Topic: Nice guys finish last!
Mr_Music's photo
Tue 11/18/08 04:58 PM

I always see these "nice guys finish last" threads, but frankly, us nice gals have problems, too. If we don't demand enough or throw our boobs in a guys face, we are often overlooked. Or the guys who scoop us up want a nice gal, but they still want to have rights to be "bad boys". There are all types out there but USUALLY a happy medium can be found. Never settle, learn from your mistakes, learn what it is about you that attracts USERS, cut and run, move on until you find that nice gal who can really appreciate and love on a nice guy.

See, this is where you female folk screw up. Most women are under the misconception that "all men like boobs". Rare is the woman that stops to realize that there are MANY men who have no particular interest in boobs.

I just LOVE to be stereotyped.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 11/18/08 04:59 PM
1 eatz nize guyz, where do u l1vez at?

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:05 PM
How about you look at your attitude and expectations? If you are a 22 yr old guy, in school, working unusual hours, who may or may not live on your own, who consistently is seen in the company of loosers (your own definition) then your reputation is going to preceed you. If you admidt you are a man in training and whineing like a brat or a cry baby if women move on because a few tokens won't buy their respect your luck might change.

cottonelle's photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:06 PM
lets throw rocks at all the nice guys

jimmy99005's photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:11 PM

lets throw rocks at all the nice guys

I know that you've been damaged
your soul has suffered such abuse
but I am not you savior
I am just as fdevildevilked as you.


franshade's photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:11 PM
I like nice guys

for breakfast devil
sometimes even for a snack

jimmy99005's photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:13 PM

I like nice guys

for breakfast devil
sometimes even for a snack
Yep she prefers dirty cowboysdevil

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:19 PM

:thumbsup: And for the life of me i cant figure out why. Now in no way should the following be misconstrued as conceeded, Im just awhere of how I behave in a relationship. I open doors, get flowers, compliment, pamper, massage, sing,..whatever goofy adam sandler gesture that comes up to make a girl smile. I have a good fashion sense, i think im good looking enough. i feel as if im the package that woman talk **** about desiring but when they have it they flush it away quicker than it started, and of course the jerk gets the girl. for someone reason I get along with older woman better, i guess theyve been screwed over enough so now they appreciate little gestures....idk i know the peanut gallerys gonna chime in but if anyone can offer opinions that would be great!waving
I know exactly where your coming from. Women say they want the nice guy, then they seem to turn around and go for the jerks. I've been single now for over ten years. I haven't even met a woman that I would really want to give a chance to. Most of the time the first thing I hear from them is, what do you do for a living? in other words (how much money do you make). It would be nice to meet a woman who would even pretend to care more about the type of person I am, rather than the amount of money I do or don't make!

Oh get over yourself. Women ask you what you do for work because if you are not a looser you probably do it 40+ hours of every week. It generally gives you and idea of what their likes and interests. It also gives you and idea if the person is an indoor or outdoor type. If you are a leader or a follower. Are you going to be a good conversationaist. Is your job going to drag you and her all over the world if things get serious. Is your job likely to leave her alone long periods. Is your job likely that you will be injured, permenantly disabled, killed and her a single mother? Is your job going to conflict with hers; most people don't date within the work place if they can avoid it. Are you going to be croniclly unemployed or under her feet for certain seasons? Does your employment have a serious reputation for cheating or abuse or divorce? If you are the partner in her life she has to cope with your job to heck with how much money you earn.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:30 PM
Definition of......

Nice Guy- The nice guy, they say, finishes last. But in romantic relationships, the nice guy often isn't even in the running.... The nice guy may have expressed an interest in dating you.... The nice guy is the person who you trust and feel comfortable with, but don't see as "fun" or "challenging" or really all that "interesting," other than as a friend, of course.

Man- an adult male person who has a manly character (virile and courageous competent) Strong,a male person possessing qualities that are considered to be manly a male lover or sweetheart.. A person of power and authority, one that can take charge. An adult male person, as distinguished from a boy.

Now you tell me which am I more likely to look for?

Shsshshshs give me a MAN I don't want someone that whines the ohh me ohhhh my story I want one that can act like a Man but have a heart too. I want one that has a mind of their own and knows how to use it. Not one that wants a mother figure too tell him what he needs to do. I want someone that is challenging not boring.....

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 05:33 PM

See, this is where you female folk screw up. Most women are under the misconception that "all men like boobs". Rare is the woman that stops to realize that there are MANY men who have no particular interest in boobs.

I just LOVE to be stereotyped.

Mr_M -- Thank you. I am one of those guys. We do exist. Some find it hard to believe. But boobs are about 138th on my priorities list.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:20 PM
Women want Men not Boys!!! bigsmile

We want a Man that has a back bone not a Nice Guy that whines when he does not get what he wants. noway

no photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:22 PM
Edited by GeniuSxBoY on Tue 11/18/08 06:22 PM

Women want Men not Boys!!! bigsmile

We want a Man that has a back bone not a Nice Guy that whines when he does not get what he wants. noway

That's not the consensus of female school teachers in florida :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sweethouston713's photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:28 PM

:thumbsup: And for the life of me i cant figure out why. Now in no way should the following be misconstrued as conceeded, Im just awhere of how I behave in a relationship. I open doors, get flowers, compliment, pamper, massage, sing,..whatever goofy adam sandler gesture that comes up to make a girl smile. I have a good fashion sense, i think im good looking enough. i feel as if im the package that woman talk **** about desiring but when they have it they flush it away quicker than it started, and of course the jerk gets the girl. for someone reason I get along with older woman better, i guess theyve been screwed over enough so now they appreciate little gestures....idk i know the peanut gallerys gonna chime in but if anyone can offer opinions that would be great!waving

Maybe try to do the 'little gestures' you spoke of less often...someone who is always so polite, and 'nice-nice' (as I put it) can get boring fast...

It's easy to take anything for granted when it happens all the time..., whether that's right or wrong - it just is.

The little sweet gestures mean more if they are not part of every day together.

tusselboy's photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:36 PM
I'm starting to think that I should become more of a caveman than a nice guy,lol.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 11/18/08 06:39 PM
Did I hear nice guys are the soup of the day today?

usernamefayou's photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:29 AM
Look, this whole thing has always been nothing more than a concept fabricated for being condescending over another person, usually by weaker people. Do not let people's two-dimensional thoughts dictate your abstract mind. If you like doing these things for women, if you want to play all this through your psyche, more power to you. Life is short. You feel the desire to be a certain way, any way, and stick to it, well that's cool enough.

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:39 AM

Rare is the woman that stops to realize that there are MANY men who have no particular interest in boobs.

I don't think I've ever met a man who doesn't like boobs. Perhaps they're out there, but I don't know them.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 11/19/08 10:59 AM

Look, this whole thing has always been nothing more than a concept fabricated for being condescending over another person, usually by weaker people. Do not let people's two-dimensional thoughts dictate your abstract mind. If you like doing these things for women, if you want to play all this through your psyche, more power to you. Life is short. You feel the desire to be a certain way, any way, and stick to it, well that's cool enough.

I must agree with you do for others what ever it is you choose to do if you like to be mushy lovey dovey do it. Just don't whine when things don't work out for you. Some times it was just not meant to be.

It is the whinning that gets to most people and when some start out with the ohh mee ohh my stories as if they are the only ones that have went through it. Believe me we all have had our hearts broke at times.

Even when we thought we were doing everything possible to make things work and they still left. At times we must learn they left cause they were lacking something instead and they felt there was something missing. At times they do find what they are seeking and at times they find out they left the best thing they had ever had.

Therefore all one can do if the one your in-love with leaves is pick up the pieces and move on for some day you will find that one that wants you for who you are. But one must learn to hold there head up and move on and not sink in the pity mode. Yeah it is not easy but it can be done.

Riding_Dubz's photo
Wed 11/19/08 11:03 AM
A common stereotype is that "nice guys finish last."[2] The phrase is attributed to baseball manager Leo Durocher,[3] though Durocher was originally referring to the opposing team rather than to male/female relationship dynamics. The full quote is, "All nice guys. They'll finish last. Nice guys. Finish last."[4]

The "nice guys finish last" view is that there is a discrepancy between women's stated preferences and their actual choices in men: in other words, women say that they want nice guys, but really go for men who are "jerks", or "bad boys" in the end. Desrochers (1995) claims that many "sensitive" men do not believe that women want "nice guys" due to their personal experiences.[5] According to McDaniel (2005), popular culture and dating advice "suggest that women claim they want a 'nice guy' because they believe that is what is expected of them when, in reality, they want the so-called 'challenge' that comes with dating a not-so-nice guy." Urbaniak & Kilmann (2003) write that "Although women often portray themselves as wanting to date kind, sensitive, and emotionally expressive men, the nice guy stereotype contends that, when actually presented with a choice between such a 'nice guy' and an unkind, insensitive, emotionally-closed, 'macho man' or 'jerk,' they invariably reject the nice guy in favor of his 'so-called' macho competitor."

Another perspective is that women do want "nice guys," at least when they are looking for romantic relationship. Desrochers (1995) suggests that "it still seems popular to believe that women in contemporary America prefer men who are 'sensitive,' or have feminine personality traits." Women have differing opinions about whether "nice guys finish last" sexually or not. Herold & Milhausen (1999) found that 56% of 165 university women agreed with the statement: "You may have heard the expression, 'Nice guys finish last.' In terms of dating, and sex, do you think women are less likely to have sex with men who are 'nice' than men who are 'not nice'?" A third view is that while "nice guys" may not be as successful at attracting women sexually, they may be sought after by women looking for long-term romantic relationships. Herold & Milhausen (1999) claim that "while nice guys may not be competitive in terms of numbers of sexual partners, they tend to be more successful with respect to longer-term, committed relationships." However, an immediate conclusion which may be drawn from this is that the longer-term, committed relationships were only sought by the women once they had had their lives overtaken by circumstances of pregnancy, abuse or disease. Another study [1] indicates that "for brief affairs, women tend to prefer a dominating, powerful and promiscuous man". Further evidence appears in a 2005 study in Prague - "Since women can always get a man for a one-night stand, they gain an advantage if they find partners for child-rearing" [6].

In 2003, Dr. Robert Glover published a book called, No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan for Getting What you want in Love, Sex, and Life. Glover, a psychotherapist in Bellevue, WA, based his book on experience with his clients and his own life. His book traces the society and family origins of the "nice guy syndrome." His work led to the creation of an online support group for men [2].

Tony Clink offers an explanation for why many women are attracted to the jerk rather than the nice guy: "It's not because women like jerks. Women prefer polite over rude, and attentive over distracted. The problem is the way nice guys present these positive characteristics. In order to appear friendly and romantic, these 'nice guys' think they have to turn off their sexuality. They hide their desires in order not to offend, presenting an androgynous, asexual persona. The first impression they give is one of emasculation, weakness, and lack of desire. At best, they confuse the woman as to whether they even find her attractive. That's what jerks offer women that nice guys don't: they're not afraid to be sexual."[7][8].

[edit] Research
Researchers are also interested in the "nice guy" phenomenon (McDaniel 2005). Empirical research exists on studying perceptions of the "nice guy" phenomenon (some of which is cited above), women's self-reports or behavior, and comparisons of men's personality traits with their sexual or romantic success. Studies that explicitly use the term "nice guy" also cite empirical research that doesn't use that term, but which addresses qualities that are often associated with "niceness." Results of research are mixed and inconsistent (Herold & Milhausen 1998). Herold & Milhausen conclude that "the answer to the question 'Do nice guys finish last?' is complicated in that it is influenced both by the measurement instruments used and by subject characteristics."

[edit] The "nice guy" construct
One difficulty in studying the "nice guy" phenomenon is due to the ambiguity of the "nice guy" construct. [9] Participants in studies interpret "nice guy" to mean different things. In their qualitative analysis, Herold & Milhausen (1998) found that women associate different qualities with the "nice guy" label: "Some women offered flattering interpretations of the nice guy, characterizing him as committed, caring, and respectful of women. Some women, however, emphasized more negative aspects, considering the nice guy to be boring, lacking confidence, and unattractive." There is also a negative phenomenon associated with the "nice girl" in the same respect. She may be considered to be a prude, boring and submissive. The bad boys were also divided into two categories, "as either confident, attractive, sexy, and exciting or as manipulative, unfaithful, disrespectful of women, and interested only in sex." Researchers have operationalized the "nice guy" and "jerk" constructs in different ways, some of which are outlined below (McDaniel 2005).

[edit] Results of research
Various studies explicitly try to elucidate the success, or lack thereof, of "nice guys" with women (Jensen-Campbell et al. 1995,[10] Herold & Milhausen 1998, Urbaniak 2003, McDaniel 2005).

Jensen-Campbell et al. (1995) operationalized "niceness" as prosocial behavior, which included agreeableness and altruism. They found that female attraction was a result of an interaction of both dominance and prosocial tendency. They suggest that altruism may be attractive to women when it is perceived as a form of agentic behavior.
Herold & Milhausen (1998) asked a sample of undergraduate women "You meet two men. One, John, is nice but somewhat shy. He has not had any sexual experience. The other, Mike, is attractive, a lot of fun, and has had intercourse with 10 women. Both wish to date you. Whom do you choose?" 54% reported a preference for "John," 18% preferred "Mike," and the rest had no preference.
Urbaniak & Killman (2003) constructed vignettes of four hypothetical dating show contestants: "Nice Todd" vs. "Neutral Todd" vs "Jerk Todd" vs. "Michael," who was created to be a control. "Nice Todd" described a "real man" as "in touch with his feelings," kind and attentive, non-macho, and interested in putting his partner's pleasure first. "Neutral Todd" described a "real man" as someone who "knows what he wants and knows how to get it," and who is good to the woman he loves. "Jerk Todd" described a "real man" as someone "knows what he wants and knows how to get it," who keeps everyone else on their toes, and avoids "touch-feely" stuff. "Michael" described a "real man" as relaxed and positive. In two studies, Urbaniak & Kilmann found that women preferred "Nice Todd" over "Neutral" over "Jerk Todd," relative to "Michael" even at differing levels of physical attractiveness. They also found that for purely sexual relationships, "niceness appeared relatively less influential than physical attractiveness." After acknowledging that women's preference for "niceness" could be inflated by the social desirability bias, especially due to their use of verbal scripts, they conclude that "our overall results did not favor the nice guy stereotype."
McDaniel (2005) constructed vignettes of dates with a stereotypical "nice guy" vs. a stereotypical "fun/sexy guy," and attempted to make them both sound positive. Participants reported a greater likelihood of wanting a second date with the "nice guy" rather than with the "fun/sexy guy."
These studies also cite other research on heterosexual attraction that doesn't mention the "nice guy" term. They interpret various studies on female attraction to various traits in men (e.g. dominance, agreeableness, physical attractiveness, wealth, etc.), and on the sexual success of men with different personality traits, to shed light on the "nice guy" phenomenon.

Sadalla, Kenrick, & Vershure (1985)[11] found that women were sexually attracted to dominance in men (though dominance did not make men likable to women), and that dominance in women had no effect on men.
Bogaert & Fisher (1995)[12] studied the relationships between the personalities of university men and their amount of sexual partners. They found a correlation between a man's number of sexual partners, and the traits of sensation-seeking, hypermasculinity, physical attractiveness, and testosterone levels. They also discovered a correlation between maximum monthly number of partners, and the traits of dominance and psychoticism. Bogaert & Fisher suggest that an underlying construct labelled "Disinhibition" could be used to explain most of these differences. They suggest that Disinhibition would correlate negatively with Agreeableness and Conscientiousness from the Big five personality model.
Botwin, Buss & Shackelford (1997)[13] found that women had a higher preference for surgency and dominance in their mates than men did, in a study of dating couples and newlyweds. Shackelford has been criticized for this with some mockingly reffering to him as "Todd the Texas Sharp Shooter fallacy."

[edit] The Disease to Please
A condition very similar to the Nice Guy Syndrome was described by late Harriet Braiker in her 2001 bestselling book "The Disease to Please - Curing the People-Pleasing Syndrome"[14]. Like the Nice Guy, the People Pleaser will suppress his own needs in order to satisfy the perceived needs of others. However, while the Nice Guy Syndrome was clearly elaborated as a men-only problem, the Disease to Please focuses more on women who can have very similar behavior patterns.

[edit] Appearance in popular culture
Lists of miscellaneous information should be avoided. Please relocate any relevant information into appropriate sections or articles. (March 2008)

The 1986 best selling book "Nice Guys Sleep Alone" by "Bruce Feirstein"
The 1987 film Mr. Nice Guy (1987 film)
The book No More Mr. Nice Guy and a Gang Starr album of the same name
In the 2006 film Casino Royale, Solange asks James Bond, "Why can't nice guys be more like you?" He replies: "Because then they'd be bad."[15]
"Nice Guys Finish Last," is the title of a song by the band Green Day. Some lines from the song are: "Your sympathy will get you left behind", and "Oh nice guys finish last, when you are the outcast / Don't pat yourself on the back you might break your spine."
In the seduction community, "nice guys" are considered to be "Average Frustrated Chumps." In The Game, Neil Strauss defines an "Average Frustrated Chump" as "a stereotypical nice guy who has no pickup skills or understanding of what attracts women; a man who tends to engage in supplicative and wimpy patterns of behavior around women he has not yet slept with."[16]
The book, No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr. Robert Glover,
The song "No More Mr. Nice Guy" by Alice Cooper

no photo
Wed 11/19/08 11:08 AM
Edited by MindyMindy on Wed 11/19/08 11:12 AM
I only date nice guys. Somewhere out there a nice guy will get me and he will finish first.

Jerks get the girl more maybe because the jerks are more exciting but jerks don't keep the girl.

Just keep trying. I don't know you so I don't know if you are really nice. Just opening doors and bringing flowers doesn't make you nice. Even jerks do that. Nice is being there when the girl needs a bunch of other things that I will not go into.

Good luck

I missed all the stuff posted above by the others with more experience (I just woke up). Read all that then try again. If you are not going to take the advice then why ask?