Topic: What is your biggest | |
pet peeve?
cat pictures
a smelly cat
People who refuse to see past thier own ideas. Close mined people really get to me.
My x husband...his attitude...
A blow up doll that wont put out!!!!
cat pictures |
People interrupting me when I'm speaking. Unless I'm rambling on and on, hear me out please.
people that think they are better then everybody else
When the light turns green, some people still sit there, it's pretty simple, gently press the pedal on the right, that makes the car go lol
people who stare at you... for no reason... they just stare... its so annoying.
Ignorance & Injustice...
being a good man, and getting walked all over, having to change who you are, to better suit the dating world, and to keep from getting hurt... too much. on a less personal note, ignorance.
parents whose children are in the car unbuckled, windows down, and hanging out the window waving at their friends
actually, any of those individually really bother me, but together they make me sick |
these questions......... wheres my favorite
As it relates to this site, guys that have not one photo of themselves online yet feel it is well within their right to send lecherous private messages.
people that think they are better then everybody else Ditto, those that look down on others make me well never mind but I don't care to be around them |
People who hear what they want to hear.
Example: I just asked a guy when he last used cocaine (for my job) and he goes on and on about how his dad didn't love him, he liked eight balls, it was his favorite, blah blah blah. So I looked at him and said, "So when did you last use cocaine?" Frustrating interview..... |
I have lots of pet peeves.
but the pet peeviest ones would probably be: being taken for granted or being used by someone people not recognizing my intelligence and capabilities Someone hurting a child Someone hurting an animal bullies snobs know-it-alls people who will not take responsibility for their own stance in life. |