Topic: Pro Life?.... | |
Does this make any sense????? As stated in my post and Goofball's - NO, this does NOT make any sense in my male opinion. Again, I am pro-choice in many situations surrounding this touchy issue. However, when it comes down to two people, who chose to lay down with one another for the sake of love or even lust to share their bodies, then the decision should be shared - EQUALLY. This is harsh, I know (hypothetically, of course) - but, so sorry to inconvenience your precious "uterus" for 9 months, but you sure didn't seem to mind when my "penis" was in you, sharing MY sperm, to make OUR baby. Therefore, I think I have every right to say what becomes (or not) of OUR child. |
I Googled Rape / Abortion and this is the first bit of info that came up...I said 2% were attributed to rape...I was wrong as you can see... Reasons for abortions In 2000, cases of rape or incest accounted for 1% of abortions.[9] Another study, in 1998, revealed that women reported the following reasons for choosing an abortion:[10] 25.5% Want to postpone childbearing 21.3% Cannot afford a baby 14.1% Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy 12.2% Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy 10.8% Having a child will disrupt education or job 7.9% Want no (more) children 3.3% Risk to fetal health 2.8% Risk to maternal health 2.1% Other Can you just mind your own business and stay out of other peoples lives. If more people did that, then the world could be a better place. But nosey people tend to keep drama flowing and keeping peoples lives miserable. |
I Googled Rape / Abortion and this is the first bit of info that came up...I said 2% were attributed to rape...I was wrong as you can see... Reasons for abortions In 2000, cases of rape or incest accounted for 1% of abortions.[9] Another study, in 1998, revealed that women reported the following reasons for choosing an abortion:[10] 25.5% Want to postpone childbearing 21.3% Cannot afford a baby 14.1% Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy 12.2% Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy 10.8% Having a child will disrupt education or job 7.9% Want no (more) children 3.3% Risk to fetal health 2.8% Risk to maternal health 2.1% Other Can you just mind your own business and stay out of other peoples lives. If more people did that, then the world could be a better place. But nosey people tend to keep drama flowing and keeping peoples lives miserable. No kidding. Unfortunately, that will never happen and people will still be trying to tell women what they can't do with their own bodies. |
I Googled Rape / Abortion and this is the first bit of info that came up...I said 2% were attributed to rape...I was wrong as you can see... Reasons for abortions In 2000, cases of rape or incest accounted for 1% of abortions.[9] Another study, in 1998, revealed that women reported the following reasons for choosing an abortion:[10] 25.5% Want to postpone childbearing 21.3% Cannot afford a baby 14.1% Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy 12.2% Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy 10.8% Having a child will disrupt education or job 7.9% Want no (more) children 3.3% Risk to fetal health 2.8% Risk to maternal health 2.1% Other " Don't spend your whole someone else's dreams." Sound familiar? Youre pathetic. |
Even if those stats were accurate (I have no way of knowing for certain) then what does that matter? You can not force someone to carry to term and give birth to a child.
Edited by
Sun 10/19/08 06:08 PM
Liberals ALWAYS take the most extreme case..rape...when they know thety've been beaten...I just wish could ask God his opinion...I wonder what his answer would's become another form of birth control...and thats WRONG ! Extreme case? I know a 12 year old girl. Her step-dad raped her. He got 30 yrs. My cousin's 20 yr. old daughter was date raped. I had a friend in college that was raped. I was fought off a rape two different times. Fear, This is a quote from me. You said it happened rarely. I am just one person and this is what I have seen. It is not so rare in my eyes. There are also the women that are too ashamed to report rape and can't handle taking it to court. I would like to add to the above list - One of my mother's co-workers was raped and murdered. I don't know if the women that were killed are included in the rape statistics. |
I Googled Rape / Abortion and this is the first bit of info that came up...I said 2% were attributed to rape...I was wrong as you can see... Reasons for abortions In 2000, cases of rape or incest accounted for 1% of abortions.[9] Another study, in 1998, revealed that women reported the following reasons for choosing an abortion:[10] 25.5% Want to postpone childbearing 21.3% Cannot afford a baby 14.1% Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy 12.2% Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy 10.8% Having a child will disrupt education or job 7.9% Want no (more) children 3.3% Risk to fetal health 2.8% Risk to maternal health 2.1% Other 1.) Source? 2.) Rape is dramatically under reported. 3.) What does the second study prove? |
Does this make any sense????? As stated in my post and Goofball's - NO, this does NOT make any sense in my male opinion. Again, I am pro-choice in many situations surrounding this touchy issue. However, when it comes down to two people, who chose to lay down with one another for the sake of love or even lust to share their bodies, then the decision should be shared - EQUALLY. This is harsh, I know (hypothetically, of course) - but, so sorry to inconvenience your precious "uterus" for 9 months, but you sure didn't seem to mind when my "penis" was in you, sharing MY sperm, to make OUR baby. Therefore, I think I have every right to say what becomes (or not) of OUR child. Yes, and when you go through what a woman goes through in pregnancy I'll care what you have to say about it, until then..... I DON'T CARE, YOU HAVE NO BEARING ON IT. when you are capable of carrying a child to term in your uterous.... When you lose control of your bladder when your feet swell so that you can't put shoes on, when you can't bend over to pick up another one of your children...I'll care what you have to say about it. Until then....STAY OUT OF IT, IT DOESN'T CONCERN YOU. If you are married and you and your wife decide to do whatever it is, GREAT, if you are not married and do not try to be married to the mother of your unborn child....YOU HAVE NO SAY. |
Does this make any sense????? As stated in my post and Goofball's - NO, this does NOT make any sense in my male opinion. Again, I am pro-choice in many situations surrounding this touchy issue. However, when it comes down to two people, who chose to lay down with one another for the sake of love or even lust to share their bodies, then the decision should be shared - EQUALLY. This is harsh, I know (hypothetically, of course) - but, so sorry to inconvenience your precious "uterus" for 9 months, but you sure didn't seem to mind when my "penis" was in you, sharing MY sperm, to make OUR baby. Therefore, I think I have every right to say what becomes (or not) of OUR child. Dude, you are way out of line with that comment. SImply said, it's not your body to make that decision. It takes two yes, but she cant make you get the vasectomy if you dont want to....That makes no sense of you to try and speak for a womans body...Seriously... |
When did Mingle become so Political?
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bottom line....old men in Washington need to carry a baby to term. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
When did Mingle become so Political? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bottom line....old men in Washington need to carry a baby to term. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually I have seen the abortion topic come up several times as of late and I think it is primarily due to the upcoming election. There is a fear that if McCain gets in there, the right to choose might become a casualty although I do believe it is in the hands of the individual states and how they want to legislate it meaning in certain cases or not at all. |
When did Mingle become so Political? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bottom line....old men in Washington need to carry a baby to term. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually I have seen the abortion topic come up several times as of late and I think it is primarily due to the upcoming election. There is a fear that if McCain gets in there, the right to choose might become a casualty although I do believe it is in the hands of the individual states and how they want to legislate it meaning in certain cases or not at all. Yeah...just trying to lighten the mood. But, even if McCain got elected, he wouldn't do anything about the right to choose. Right now, whomever wins the Presidency has to deal with the economy...meaning economics will take first precidence over "moral" issues. Back on topic....I love making babies. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Why is it that we want men to accept the responsability for fatherhood,yet we constantly try to reduce them to the role of sperm donor & check writer?
Do we want men to parent or not? Dosn't parenting start with the pregnancy? Could we be pushing men away from the role of fatherhood by trying to strip them of any rights? I want to hear opinions on this. I can see points for both sides. |
Edited by
Sun 10/19/08 07:02 PM
When did Mingle become so Political? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bottom line....old men in Washington need to carry a baby to term. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually I have seen the abortion topic come up several times as of late and I think it is primarily due to the upcoming election. There is a fear that if McCain gets in there, the right to choose might become a casualty although I do believe it is in the hands of the individual states and how they want to legislate it meaning in certain cases or not at all. Yeah...just trying to lighten the mood. But, even if McCain got elected, he wouldn't do anything about the right to choose. Right now, whomever wins the Presidency has to deal with the economy...meaning economics will take first precidence over "moral" issues. Back on topic....I love making babies. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() If a Supreme Court Justice retires. He'll be picking a new one. |
the statistics I reported were for Winx...she wanted to see some numbers in regards to rape in the context of all of you loud mouthed ...guilt ridden pain in the asses...fugg off !!...
the statistics I reported were for Winx...she wanted to see some numbers in regards to rape in the context of all of you loud mouthed ...guilt ridden pain in the asses...fugg off !!... Spoken like a true anti-choicer.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
<---- pro-choice
but only over my own body. i don't get the right to tell anyone else what they should do with theirs. |
Edited by
Sun 10/19/08 07:23 PM
the statistics I reported were for Winx...she wanted to see some numbers in regards to rape in the context of all of you loud mouthed ...guilt ridden pain in the asses...fugg off !!... I dont give a dam. The circumstances matter not. Of course you morally can not force a woman to carry a child to term that is the result of a rape or incest. The psychological trauma would be overwhelming. What kind of animal would require something like that? Circumstances DO NOT MATTER. It is a woman's body and she shall remain in control of her own reproductive health. Besides, I wonder where the hell all of these "pro-life" folks were when abortion was criminalized in the US and was the leading cause of death amongst pregnant women. They were forced to undergo the procedure utilizing "back-alley" butchers and death was very often the result. Where the hell were you all then? Obviously you didnt care enough about the lives of these ADULT females did ya? You only care about fetuses. Its truly hypocritical. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
the statistics I reported were for Winx...she wanted to see some numbers in regards to rape in the context of all of you loud mouthed ...guilt ridden pain in the asses...fugg off !!... Giocamo, It helps to use quotes. That way people will know it was to me. But...being a public forum, they will give their opinion anyway. |