Topic: In your OWN words….. | |
No lobbyists?
You realize you have a right to lobby a congress person right? We all do. Perhaps no professional lobbyist? Not allowing congress people any gifts, trips, favors or any other favors would be good. Of course then the pay-offs would just go to their spouses, children and relatives. I agree something must be done about earmarks. But, that said there are many legit projects that are funded through earmarks. So if you eliminated them would that require the creation of yet another branch of government offices to handle requests for government monies? Wouldn't individuals in those offices be just or more susceptible to pay-offs and corruption? After all, if those making the decisions were civil servants they'd be even less accountable because they couldn't be voted out of office. |
Problem. There's always talk about how "We love our Troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan", yet nothing positive is ever said about what they are doing. We are constantly reminded of the death toll and that we shouldn't even be over there in the first place. How can we say "Thank you for your service" and then turn around and say, "What we are doing over there is wrong"? I believe, having served in the Military, that for every troop led astray by the negativity surrounding the war, the more lives of Americans become at risk.
Not many people I know who are healthy love our troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Iraq was a disaster from the start and still is. What is to be admired in our fighting men and women is that they despite a horrible mission and president still find the courage to show up every day, they at least have upheld there oath and earned the paycheck they recieve every month. I as a tax paying american feel ashamed their courage and fortitude has been wasted on such an imoral mission in Iraq. Our country is bankrupt over all this moraly and economicly. |
all earmarks are used by both sides of the aisle to say the other supports garbage bills.
all bills have garbage in them before they are in final draft. Every election year, any candidate from any party can say any uther candidate is a flip flopper by virtue of pointing to any one earmark in any one bill. This is what we all have to endure assaulting our ears from EVERY candidate regarding the record of EVERY candiate. Nobama knows this and has become the epitome of the "deer in the headlights atrophy" representative of his bankrupt record of accomplishments. Just because nobama didn't vote for most bills in congress only goes to show that he is incapable of standing anywhere on any issue. This will be his mindset as Chief executive and his Foreign policy will reflect his incompetence and lack of content and character towards making a decision, AT ALL. His foreign policy will have the distinction of bearing his philosophy od saying much and doing little. By default, we can expect the enemies of America to make the decisions for us, so nobama can assure himself that he is not to blame for whatever is wrong in the world. pure brilliance in leadership. That will most certainly mark a change in direction for this nation. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Some ideas... - Legislation to eliminate earmarks I found it strange that Obama got a 1 million dollar earmark for the employer of his wife, and all of a sudden her salary increased from 100 and something thousand to 300 and something thousand. For the record, that earmark occurred after the wife's raise, not before it. |
pure brilliance in leadership. That will most certainly mark a change in direction for this nation. Well, yeah. After Dubya, the bar is set pretty low. |
she should write a book on how the little people can get raises like her 200% raise .
she is coaching her husband, isn't she? |
pure brilliance in leadership. That will most certainly mark a change in direction for this nation. Well, yeah. After Dubya, the bar is set pretty low. I agree, but this Congress spanked him in lowering the bar to new depths. I like their example even better. |
pure brilliance in leadership. That will most certainly mark a change in direction for this nation. Well, yeah. After Dubya, the bar is set pretty low. I agree, but this Congress spanked him in lowering the bar to new depths. And that's why there will be far fewer Republicans in it come January. |
Without cutting and pasting all these articles about what others think is wrong with the Economy, Presidential Candidates, Current President, Federal Bailouts, War in Iraq, etc... Pick one thing you think is an issue in some detail, and then give your solution. Example: Problem. There's always talk about how "We love our Troops fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan", yet nothing positive is ever said about what they are doing. We are constantly reminded of the death toll and that we shouldn't even be over there in the first place. How can we say "Thank you for your service" and then turn around and say, "What we are doing over there is wrong"? I believe, having served in the Military, that for every troop led astray by the negativity surrounding the war, the more lives of Americans become at risk. Solution. Regardless of how we got there, the reality is, that we are There! I believe that more support should be shown for the Men and Women fighting overseas. I believe that we should in fact look for something positive in what we are doing, and I do believe there are some positives, so that way those men and women believe in what they are doing. That way, when they do come back home, Hopefully more will come back alive. On this issue alone, McCain and Palin are the only ones that I've heard say anything positive about the War in Iraq. They are the only ones that have said the word Victory! Even if most don't believe in the war, We do need to believe in our Troops! Please don't cut and paste articles. You may use an article as a reference, but please don't paste it. Give your perception and your solution. This is not a Thread for bashing people on their views. It is meant as a thread to see what the Everyday Average American thinks are problems and what they think is the solution to those problems. Thank you for your serious posts. Thomas How about an everyday Australian, can they have thoughts on these topics? |
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 01:37 PM
pure brilliance in leadership. That will most certainly mark a change in direction for this nation. Well, yeah. After Dubya, the bar is set pretty low. I agree, but this Congress spanked him in lowering the bar to new depths. And that's why there will be far fewer Republicans in it come January. kinda redundant, isn't it? Congress has been democratically controlled for these last two years, learner. Are you democrats trying to shoot for a ZERO rating? I fail to see how that is good for the country. The democrats have already sunk too new lows all by themselves. Is it a game to see how low democrats can sink before they implode on themselves. fear and loathing? BDSM? I fail to see your argument as doing anything other than making my poinnt even more the eye opener that it is, judging from your remarks. oh well............ ![]() |
Filibuster proof majority and a Democrat in the White House. Pretty much your worst nightmare.
keep dreaming.....
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() you guys are drunk with lust for power, huh? ![]() |
Yes, a lust to reverse some of the damage of the past 8 dreadful years.
well, banking on obama to have a different philosophy than Clinton is a stretch.
knock one out of the park with that!!!! you are asking more more pain and punishment and messes to clean up when he is done bringing back clintonomics. swing and a miss, there. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
OK, I'll ask you here also... Weren't we running budget surpluses the last few years of the Clinton administration?
this whole melt down was caused by Clinton. Here's another example of absolutism driven by blind hatred of Bill Clinton... Reagan is innocent. Gramm is innocent. Wall Street is innocent. "this whole melt down was caused by Clinton." |
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 03:11 PM
OK, I'll ask you here also... Weren't we running budget surpluses the last few years of the Clinton administration? of course we were. he raised taxes by taxing stock options on unexercised offers to employess from employers that were historically left alone until the contracts were exercised and the persoanl gain was realized. nice move. he raised the limit on taxable income subject to SSi withholding and stole more money from the middle class without the ones making less than 65k/yr ever knowing how he pulled that plum out of his bag of tricks. nice move. he interferred with free market forces and made easy loans for people that can't qualify to rent a house, actually buy one. That move made housing sales of new and existing homes increae like wildfire and generate capital gains revenues for the IRS. nice move. The subsequeny housing shortage that he manipulated into existence with his interference lead to demand outstripping supply and causing further inflation in house prices, forever altering normal cycles of supply and demand and secalating even further the capital gains tax revenues, nice move. and these little bon mots of clintonomics created two huge bubbles in the economy. the dot.con bust and the housing collapse. and the blowback was the foreclosure rate of resets in ARMs that got unqualified homeowners in the mess they are in the first place. and the worst rise in unemployment by one singular industry, namely the construction industry. and you credit Bush with that????????? you are on crack. all of which Bush is dealing wwith now. not to mention chasing bin ladin around the world, which clinton could have easily made a non issue and there would be no 9/11 and there would be no war in Iraq either. keep drinking that KOOL AID. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 03:58 PM
Without cutting and pasting..... Thank you for your serious posts. Thomas How about an everyday Australian, can they have thoughts on these topics? Yes, it wasn't my intentions to exclude anyone. Your thoughts are welcome. |
I say again....
This is not a Thread for bashing people on their views. It is meant as a thread to see what the Everyday Average American thinks are problems and what they think is the solution to those problems. Thank you for your serious posts. Thomas There is also no need to correct anyone "For the record" or whatever in this thread. Remember I said from your perception. What are your solutions, how would you suggest that we fix these problems everybody keeps arguing about? |
I say again.... This is not a Thread for bashing people on their views. It is meant as a thread to see what the Everyday Average American thinks are problems and what they think is the solution to those problems. Thank you for your serious posts. Thomas There is also no need to correct anyone "For the record" or whatever in this thread. You posted something factually incorrect. |