Topic: Does God love sinners? | |
Edited by
Fri 10/03/08 11:10 AM
TRIBO QUESTION: Do stones dissappear as they are used? ![]() ![]() I always thought they got larger. ![]() |
Krimsa said: "Thou shalt not commit adultery." Once again, common sense would dictate that if one decides to enter into the union of marriage, they are making a commitment to their husband or wife. However, I do not agree with the OT assertion that the punishment for adultery should be stoning to death. If we were still using this form of "justice" today, half of the US population would be dead and """we would be out of stones.""" TRIBO QUESTION: Do stones dissappear as they are used? ![]() ![]() Well I guess they would be bloody and streaked with brain matter and gore but in modern times we could just hose em. |
I think God loves all of us! He just hates the evil acts! actually if you've studiesd the bible you would realize that God can hate individuals. Does God hate anyone? Does God hate anyone? The answer is yes. Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity," Psalm 11:5, "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates." Lev. 20:23, "Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them." Prov. 6:16-19, "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, 19 A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." Hosea 9:15, "All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels." Are these verses hard to read? Do they make you feel uncomfortable? They should. God hates sin. But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. Sin cannot be tied up and thrown into a fire. It cannot be put in a box or glued to a stick. It is rebellion. It is rebellion in the heart. It is breaking God's Law. Sin occurs inside the heart and mind of people. Therefore, God must punish the sinner. Why? Because He is both Holy and Just and the person who sins offends God. God's Holy and Just character will not allow Him to ignore this offense. Why?.... God's Law is Perfect When God said, "Let there be light," it happened. When He commanded that the oceans be, they came into existence. God's word is powerful. What He says is never futile, empty, or without power. The Law is a reflection of God's character. It is pure and perfect. It is powerful. The Ten Commandments reflect God's holiness and justice. These commandments are not without punishments. A law without consequences is only an empty slogan. To sin is to break God's Law and offend His character. To sin means to challenge His character and authority. It means you go against His word. But God is not a liar. His word is true. He has said He will punish the lawbreaker. But, praise be to God, that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us (Rom. 5:6). There is no way we can appease God. That is why God became one of us (John 1:1,14; Heb. 2:17), to take our place and become sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). Therefore, people have two options: 1. Trust Jesus, God in flesh, as your savior and put your faith in the sacrifice that He made on the cross and in nothing you do. 2. Reject the cross and let the penalty of the Law fall upon you. Either God pays, or you do -- forever. Which will it be? "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Heb. 10:26). If there is no sacrifice available for you, then God's wrath abides upon you because He hates sin and your sin is not removed (John 3:36). Trust Jesus alone or the wrath of God will abide upon you forever. The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner (Psalm 5:5; Lev. 20:23; Prov. 6:16-19; Hos. 9:15). But it is also true that He is love (1 John 4:8). It is better to accept the love of God found in Jesus than to reject it and suffer His wrath. These scriptures have been translated through the filter of human understanding. I really get tired of the "translation excuse" and the "written by man" excuse.....The translational changes do not and I repeat "DO NOT" change the Bible's meaning in any way shape of form..... Who is ANYONE or ANY FAITH to profess that their interpretation is the only absolutely correct interpretation? Really... Didn't say that.....again putting words in my mouth. I said no matter what translation you are looking at it does not take away the context of the what the Bible is where did I say only my interpretation is correct...... With what you've just said, are you or are you not saying that YOU "know" the Bible's correct context ? Maybe in another language you might get it. N'a pas dit que ..... de nouveau mettre des mots dans ma bouche. Je l'ai dit, quelle que soit la traduction que vous cherchez à ne pas emporter le cadre de la ce que la Bible dit de façon ...... où ai-je dire que mon interprétation est correcte ...... Je disais que, quel que soit le sens de la traduction est toujours le même. English |
its sad that most people are drones who have these preconcieved notions that what are supposed fit into society . think for yourselves you zombies! Oh great wise one - do, enlighten us with all the evidence that supports your world view that we might lift ourselves out of the realm of blind ingnorance. Since whatever it is that you believe must not be preconcieved and totally original - lest you lower yourselves to those of us who you have passed judgement on. That's right... Counter it with sarcasm. That'll make your point. ![]() You think I was being sarcastic do you. Read between the lines... I dare say he will not meet my request. Am I not to entiltled to be a troll - or is that only reserved for those who's beliefs do not follow that of christians? |
its sad that most people are drones who have these preconcieved notions that what are supposed fit into society . think for yourselves you zombies! Oh great wise one - do, enlighten us with all the evidence that supports your world view that we might lift ourselves out of the realm of blind ingnorance. Since whatever it is that you believe must not be preconcieved and totally original - lest you lower yourselves to those of us who you have passed judgement on. That's right... Counter it with sarcasm. That'll make your point. ![]() You think I was being sarcastic do you. Read between the lines... I dare say he will not meet my request. Am I not to entiltled to be a troll - or is that only reserved for those who's beliefs do not follow that of christians? Well golly ding dang....I would agree with this 100% |
Edited by
Fri 10/03/08 11:50 AM
I thought that there were in fact no such beliefs other than that of the Christians.The rest of us are all in league with Satan of course.
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Edited by
Fri 10/03/08 11:58 AM
I think God loves all of us! He just hates the evil acts! actually if you've studiesd the bible you would realize that God can hate individuals. Does God hate anyone? Does God hate anyone? The answer is yes. Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity," Psalm 11:5, "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates." Lev. 20:23, "Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them." Prov. 6:16-19, "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, 19 A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." Hosea 9:15, "All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels." Are these verses hard to read? Do they make you feel uncomfortable? They should. God hates sin. But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. Sin cannot be tied up and thrown into a fire. It cannot be put in a box or glued to a stick. It is rebellion. It is rebellion in the heart. It is breaking God's Law. Sin occurs inside the heart and mind of people. Therefore, God must punish the sinner. Why? Because He is both Holy and Just and the person who sins offends God. God's Holy and Just character will not allow Him to ignore this offense. Why?.... God's Law is Perfect When God said, "Let there be light," it happened. When He commanded that the oceans be, they came into existence. God's word is powerful. What He says is never futile, empty, or without power. The Law is a reflection of God's character. It is pure and perfect. It is powerful. The Ten Commandments reflect God's holiness and justice. These commandments are not without punishments. A law without consequences is only an empty slogan. To sin is to break God's Law and offend His character. To sin means to challenge His character and authority. It means you go against His word. But God is not a liar. His word is true. He has said He will punish the lawbreaker. But, praise be to God, that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us (Rom. 5:6). There is no way we can appease God. That is why God became one of us (John 1:1,14; Heb. 2:17), to take our place and become sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). Therefore, people have two options: 1. Trust Jesus, God in flesh, as your savior and put your faith in the sacrifice that He made on the cross and in nothing you do. 2. Reject the cross and let the penalty of the Law fall upon you. Either God pays, or you do -- forever. Which will it be? "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Heb. 10:26). If there is no sacrifice available for you, then God's wrath abides upon you because He hates sin and your sin is not removed (John 3:36). Trust Jesus alone or the wrath of God will abide upon you forever. The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner (Psalm 5:5; Lev. 20:23; Prov. 6:16-19; Hos. 9:15). But it is also true that He is love (1 John 4:8). It is better to accept the love of God found in Jesus than to reject it and suffer His wrath. These scriptures have been translated through the filter of human understanding. I really get tired of the "translation excuse" and the "written by man" excuse.....The translational changes do not and I repeat "DO NOT" change the Bible's meaning in any way shape of form..... Who is ANYONE or ANY FAITH to profess that their interpretation is the only absolutely correct interpretation? Really... Didn't say that.....again putting words in my mouth. I said no matter what translation you are looking at it does not take away the context of the what the Bible is where did I say only my interpretation is correct...... With what you've just said, are you or are you not saying that YOU "know" the Bible's correct context ? Maybe in another language you might get it. N'a pas dit que ..... de nouveau mettre des mots dans ma bouche. Je l'ai dit, quelle que soit la traduction que vous cherchez à ne pas emporter le cadre de la ce que la Bible dit de façon ...... où ai-je dire que mon interprétation est correcte ...... Je disais que, quel que soit le sens de la traduction est toujours le même. English Wow! I must be REALLY stupid. BTW, not sure if you answered my last question. |
I think God loves all of us! He just hates the evil acts! actually if you've studiesd the bible you would realize that God can hate individuals. Does God hate anyone? Does God hate anyone? The answer is yes. Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity," Psalm 11:5, "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates." Lev. 20:23, "Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them." Prov. 6:16-19, "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, 19 A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." Hosea 9:15, "All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels." Are these verses hard to read? Do they make you feel uncomfortable? They should. God hates sin. But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. Sin cannot be tied up and thrown into a fire. It cannot be put in a box or glued to a stick. It is rebellion. It is rebellion in the heart. It is breaking God's Law. Sin occurs inside the heart and mind of people. Therefore, God must punish the sinner. Why? Because He is both Holy and Just and the person who sins offends God. God's Holy and Just character will not allow Him to ignore this offense. Why?.... God's Law is Perfect When God said, "Let there be light," it happened. When He commanded that the oceans be, they came into existence. God's word is powerful. What He says is never futile, empty, or without power. The Law is a reflection of God's character. It is pure and perfect. It is powerful. The Ten Commandments reflect God's holiness and justice. These commandments are not without punishments. A law without consequences is only an empty slogan. To sin is to break God's Law and offend His character. To sin means to challenge His character and authority. It means you go against His word. But God is not a liar. His word is true. He has said He will punish the lawbreaker. But, praise be to God, that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us (Rom. 5:6). There is no way we can appease God. That is why God became one of us (John 1:1,14; Heb. 2:17), to take our place and become sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). Therefore, people have two options: 1. Trust Jesus, God in flesh, as your savior and put your faith in the sacrifice that He made on the cross and in nothing you do. 2. Reject the cross and let the penalty of the Law fall upon you. Either God pays, or you do -- forever. Which will it be? "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Heb. 10:26). If there is no sacrifice available for you, then God's wrath abides upon you because He hates sin and your sin is not removed (John 3:36). Trust Jesus alone or the wrath of God will abide upon you forever. The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner (Psalm 5:5; Lev. 20:23; Prov. 6:16-19; Hos. 9:15). But it is also true that He is love (1 John 4:8). It is better to accept the love of God found in Jesus than to reject it and suffer His wrath. These scriptures have been translated through the filter of human understanding. I really get tired of the "translation excuse" and the "written by man" excuse.....The translational changes do not and I repeat "DO NOT" change the Bible's meaning in any way shape of form..... Who is ANYONE or ANY FAITH to profess that their interpretation is the only absolutely correct interpretation? Really... Didn't say that.....again putting words in my mouth. I said no matter what translation you are looking at it does not take away the context of the what the Bible is where did I say only my interpretation is correct...... With what you've just said, are you or are you not saying that YOU "know" the Bible's correct context ? Maybe in another language you might get it. N'a pas dit que ..... de nouveau mettre des mots dans ma bouche. Je l'ai dit, quelle que soit la traduction que vous cherchez à ne pas emporter le cadre de la ce que la Bible dit de façon ...... où ai-je dire que mon interprétation est correcte ...... Je disais que, quel que soit le sens de la traduction est toujours le même. English jenne se paux |
its sad that most people are drones who have these preconcieved notions that what are supposed fit into society . think for yourselves you zombies! Oh great wise one - do, enlighten us with all the evidence that supports your world view that we might lift ourselves out of the realm of blind ingnorance. Since whatever it is that you believe must not be preconcieved and totally original - lest you lower yourselves to those of us who you have passed judgement on. That's right... Counter it with sarcasm. That'll make your point. ![]() You think I was being sarcastic do you. Read between the lines... I dare say he will not meet my request. Am I not to entiltled to be a troll - or is that only reserved for those who's beliefs do not follow that of christians? You are INVITED to be a troll to your heart's content. I embrace your troll-ness, Eljay. Am I not allowed to play with you? ![]() |
its sad that most people are drones who have these preconcieved notions that what are supposed fit into society . think for yourselves you zombies! Oh great wise one - do, enlighten us with all the evidence that supports your world view that we might lift ourselves out of the realm of blind ingnorance. Since whatever it is that you believe must not be preconcieved and totally original - lest you lower yourselves to those of us who you have passed judgement on. That's right... Counter it with sarcasm. That'll make your point. ![]() You think I was being sarcastic do you. Read between the lines... I dare say he will not meet my request. Am I not to entiltled to be a troll - or is that only reserved for those who's beliefs do not follow that of christians? Well golly ding dang....I would agree with this 100% Nanny Nanny Boo Boo! ![]() ![]() |
C'mon, Ferral...
Don't you wanna play? |
Does Gos love sinners? Answer: well he sure must - he created billions of them - ![]() |
no matter what any one interpretation of god is, this is applied outward thru the yes as to what is good, and using this as a measure of what is good, and what is bad, is the begining of all sin, so then what would any greater intelligence, called as god dislike about it, lol......
well unconditional love if this is called the god of text, would hate the misery of self pain this would bring, or unhappiness...... but then others happiness would be the meausre of what is "sin"..... how can one turn to another and say YOU ARE SINFUL, if this other is happy, and if one is not happy to listen, then one is not unhappy enough to listen, so then the speaker be the one lacking understanding, as trying to cram ideas of how others are bad down anothewr throat, walking away when the thinking, one can bring a horse to water, but cannot make it drink.... but indeed, even this saying is not a negative as the mind so try to make it, as if one does not like the drink offered from anothers mind, then there is no thirst, and certainly it is not WHY it said no man come to the father less he call, but then even this is reacted to by the mind as a negative of self, or of others, but if god speak as thru wisdom, then it can never be as a complete in itself, as god hath no beginning or ending, so neither then any words spoken, so how can any word spoken be an end, or create a hopeless state............... but it god was said to hate sin, than it be no different than hating the pain and misery of another that purpose learning, but then does not anything of infinite good love what bad teach, so it be allowed, but hate the emotional ditress felt for any being......... how is it any different than a father hating to see the pain a mother go thru to bring forth life into the world, but loves the act as well, for what it accomplish..... why was birth made to come thru such process of pain and love, as it could have been created to come without any pain could it not..... all things that have pain within them, belie the greatest wisdom of the universe hidden within them, and why any that seek most to avoid pain for self as greatest wish, more pain comes from all sides, funneling one into the vortex of wisdom, that comee to surrender and embrace ALL THINGS AS FOR GOOD, then alowing self to walk out of any situation not for self reasons most, but the way out of any misery is to see what it create for all others it touch, and fix that in the best way most good for others, then this give self relief of the sort that can never be felt by seeking relief for self most....... if one walk down the road, and ten people speak to them, then ten have told of perceptions, so one that hears all words as true, has added ten other perceptions to slf perception, allowing now the ability of self to see thru ELEVEN perceptions.... it is in this manner that sight or perception fo all that happens around oneself is increased.... trhe more one see, the more there is less pain, as to see more always allow more understanding to be had, and understanding is not like the mortal perception of it, as true understanding means there is no negative impulse felt within the body, after some painful time of first practicing greater perception.... is it thought that immomrtal all knowing as powerful all greatest power int he universe, if such exists to any in belief, would just hand a sceptor of all pwoer to do anything to someone, lol.... do not all things that man has NOT touched grow slowly, so slowing that the mind cannot percieve it with the mortal eye, so why would any one thing in the universe such as love, or understanding, or wisdom, be not growing as well at all times..... it is the thinking of the mind that one is wise, that stop any greater learning, so then one has control, and travels toward increased wisdom each day, and what is learning less what one new yesterday be added to, but of course, this often feels as one was wrong yesterday, and humans resist this, but there is no need, as anything that says one is wrong, IS PROOF ONE HAS JUSTNINCHED FORWARD INTO MORE WISDOM, AND MORE ONE COMES TO LOVE THIS FEELING OF BEING WRONG, THE FASTER AND QUICKER ONE CAN TRAVEL TO MORE INCREASED KNOWING OR UNDERSTANDING...... so then it seems that all things must be proven true, or to think "how can such be spoken and be true", and to find this, one soon see the greatness of what all others speak, then try loving of neighbors as equal be possible, and what give more true heartache for those of love, except the pain they see in other hearts.... to add others words spoken on TOP OF WHAT ONE ALREADY KNOWS, as to not add what oneself thinks on top of what all others peak as truth, leave self as a circular god of self, leaving NOTHING that can be added to wisdom already known....... to always know BOTH SELF AND ANY OTHER ARE CORRECT, IS THE ONLY TRUE PATH TO SEEING WHAT SELF AS MOST SMART CAN NEVER SEE........ TO SEE the greatness of what another speaks, is to have freedom of ever seeing how ONESELF IS GROWING, which if one see HOW AND EXACTELY WHAT THEY HAVE LEARNED, THEY WILL FIRST SEE THE GOOD ANOTHER HAS LEANRED AS EVIDENCED WITH MEETING EVIL WITH A SMILE THAT "FEELS LOVE", EVEN COMING IN TIME TO FACE WHAT APPEARS TO BE THE MOST DIOBOLICAL EVIL WITH A SMILE OF TRUE LOVE, as does god walk down the street and feel others ignorant and less good each evil he see's, lol.............. what is god but great enough wisdom to not have one fret over anything... but men try to make any god believed in as what self is that say it is of god, and anything that say it is of god, is immediatly of the devil then, as the sight of all oneself has ever been is lost, so no sight but wished sight of self is had, which is the great decpetion of believing in god within, but not also the devil within, and if such states both exist, then which is which, as does not unkind show one how to be more kind, so then BOTH ARE NEEDED....... if one hates anger, they are controlled by anger within themself..... if one hates greed, then one is consumed by greed, and the worst kind of greed, a kind that does not see it's own, lol......... anything else will slowly but always perpetuate more of what is LEAST liked of self to become as self........... i am what i am, and my neighbor is I AM, AND ALL EQUALITY CAN REIGN, AND ONLY EQUALITY AMOUNGST ALL THINGS CAN MAKE PEACE...... IS ONE BETTER THAT IS BORN SOONER RATHER THAN LATER? bu it is such notions of the minds thinking that apply this same logic to all things, even wisdom, and no such thing can have enough sight then to gleen all wisdom from the universe, which the universe is also all others peoples most...... as what is the most sacred thing while alive as human......human life as even the first commandment witness in thou shalt not murder...... so then to learn from the universe about other things is never has, until what is most sacred can be learned within the universe can be learned from.... all other peoples speaking words all day long if any believe in greater good, and believe it is within self, then no problem, but if this is used to show defect in others, than of what profit is it? is it of love, as love pass thru all that is different, or the mind say is less, and comes to say, i don't give a ****, i love them anyways, but how can this be done if one does not draw upon all thing self has done to forgive, as if one draws upon self past for wisdom, then is there forgiveness even issued? nay, as it is then seen not needed, as one can never feel a need to forgive, if they have true forgivness of self, and what has true forgiveness of self, that has seen into and admitted all self ever was without any excuse or good reason that leave the mind with the knowing of the good reason, and not with any true acceptence of self in al lthings good and bad..... but love can never remain within anything that try to DENY what the mind says to one, even things it whisper about loved one's...... if the mind say a good friend is stupid, or ignorant, or selfish, then the heart difuse the "percieved wicked thoughts of the mind" by saying yes, indeed they are..... so what, am i anything more? but the fear fo god, amke one only hear this from the mind, and run to be forgiven for an evil thought, and as such, see not that wisdom of god spoken in the mind is half, for the heart of self to complete the whole truth..... are not all of the same essence, all learning more, but the sight of this is most hidden as mortal learning is as all peoples, as a jar full of flies, all acts furthering wisdom in all that each touch, but what TOUCH each other and teach each one, is never known until one see all things, and first of all, all peoples as equal....... how can any belief provide such knowing as this, if the mind whisper all day long how each is different, lol... it seems the heart must ANSWER BACK THE REST OF THE TRUTH, to bring back the mind to equality at all times, which is not really that hard, if one searches their own rolodex of human experience, and looks truthfully into all one is and has been.... seems the greatest decpetion is one thinking of actions of past error as past away, as not being self, as if one has moved further into wisdom, or character, and now is no longer of such ignorance, but indeed this very first thought is a decepetion of mind, as nothing can be only one state, so all things always apply, whether it be in past, in present, or even in future, as all is just ONE, all being the total sum of all one is... is time broken into pieces? so then neither are the worst acts ever committed, or the good ones...... none has done a bad act for just the sake of error, but rather to give one the abiltity to love others when seeing such, lol...... indeed, the day mankind sees each and all was a product of their environment, and of subconscious thinking that NO CONSCIOUS BE MORE POWERFUL THAN, then there shall be true surrender to self, which os true surrender to others, and such as this can produce nothing less than peace amoung all man...... to believe oneself has moved beyond a certain type thinking, is to leave the now, and to live in wishes of what one is, which if there is some wish or certain thing one believes they are, then this show no such thing can be entirely true, as if it is what is NOW, there is no belief needed that could be uttered as a belief, or it is past, or future, but NOT THE NOW.... actions are energy, thoughts are energy, words are energy, and energy can NEVER be stopped, so must always be flowing, AND THE ONLY THING THAT KEEP MORTAL ENERGY FLOWING, IS OPPOSITES......NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE, always fluttering back and forth.... so to live in the now, all energies arte as connected, the energy of words, of actions, and spirit created if these tow are as acting in the simutaneous, which will then electrify or heighten all senses, even called as the mortal power of sixth sense being most alive, but in far greater, as to even feel the emotion of a bug, by the enhanced seeing of alll that happens within the range of sight.... even the ears of mortals can be enhanced to far beyond what is percieved as average, but indeed, seeing all things as average is of the very first essence of divide amoung thinking of the mind..... SO THERE IS NO WAY THAT ONE IS "ALL POSITIVE" AS THE MIND TRIES TO WISH FOR OR THINK ITSELF TO BE..... to be or not to be? both is the only answer.... do i hate.....yes do i am i am i not sharing....yes an i am i kind......yes how can MORE BE ADDED OF ANYTHING IF IT SAY TO ITSELF, IT IS? IF IT SAYS IT IS NOT, THEN MORE CAN BE ADDED AT ALL TIMES AND WITH ALL THINGS...... if the mind believe any different, than HOW IS IT SEEING EVERYTHING, AS EVEN ANY ACT CALLED KIND, CAN BE AS UNKIND TO ANOTHER, and why the essence of trying to see all of oneself for all good, is as blindness of self, as all one is no more than what all others say of self..... the tuffy for sure, but the one that lead to unity and peace of self..... one can never be less than all the peoples in the world together, or greater than the entire world of people together......... to not fight to be better, as always done when the mind whisper negative to self, but with total embracing, each time waiting for self to be what is has AGREED TO, AS WE ARE ACTUALLY NOTHING MORE THAN ALL WE HAVE EVER AGREED TO...... why is was said self can never achieve by good works to be as god...... as this is to know one is all that is spoken of them, for good or worse, or one has thought of another, this is an ignorant one, which thrust oneself RIGHT BACK into ignorance of self, as it was not said "this one is ignnorant, and i am the same in all aspects of myself", so HOW is this OTHER one WISE, SHOW SELF HOW IT IS TRULY WISE..... to show how other is ignnorant, keep in misery of not being as smart as one is meant to be, and why self fights so damn hard to be smart and correct, lol.... how can the mind say to oneself.....this one is stupid, and the heart not turn to look and see all stupid itself is.... this create a partial preception if not done, which soon lead to more and more stupid in what is looked at, as the deception or half truth the mind whispered was left incompleted by the heart..... just dumb ideas from a devil....... |
Devil Inside
Here come the woman With the look in her eye Raised on leather With flesh on her mind Words as weapons sharper than knives Makes you wonder how the other half die Other half die Here come the man With the look in his eye Fed on nothing But full of pride Look at them go Look at them kick Makes you wonder how the other half live The devil inside The devil inside Every single one of us the devil inside The devil inside The devil inside Every single one of us the devil inside Here come the world With the look in its eye Future uncertain but certainly slight Look at the faces Listen to the bells Its hard to believe we need a place called hell -INXS |
ORIGINAL QUESTION: Does Gos love sinners? Answer: well he sure must - he created billions of them - ![]() So many sinners, and so few stones! ![]() |
ORIGINAL QUESTION: Does Gos love sinners? Answer: well he sure must - he created billions of them - ![]() So many sinners, and so few stones! ![]() I think that's why jesus was trying to get us to do as he said - about having the faith of a mustard seed and telling mountains to move and fling themselves around - you throw a mountain at someone your gonna kills hundreds at a time!! or more!! - ![]() |
I think God loves all of us! He just hates the evil acts! actually if you've studiesd the bible you would realize that God can hate individuals. Does God hate anyone? Does God hate anyone? The answer is yes. Psalm 5:5, "The boastful shall not stand before Thine eyes; Thou dost hate all who do iniquity," Psalm 11:5, "The Lord tests the righteous and the wicked, and the one who loves violence His soul hates." Lev. 20:23, "Moreover, you shall not follow the customs of the nation which I shall drive out before you, for they did all these things, and therefore I have abhorred them." Prov. 6:16-19, "There are six things which the Lord hates, yes, seven which are an abomination to Him: 17 Haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, 18 A heart that devises wicked plans, feet that run rapidly to evil, 19 A false witness who utters lies, and one who spreads strife among brothers." Hosea 9:15, "All their evil is at Gilgal; indeed, I came to hate them there! Because of the wickedness of their deeds I will drive them out of My house! I will love them no more; All their princes are rebels." Are these verses hard to read? Do they make you feel uncomfortable? They should. God hates sin. But, He does not punish sin. He punishes the sinner. Sin cannot be tied up and thrown into a fire. It cannot be put in a box or glued to a stick. It is rebellion. It is rebellion in the heart. It is breaking God's Law. Sin occurs inside the heart and mind of people. Therefore, God must punish the sinner. Why? Because He is both Holy and Just and the person who sins offends God. God's Holy and Just character will not allow Him to ignore this offense. Why?.... God's Law is Perfect When God said, "Let there be light," it happened. When He commanded that the oceans be, they came into existence. God's word is powerful. What He says is never futile, empty, or without power. The Law is a reflection of God's character. It is pure and perfect. It is powerful. The Ten Commandments reflect God's holiness and justice. These commandments are not without punishments. A law without consequences is only an empty slogan. To sin is to break God's Law and offend His character. To sin means to challenge His character and authority. It means you go against His word. But God is not a liar. His word is true. He has said He will punish the lawbreaker. But, praise be to God, that while we were yet sinners, Jesus died for us (Rom. 5:6). There is no way we can appease God. That is why God became one of us (John 1:1,14; Heb. 2:17), to take our place and become sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). Therefore, people have two options: 1. Trust Jesus, God in flesh, as your savior and put your faith in the sacrifice that He made on the cross and in nothing you do. 2. Reject the cross and let the penalty of the Law fall upon you. Either God pays, or you do -- forever. Which will it be? "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins," (Heb. 10:26). If there is no sacrifice available for you, then God's wrath abides upon you because He hates sin and your sin is not removed (John 3:36). Trust Jesus alone or the wrath of God will abide upon you forever. The sobering fact is that God is so holy and righteous that He hates the sinner (Psalm 5:5; Lev. 20:23; Prov. 6:16-19; Hos. 9:15). But it is also true that He is love (1 John 4:8). It is better to accept the love of God found in Jesus than to reject it and suffer His wrath. These scriptures have been translated through the filter of human understanding. I really get tired of the "translation excuse" and the "written by man" excuse.....The translational changes do not and I repeat "DO NOT" change the Bible's meaning in any way shape of form..... Who is ANYONE or ANY FAITH to profess that their interpretation is the only absolutely correct interpretation? Really... Didn't say that.....again putting words in my mouth. I said no matter what translation you are looking at it does not take away the context of the what the Bible is where did I say only my interpretation is correct...... With what you've just said, are you or are you not saying that YOU "know" the Bible's correct context ? Maybe in another language you might get it. N'a pas dit que ..... de nouveau mettre des mots dans ma bouche. Je l'ai dit, quelle que soit la traduction que vous cherchez à ne pas emporter le cadre de la ce que la Bible dit de façon ...... où ai-je dire que mon interprétation est correcte ...... Je disais que, quel que soit le sens de la traduction est toujours le même. English jenne se paux Est la clé de ce que exactement |
he loves us all the same. its weather or not we love him enough to follow Him no matter what may come. God does not wish us to Hell it is our choice and acts that we as humans do that control where we go. What do you think about a man.....who says......."I love you, but if you don't love me back, I'm going to shoot you" ??????? |
Wie komme ich am besten zum bahnhof, bitte?
MAN created the term sin... man decided what would be a sin... and has never stopped moving the line drawn... There is no god. There is no sin... it's a flipping word used to control the masses. |