kaadeshka's photo
Thu 10/30/08 04:59 PM
Edited by kaadeshka on Thu 10/30/08 05:06 PM

I once spent an unhealthy amount of time trying to hook up with a girl who turned out to be a lesbian.


YOUR F*CKIN HOT!!!!!!!!!

Ahahaha, evidently i'm not lesbian-breakingly hot.

Wouldn't that be because lesbian's think hot is usually a person with brests...and a vag? Fear not, you are very attractive for a person with a penis.

Thats the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me... *tear* :P

That's mildly depressing. I can't possibly have said the nicest thing...

I wasn't being entirely truthful.

So what did you do in your attempts to woo the lesbian? If you don't mind my asking?

OpenWounds's photo
Thu 10/30/08 05:07 PM

I once spent an unhealthy amount of time trying to hook up with a girl who turned out to be a lesbian.


YOUR F*CKIN HOT!!!!!!!!!

Ahahaha, evidently i'm not lesbian-breakingly hot.

Wouldn't that be because lesbian's think hot is usually a person with brests...and a vag? Fear not, you are very attractive for a person with a penis.

Thats the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me... *tear* :P

That's mildly depressing. I can't possibly have said the nicest thing...

I wasn't being entirely truthful.

So what did you do in your attempts to woo the lesbian? If you don't mind my asking?

It's not like i did anything special. I didn't know at the time.

kaadeshka's photo
Thu 10/30/08 05:17 PM

It's not like i did anything special. I didn't know at the time.

That's rough...

OpenWounds's photo
Thu 10/30/08 05:18 PM

It's not like i did anything special. I didn't know at the time.

That's rough...

I dunno, i kind of saw the funny side really.

Fade2Black's photo
Thu 10/30/08 05:29 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmmm 5 things eh?

1. I dined with the late Reggie White (Packers)and his wife Sara and their kids .. :banana:

2. I'm an ordained minister. Yep. That's what I said. :angel:

3. I don't like lobster or crab .. they give me the heebie jeebies when served whole on the plate .. icky claws scared

4. I love Christmas more than any other time of year. I came into my faith thru a book about Christmas by the Chaplain of the Senate. bigsmile

5. My grandpa/grandma were 1st cousins. Hey now. huh They fell in love. Back off pitchfork :tongue:
They had a wedding with carriages and top hats and all kinds of cool social stuff. smokin

RKISIT's photo
Thu 10/30/08 05:34 PM
i like astronomy

a freak in bed

i play 2 musical instruments

im a good father

i like to play basketball

alonenotlonely's photo
Thu 10/30/08 05:55 PM
1. For a warm-blooded creature, I can be very cold-blooded.
2. I've an oral fixation (in the good way).
3. I've got lotsa scar tissue from fighting (not losing).
4. I love my mamma.
5. I sleep only by necessity.

thePatriot's photo
Thu 10/30/08 06:33 PM
1.i play video games on the ps3
2.i never got truly high until this year
3.i lift weights trying to get some bodybuilding done
4.i got interrogated this year over something really stupid
5.i never had a real girl friend

unsure's photo
Thu 10/30/08 06:53 PM
Edited by unsure on Thu 10/30/08 06:54 PM
HMM ok I guess I will play
1. I am a cancer surviver..I had colon cancer in 04 and just went into remission last year :smile:

2. I was deeply in love with a man from New Zealand and I swear he was my soul mate. I spent 18 days in New Zealand with him and he came here with me!!

3. My son and his girlfriend just got robbed and my son had a gun pointed to his head the whole time. It was a life changing experience for all of us!

4. I lost 125 pounds in 04 and I am still struggle every day trying to maintain it!!

5. My son went to Purdue but I want Notre Dame to win!!!

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 10/30/08 06:54 PM
2. I'm an ordained minister. Yep. That's what I said. :angel:

The f*ckin hottest minister that ever walked this earth, for sure!!

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 10/30/08 06:56 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Thu 10/30/08 07:00 PM
a freak in bed

Somehow ive always known that just lookin at you...

we would tear it up, and break the friggen bed, for sure!!

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 10/30/08 06:58 PM
2. I've an oral fixation (in the good way)

Yeah too..

smoking cigarettes..

and sucking <bleep>. heehee

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 10/30/08 06:59 PM
2.i never got truly high until this year

I hear you...I never got truely high till this year either, when I found God!!!

He rocks!!!!!!!

JasmineInglewood's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:01 PM
5. Lost my virginity at age 19
4. Attended a prestigious high school for the most academically gifted in my country. (see Harrison College on Wikipedia)
3. Hated attending said high school with a passion laugh .
2. Am not as smart as people think i am.
1. I cannot live without the following: cheese and ketchup

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:04 PM

HMM ok I guess I will play
1. I am a cancer surviver..I had colon cancer in 04 and just went into remission last year :smile:


4. I lost 125 pounds in 04 and I am still struggle every day trying to maintain it!


PacificStar48's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:05 PM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Thu 10/30/08 07:08 PM

1. I was born in the deep south, Alabama and have a very deep voice and thick drawl everybody comments on.

2. I was a very, very bad boy in a far away time long ago and I served hard time.

3. I used to live at the top of the south island, New Zealand.

4. My ex-wife was a psychologist and converted to become a Jehovah's Witness. I'm for real! She was a true nut case.

5. I've seen some people's lives completely torn apart and I've been fortunate enough to help them rebuild them again.

Ahh you are killing me guy. It is a rainey night and I wish I was back in Georgia snuggled up to a nice deep voiced southern drawl.

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:07 PM
5. Lost my virginity at age 19

I thought I was the only one who waited so long..

Thats great!!!Nice baby girl,really!!

But my first time was loving, and precious, and we waited for 2 years to do it, and were really glad we did!!

It was beautiful!!!

luv2roknroll's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:08 PM
This is my favorite thread ever!!!

Im so glad I did this!!!


izzie's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:10 PM
1) my great times 7 grandfather was teh third signed or the decloration of independence

2) i have a crush on a boy...

3) i LOVE metal.... and country....

4) i have 2 and 2 when it comes to children...

5) i love me.. but am unhappy with who i am.. odd combo huh?

JasmineInglewood's photo
Thu 10/30/08 07:10 PM

5. Lost my virginity at age 19

I thought I was the only one who waited so long..

Thats great!!!Nice baby girl,really!!

But my first time was loving, and precious, and we waited for 2 years to do it, and were really glad we did!!

It was beautiful!!!

aw thanx... i wish i'd waited longer! laugh