Topic: Anyone here watch anime? - part 2
NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Sat 11/15/08 03:31 PM
oh yes. Those we're good days.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 04:58 PM

Freeza: This planet will blow up in 5 mins...

5 episodes later...

Freeza: This planet will blow up in 4 mins...


yawn :laughing:

I loved it!

slivermouse's photo
Sat 11/15/08 06:01 PM
DBZ was quite the show. I'm glad I at leased watched the end of the Drangonball franchise in the GT series. It was a fitting end for Goku.

Aizen and Gin won't fight for awhile. They haven't done more than sit and watch the espada fight Soul Society Captains and vice captains above Ichigo's hometown

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Sat 11/15/08 09:04 PM
I imagine there will be some more powerful people introduced at some point. The most powerful person in soul society is only commander-general right? Something like that anyway. Somewhere out there, there is a king. Most likely other royalty as well... they'll have powerful guards or they themselves have power.

I also think that DBZ ending after GT was a good one, it seemed right.

Also! Where the hell are those other half shinigami/half hollow guys? They helped ichigo train for some reason, and then haven't shown up in quite some time.

Chadipoo's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:12 PM
Yu Yu Hakusho!

slivermouse's photo
Sat 11/15/08 10:41 PM
Those hollow/shinigami that helped Ichigo train make an appearance soon. They had 8 chapters in the manga called "Turn back the Pendulum." Hopefully it will be animated soon. Sometimes shows don't animate back stories. Like how they skipped over how Kakashi got his "eye"

damnitscloudy's photo
Sat 11/15/08 11:55 PM

Those hollow/shinigami that helped Ichigo train make an appearance soon. They had 8 chapters in the manga called "Turn back the Pendulum." Hopefully it will be animated soon. Sometimes shows don't animate back stories. Like how they skipped over how Kakashi got his "eye"

Maybe the hollow/shinigami will have their stories animated as another filler run? I've heard the manga hasn't gotten too far from the anime even with the filler going on.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Sun 11/16/08 02:02 AM
Hopefully. I just like the direct story line and the main fights. I hate random filler eps like so many with lurichiro.

originunknwn's photo
Sun 11/16/08 08:21 AM
Ghost In The Shell
Jin Roh
Wicked City
Doomed Megaolopolis
Perfect Blue
Ninja Scroll

just to name a few off the top of my head

slivermouse's photo
Sun 11/16/08 09:03 AM
Wow you got some classic in that list. Sort of dates you as a fan. How many did of those did you watch off of VHS?

Mindsi's photo
Sun 11/16/08 09:24 AM

Yu Yu Hakusho!

I really got into that one on Cartoon network. I missed some parts of the last arc or to, though. Did see the last episode, though. Good finish.

slivermouse's photo
Sun 11/16/08 09:53 AM
Nows the time to pick up the dvds for "Yu Yu Hakusho" if you care about seeing the eps you missed. Funimation has each season packaged for about $20. $20.00 for 26 episodes rocks!

originunknwn's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:19 AM

Wow you got some classic in that list. Sort of dates you as a fan. How many did of those did you watch off of VHS?

about half of my collection is VHS and the other half is DVD

Filmfreek's photo
Sun 11/16/08 11:53 AM
I tried to get into anime, but it just wasnt my cup of tea.

A few I really liked were....

Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Princess Mononoke
The Animatrix

A lot of people recommended Ghost In The Shell, but I thought it was so bad, I couldnt finish it.

slivermouse's photo
Sun 11/16/08 01:17 PM

I tried to get into anime, but it just wasnt my cup of tea.

A few I really liked were....

Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Princess Mononoke
The Animatrix

A lot of people recommended Ghost In The Shell, but I thought it was so bad, I couldnt finish it.

Seems you like the higher quality Miyazaki films. I recomend Porco Rosso, and even "Whispers of the Heart" if you like drama

Filmfreek's photo
Sun 11/16/08 01:44 PM
Thanks. I'll check those out. I also forgot to mention Graveyard of Fireflies and Steamboy, which were also in that category.

NinjasNeedLoveToo's photo
Sun 11/16/08 01:58 PM
Those are some great movies filmfreak. Princess Mononoke is the movie that opened my eyes to anime that's not on cartoon network.

slivermouse's photo
Tue 11/18/08 10:42 PM
My anime eye opener came from a Sega CD title called "Lunar the Silver Star" great rpg with anime intertwined in cut scenes

damnitscloudy's photo
Tue 11/18/08 11:06 PM

My anime eye opener came from a Sega CD title called "Lunar the Silver Star" great rpg with anime intertwined in cut scenes

I loved that game! I had the playstation version of it which had a box set that included the game, making of the game, a cloth map and a poster i think.

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 11/19/08 12:37 AM

And my computer took too long to download it, plus the connection kept dropping, grrrrr.

But it was a great episode, starts off funny, then gets depressing, then has a great finale with kenpachi being awesome drinker

Oh yeah, and Nel changes again. She goes from a kid, to a hot woman, to a horse....!? WTF a horse!?