Topic: Gay Marriage should be legal! | |
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Sun 12/07/08 12:05 PM
To stay on topic, my point is this, The gays want thier marriges to be recognised so that they will recieve the same validation & benifits as straights. They certainly deserve this. The problem comes with combining a legal contract with a sacrement. They should be seperate.Go to the church for a wedding & make a contract for legal issues.I think your sister, cousin, best friend,lover, wife or whomever you chose should be able to benifit from your love & work. Keep religion & sex out of it. The only place government should have in family affairs is to protect the rights of parents & minor children. |
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Sun 12/07/08 12:06 PM
I am glad you see what I am trying to say. I believe it's time to seperate the legal & social/religious aspects of marriage. I think it's the only way to be fair. |
I just don't understand what the real objection here is. I personally am not gay, but I still respect the rights of others to live as they wish. Seeing as how most marriages in the U.S. end in divorce anyway, what is the big deal. Does any bible thumping bigot really think they are going to be able to keep there little darling kids from ever being exposed to what is going on the the world. Good luck with that, when the police find your child locked in a room somewhere you will go to prison for the rest of your natural life. Get real people. The constitution is a piece of paper that has been used and abused for over two hundred years to divide and conquer the common people with. God does not discriminate as to whom he shall judge, what in the hell gives a man the right to do so in Gods name. Yes, a "marriage" (which is nothing more than a piece of paper in mans eye's anyway) should be accepted by the IRS, insurance companies and so on. Otherwise, we as Americans should see to it that the constitution is exposed for what it is, bull*hit! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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Sun 12/07/08 12:13 PM
Martymark, I am glad you see what I am trying to say. I believe it's time to seperate the legal & social/religious aspects of marriage. I think it's the only way to be fair. |
I am not judging I am merely defending the constitution which I cherish! I have 3 books here at my desk within arms reach, "PCs for dummies" "Windows xp for dummies" & "Miracle at Phildelpia" ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am not judging I am merely defending the constitution which I cherish! I have 3 books here at my desk within arms reach, "PCs for dummies" "Windows xp for dummies" & "Miracle at Phildelpia" I need the "PCs for Dummies" book. I need one for Vista too. |
my only point for this post will be this...
There were many religions long before christianity and will probly be many more after. Marriage was not always a religious thing. There was no religion involved in marriage. Marriage was just a convenience that was set up between families as a way to ensure that their daughter was taken care of. It became a religious thing when christianity came to be. No, I am not slamming a religion honest and Lindyy knows I would never do that. Historically speaking though christianity brought a major change in the world as people were forced to convert (sorry but that is what the christian crusades were) and beliefs were changed including the way marriage worked. Just like all other religions though there wil always be other religions and other people that are not religious. My best friend is Protestant and feels that either gay marriage should be allowed or that all marriage should be abolished. |
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Sun 12/07/08 12:27 PM
I am not judging I am merely defending the constitution which I cherish! I have 3 books here at my desk within arms reach, "PCs for dummies" "Windows xp for dummies" & "Miracle at Phildelpia" I need the "PCs for Dummies" book. I need one for Vista too. you mean the Constitution that grants the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all and the one that says all citizens are equal? *edited due to a blond moment lol |
I am not judging I am merely defending the constitution which I cherish! I have 3 books here at my desk within arms reach, "PCs for dummies" "Windows xp for dummies" & "Miracle at Phildelpia" I need the "PCs for Dummies" book. I need one for Vista too. you mean the Constitution that grants the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all and the one that says all citizens are equal? *edited due to a blond moment lol |
I have removed several posts from this thread. Please, no attacking/insulting others. |
I am not judging I am merely defending the constitution which I cherish! I have 3 books here at my desk within arms reach, "PCs for dummies" "Windows xp for dummies" & "Miracle at Phildelpia" I need the "PCs for Dummies" book. I need one for Vista too. you mean the Constitution that grants the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to all and the one that says all citizens are equal? *edited due to a blond moment lol The judicial branch is set up to INTERPRET laws.....ALL laws of the USA, federal, state, local....even constitutional laws..... I thought people knew that was the purpose of the judicial branch...... THAT is why it is IMPORTANT to get judges who INTERPRET the law NOT CREATE laws, that is the job of the legislative branch...... LINDYY ![]() |
It is also their job to ensure that the laws congress passes are fair to all.
It is also their job to ensure that the laws congress passes are fair to all. |
It is also their job to ensure that the laws congress passes are fair to all. That can only be done if a case is brought before the courts....and the (well, I am referring to the Supreme Court now) court "Interprets".... All law suits, legal actions are based on the laws of all different types even down to Wills, deeds....etc....everything is governed by a law.... What people do not realize is that basically, laws are there to protect and keep civility and order...... ex: can you imagine the chaos over someone's estate if certain laws were not set into place? People would be stealing from the estate before the deceased were even buried..... Lindyy ![]() |
It is also their job to ensure that the laws congress passes are fair to all. That can only be done if a case is brought before the courts....and the (well, I am referring to the Supreme Court now) court "Interprets".... All law suits, legal actions are based on the laws of all different types even down to Wills, deeds....etc....everything is governed by a law.... What people do not realize is that basically, laws are there to protect and keep civility and order...... ex: can you imagine the chaos over someone's estate if certain laws were not set into place? People would be stealing from the estate before the deceased were even buried..... Lindyy ![]() |
If people knew what the religious right has been doing in the past decade to make sure the supreme court goes their way they would be shocked. It amazes me how little voters know about such things. I bet you might be shocked at the laws that Bush is trying to get in under the wire right this very minute, that have no oversight, and that are intended to bog down Obama for months and years trying to stop them and you can bet these laws are not in favor of every day people.
We really need to get to know our government and how it works, and what law makers are doing behind the scenes. If you think our churches are sitting quietly by your mistaken. The Right will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and you can bet that blocking gay rights is part of that agenda. They will one day achieve amending the Constitution if and when we are not paying attention. The people that go to church have one function that that is to financially support what goes on behind closed doors, not to be aware of how they are manipulating church goers. Sound like a conspiracy. Nope, just a fact that we should be more aware of. I spent my 20's thinking I had no control over what happens in my government, so I never voted, and I have since learned that you get what you deserve when you don't vote, or you don't do any research before you vote. Many many people knew that Bush would be a problem a big problem, but his campaign and what they campaigned on.. you know, abortion, gays, all the hot button issues they knew people would focus on... well we are here because we don't pay attention. Democrats I knew never thought anyone in their right mind would vote for Bush so some just didn't vote because they never thought he would win, but they should never have underestimated the power of the religious right to get out their base and believe me they did everything to get that base out, and well you know the rest. I am glad to see more young people out fighting for the right's of gays to marry, we have stood silent way to long in to large a number. Every minority has had to fight tooth and nail to get their rights, we aren't the first and probably won't be the last, but remember there are lots and lots of people on our side of this, so don't worry to much about those you can't get through to, because in most case you will never convince them even on a human emotional level. |
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Sun 12/07/08 01:44 PM
The Religious right is doing nothing wrong or unconstitutional or different than what the left wing liberals have done over the past years.....
The "religious right" as you put it, are simply standing up for what they believe in (which they/we have a right to do, it is our country too), just as the non-relgious left has done..... Lindyy ![]() |
When women wanted their right to vote and such were laws passed to prevent that? They were given the right to vote even though it was not considered normal at the time. you're making my arguement for me with this this case...a womens right to vote was discrimination against people...not behavior...thats why it was rectified...with the passage of the 19th amendment in 1920... I don't know about that Gio. I'm thinking that the men didn't want the women to have the behavior of making decisions. |
I just don't understand what the real objection here is. I personally am not gay, but I still respect the rights of others to live as they wish. Seeing as how most marriages in the U.S. end in divorce anyway, what is the big deal. Does any bible thumping bigot really they are going to be able to keep there little darling kids from ever being exposed to what is going on the the world. Good luck with that, when the police find your child locked in a room somewhere you will go to prison for the rest of your natural life. Get real people. The constitution is a piece of paper that has been used and abused for over two hundred years to divide and conquer the common people with. God does not discriminate as to whom he shall judge, what in the hell give a man the right to do so in His name. Yes, a "marriage" (which is nothing more than a piece of paper in mans eye's anyway) should be accepted by the IRS, insurance companies and so on. Other wise we as Americans should see to it that the constitution is exposed for what it is, bull****! Insurance companies should recognize anyone you name. The IRS should tax everyone the same, reguardless of sexual affiliations. It is not the constituion, but religion that is the problem. Yet the constituion defends your right to your religion. That shows how fair & good it is! Your religion tries to be exclusive & discriminatory under the pretenses of love & goodness. That is Bull****! ![]() 69? |
Well I would be interested in knowing what the left wing liberals have done in these past years to ammend the consitution, or to constrict rights to individuals.
I don't just research one side over another, there are things on both the right and left that I agree and disagree with, so I would be happy to hear what you have to say. For obvious reasons I keep up with what the Christian Conservatives are up to in Washington and other places. I don't care for either side messing with my civil rights, you can believe that. But because gays don't have the same rights as straights do I especially keep an eye on the christian right, again for obvious reasons. |