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Topic: do i have that look?
Rockmybobbysocks's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:17 PM
maybe you exude codependancy and people think you'll if not fix them, at least listen?

or maybe your just one of those sensitive people who have listenin skills.

girls share this stuff..

"ohhh he's a good listener" lol

tundraguy's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:17 PM
hears a shoulder... um wait... hears an ear ... and oh look... heres someone who cares... continue quietsmile2

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:33 PM
Listening is the greatest forgotten gift, too few do it and of those few...they possibly change a course of action for the person whom they listen too.

tundraguy's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:36 PM

Listening is the greatest forgotten gift, too few do it and of those few...they possibly change a course of action for the person whom they listen too.

thats what i hope for. i worked with troubled kids for a bit and i felt i made some change with them, now i am entering into a metally challenged parttime job and hope to make a difference there too

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:40 PM

Listening is the greatest forgotten gift, too few do it and of those few...they possibly change a course of action for the person whom they listen too.

thats what i hope for. i worked with troubled kids for a bit and i felt i made some change with them, now i am entering into a metally challenged parttime job and hope to make a difference there too

As Marilyn Manson said about the Columbine incident "I wouldn't have said anything, I would have listened to them...and that is what no one did".

tundraguy's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:42 PM

Listening is the greatest forgotten gift, too few do it and of those few...they possibly change a course of action for the person whom they listen too.

thats what i hope for. i worked with troubled kids for a bit and i felt i made some change with them, now i am entering into a metally challenged parttime job and hope to make a difference there too

As Marilyn Manson said about the Columbine incident "I wouldn't have said anything, I would have listened to them...and that is what no one did".

its a precious gift we can give with out ever realizing we r giving it

CoffeeSonata's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:54 PM
Listening is the greatest forgotten gift, too few do it and of those few...they possibly change a course of action for the person whom they listen too.
thats what i hope for. i worked with troubled kids for a bit and i felt i made some change with them, now i am entering into a metally challenged parttime job and hope to make a difference there too
I think you would be wonderful at those types of jobs..

tundraguy's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:56 PM

Listening is the greatest forgotten gift, too few do it and of those few...they possibly change a course of action for the person whom they listen too.
thats what i hope for. i worked with troubled kids for a bit and i felt i made some change with them, now i am entering into a metally challenged parttime job and hope to make a difference there too
I think you would be wonderful at those types of jobs..
my ultimate dream was to become a cop

krupa's photo
Mon 11/10/08 08:59 PM
Point Blank....

You are a victim....

Or you are not.....

Those that seek the tiny sparks of hope..will spark a fire...those who won't raise thier head in defiance...will be subserviant.

Don't get much plainer than that.

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