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Topic: that was a long time,
Riding_Dubz's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:29 PM
What was the longest realtionship you where in ?

MonkeyBob's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:30 PM
7 years

REDGIRL67's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:31 PM

What was the longest realtionship you where in ?
7 years= 6 1/2 years too longlaugh

catwoman96's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:31 PM
7 years

lnghntr's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:31 PM
10 long yrs of bliss??????frustrated frustrated frustrated sad sad noway noway explode

SimplyElla's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:31 PM
Almost 6 years smitten

no photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:33 PM
18 years

Haloheldbyhorns's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:33 PM
46 years (LOL with my family)

krupa's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:34 PM
40 years.....I gotta say that it has been fantastic. You see, I am deeply in love with myself. I sleep with me EVERY night. I always make me feel special and the sex is awesome!!! (I often scream out my own name when I am with a women....confuses them but, it is always good for a laugh)

no photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:35 PM

What was the longest realtionship you where in ?

The longest unbroken relationship I had was 2 years.

There was one girl I was with on and off for 5 years.

Average is about three months for me.

justme659's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:43 PM
one marriage-26 years

galendgirl's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:44 PM

46 years (LOL with my family)

Ya know...that's probably the best and most true answer of all!

michiganman3's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:03 PM
17 yrs married.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:04 PM

17 yrs married.

12 years...
A close second to the family answer...

AngieH79's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:09 PM
11 years

Dan99's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:12 PM
1yr 8months encounting...

michiganman3's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:14 PM

17 yrs married.

12 years...
A close second to the family answer...

Family is until everyone is in the ground, so yeah, 50 yrs for me, and many more to come.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:17 PM

17 yrs married.

12 years...
A close second to the family answer...

Family is until everyone is in the ground, so yeah, 50 yrs for me, and many more to come.

Sadly...I'm the reject there - only got to figure that out for real in the past year. Can't fix it...can't keep trying to fix it anymore or I'll be "in the ground."

That said, family of birth has been a long relationship and my hope for the future, promise, and best joy is the fantastic relationship/breaking the bad cycle that I've built with my kids and the "family of my choosing" in life.

Dan99's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:18 PM
I have had a longer relationship with my mistress, i have known her all my life but we only started getting sexual after about 11-12 years. I sometimes refer to her as my 'Right hand'.

galendgirl's photo
Tue 11/25/08 09:19 PM

I have had a longer relationship with my mistress, i have known her all my life but we only started getting sexual after about 11-12 years. I sometimes refer to her as my 'Right hand'.


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