Dan99's photo
Mon 09/01/08 12:48 PM
Not one little bit!

But then i only just got here. Another similar site made all the difference though.

Rapunzel's photo
Mon 09/01/08 12:48 PM

Has it made a difference in my life?
...I learned a few things and that make a difference in the way I see these sites..I learned that the majority of folks behind keyboards belong there..The amount of censorship is unreal ..constructive criticism is better relayed in person. .vulgarity is rampant..and sadly the moral conduct among adults is appalling..If the censors took out all references to sexual organs and ways to use them the forums would be a great place to visit however that is not the style we get stuck reading through trash to find readable content....
Dollar value is perfect however ...after all we get what we pay asked...
I learned that this is not my place to be and I would urge every one here looking for a relationship to leave the comfort of your home and keyboard and go find one...My logic there is that the more we exersice the longer we live ,hence more time to make friends....
...and yes I will be deleting my profile...

Sorry you feel that way but it is not up to a site to find the one for you. All they do is create a place for others to join then it is up to each to do the handy work and learn to reach out to the others. If one chooses not to then that is up to them not the site.

And at times when others complain about readable materiel and can not find it then it is up to those individuals to pitch in and create readable materiel. You know like take the first step and make a difference.bigsmile

well said,drinker Kristi !!!flowerforyou

But if your one that chooses to leave instead then I wish you all the luck in the world on your journey ahead.:thumbsup: waving

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 09/01/08 12:50 PM

Im here for a one knows why......I hope I made a difference.........flowerforyou

Awwwww you have surely touched many hearts and gave many laughs along the way keep up the good work. And never stop being yourselfflowers

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 09/01/08 12:53 PM

Yes, this summer my grass didn't get mowed often enough, my flowers look scraggly, my car isn't as clean as it should be & my house needs a though cleaning. I have spent way to much time on JSH.laugh laugh laugh

OMG, did ya have to remind me only got half of my back yard mowed this morning shshhsh but due to it was way to hot already when I started. Now the house well ........ohhh I do need to step away from her for sure.:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well matter of fact I'm for a little while have my grand daughter and well time to read some books to her. So hope all enjoy your afternoon and enjoy the forums. bigsmile

I shall return laterwaving

Marie55's photo
Mon 09/01/08 12:57 PM
I have made some of my best friends in life on this site. I just passed my 2 year anniversary (the 30th of August) and I have friends all over the U.S. and Canada. I am closer to some of these people than to people I have met in real life. I am constantly amazed at the quality and sincerity of some of the people I have met on here.

I have been hurt by some too, but that is life too, have to be cautious when you are dealing with the human species.

I am glad I found this site when I did, I was at a low point in my life and it helped pull me out of the bad place I was.
Thank you JSH.

no photo
Mon 09/01/08 01:08 PM
Hard to say since the jury is still out :wink: , but I've made some great friends and had lots of laughs

JusWannaSayHi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 02:08 PM
Well , lets see...
I have met some nice people... so yeah I guess it has

Lakeman's photo
Mon 09/01/08 02:19 PM
Any place that introduces me to some great friends can't be all bad. We all value this place or....we would not be here.

dawnyhi's photo
Mon 09/01/08 02:22 PM
oh yes this site is heaven sent:angel:

Sweetnshy47's photo
Mon 09/01/08 02:31 PM
The thing I love most about this sight is most everyone here is down to earth and shoot straight,not a bunch of stiff shirts,full of themselves!:thumbsup:

izzie's photo
Mon 09/01/08 03:31 PM
i joined this site when i was pregnant and on was a way to communicate with the outside world..
in my year and half here...
i have made friends..
learned about people, the good and the bad..
i have made amazing friends.. ones that i concider life long, and true, have even included the title of Family to some of them!!

i have loved, laughed, shared, vented, grown.. and with all of you along for the ride..

i have also met my love, shared with you through our trials, and triumphs...

my children start school tomorow.. and many of you will be there for me through that as well..

i L:heart:VE you.. and thank each of you that i have met, and those that i have yet to meet...

:heart: JSH/M2 :heart:

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 09/01/08 04:55 PM

this site has made a big difference for me for sure....i've moved completely across the country, i'm getting married to the man i met on here this saturday, and i've made some really good friends along the wayflowers

Congrats Mandy may it be all you dreamed

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 09/01/08 05:02 PM

jsh wasthe only site that taught me some good stuff to the point where i became a better person and yet i have found the love of my life on jsh--i'm still contacting her as we speak--

mingle2 is a different stories--lots of new people--avoidance of some former jsh'ers--it doesn't matter tho--

Awwwwww hey to you Shadow another long time JSHer lol and one that surely found the love he was looking for. Hummm will not be long before the move will it?

I wish you both all the happiness in the world!!bigsmile

lilangel2's photo
Mon 09/01/08 05:55 PM
Everything makes a difference

Peccy's photo
Mon 09/01/08 05:59 PM

Everything makes a difference
Yes it does and you have made a huge and fantastic one in mine Angel.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 09/01/08 06:01 PM

i've gone through a lot of changes flowerforyou

since i have been a member here, drinker

i think i have softened and found more love :heart:

and patience for people flowerforyou

and have come to a deeper place in my heart & mind :heart:

of understanding people better ...flowerforyou

and even though all the kinks

aren't totally ironed out of the system , frown

it still is the absolute best site i have found online, drinker

with amazing people who have become part of my Family :heart:

This site does have a way of doing that to you don't it. It makes us take the time to see that our lives are not as bad as we think they are at times. bigsmile

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 09/01/08 08:45 PM

Meh. For better or worse..I am who I am.

With or without this site, I would be me.

Am I a better person because of this place....honest answer???....not really.

Every day that I am here....I get a little more discouraged about my prospects of finding someone.

Don't get me wrong...I love the people here. That's why I am still hanging around.

Awww just admit this place is addicting and ya love it bigsmile

Yep. I am a Mingle

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 09/01/08 09:05 PM

OMG...NEED YOU ASK???surprised

I have managed to get drug free,:thumbsup: and stay drug free:thumbsup: ....largely due to the tremendous amount of support that I have recieved here at mingle.tongue2

MINGLERS SO ROCK!!!:banana: :banana:

I have found the love of my life here:heart: ...a few times...blushing had a gizillion laughs, laugh and made the best friends a girl could ever hope to have.flowerforyou


THIS PLACE IS MY.."HOME SWEET HOME".flowers:heart: flowers :heart: flowers :heart: flowers :heart: flowers :heart: flowers :heart:

KUDDOS to you for the triumphs you have made keep up the good workbigsmile :thumbsup:

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 09/01/08 09:06 PM

Its my only social life....sad!laugh

Naw not sad it's all good really!!:thumbsup:

Engraven_Image's photo
Mon 09/01/08 09:08 PM
I have made alot of great friends, but most of all, the Woman of my life found me here, she proposed, and now we are engaged to be married in April 2009. I am looking forward to a wonderful life with her and our children.