Topic: Experience ? | |
my dad is 76 and nobama would call him 'sir' if he knew who he is walking with.
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Sun 09/21/08 08:31 PM
Does anybody else here disagree with the fact that Ronald Regan had Alzheimers Disease showing up towards the end of his presidency?
Eisenhower died in office after years of suffering. should he have not been President too Eisenhower was not in office when he died. He died in March of 1969 almost ten years after leaving office. He did have a heart attack while in office. Given time could give you exact date because the Secret Service visited my father the night before to inform him the President would be attending the church he was the minister of. He never suffered a stroke while in office. Some believe the Woodrow Wilson was incapacitated during his some of his years in office. Yes I have the documentation. A letter from the White House extending apologies that the President was not able to attend the service. The 25th Amendment was passed in 1965 to do two things. First to allow the President to nominate a person to be Vice President should that office become vacant. Which it has several times prior to 1965. It also allows for the President to temporarily transmit Presidential powers to the Vice President. This was first used by Lyndon Johnson when he had surgery on his gall bladder. Ronald Reagan also used this after the assination attempt. George Bush also use it when he was sedated during a medical proceedure. |
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We understand that the Politics threads do get heated but...lately it has come to the point that these threads can not seem to be keep on a debate level. To give ones opinion is one thing to attack another is crossing the line. We all have and opinion and should be able to voice it without being attacked for what we believe. You believe what you want to and others will believe what they wish. This is only a place to meet in the middle and give and opinion. We are all right within what we believe in. No one must shove anyone's belief down anyone ones throat. With that said please do not direct your opinion towards another stick with the topic in hand. When responding do not direct them to another member instead keep it on a general level. Thank You Site Mod Kristi |
roosevvelt too. confined mostly to a wheel chair. perseverance? ![]() cool. i ![]() Being confined to a wheelchair has no affect on one's mental capacity. |
roosevvelt too. confined mostly to a wheel chair. perseverance? ![]() cool. i ![]() Being confined to a wheelchair has no affect on one's mental capacity. exactly. he was old, not incapacitated. neither is Mc Cain. He may be wounded, physically, but, he is alive and well and fit to lead, not man a shovel. ![]() |
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Sun 09/21/08 08:44 PM
Most people did not realize FDR used a wheelchair. It is interesting that a time the country was handicapped by the economy a President was elected who was also handicapped.
Would he be elected today? Probably not. Television has changed everything. |
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Sun 09/21/08 09:22 PM
Senator Robert Dole spent his career carrying a pen in his polio deformed hand that was of little use to him.
very few Americans ever noticed. It never got thrown in his face, but he addressed it in his bid for the presidency. one has to wonder........ It is the content and character of the man that leads well that is what we ought to focus on, not how pretty and fresh his flesh appears to be. looks can be very deceiving. ![]() |
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Sun 09/21/08 09:31 PM
Senator Robert Dole spent his career carrying a pen in his polio deformed hand that was of little use to him. very few Americans ever noticed. It never got thrown in his face, but he addressed it in his bid for the presidency. one has to wonder........ It is the content and character of the man that leads well that is what we ought to focus on, not how pretty and fresh his flesh appears to be. looks can be very deceiving. ![]() The Honorable Senator from Kansas suffered a severe wound in Italy while serving with the 10th Mountain Division. His hand was injured at that time...not due to Polio. He received two Purple Hearts and the Bronze Star. |