Topic: Do you live a life....
HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/08/08 01:17 PM

ive been pondering my reply to this since i saw it..
and you always pick the deepest things that make me think..

i try to live a life of giving.. and i wouldnt deliberately improve my life at the sacrifice of others... or at least i hope i wouldnt..

but when push come to shove.. i cant tell you what i would do..

i prefer to think that i live a spirit filled life of giving and helping....

as i have 4 children.. my life is no longer my own.. i have given it to them. and i have sacrificed greatly for it..

LOL so you mean to say that the smoke I see billowing from your direction is from my topics?

I feel the same way about my life. It ceased to be my own when my soul mate was born. (Nicole sheli)

I have made some of the hardest sacrifices in my life to better myself so I can give my children the chance at happiness that I never had until they came into it.

I want them to know that true happiness comes to those whom work hard for it. It is not able to be bought. The happiness you receive from toys and big tvs and fancy shmancy cars is fleeting. What are you left with when you are robbed or a hurricane hits and destroys all you have bought??

You are left with yourself and the kindness of strangers.

You are left with your friends and your family.

I do not know if I would jump in front of a bullet for a stranger's life. Possibly, if the time frame allowed it? (I am not faster than a bullet)

I would prefer to die for my children and loved ones.

I know in my heart that there are many friends I would die for gladly.

I know that even now, after all is said and done, if Engraven and I were traveling in Israel and I saw him in danger, I would gladly take his place.

I am not saying his life is worth more than mine. But I am not going to sit back and watch another beloved person die a needless death if I can help prevent it.

Same if Izzie and I were bebopping my old stomping grounds in LA and were caught in a drive-by. I would put me between her and death.

It goes for all my friends and family.

I live my life doing the best I can to ensure peace and happiness to others before giving it to myself.

My happiness stems from the happiness of others.

I do not believe in a self-love. I believe your worth is proven by those you have helped in life. Without doing horrible things. I would not steal to make another person happy with their new iPod.

However, I would steal food for my children if they were starving and I had no other reasonable means of feeding them.

I would not kill some one just to make some one else happy. However, I would, if there was no other choice, kill someone who was attacking my children.

But this is just me.

And I am okay with people attacking my personal beliefs. I wouldn't post them if I didn't have my big girl panties on.

Pete0909's photo
Mon 12/08/08 01:59 PM
I do what I can when I can for strangers, if an opportunity presents itself.

When I was on the ship, I always volunteered for community relations projects, and always had a great time doing them.
Painting a school in Croatia was probably my favorite one. Actually, spending a week helping the village of Boscastle clean up after a horrible flood was my favorite.

As for friends and family, I will usually go to the ends of the earth to make them happy. I would give my last cent to a friend in need before I used it on myself.

Saying that, I do spoil myself every now and then. I buy myself the stuff I want when I have the chance.

Tanzkity's photo
Mon 12/08/08 02:00 PM
Im a selfish biotch..............

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 02:03 PM

Purely on the basis of pleasing yourself and making yourself happy, or do you live a life of goodness and sacrifice to ensure others happiness?

me? well ..Altruistic Hedonist.

Do you believe it is your right to make yourself happy at the expense of other people?


Or do you know in your heart that happiness comes from doing right to the people around you?


no photo
Mon 12/08/08 02:17 PM

Purely on the basis of pleasing yourself and making yourself happy, or do you live a life of goodness and sacrifice to ensure others happiness?

Do you believe it is your right to make yourself happy at the expense of other people?

Or do you know in your heart that happiness comes from doing right to the people around you?

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 02:24 PM
I was a volunteer Firefighter/First Responder for 17 years in 2 states. I only saw smiling faces 3 times. Twice brought 2 kids out unharmed to momma, and once brought out Dad to wife and kids a little burnt but alive. All the other times, I saw sadness when familys came home to lost homes, pain of accident victums, pain of myself over seeing lost young lives in senseless auto accidents.

But all in all, I'd not trade the experiences or the service for anything else I've ever done!!

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 04:11 PM

Do you live a life Purely on the basis of pleasing yourself and making yourself happy, or do you live a life of goodness and sacrifice to ensure others happiness?

Do you believe it is your right to make yourself happy at the expense of other people?

Or do you know in your heart that happiness comes from doing right to the people around you?

I live a life based on "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

Do I sacrifice my happiness to make someone else happy? All the time.

Do I sacrifice someone else's happiness to make myself happy? No, I always return any favor I ask of anyone at equal or greater value.

Do I give charity when I'm needy? I have the strong desire to want to, but logic tells me otherwise, for my own survival. If I can live without it, and it is life or death for the other person, then yes I will help them in any way I can.

Do I know in my heart that happiness comes from doing right to the people around you? Yes, it makes me happy to make other people happy.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 12/08/08 04:19 PM
Yes, I am one of the Secret Saints. Living a life of Quietude and Contemplation, with Service to our Brothers.

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 04:35 PM
Pay It Forward.......

whenever ya can


krupa's photo
Mon 12/08/08 05:25 PM
Damn it! You guys are blowing my concieted sense of selfishness out of the water. I thought everyone wanted me to be happy at thier expense! ...back to the drawing board..........

no photo
Mon 12/08/08 05:30 PM

Purely on the basis of pleasing yourself and making yourself happy, or do you live a life of goodness and sacrifice to ensure others happiness?

Although I do consider myself a bit of a hedonist (and supposedly an arrogant narcissist, according to some!), the reality is that I have always been the designated counselor/advisor/helper for everyone I know.

I do sometimes sacrifice for others....and it's not always easy, but I do believe it's all been worth it.

My friends all tell me that they wish the situation wasn't always so one-sided, but that's just the way it is.

Do you believe it is your right to make yourself happy at the expense of other people?

No -- that is one of the few things I truly believe is wrong.

Or do you know in your heart that happiness comes from doing right to the people around you?

That has been my experience.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:14 PM
I thank you all for your wonderful responses.

I am glad that most of you have been honest with me and yourself.

This is something I had discussed with someone I hold in high regard today and it got me thinking.

Thank you all.

speedbug72's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:18 PM
i much rather see others happy. i like to stand by and help when i can.

diesel_hunter's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:23 PM
I think everyone should have a time to be happy for themselves, not at the expense of others, but I'm not letting anyone stand in the way of my happiness.

Mayhem_J's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:47 PM
"Purely on the basis of pleasuring yourself"

....sorry I got stuck on that line for a little while.

Anyway...I dont make myself happy at the expense of others. I make myself at the expense of myself.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:48 PM

"Purely on the basis of pleasuring yourself"

....sorry I got stuck on that line for a little while.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

you are such a perv.

I love it.

Mayhem_J's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:52 PM

"Purely on the basis of pleasuring yourself"

....sorry I got stuck on that line for a little while.

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

you are such a perv.

I love it.

I am....what can I say. Sometimes I just cant help myself. And it didnt help reading that line with your picture right next to it.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/08/08 07:52 PM
ROFL rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

You are killing me, ((((((Mayhem))))))

Mayhem_J's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:06 PM
Thank you thank you....I'll be here all week. Make sure you tip your waitress's and bartenders.

HasidicEnforcer's photo
Mon 12/08/08 08:13 PM
but I am the bartender