here (and everywhere else)

just do what I do and make fun of em without trying to engage their arguments

I'm all for people debating. It's when they get angry and start insulting those who don't agree with them is what I don't like. I guess some people just can't do that.

I insult people who are directly, or indirectly attempting to insult me.....or, when they are smart people, debating on a topic which has nothing to do with what I am talking about....I said something cut and dryed....and several people want to go so far out of proportion that they think they are still talking about the same thing

If you're having a civilized debate, there's no need to insult anyone, whether they agree with you or not.

I want some cookies....you want some cookies....lets go get some cookies...

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 03:44 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Wed 12/17/08 03:45 PM
I understand what you are saying.....
I did not mean it was started in this country....whatever the case may be, it has been referred to as such for a very long time....and There is nothing offensive about simply words of kind intentions....

I had to explain this to Aqua also. Im not sure who was having such a hard time with verbal greetings of Merry Christmas. I personally would not have a problem with that. You will offend someone at some point in time if you continue to say Merry Christmas to complete strangers however. That is your choice. It imposes your own spirituality onto others.

Happy Holidays is to be displayed in public thoroughfares. .

lovemeifyoucan26's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:19 PM

I understand what you are saying.....
I did not mean it was started in this country....whatever the case may be, it has been referred to as such for a very long time....and There is nothing offensive about simply words of kind intentions....

I had to explain this to Aqua also. Im not sure who was having such a hard time with verbal greetings of Merry Christmas. I personally would not have a problem with that. You will offend someone at some point in time if you continue to say Merry Christmas to complete strangers however. That is your choice. It imposes your own spirituality onto others.

Happy Holidays is to be displayed in public thoroughfares. .

essentially, what it all boils down to is a matter of opinion....it is my opinion, and that of many I know, that it should stay as it was when it started in this country....

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:37 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Wed 12/17/08 05:39 PM

yeah....whatever.......for the most part, I respect other people boundries.......and their beliefs.....

But I think it is BULLS*IT, when stores feel the need to cater to UNAMERICAN WAYS IN AMERICA....

Screw the "happy holidays" crap....

It was founded as CHRISTMAS....not HOLIDAY.

other cultures may believe in something other then CHRISTMAS....but IN AMERICA WE HAVE CHRISTMAS...
if you live in America....you should respect the culture of OUR ways....as americans should do in other countries....

With that being said....

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

MERRY CHRISTMAS.....And a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays is being respectful to all not a limited few. If it is Christmas to you, great, but it may not be to those who are around you. You are being respectful of all if you say Happy Holidays instead of being selfish of your own beliefs. My opinion of course.

Since the holiday itself was a winter solstice celebration before it was claimed by the Christians, it really does belong to EVERYONE, NOT JUST CHRISTIANS!!!

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 05:59 PM
Dammit!!!!!!!laugh :wink: What she said!

Dragoness's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:03 PM

Dammit!!!!!!!laugh :wink: What she said!

:wink: bigsmile

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:22 PM

yeah....whatever.......for the most part, I respect other people boundries.......and their beliefs.....

But I think it is BULLS*IT, when stores feel the need to cater to UNAMERICAN WAYS IN AMERICA....

Screw the "happy holidays" crap....

It was founded as CHRISTMAS....not HOLIDAY.

other cultures may believe in something other then CHRISTMAS....but IN AMERICA WE HAVE CHRISTMAS...
if you live in America....you should respect the culture of OUR ways....as americans should do in other countries....

With that being said....

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

MERRY CHRISTMAS.....And a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays is being respectful to all not a limited few. If it is Christmas to you, great, but it may not be to those who are around you. You are being respectful of all if you say Happy Holidays instead of being selfish of your own beliefs. My opinion of course.

Since the holiday itself was a winter solstice celebration before it was claimed by the Christians, it really does belong to EVERYONE, NOT JUST CHRISTIANS!!!

In AMERICA, we have MANY different religious beliefs & holidays. Last time I looked, we did not live in a theocracy. Therefore, we should recognize all of these, or none in particular. Example: if your town hall wants to display a Christmas tree & nativity scene at this time of year, they should also display symbols of other major religious holidays celebrated at the same time, like a menorah for Chanukah, kinara for Kwanzaa, oil lamps for DiWali, etc. There is not one American winter holiday, and our taxes should not be spent to recognize one over the other.

Now if you as an individual want to display Christmas decorations & say, Merry Christmas, that's your right, as an American. But if you are a merchant and you do this, just remember you may be ignoring & even offending some potential customers. And it is then their right not to patronize your shop. I think most business people recognize this and choose to use the generic 'happy holidays' so as not to drive off customers. But that too is their choice.

Krimsa's photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:45 PM
Well said.

no photo
Wed 12/17/08 06:50 PM

Well said.

Thanks Krimsa. I just hate when I see people misrepresent what America is really all about.

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 12/17/08 07:06 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Wed 12/17/08 07:09 PM
I usually just say "Happy Holidays"...not because trying "not to exclude" other religious holidays, but because you got New Year's eve coming up , so it is also another "holiday". That's my short version if I usually saying my wishes to those I don't know well. Other than that, instead of saying "Merry Christmas", I say all 3 most of the time. "Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!"....well of course unless people are just damn lazy to talk more than 2 words...especially when it's a wishing of good. You really sum it up this way, and it will neither kill you to say more than 2 words.

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