Topic: MINE | |
And, be listening to the ruch of blood through walls of roads throughout beating hearts Shhh... and, shhh... hear sleepy wandering channeled life within the chambers of nod frigid steel cycles plumed air seers intake winters crystals chink with midnight over winter memories not myth tinder not sighted beside not the chill air carry ice and ember contrast and contentment misnomer is the titlement so, silence hush...shhh... e'er crackle be and the leaf frozen or e'er be it alight? which do you hear? Nene 2006 |
a night full of talking that hurts
my worst held back secrets. Everything has to do with loving and not loving this night will pass i have work to do let the beauty we love, be what we do rumi |
I could tell you of beams
kissed by shimmering stardust Yet, I will create the strings threaded throughout time and time I could wish upon fancy and perhaps not so Yet, this day existence is and, you are prisms hearts I could sail through indigo dreams and salmon coloured cotton Yet, I Am Being today, the Feel I should render well, what could be and say goodness will be... Yet, shards of glass are my bones and, love bondage glue... Nene |
and, she said, "like this!" learned mind the teacher and lover of spirits afar and near... and, she said, "let's meet!" o'er starry skies and soak up the moon while the network shimmered everywhere... and, we did Nene |
the water of life is here, i am drinking it
but i had to come this long way to know it the beloved in in your blood and veins, tho he or she may seem to have a form outside you it's in the outstretched hand you offer to one in need there is no better orgasm than seeing these children eat |
good thing is each post is the future... wow! look at you...
hey, there! held a map in hand of flesh rendered Smooth babes cheek or ancient roads taken... the tale of individuals new and lived... Today, in cyber my hands feel the memory and real as in my hands holds your brow kiss what I see between your eyes... energy rushes through my palms movie reels in the tissues no fictional pulp, this then, I will spread my hands and cover all with reality lest forgotten among habitual priorities... Nene |
your fragrance was carried on the winds and
the roses blushed and wilted i felt you hand outstretched the soft and firm grasp that held me stable as i walked your touch calms my grief and allows me to sit and cry it is SO much easier to let go than to hold on |
there was not one amoungst us who looked forward to being born.
we disliked the rigours of existence the unfulfilled longings the enshrined injustices the labyrinths of love the ignorance of parents the amazing indifference of living in the midst of the simple beauties we feared the heartlessness of human beings, all f whom are born blind few of whom ever learn to see i remember the dreamtime |
i lingered in the world, seduced by the beauty
by the annunciation of wonderful events, i go thru life with idealistic and fated eyes carrying within me the music of a lovely and tragic mythology. my mouth utters an obscure prophesy my mind invaded by the future i am a strange one with half of me always in the spirit world i cross bridges and touch tears i enter secret longings and sooth an unsettled sleep i hear you breathing everywhere and i am there warming your feet, in the steam of your coffee the sweat on your brow the dirt in your fingernails the blood on your skirt how many times will i go thru this gateway? i chose again to stay to come home to the smell of your scent on my pillow i want to taste this world to feel it to know it to suffer it to love it to make a valuable contribution to it to have that sublime mood of eternity in me as i live the life that comes but i sometimes think it was your face that made me want to stay..... i wanted to make happy the bruised spirit of the women that would become my dearest friends |
i lingered in the world, seduced by the beauty
by the annunciation of wonderful events, i go thru life with idealistic and fated eyes carrying within me the music of a lovely and tragic mythology. my mouth utters an obscure prophesy my mind invaded by the future i am a strange one with half of me always in the spirit world i cross bridges and touch tears i enter secret longings and sooth an unsettled sleep i hear you breathing everywhere and i am there warming your feet, in the steam of your coffee the sweat on your brow the dirt in your fingernails the blood on your skirt how many times will i go thru this gateway? i chose again to stay to come home to the smell of your scent on my pillow i want to taste this world to feel it to know it to suffer it to love it to make a valuable contribution to it to have that sublime mood of eternity in me as i live the life that comes but i sometimes think it was your face that made me want to stay..... i wanted to make happy the bruised spirit of the women that would become my dearest friends |
i was born not just because
i had conceived a notion to stay, to come back but because in between my comings and goings the great cycles of time had finally tightened around my neck i prayed for laughter a life without hunger i was answered with paradoxes it remains an enigma, how it came to be that i was born smiling! |
I fall apart inch by inch
time ticks by and the ticks leech and the leeches pierce thier cl*t "oh, HELP ME!"says the leech "My mail is full of sh*t!" it has begun... "Why, oh, WHY!!!" I fall apart second by second time is a blur and the blur bleeds and the leeches fill to bursting bloated leers gleeful responses "Does my p*ssy make you horney" says the leech... On it goes and all the same faces repeat actions are plain and seen reactions become the jokes sheep lined up dumb and blind and the wolves cry BAHHHHHHH Nene |
and the force of spring rendering the ground
THROWS all the crumbled earth to the wind and we stand trrrrrrembling and fresh but older than all the juju that was ever spoken!!!!! |
and the force of spring rendering the ground
THROWS all the crumbled earth to the wind and we stand trrrrrrembling and fresh but older than all the juju that was ever spoken!!!!! |
hey lovely...
And... to the winds were they carried hither and gone rebirth make new minds... emotional minority speaks freedom growth be ages... sorry I spewed bad juju in here, lol. Nene |
Laurie (cajunfroggy),
reflections catch light and shadows the doubles farce comes 'round weep for loss weep for beginnings hold your heart high watch it glow in your mirror the stains we leave be reminders Only now is You and you are amazing... Nene |
like that...=o)
Steady the hand that sews the blinds shut as past is etched within footsteps walk the path of today and it leads another if but awhile... Now and then the wanderer lost hand held out like tender vines seeking purchase, grasping aide in the step be us all, with kindness an then time takes over views turn with heads bent into the wind lest it carry meaning and go with it and the neck bends, too back there was us in pocket, some dust scatter it wide, and see ages ago blend with today all holding one another as to spin goes on, on... the chain links ever and was... Nene |
atmosphere ripened
ever the changing tides riding among waters of living swim with me... ethers veil be thinner in winter the sleep of growth resting walk with me awhile... womb be the giver of universal truth acceptance be love, life, All dream with me forever... dancing souls wend within arms of branches strong be the bow the rocks fly with me ever on... silence astounding vast be the space and feeling infinite We rest with me again... nene |
EVERYTHING I thought I knew is showing itself as just that bunch of ideas i knew once meaningful/less and that idea...........that things are...important supposed to have meaning is just the same game frustrating to learn, AGAIN that ALL THIS...................(that we've gotton sooooooo goooooooooooood at) this knowledge so ainfully acquired, is so damn fleeting ..that ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IS SO DAMN IMPORTANT while relatively whom? |
then stay with me for i am not lonely? a thousand naked beauties, wanting dwell in the ancient caves beneath my eyelids... riches? here's a pick my wholebody is an emerald that begs ... "take me" write all that worries you on a piece of paper offer it to the flames even from the distance of a millennium i can lean the flame of my heart into your life and turn all that frightens you into holy insense ash |