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Topic: how do you deal with a 18month old that has been abused
EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:40 AM
when my daughter was around that age...

they do get times like us..when they get thier days and nights mixed up.
completely normal.

What was suggested to me is;

put them to bed at the usual time.

let them cry. go see them after a few miuntes, reasure them, but do not
pick them up.
walk away.
go back again only let it go one more minute...

it usually takes a few days... but it worked for me.

as you do the back and forth thing make each time a bit longer... this
shows them you are there, and will be always, while at the same time
giving them the time they need to adjust.

need more input, we could put links in.

Again, why is the nurse not helping you with this stuff?

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:46 AM
the nurce only comes over once a month and that was ok but i have moved
out on my own and they want me to try getting my baby used to it being
just me and her see how it gose but i find it hard. thank you

no photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:46 AM
the nurce only comes over once a month and that was ok but i have moved
out on my own and they want me to try getting my baby used to it being
just me and her see how it gose but i find it hard. thank you

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Tue 04/17/07 10:54 AM
Do you have a pediatrician?

and, folks involved with your care...

you should have recourses at hand to show you, are even provide you,
with some books, and such to have at hand when you are in between

Lemme find some good solid links.

And, again, you need to, if you haven't already, set up counsiling. it
takes time to heal from abuse.

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 07:01 AM
thank you Emotional Turbulance i am working on getting help but the
doctor i take my little girl to takes a month and a half to get in to
see him. but i am trying to get a new doctor so we dont have to wait so
long. well thank you for your help. i realy appreate the help.

also we have been away at a friends place for over a week could that be
some of the problem could she just be home sick? because she seams to be
a little easyer to handle at home.

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Wed 04/18/07 07:40 AM

no photo
Wed 04/18/07 12:30 PM
well thank you for your help i kind of thought that being 3 hours away
from home could be part of the problem and she came down with a cold in
the last couple days but thank you verry much

countrygirlinohio's photo
Sun 04/29/07 02:16 PM
I was in a very bad marriage were my husband at the time abused my
children and me. My oldest daughter had the same thing and the
thearpists said that it ws reaccuring flashbacks, now shes decided its
post traumatic stress syndrome. My daughter is 10 now she has learnt she
can only hit pillows no matter how mad she gets. She took alot of
special attention and alot of cuddling. Nights were hard for her to. She
was 3 when all this started for her. I wish you the best.

no photo
Sun 04/29/07 02:33 PM
emo i really think you give good advice, reguardless of some crap some
people gave you

no photo
Wed 05/02/07 09:39 AM
thank you country girl

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 05/04/07 03:21 PM
gota say, after taking time away..and, waiting to see what you came up
with, you don't seem to have answers regarding her wellbeing other than
wondering abut her schedule because you're taking her all over the

Would like to read about what actual help you've gotten, please.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Fri 05/04/07 03:59 PM
she's young nene and abused to boot..give her some time.she is at least
seeking advice but when your alone it can be scary.Sometimes people feel
if they go to parenting classes or counseling the child will be taken
from them.
Hottie health and human services can set you up with a counselor.call

EmotionalTurbulance's photo
Fri 05/04/07 04:03 PM
I understand that.
Guess I'm just frustrated at seeing folks want help and not doing it.
It's terrible to know it happens all the time.

I sincerely wish her the best.

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