Topic: Experience ? | |
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Edited on Wed Feb-13-08 05:25 AM by jackson_dem Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison need no introduction. I will start with Monroe. Presidents who assumed office through succession or selection have an asterisk next to their name. The experience former because they were not evaluating by the people as to whether they were up to the job. If they did get elected later it was after they proved themselves as incumbents. The selection asterisk is because voters rejected such a candidate. Only relevant experience is listed. Monroe: 3 years in the Continental Congress, delegate to the Virginia convention to ratify the Constitution, U.S. senator for 4 years, minister to France for 2 years, governor of Virginia for 3 years, helped negotiate the Louisiana purchase, ambassador to Britain for 4 years, governor of Virginia again for 1 year, Secretary of State for 5 years, Secretary of War for 1 years. Total: 23 years Adams: Minister to the Netherlands for 2 years, minister to Portugal for 1 year, minister to Prussia (Germany) for 4 years, U.S. senator for 5 years, minister to Russia for 5 years, negotiated peace treaty ending the War of 1812, minister to Britain for 2 years, Secretary of State for 8 years (acquired Florida, brokered a treaty, and wrote the Monroe Doctrine). Total: 27 years Jackson: Delegate to Tennessee constitutional convention, 1 year in the House, 1 year as a U.S. senator, 6 years on the TN supreme court, commander of the Tennessee militia, war hero as a general during the War of 1812 (won the battle of New Orleans) and general in the Seminole war, first governor of Florida for (1 year), U.S. senator again for 2 years. Total: 13 years Van Buren: U.S. senator for 7 years, governor of New York for 2 months until appointed Secretary of State (2 years), vice president for 4 years. Total: 13 William Harrison: Equivalent to the lieutenant governor of the Northwest territory for 1 year, member of the House for 1 year, governor of the Indiana territory for 11-12 years, commander of the Northwest Army (invaded Canada, crushed the British at Thames, war hero), House for 3 years, U.S. Senate for 4 years. Total: 21 Tyler*: House for 4 years, governor for 2 years, 9 years in the U.S. senate, vice president for 1 month. Total: 15 Polk: 14 years in the House (4 as the Speaker), 2 years as governor. Total: 16 years Taylor: general, war hero in the Mexican War and also fought in the War of 1812, Blackhawk and Seminole wars. Fillmore*: 11 years in the House, vice president for 2 years. Total: 13 years Pierce: 4 years in the House, 5 years in the Senate, offered the job of U.S. AG. Total: 9 years Buchanan: 10 years in the House, ambassador to Russia for 2 years, 10 years in the Senate, nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court but declined, Secretary of State for 4 years (negotiated the Oregon treaty with Britain). Total: 26 years Lincoln: 2 years in the House, helped create the new Republican Party, could have been U.S. senator but allowed someone else to be appointed for party balance (former Democrat given the spot. Lincoln was a former Whig). Total: 2 years Johnson*: governor for 4 years, senator for 5 years, vice president for 1 month. Total: 9 years Grant: Civil war hero, saved the Union militarily. Hayes: 2 years in the House, governor (Ohio) for 5 years. Total: 7 years Garfield: 18 years in the House. Total: 18 years Arthur*: New York machine crony put on the ticket by the machine to protect their interests. Cleveland: Mayor of major city (Buffalo) for 1 year, governor of New York for 2 years. Total: 3 years B. Harrison: Senator for 6 years. McKinley: 11 years in he House, 4 years as governor of Ohio. Total: 15 years TR*: As Asst. Sec. of Navy played a key role in preparing the nation to fight a major war (which came soon), war hero, governor of New York for 2 years. Total: 2 Taft: Governor-General of the Philippines for 2 years, Secretary of War for 4 years. Total: 6 years Wilson: leading academic, president of Princeton University, governor of New Jersey (2 years). Total 2 years Harding: Lt. Gov of Ohio for 4 years, Senator for 6. Total: 10 years Coolidge*: Lieutenant Governor for 3 years, governor (Massachusetts) for 2 years, vice president for 2. Total: 7 Hoover: Secretary of Commerce for 7 years. FDR: Assistant Secretary of the Navy for 7 years (including during WW I), nominee for vice president in 1920, governor of New York for 4 years. Total: 11 years Truman*: Senator for 10 years, vice president for 4 months. Total: 10 years Eisenhower: War hero, supreme allied commander during WW II. JFK: member of the House for 6 years, senator for 8. Total 14 years LBJ*: 12 years in the House, 12 years as senator (6 years as Senate majority leader), vice president for 3 years. Total: 27 Nixon: House for 3 years, U.S. Senator for 3 years, vice president for 8 years, nominee for president in 1960, nominee for governor of California in 1962. Total: 14 years Ford*: 24 years in the House (8 years as minority leader). Carter: governor of Georgia for 4 years. Reagan: governor of California for 8 years, almost unseated an incumbent president for the nomination in 1976 and took it all the way to the convention. Total: 8 years Bush: House for 4 years, Ambassador to the UN for 2 years, RNC chair, de facto ambassador to China for 2 years, CIA director for 1 year, vice president for 8 years. Total 17 years Clinton: governor of Arkansas for 12 years. Bush 43*: governor of Texas for 6 years. Modern party nominees for comparisons and (President) Gore Gore (elected): member of the House for 8 years, senator for 8 years, vice president for 8 years. Total: 24 years Kerry: Lt. Gov. of Massachusetts for 2 years, senator for 19 years (as of 2004). Total: 21 years Dole: Senator for 27 years (majority leader for 3 years, minority leader for 8), vice presidential nominee in 1976 Dukakis: 9 years as governor of Massachusetts (as of 1988). Mondale: senator for 12 years, vice president for 4. Total: 16 years I was struck by how few governors from small states have made it to the top. It wasn't a total surprise because big state governors get more national press and start with larger fund-raising bases but the disparity was more than I expected. Excluding governors of territories, here is an unofficial list from memory of governors by state to make it to the presidency. |
as we can see kiddies...Gov. Palin [" 8 " years ]has as much or more experience then :
Taylor-0 Grant-0 Authur-0 Lincoln-2 Hayes-2 T.Roosvelt-2 Wilson-2 Cleveland-3 Carter-4 Bush-6 Harrison-6 Taft-6 Hoover-7 Coolige-7 Regan-8 ps: may I remind you...SHE'S NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT !!! and...BARRY UMBAMA IS !!!! |
While I do not support the Senator from Illinois I am having a difficult time respecting those of you that continually misspell, diride and ridicule the name.
He is a man. He is a US Senator. He is a human being. How can you expect them to be civilised if you are not. The Gentleman from Illinois may not be your choice for office but you can at least speak of him with respect. |
Even though she is not running for President, her chances of becoming one later are higher than usual. McCain is no spring chicken and not the healthiest either.
EVERY candidate (V.P. and Pres.) need to be looked at very closely. This is a serious election. Obama has been looked over with a fine toothed comb. The same should be for all candidates. It is wise to be educated about the people that we vote for. If we vote blindly, we are nothing but sheep. |
as we can see kiddies...Gov. Palin [" 8 " years ]has as much or more experience then :
Taylor-0 Grant-0 Authur-0 Lincoln-2 Hayes-2 T.Roosvelt-2 Wilson-2 Cleveland-3 Carter-4 Bush-6 Harrison-6 Taft-6 Hoover-7 Coolige-7 Regan-8 |
as for calling him Barry...I'm from Illinois, and in these parts he's often referred to as Barry can almost see that little birdie...circling his
Even though she is not running for President, her chances of becoming one later are higher than usual. McCain is no spring chicken and not the healthiest either. EVERY candidate (V.P. and Pres.) need to be looked at very closely. This is a serious election. Obama has been looked over with a fine toothed comb. The same should be for all candidates. It is wise to be educated about the people that we vote for. If we vote blindly, we are nothing but sheep. AGE discrimination is illegal......and I do not think anyone here is a predictor of the future....and facts are omitted and lied about....Senator John McCain's health records were revealed a few weeks ago IF you were paying any attention. He is in excellent health. NOW, since age and health have been brought up by this poster......Biden is far from a spring chicken and he had a BRAIN ANEURISM a few years ago......are you aware of that? NO. Why? You do not want to know and you do not want true facts to come out....i.e., "Biden has experienced a couple of personal tragedies..... In 1988, he nearly DIED from a brain aneurysm. He [Biden] withdrew from the 1988 presidential race after reports surfaced that he had PLAGERIZED a British politician's words." now isn't that just great? ALL IN WIKIPEDIA....GO LOOK IT UP. And to counteract your age discrimination...LOOK AT PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN. He was 70 years old when he became President and served two (2) full terms. Making him 78 when he finished his last term as President. AND HE DID NOT PASS AWAY UNTIL THE AGE OF 93. So, tell me, is it the American way to be prejudiced against someone because of age? Is it the American way to lie about someone's health? Lindyy ![]() |
nicely done...
There is no age discrimination issue here.
![]() |
There is no age discrimination issue here. ![]() Perhaps you need to re-read your own post. Criticizing Senator John McCain for his age and health. I am astonished that you actually printed this post after your statement in your prior post. Do you think people forget so eaily? Lindyy ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 10:12 AM
There is no age discrimination issue here. ![]() Perhaps you need to re-read your own post. Criticizing Senator John McCain for his age and health. I am astonished that you actually printed this post after your statement in your prior post. Do you think people forget so eaily? Lindyy ![]() There was no criticizing of his age. His age is a fact. Also, since you brought up Regan, his mental capacities had diminished the last 2 years of his term. |
There is no age discrimination issue here. ![]() Perhaps you need to re-read your own post. Criticizing Senator John McCain for his age and health. I am astonished that you actually printed this post after your statement in your prior post. Do you think people forget so eaily? Lindyy ![]() There was no criticizing of his age. His age is a fact. Also, since you brought up Regan, his mental capacities had diminished the last 2 years of his term. Well, let's refresh your memory.. "Even though she is not running for President, her chances of becoming one later are higher than usual. McCain is no spring chicken and not the healthiest either." EVERY candidate (V.P. and Pres.) need to be looked at very closely. This is a serious election. First, you emit an assumptive opine that "McCain is not spring chicken" which is criticalness of his age. Then you blantently LIE about his health: "McCain is no spring chicken and not the healthiest either." And, please provide where you got you facts about Ronald Reagan's mental state: "Also, since you brought up Regan, his mental capacities had diminished the last 2 years of his term." You certainly appear to be prejudiced against one's age. NOW, WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DIMINISHED? AND, AGAIN, PROVIDE YOUR FACTS. So, if you are going to apply brain conditions to Republican Presidents, let us take a look at Biden and I suffice to say that in all due diligence....we must question Biden, who, most definitey had a 'diminished' brain condition from the brain aneurism. OR does this 'diminished' condition only apply to Republicans? Lindyy ![]() ![]() |
Grant was a slave owner. His slaves were freed post Civil War by the 13th Amendment.
Robert E. Lee- War for Southern Independence Hero. Not a slave owner.
Grant was a slave owner. His slaves were freed post Civil War by the 13th Amendment. I was at Grant's home a few months ago. He had heated arguments with his future father-in-law regarding slavery. Grant was against slavery. Oddly, enough, when Grant's livelihood with his farm were severely threatened, he used some slaves. He did work side by side with them and treated them the best that he could. |
Edited by
Sun 09/21/08 11:08 AM
There is no age discrimination issue here. ![]() Perhaps you need to re-read your own post. Criticizing Senator John McCain for his age and health. I am astonished that you actually printed this post after your statement in your prior post. Do you think people forget so eaily? Lindyy ![]() There was no criticizing of his age. His age is a fact. Also, since you brought up Regan, his mental capacities had diminished the last 2 years of his term. Well, let's refresh your memory.. "Even though she is not running for President, her chances of becoming one later are higher than usual. McCain is no spring chicken and not the healthiest either." EVERY candidate (V.P. and Pres.) need to be looked at very closely. This is a serious election. First, you emit an assumptive opine that "McCain is not spring chicken" which is criticalness of his age. Then you blantently LIE about his health: "McCain is no spring chicken and not the healthiest either." And, please provide where you got you facts about Ronald Reagan's mental state: "Also, since you brought up Regan, his mental capacities had diminished the last 2 years of his term." You certainly appear to be prejudiced against one's age. NOW, WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY DIMINISHED? AND, AGAIN, PROVIDE YOUR FACTS. So, if you are going to apply brain conditions to Republican Presidents, let us take a look at Biden and I suffice to say that in all due diligence....we must question Biden, who, most definitey had a 'diminished' brain condition from the brain aneurism. OR does this 'diminished' condition only apply to Republicans? Lindyy ![]() ![]() His diminishing mental capacity had nothing to do with him being a Republican. Regan was in the first stages of Alzheimers Disease during the last two years of Presidency. Alzheimers starts before others see the signs of it, btw. In 2003, male life expectancy was 74.8 years. Female life expectancy was 80.1 years, btw. |
Grant was a slave owner. His slaves were freed post Civil War by the 13th Amendment. I was at Grant's home a few months ago. He had heated arguments with his future father-in-law regarding slavery. Grant was against slavery. Oddly, enough, when Grant's livelihood with his farm were severely threatened, he used some slaves. He did work side by side with them and treated them the best that he could. Yankee myth would have you believe that! A last resort! What a joke! At the end of the day he was still a slave ower! Most slave owers during that era, treated slaves the best they could. Most people would buy a horse and beat the crap out of it so it couldn't serve it's purpose! That's why Grant didn't free his slaves until the 13th amendment was written! The 13th Amendment was written post Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation made Slavery illegal in the Confederate States before the conclusion of the War for Southern Indpendence a.k.a. Civil War. President Jefferson Davis was still president of the Confederate States at this time. You should also know, that ove 75% of Confederate Soldiers were non slave owers. During this time, Slavery was still going on up North! |
Gee, let's say you are given two men in relatively good health and told you must trust one of them with an investment. The investment will only pay as long as the man directing it lives.
Let's say one man is 50 and the other is 70. It is much more likely that the 50 year old will live longer right? There's no age discrimination there. No one is saying the 70 year old is barred from participating because of his age. The Mayo clinic says the life expectancy of an average american male is 74.8 years. For females it's about 80.1 years. Given that information don't you think it's fair to question who would be taking over in the event of death? As for Ronnie...remember he said that he had forgotten important details about the Iran-contra affair, there was ample precedent for his inability to recall key events already. On February 5, 1962--the day before his 51st birthday--he appeared as a witness before a federal grand jury in Los Angeles. He did not recall...was it a deliberate attempt to mislead or was he already suffering the affects of Alzheimers? We will never know I suppose. |
I was on the Maiden Deployment of the USS Ronald Reagan.
I was on the Maiden Deployment of the USS Ronald Reagan. Cool. |