I love the Age argument how ignorant. please tell me at what age is someone officially intelligent?
I love the Age argument how ignorant. please tell me at what age is someone officially intelligent? |
Ive met plenty of people who vote on a specific candidate because they look good but i guess since they voted their more intelligent than a 17 year old who took political science and American government in high school?
another fine exxampe of elitist liberals excluding the plurality of any not fitting their prerequisite definition of intelligence.
yup, that's a sure way to keepo the simpletons from voting for Obama, you betcha. How do you think you are going to get him elected with alienating two thirds of the country against liberals with elitist remarks like that? Who is being ignant? lay off the KOOL AID, it is the sugar high that is fogging your judgement. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
yes we can!
another fine exxampe of elitist liberals excluding the plurality of any not fitting their prerequisite definition of intelligence. yup, that's a sure way to keepo the simpletons from voting for Obama, you betcha. How do you think you are going to get him elected with alienating two thirds of the country against liberals with elitist remarks like that? Who is being ignant? lay off the KOOL AID, it is the sugar high that is fogging your judgement. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() at least i can spell the word ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ive met plenty of people who vote on a specific candidate because they look good but i guess since they voted their more intelligent than a 17 year old who took political science and American government in high school? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Listen guys, this is fun but still I have been left to deal with you boneheads by myself, must leave you to your nonsense for the night. Drill Baby Drill, that is such a great platform you party has developed.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
She said your "party"
She doesn't even know what party i belong to ha ha ha |
another fine exxampe of elitist liberals excluding the plurality of any not fitting their prerequisite definition of intelligence. yup, that's a sure way to keepo the simpletons from voting for Obama, you betcha. How do you think you are going to get him elected with alienating two thirds of the country against liberals with elitist remarks like that? Who is being ignant? lay off the KOOL AID, it is the sugar high that is fogging your judgement. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() at least i can spell the word ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() get out of my quote box. that's a little too close. ![]() |
Yet another non rewarding victory against liberalism.
figures enderra would be obama 08 Winx is too. ![]() |
yes and I am satisfied that he IS THE BEST FOR THE JOB, you clearly haven't. Now if you want to discuss how he wants to address the energy crisis and quote something from his plan we can talk. We are no longer going to discuss anything about Obama until you speak from a place of knowledge. We all know your game. You want us to do your homework, that is the sign of a young person or an ignorant one who is repeating what his parents have taught him. OK, my turn. First of all the energy crisis comes from a seriies of events that have happened over the course of this last century. You see Banks have been fighting to gain control over our currency/ economy for years. In 1913 the Federal Reserve was voted into office on just 3 votes (since most of congress was on vacation. This act was brought up at that time for specifically that reason.) So, now we have a group of unelected people more or less running our economy. In 1971 congress decided it would be a good idea to no longer back the dollar with gold. This is the causeof inflation, leaving the government little to no spending restrictions because they can just convince this committee to print money out of thin air. Now you have Bush getting in office. Our aggressive foreign policies pissed off a certain group of people that started the Global War On terror. This is a fear tactic. It gave the excuse for the president to pass the patriot act (which undermines the constitution, much like clinton's terrorist reform act.) A combination of loads of foreign trade agreements (like NAFTA signed by Clinton), and the excuse to go into Iraq skyrocketed our spending. It increased something like 45% under Bush. The deficit increased 70% ish. This caused the government to prin large amounts of cash being thrown into circulation. Unbacked cash. Inflation skyrocketed. This caused our energy crisis, AND our high medicine costs. If you dont believe me look at the cost of a barrel of oil over the last 10 years or so. Under the U.S. dollar it went up %350, in the Euro it went up %200, and in GOLD (which our dollar was previously back by) it stayed just about the same. Nifty huh? In other words if we had sound money we would be paying $1.20 a gallon in gas. Obama has plans to increase government spending. He wants to pull out of Iraq, then Send more troops into afganistan and Pakistan. He wants nonviolent intervention in georgia, AND he wants to increase aid being sent to random 3rd world countries. So there is virtually no change in foreign policy under him. I got this info from his campaign website. I also know that he plans on creating a new healthcare plan. It is notable for being VERY similar to the one in Massechusettes. It insured hundreds of thousands of people. Unfortunately what you dont here much about is the fact that they encountered unexpected high costs. 1.97 billion the first year. Well Massechusettes has a total population of 6.5 million. If you do the math an underestimate for the cost for that for the U.S. is 70 billion dollars a year. As we have discussed earlier he has made no attempt to cut any program. He also ALWAYS votes his party line. And he PROMOTED this bailout program which only makes our current problems worse. Causing us to print more money AND borrow more money from China. |
Yet another non rewarding victory against liberalism. Enjoy it. It's likely the only victory you'll be experiencing this year. |
Furthermore there is in fact a "shadow government" run by this federal reserve. They appointed a comittee to select to major candidates, one democrat, and one republican. They only choose people who meet the current "status quo" and wont change much of anything. One source of this information can be found in a book called "Tragety and Hope" by Carroll Quigley.
None of these issues are addressed by Obama, and these are CAUSES of our problems. |
I love to see posts where people distance themselves from McCain.
Wow, she wanted me to educate her... and she's not even here to see.
![]() Ok, so far one person has made a logical positive point about Obama. Any other takers? AND STOP FIGHTING |
I hope Obama wins and shows his true experience. The best thing about liberalism is its so self indulgent it eventually destroys society and all those who once so proudly preached its doctrine. Id rather we let the liberals win so we speed up this self destructive society. Then the right will come marching in :oD
Furthermore there is in fact a "shadow government" run by this federal reserve. They appointed a comittee to select to major candidates, one democrat, and one republican. Sounds tin foil hat to me. |
I love to see posts where people distance themselves from McCain. Ok Im sorry you are right. McCain doesnt address this stuff either. He is just a crooked. Im sorry, i was directing this more at Obama supporters because i wanted to pick their brain... |