Topic: just wondering
iverson721's photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:01 PM
why doesnt the community has a delete tab...when u go to my topics...after a while some topics become a died issue..and then i end up with a list of topic that i dont need....

MsCarmen's photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:09 PM
Eventually they will fade off of your lists. But just remember, once you reply to a topic, it's kind of like you are automatically a member to that thread. So when any one replies to it, it's always going to show up on your list.

krupa's photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:12 PM
Topics? Tab? ...Self-deleting...

Sorry guys...being a total tard on this damned pc...( I have a bit over 1 year of completly self taught experience on this accursed thing..the pc that is)

I feel like an idiot just inquiring about what you are actually talking about. But, I am trying.

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:14 PM

Topics? Tab? ...Self-deleting...

Sorry guys...being a total tard on this damned pc...( I have a bit over 1 year of completly self taught experience on this accursed thing..the pc that is)

I feel like an idiot just inquiring about what you are actually talking about. But, I am trying.

Top of the page... 'My Topics' :wink:

Riding_Dubz's photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:15 PM
I know i got stupid, phohlopsy, and religion stuck in my topics tab, and i don't even have that checked you should be able to get rid of it,

mad mad mad :angry: explode

MsCarmen's photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:19 PM

I know i got stupid, phohlopsy, and religion stuck in my topics tab, and i don't even have that checked you should be able to get rid of it,

mad mad mad :angry: explode

The religions forum was automatically checked for you when the redid the new forum. When you picked your religious preference in your profile, they based it on that. Just go to settings and uncheck it, same goes for the science and philosophy forum.

no photo
Thu 11/13/08 05:19 PM

I know i got stupid, phohlopsy, and religion stuck in my topics tab, and i don't even have that checked you should be able to get rid of it,

mad mad mad :angry: explode

Here in Community/Forums go to Settings, not the one from your account, and you can change what Topics you see in your Community. Is that what ya mean?