yeah obama called me a typical white person :P
seams thats his major issue being apart of the black liberation theology and all |
Edited by
Sun 10/05/08 04:05 PM
Hey Deus, wouldn't it be SO much fun watching McCain and Obama try and debate against Ron Paul? I would give my life savings to see that made public. It would shed A LOT of light on who is loyal.
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Sun 10/05/08 04:11 PM
You make an excellent point. ![]() People do get awfully side tracked though... Why are they so focused onattacking each other, instead of making their point clear? again, a generalization. Both McCain and Obama have made their positions very clear. it is on the record and can be seen with a simple web search or watch of a debate. however, McCain has been the one with the attack ads while Obama has always focused on the issues yeah, I heard obama's issues all right in the first debate. want a recap? He is going to get out of Iraq, bomb Afghanistan into the stone aghe, even though it is a minor bump in the road in the war against terrorists without countries to host them,(which, btw, are pleased to die for their degenerate cause in the streets of Iraq just as well and happily so, apparently), and then spend the 10 billion a month now spent in Iraq on his pet projects which will expand the role of government in the economy and perpetuate entitlements for future generations of an expanded government payroll. If that is not ignant, nothing is. Obama is an idiot. He never says ONE WORD about reining in government spending and buying down the National Debt. He is all about making a name for himself in some delusional throwback to some non existent romantic notion of Kennedy's Camelot. ARE YOU KIDDING? have some more KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Id pay as well
I find Obama propoganda the most amusing i think. He basically tries to label anyone that doesn't support him, "resistors of change". Sounds kinda like the whole "if you aren't for the war you aren't a patriot". This doesn't even include the fact that none of his supporters can conjure up any positive "change" the man will make. IMO this makes his whole campaign a lie, and pretty much points to the fact that most of his followers are sheeple and haven't done their homework... ...youre mistaken. i am very versed on the issues. your generalizations speak about no one i know Ok, i have read Obama's campaign page like 4 times. This is where i get most of my info on him. So far he fails to address any problems by their source. His solutions are more bureaucracy, increase government spending, more intervention with foreign countries. How will this help us? I have done more research on things like the Federal Reserve, how it came to be. I have also found out things like Obama being chose to run for presidency by the same people that chose McCain, both specifically chosen because they agree with whats going on for the most part, and wont make many big changes. Read the book "Tragety and Hope", it may shed a little light on things. Another nifty thing you can do if you're bored is to copy and past all McCain's policies, and all Obama's on to the same page, lined up so that you can see the two policies side by side. You will be shocked at the similarities, I promise you. One of the big differences though, is the fact that Obama will be surrounding himself by different people, as tanya pointed out... Now can you teach me anything from your versed research on his issues? |
You make an excellent point. ![]() People do get awfully side tracked though... Why are they so focused onattacking each other, instead of making their point clear? again, a generalization. Both McCain and Obama have made their positions very clear. it is on the record and can be seen with a simple web search or watch of a debate. however, McCain has been the one with the attack ads while Obama has always focused on the issues yeah, I heard obama's issues all right in the first debate. want a recap? He is going to get out of Iraq, bomb Afghanistan into the stone aghe, even though it is a minor bump in the road in the war against terrorists without countries to host them,(which, btw, are pleased to die for their degenerate cause in the streets of Iraq just as well and happily so, apparently), and then spend the 10 billion a month now spent in Iraq on his pet projects which will expand the role of government in the economy and perpetuate entitlements for future generations of an expanded government payroll. If that is not ignant, nothing is. Obama is an idiot. He never says ONE WORD about reining in government spending and buying down the National Debt. He is all about making a name for himself in some delusional throwback to some non existent romantic notion of Kennedy's Camelot. ARE YOU KIDDING? have some more KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You forgot his plans to go into Pakistan, and his "peaceful intervention" with georgia. Oh yeah, and he wants to increase the amount of involvement with 3rd world countries. And, he APPROVED BOTH BAILOUT PLANS!! |
Why is it, you will NEVER hear any Obama followers bring up a policy they think will be a good idea. They dont discuss policies. Mostly because they either know nothing about them, or just don't want to admit that with all his well spoken words, he never actually says anything. He is, and always will be a tool for the dems. Can anyone point out a time when he did not vote his party?
As Wouldee would say, people are drinkin the kool Aid! |
all that was needed to make my point was what he said in the first debate.
Nobody missed it, they just weren't listening with any reason or logic, just distraught emotions misappropriated to ease the angst for the liberal sself hatred that hallmarks their inept agendas. that's my point. ![]() not that McCain is much better, but he does say that government spending has to be reined in and he does say that loobyists will be called out of the shadows. To some degree he has proved with his record that he can try, but obama is a blank page in this regard and that is dangeous for this nation. |
Come on guys, why cant anyone defend Obama? I know i come off as harsh, but i am merely trying to educate. If you think i need educating then by all means, challenge my line of thinking. Tell me what is so great about him. I have tried several times before to get anyone to sell me on him. I used to be hopeful about him. But NO ONE can come up with logical reasons he would make a good president. So if you have any, please share them.
Ok... I'll bring up one good point about obama. He was a social/community advocate. He clearly has been in the treaches of poor America. For a social work perspective, it gives me hope that social needs reform might actually reflect needs. But my conservative side, is afraid of uncontrolled and regulated spend on services that aren't properly managed.
Edited by
Sun 10/05/08 04:44 PM
Ok... I'll bring up one good point about obama. He was a social/community advocate. He clearly has been in the treaches of poor America. For a social work perspective, it gives me hope that social needs reform might actually reflect needs. But my conservative side, is afraid of uncontrolled and regulated spend on services that aren't properly managed. ![]() ![]() That sounds well thought out. And a very good point. ![]() Just got one question though, if he was poor how did he get into Harvard? Did he have a scholorship? Yeah, if you hadn't guessed his big spending does kinda give me the willies too. Thus i cannot really argue against any of it, as you have obviously thought this through. ![]() |
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Sun 10/05/08 04:45 PM
community organizer?
he worked with Bill Ayers in Chicago's south side to bring relief to juvenile offenders committing serious felonies and rehabilitate them somehow. Bill Ayers whole point was to argue over how these poor kids got the guns, not about how to redirect their dysfunctional lack of conscience!?!?!?!?!?! and obama was lockstep with that idiot in this work. WTF? Bill Ayers was making and using bombs to get his message across. Just what were those two idiots thinking when they were coddling criminals and rewarding bad behavior with the wrong kind of attention? That is not what I would call community organization. I call it enabling bad behavior by making excuses for it, when an exxample being made of these kids would get the message across better to their peers. And what will obama's approach be from the Oval Office with terrorists like achmed-in-jihad? keep drinking that KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
You make an excellent point. ![]() People do get awfully side tracked though... Why are they so focused onattacking each other, instead of making their point clear? again, a generalization. Both McCain and Obama have made their positions very clear. it is on the record and can be seen with a simple web search or watch of a debate. however, McCain has been the one with the attack ads while Obama has always focused on the issues What issues? |
figures enderra would be obama 08
You make an excellent point. ![]() People do get awfully side tracked though... Why are they so focused onattacking each other, instead of making their point clear? again, a generalization. Both McCain and Obama have made their positions very clear. it is on the record and can be seen with a simple web search or watch of a debate. however, McCain has been the one with the attack ads while Obama has always focused on the issues What issues? No, you get your head out of HIS A$$... I have read his website several times. Not much good there. I am willing to listen if anyone knows anything i don't. But i get this strange vibe that you don't, since you have brought no logical reasoning to the table. BTW read my other posts. You may learn a thing or two about the man you support. |
figures enderra would be obama 08 |
figures enderra would be obama 08 oh, you have been reaching the silent majority. scary , huh? there are so many of us. makes one wonder if we got out there and turned out the game, huh? ![]() |
figures enderra would be obama 08 She does meet the criteria... |
figures enderra would be obama 08 She does meet the criteria... WTF does that mean? |
figures enderra would be obama 08 oh, you have been reaching the silent majority. scary , huh? there are so many of us. makes one wonder if we got out there and turned out the game, huh? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |