Topic: Lucid Dreaming | |
Anyone else experience this often? Controlling your dreams? Having a "dream within a dream"?
It happens to me pretty much every night. It is so intense and vivid that it scares me sometimes. What causes this? |
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Haha! I'm not a pill popper.
Seriously. Anybody have any insight on this? It's really freaking me out. I've done some research online. Just looking for other peoples comments. |
Haha! I'm not a pill popper. Seriously. Anybody have any insight on this? It's really freaking me out. I've done some research online. Just looking for other peoples comments. Why does it freak you out? Adjust your parameters to accept that you are present in your dreams, and acknowledge them.... What is the purpose of freaking out? Waste of bloody time if you ask me.... Dreams can be as simple as an extention of your daily life, or prophetic, or anything in between. Journal, and acknowledge the dreams.... you may just find something interesting in them. ![]() |
I get them sometimes but they don't freak me out. I look forward to them. I try not to put too much meaning into them and enjoy them for what they are.
It happens to me pretty much every night. It is so intense and vivid that it scares me sometimes. I had a problem with this for a period of time when I was taking the smoking cessation medication called "Chantix" I was having very lucid and disturbing nightmares and waking up paralyzed and in cold sweats. It got so bad I could not go into REM and was actually making myself sick from lack of sleep. Im assuming you arent that bad yet but you should not be having that occur each and every night because it can effect your deep sleep and eventually your health. Are they nightmares or just vivid dreams? |
I once had this very vivid dream in which I was in an old backyard of mine, and it was night. There was a makeshift pond (like some yards have) with grasshoppers floating in them, and these strange looking beetles that I picked up to study. And everything was a strange shade of blue or purple. Every sensation was so real, and I was so aware of my dream, and it was so peaceful. I just sat around, marveling at the randomness of my surroundings and taking them in.
I once had this very vivid dream in which I was in an old backyard of mine, and it was night. There was a makeshift pond (like some yards have) with grasshoppers floating in them, and these strange looking beetles that I picked up to study. And everything was a strange shade of blue or purple. Every sensation was so real, and I was so aware of my dream, and it was so peaceful. I just sat around, marveling at the randomness of my surroundings and taking them in. Has anyone told you that you are quite Napoleon Dynamite looking in appearance? ![]() |
I once had this very vivid dream in which I was in an old backyard of mine, and it was night. There was a makeshift pond (like some yards have) with grasshoppers floating in them, and these strange looking beetles that I picked up to study. And everything was a strange shade of blue or purple. Every sensation was so real, and I was so aware of my dream, and it was so peaceful. I just sat around, marveling at the randomness of my surroundings and taking them in. Has anyone told you that you are quite Napoleon Dynamite looking in appearance? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Anyone else experience this often? Controlling your dreams? Having a "dream within a dream"? It happens to me pretty much every night. It is so intense and vivid that it scares me sometimes. What causes this? I've been doing it lately in the mornings, I'll wake up a little during a dream there will be a break I'll fall back into the dream and manipulate it. Kinda weird. |
Falling back into dreams...I've done that. When it happens to me though, I don't manipulate the dream; somehow the dream becomes very repetitive. It almost seems to manipulate me, making me perform the same actions again and again...very irritating.
I manipulated my last dream and got some girls phone number.
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And by the way, I'll have you know that Napoleon Dynamite stole that look...Matter of fact, I taught that pretender everything he knows!
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And by the way, I'll have you know that Napoleon Dynamite stole that look...Matter of fact, I taught that pretender everything he knows! ![]() Its mainly the way you are standing in your main photo. ![]() |
Haha! I'm not a pill popper. Seriously. Anybody have any insight on this? It's really freaking me out. I've done some research online. Just looking for other peoples comments. Why does it freak you out? Adjust your parameters to accept that you are present in your dreams, and acknowledge them.... What is the purpose of freaking out? Waste of bloody time if you ask me.... Dreams can be as simple as an extention of your daily life, or prophetic, or anything in between. Journal, and acknowledge the dreams.... you may just find something interesting in them. ![]() It's not that it really freaks me out. I just wake up with a very uneasy feeling like "whoa...where did THAT come from". It could be that I just watch too many weird/scary movies. Most of my dreams are scenes, just like a movie, and often times they even have a detailed plot to them. I have written a few of these down, and plan on adapting a screenplay. Thanks for the feedback. |
It happens to me pretty much every night. It is so intense and vivid that it scares me sometimes. I had a problem with this for a period of time when I was taking the smoking cessation medication called "Chantix" I was having very lucid and disturbing nightmares and waking up paralyzed and in cold sweats. It got so bad I could not go into REM and was actually making myself sick from lack of sleep. Im assuming you arent that bad yet but you should not be having that occur each and every night because it can effect your deep sleep and eventually your health. Are they nightmares or just vivid dreams? Mainly just vivid dreams. Sometimes so vivid that I can't tell if it's real or not. I also have dreams where I will be physically harmed, and wake up with pain. Example, I got shot in my leg, and woke up with a intense pain in my leg (most likely a cramp), in the same place where I had been shot. Lately, I have had dead friends and relatives visiting me in my dreams, which is another reason I'm a little concerned. |
Edited by
Fri 11/21/08 04:08 PM
Mainly just vivid dreams. Sometimes so vivid that I can't tell if it's real or not.
Are you under a lot of stress lately? That could cause this. Any medications you are taking? Dietary or exercise changes? Even vitamin supplements can effect REM and dreams. Are you having a lot of legs cramps? That could be a sign that you dont have enough calcium in your diet. Lately, I have had dead friends and relatives visiting me in my dreams, which is another reason I'm a little concerned.
Now this is very interesting. Dreams about deceased relatives. In the African American community, there is very often a belief that deceased relatives will contact their living family members to impart some kind of important information. They will do this without being solicited or asked. Can you tell what they are trying to say to you if anything? Are they doing anything you can remember in the dream? Or the friends? What are they saying to you? |
Yes, I have been under stress, and I also just recently slowed down on my alcohol intake. I'm thinking that is what is causing it. Rather than "passing out" with a head full of booze, my mind is more aware. Makes sense.
To answer the dead friends/relatives question, they are just there in the background, but no interaction with them.......yet. Should I be worried if they start talking to me? Is there some herbal remedy I can use to make my dreams a little less intense? Thank you so much for your help Krimsa. |
I too have had dreams involving deceased relatives...
Not often, but once in awhile, either one of my dead grandparents will appear in a dream. It doesn't worry me, because I believe any other human image one encounters in a dream is a reflection of a side of the dreamer's personality. Even if that person is dead. A couple nights ago, a had a dream regarding my gramma, now passed on for two and a half years. In the dream, she was stable and coherant (a far cry from her last days, as she was bedridden with Alzheimers). Not sure what to make of it, unless its a subconscious reflection of some aspect of my feeling about death. ![]() ![]() |
I too have had dreams involving deceased relatives... Not often, but once in awhile, either one of my dead grandparents will appear in a dream. It doesn't worry me, because I believe any other human image one encounters in a dream is a reflection of a side of the dreamer's personality. Even if that person is dead. A couple nights ago, a had a dream regarding my gramma, now passed on for two and a half years. In the dream, she was stable and coherant (a far cry from her last days, as she was bedridden with Alzheimers). Not sure what to make of it, unless its a subconscious reflection of some aspect of my feeling about death. ![]() ![]() I've had the same kind of dream about my grandmother who also suffered from Alzheimers. It makes me happy that I can remember her that way and not the way she was the last few years of her life. Flim Freek, it sounds like your body's got a lot to cope with right now, as things settle down for you, your dreams should settle down too. In the mean time you could try taking Melatonin. You can find it in the vitamin aisle at the grocery store. Take it about 1/2 before you want to go to sleep. When I was going through my divorce I would take the Melatonin, then write in a journal until it took effect; that did a good job of calming my mind down before I went to sleep, and those were dreams that I wouldn't wish on anybody. |